Dragon Ball: The Traveler

Chapter 20 Accept the reality

"This is not true, is it? In my heart." Long Ze slowly stood up, stroking his chest. His body had been scarred by Broly's blow just now. He tried his best to avoid everything that happened in front of him. Until then, he I understand that I have been avoiding this fact. Even if I have been brought to the Dragon Ball world, even if I have met the real Son Goku and Vegeta, even if I have fought the real Frieza, even if I am on Namek, I still Still can't believe it. .

"Hey! Long Ze! What are you doing?" The boy who was fighting Broly shouted at Long Ze. It was not difficult to see that even he was having a hard time dealing with Broly.

"Do you know me?" Long Ze asked confused.

"Are you out of your mind?!" But he saw the bracelet on Long Ze's arm, and he suddenly understood, "So you are not the Long Ze of this era." He got rid of the battle, flew to Long Ze's side, and took He teleports away.

"Where are they!" Broly couldn't sense Qi and didn't know where they were going for a while. "But anyway, as long as I wreak havoc, they will definitely appear." After that, he continued to destroy the city.

"We're here." The young man said to Long Ze, and the two of them stood in the ruins.

"Since you are not the Long Ze of this era, it must be your master who asked you to come."

"How do you know?" Long Ze asked doubtfully.

"Because Longze of my era also experienced this."

"What about me in this era?"

"It has been replaced by you. After all, this is the time and space that your master temporarily split. Once you leave, it will return to the normal timeline."

"That's it, then you know what I'm here to do?"

"I know, I will help you realize the reality."

"So you are here!" A voice came from the sky. Long Ze and the boy looked up and saw a familiar figure.

"Salu!?" Long Ze said in shock.

"You're not strong enough to deal with him, just let me do it!" The boy turned into Super Saiyan 2 and said.

"Wait a minute." Long Ze stopped the boy who was walking slowly, "What's your name?"

"Yuchen, it doesn't matter if you forget now, you will know it later anyway."

"Yuchen? I will remember it."

"Whatever you want." After saying that, he flew towards Shalu.

"Don't overestimate your own capabilities!" Shalu knocked Yuchen away with a backhand punch, and an eye-catching "" slowly appeared on his forehead.

"That's it! Yuchen! Be careful! His power may have been strengthened by Babidi. Super Saiyan 2 cannot defeat him!" Longze shouted.

"What!? How many people from the Dragon Ball world did that guy summon?" Yuchen touched the blood on the corner of his mouth, and then turned into Super Saiyan 3.

"So, what do you need to do now? Long Ze? Are you going to hide behind?" Yuchen shouted.

"No, I'm just" Long Ze argued.

"Just not strong enough? Is that right?"


"Listen to me, no matter what your strength is! You can't hide. Are you planning to do the same in two years?" Yuchen shouted while fighting.


"Long Ze! I am not talking to you now, but to your heart! You must accept this reality! You cannot escape."

When Long Ze heard this, he suddenly thought of Junchen who had just been killed, the destroyed house, and the ruins that appeared in his mind when he was fighting Gu La, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"You're right, I can't lie to myself anymore!" Longze turned into a Super Saiyan and flew towards Cell, but was punched away by Cell.

"Do you want to tickle me? Otherwise, you should just stay away and play!" Shalu mocked.

"Damn it! I won't hide anymore! Even if I'm not strong enough!" After saying this, Long Ze took out the dragon sword given by his master from his bracelet and struck at Shalu.

When he was about to fly in front of Shalu, Yuchen suddenly broke away from the battle with Shalu, and teleported Long Ze away.

"You actually let them run away!" Sharu was left alone and said angrily.

After Long Ze teleported, his sword hit the air and he almost fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Long Ze asked, putting the dragon sword back on his bracelet.

"You seem to have accepted it in your heart, so there is no need to stay here. Go back. You will fight against the androids and Cell in three years. Go back and practice well." Yuchen said.

"I will definitely protect this world." Long Ze said.

"I believe you."

"Then, goodbye." Long Ze opened the portal and said.

"See you in the future."

Long Ze slowly walked into the portal. As Long Ze left, the world slowly disappeared and returned to the normal timeline.

"I'm back." Long Ze walked out of the portal and said to Bick.

"Well, it looks like everything went well and you've allowed yourself to fully accept this reality."

"Yes, I want to practice hard next. Can you lend me this spiritual time room?" Long Ze asked.

"I can't control this. You have to ask the gods." Piccolo said.

"Yes!" The god came over from the side at this time, "But you can only stay for two days, otherwise this entrance will disappear. Unless you don't enter through this door, you can have unlimited time."

"Great! I'll go in and practice right now." Long Ze happily ran to the spiritual time room.

"**, open the door for him." God said.

"Yes." After ** opened the door, Long Ze couldn't wait to walk in.

"He should have a way to stay in there for an unlimited time, right?" Piccolo asked, "His bracelet can teleport him inside."

"That's right, but he won't stay in there forever. He has to come out after two days and then teleport in. And according to my judgment, he will stay in there for a total of ten days." God said seriously.

"Is that ten years? He will probably be so grown up that we won't even recognize him anymore."

"Don't worry, no matter how many years he stays with us, he will only grow up according to his time there. Our ten days are only enough for him to grow one day."

"That's it. Haha, his body growth rate is not as fast as ours. It must be a deliberate design by his master." Piccolo said.

——Spiritual time room

"This is the spiritual time room." Long Ze looked at the attribute scene in front of him, "It's exactly the same as what was said in the comics."


"Eh? This bracelet?" Long Ze raised his hand to look at the shouting bracelet, and a smile slowly appeared on his face. The bracelet can now be transferred to the spiritual time room, which means that his time can be unlimited.

"But I still have to go out in two days." After saying that, Long Ze started practicing here.

On Earth, two people happened to appear here when Long Ze was away. These two people were Dales and Slag!

"How about planting one of your spiritual tree fruits here?" Slag said.

"This is a good idea. We have already relied on this combat power to defeat Frieza and Gula! This will be the 107th planet we use!" Dales smiled sinisterly.

The soldiers on the earth don’t know yet, but without knowing it, the earth has become the nourishment of a tree.

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