Dragon Ball: The Traveler

Chapter 3 Learning moves and...

"Are you the first one to learn Wu Kong?" Long Ze seemed a little surprised. .biqugev

"What do you think?" the master asked.

"I thought it was Qigong bombs or something like that at first."

"Wukong is the easiest way to master Qi among all the moves. If you can't learn this, do you want to learn other ones?"

"Okay, what do you mean by training?" Long Ze asked

"Don't you want to make a confident statement like you just did?" the master asked teasingly.

"It can't be done." After an experience, Zelong didn't dare to say any more nonsense.

"Okay, watch it." After saying that, the master slowly flew up. "All you need is to increase the support of Qi to be able to make your body fly. That's it. Gather more Qi in the upper body than in the lower body. , that’s it.”

"I'll give it a try." Long Ze gathered his energy according to the master's instructions and slowly lifted his feet off the ground. "That's great! It worked!"

"Don't be too happy yet. Can you move freely?" the master asked.

After hearing this, Long Ze tried to move himself, but as soon as he moved, the accumulated energy dissipated, and he fell back to the ground.

"You are not concentrated enough. Your attention is not focused enough after gathering. You need to be able to collect Qi unconsciously when flying, so that the Qi will not disperse when you are not doing other things. It will fall off. It takes time for beginners to do this. You practice slowly while I go and have a cup of tea nearby."

"Drink again," Long Ze looked at him helplessly, "Then let me work hard too." After that, he started to continue practicing.

About 5 hours later

"I succeeded." Long Zefei came to the master and said.

"That's right. Hurry up and finish your meal. I can start teaching you Qigong."

After hearing this, Long Ze immediately flew to the dining table and started eating.

"First of all, let me explain to you that qigong bombs are to concentrate qi in your hands and send it out in the form of energy, which has a certain destructive power. It all depends on the strength of your qi and has nothing to do with the size of the qigong bombs released. The bigger the energy bomb, the stronger it is. Of course, if you are skilled in using energy, you can also use your feet to release it, but generally no one will do this."

Long Ze listened carefully while eating, hoping to learn faster this time than before.

"It's ok" Long Ze fired a small air bomb and said to the master.

"Not bad, it only took 40 minutes to learn it." The master looked at him and said.

Long Ze thought to himself: After all, I have some experience, so I should be able to learn a little faster than before.

"Qigong bomb is the most basic qi attack move. All other attack moves will be based on this. I don't need to teach you these things. You will know it naturally in the future." The master said

"Then what should I do next?" Long Ze asked again.

"To practice physical strength, go! Run around the mountain ten times, then do 300 sit-ups and 300 push-ups."

"!!!" Long Ze was stunned for a moment.

"Why are you standing still? You don't want to eat today?"

After hearing this, Long Ze had no choice but to do it. After all, the threat was a bit big for him now. But this time, the situation was better. He still had enough energy left after running ten laps, but he did the rest at a very slow pace. Finished.

Day Three

"I won't teach you anything today," the master said, standing in front of Long Ze. "Punch that tree first, and let me see how strong you are now."

"Hit a tree!? I'm afraid my hands will hurt," Long Ze said, covering his hands.

"Stop talking nonsense! Go quickly."

Long Ze walked towards the tree, gathered some energy, and punched the tree hard. The tree gradually cracked and finally fell to the ground.

"Am I so powerful?" Long Ze looked at his fist and said excitedly.

"You have released the qi in your body, so you can achieve different effects from ordinary people. What you need to do now is to train your qi, strength, speed and practical experience. Be prepared. We are going to We have seven days left to get this done.”

"Seven days? Is this too short?"

"Time is tight now, you will feel more relaxed later." The master said, "Okay, go run around the mountain ten times, do 300 push-ups and sit-ups each, the time limit is one hour, if you can't finish, double it, go!"

"Limited time again!?"

"I'm just putting some pressure on you, hurry up."

Long Ze started training once, but this time he successfully finished it within an hour. However, the first thing he did after coming back was to fall to the ground without getting up. The master forcibly pulled him up.

"Now go hit this sandbag," the master said, pointing to the sandbag on the tree. "Don't think it's easy. Let me remind you first, this sandbag weighs ten tons."

"Ten tons! Then how can I possibly hit it?" Long Ze spread his hands and said.

"Then I don't care. You can do it yourself slowly. Also, don't expect me to give you gloves. Just fight with your own hands."

"Oh." Long Ze didn't want to put on the gloves, because he already understood that this master's virtue could not be given to him, so he had to slowly walk to the sandbag and punch it hard, "Ah~! It hurts! Dead, is it stone or sand?" Long Ze said, covering his already red hands, the sandbag was still there motionless. The master observed him as if he were watching a good show. Finally, he said to him:

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore. Next, you can do 1000 push-ups and sit-ups to build up your strength."

"Ha! 1000!? Why do you have more and more each time, and the number is still jumping like this?" Long Ze opened his palm and said.

"That's necessary, hurry up, or I'll give you another time limit." The master said to him with a smile.

"Don't! Can't I do it?" Long Ze said, lying on the ground and starting to do push-ups.

"If you do 3000 push-ups and sit-ups for me every day for the next two days, I think you can hit these ten tons of sandbags."

Long Ze hadn't finished yet. He was listening to him while he was doing it, and wanted to protest, but he didn't even have the strength to speak now, so he had to endure it silently.

For the next two days, Long Ze did painful push-ups and sit-ups every day. From time to time, he would be asked by his master to run twenty laps. The master didn't know where to get a few sandbags tied to his hands and feet. Doing gravity training can be said to be worse than death. But this kind of training was also fruitful. On the third day, when Long Ze faced the sandbag again, he easily knocked the ten-ton sandbag away, but he didn't know that just before When he was sleeping, the master secretly gave him a little more energy, which allowed him to improve so quickly in two days.

"Very good, the next step is actual combat training." As soon as the master finished speaking, he took out a seed and planted it on the ground.

"Are you planting flowers?" Long Ze said, looking at the seed.

"Of course not, you'll find out later."

After about three minutes, a little green man emerged from the soil with an evil smile.

"Cultivator!?" Long Ze looked at the villain and said

"Yes, he is your actual combat opponent. Don't worry, I have transformed this cultivator. He will not self-destruct and release dissolving liquid. All you need is to fight him and accumulate practical experience. You will cultivate people in the next three days. Fighting, I will continue to increase the number."

"Are you sure I can beat you?" Long Ze asked worriedly.

"Let's try it. Okay, let's get started! Cultivator, come on!"

Before Long Ze could react, it had already started. The cultivator rushed directly towards Long Ze and punched Long Ze in the face. Long Ze reacted in time, bent down to play, dodged the punch, and tripped the cultivator with a sideways leg. After being tripped, the cultivator did a backflip and took a few steps back. Long Ze saw With his own advantage, he rushed towards the cultivator and punched the cultivator. Then he gathered a Qigong bomb and hit the cultivator in the middle. The cultivator fell from the air and fell to the ground.

"Not bad." The master said to him

"I actually won?" Long Ze said in disbelief.

"It seems that you are not as bad as I thought." The master said, "However, your reaction is still a bit slow. When facing the enemy, you should concentrate on it and not let others take advantage of it. If it had been a real battle just now, you might have died. "The master taught him a lesson, and then he took out three more seeds and secretly planted them on the grass behind him.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention next time." Long Ze said to the master.

"Okay, let's start the second lesson."

"What's the second lesson?"

The master took a few steps back, probably to the back of the seed that had just been planted, and said to him: "The second lesson is to maintain a certain degree of vigilance under any circumstances!" After saying this, the three cultivators started from the soil. Zhong rushed out and flew quickly in the direction of Long Ze.

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