Dragon Goddess’s chosen

10.Further “Catching Up” with Kat [18+]


“Didn't know you swung that way~” Kat giggled, leaning against the wall by the window as I entered the room and closed the door behind me. 

“What? H-he kissed me!” I hissed and she only laughed more.

“Mhmm… and you made such a big effort to get away~ did you like it?”


“Did you like it?” She smirked a bit at me

“Uh... dammit…” I sighed and looked away from her before admitting. “Yes… but he thought it was a dream…”

“Ouch. And here I thought you were still into me too with how much you blushed when I took my money back from you,” she walked over and playfully backed me up against the door. I quickly felt my cheeks get warm again from her being so close like this. “I thought all the flirting I was doing downstairs would mean we'd kiss first but oh well…”

“H-hold on, t-there's a couple things there that didn't make sense… flirting?”

“Yes, I was flirting with you, dumbass, but you're still so dense you either don't notice or you ignore it. I've been trying for five years, Alex.”

“Oh -um….” My mind froze and I couldn't form many words as I recalled that much of the teasing, small touches, hugs and everything definitely picked up five years ago.

“Finally noticing, huh? “ She laughed softly.

“W-what about us kissing first?”

“I knew there was something starting between you two when we met…”she said then went onto mumbling mostly to herself. “~well I mean I saw that something was starting… I didn't think it would happen tonight… normally the headache isn't that bad when it's within a day…”

“What are you talking about?”

“Alex, the Goddess of Fate chose me, Rissaeth told you that right? Like a day after I was told you searched me up, my Goddess reached out and told me that the Dragon Goddess was asking about me when she was getting her chosen ready and then you mentioned her name after you told me you were a dragon.”

“W-what does that have to do with it?” I asked, genuinely confused with all that had happened that day and now this was getting thrown at me.

“Dammit, why do I have to love a guy that's so dense!” She groaned then sighed. It was certainly weird to be referred to as a guy again after so long but I focused on the love part more than that. “Alex, I can see snippets of the future if I try, sometimes I don't and I still see parts… a few seconds ahead usually, those don't hurt but if I see further out than that I get headaches from seeing all the possible things that might happen.”

“T-that makes more sense now that you gave me context… wait, love… as in still do? Despite that I'm like this?”

“Of course you focus on that,” she giggled then smirked at me and playfully kissed me deeply for a moment, it was definitely more passionate than the soft, gentle one I received just a few minutes beforehand. “Does that answer your question?”

“S-since when are you…?” she smiled but nervously scratched her neck.

“Remember that ‘friend’ I hung out with a lot when you had a girlfriend in college…?”

“I forgot her name but yeah…?”

“Danielle, yeah, she wasn't just a friend…”

“Oh… I didn't realize…”

“Clearly,” Kat laughed softly and gently grabbed one of my hands “I'll definitely miss seeing the old you but I can get used to this one, it's still you on the inside and I wasn't joking, you are really pretty… don't know how you got to choose this, or why you would…”

“I… I didn't, Rissaeth chose for me… based it on my memories and apparently I have a lot of time working on character creation for games…” I sighed. She visibly tried to hold in a laugh at this.

“Explains why you still look familiar” she gave a kind smile “You kind of seem upset about it so I won't pry too much.”

“It's fine… slowly getting used to it.”

“That's good” she gently squeezed my hand then got a playful look “I know you've said you did check yourself out some… how much have you explored ~?”


“You know exactly what~ have you touched yourself yet~?” I got even more flustered at this and couldn't find my words again for a moment.

“O-once b-but I got interrupted…”she smirked and playfully leaned in again.

“Aww, such a shame~ you want to try it out then…?” There she went again, tugging with my feelings and making me freeze up and my heart race.

“W-what about Max?”

“What about him, you said he thought your kiss was in a dream, no harm in this right?” She paused a bit, spacing out and got a confused look while wincing “T-this won't cause any problems with him if that's what you're asking… we just need to handle this right… unless you don't want to do this… then we don't have to…” She was slowly losing the playful tone that had been in her voice the whole time. 

“N-no I've wanted to be with you for awhile… it's just that everything is weird right now with my head and for some reason I-I like him almost as much as I do you…”

“Well, I do see the appeal~, he is adorable, kinda reminds me of how you were… just add some dog ears and tail… and you'd both be small and cute pups~” She teased softly and my face got even warmer.

“I-I wasn't that much like him!” 

“I'm mostly joking~” She giggled and gently kissed me again, making me relax back against the door as I let her but I was still left uncomfortable from the pressure building in my groin again. “So… want to try or no…?”

“F-fine we can try it… b-but just so you know, I have both sets… um Rissaeth made sure i had... options open…” Her face lit up a bit and she smirked at me, getting playful again.

“Oh I'll definitely have to see that for myself ~ I wouldn't have even guessed you still had one,” she slowly brought her knee to between my legs and made a gasp escape me as the pleasure shot up me when it made contact. “Wow, you're like a furnace down here, dragoness~ I can already feel how hot you are and we haven't even taken anything off yet~”

“M-meh” I groaned softly and squirmed but immediately regretted the movement as it caused more pleasure and the pressure increased. “I-it's inside though, d-don't think it can come out with clothes on…” she playfully pulled her leg away and cupped my cheek gently.

“We should solve that then, right?” She giggled, stroking my cheek a bit with her thumb. 

Definitely a dream come true…’ I had the passing thought as she kissed me again, it felt amazing but also hurt a bit as I remembered my other crush. ‘Sorry, Max, I've been wanting this for awhile… n-need to figure this out later…’

“Ok~ let's go to the bed, cutie~” She said softly when she broke the kiss then she playfully pulled me along to the bed. “Let's see what we're working with~”

“Y-you're eager for this,” I laughed, hating a bit that it came out more like a giggle.

“Of course I am, told you I've been waiting for years to get with you and we died before I could try…” She playfully pushed me back onto the bed, making me yelp softly from the surprise of it. “You're going along with it, you want it just as bad” She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and I happily let her take it off of me followed by my bra.

“... I do…” I sighed, giving her no resistance still.

“Then we're on the same page~” she giggled and playfully rubbed my sides a bit before moving her hands down to the waistband of my pants. She kept her hands there and gave me an expectant look. I sighed again and lifted my hips for her a bit, getting slightly nervous now from remembering how sensitive I was when I tried to touch myself last time. She smiled a little at me when I did what she wanted. “Good girl~” For some reason, that little praise made my face grow really warm and turned me on even more than before as she tugged my pants down.

W-why did that make me feel so warm??’ I thought as I looked away from Kat, feeling her take my underwear as well. The lack of obstacles in the way of my upper slit finally gave me relief, though, and I was quickly distracted from my embarrassment from feeling the relatively cool air on my dick as it slowly came out.

“O-ok… a lot bigger than I thought…” Kat mumbled and I glanced back at her to see her squirming a bit where she stood, spacing out a bit. She then shook her head and playfully cupped my pussy suddenly with her somewhat cold hand, the combo of cold and some pleasure making my body arch up on its own.

"C-cold" I whined softly then gasped a little when she started to rub there, another jolt of pleasure shooting up my body.

“You're just blazing hot, Alex” she giggled as she leaned over me. “I'll let you warm my hand up before I do much else down here, ok?" I nodded a little, "You're so adorable ~ just tell me if I'm doing too much~”

“O-ok” I mumbled, trying to recover from the feeling of her touch. She smiled and kissed me softly as I felt her free hand gently grab my dick, stroking it slowly and making me arch up again. I felt her smile even more against my lips before she playfully trailed kisses down between my breasts then down my stomach to the base of my dick. She cutely peeked up when she reached her destination and playfully lapped up the entire length of it to the tip, making me squirm and arch up again.

“So cute~” She mumbled, then happily took the tip into her mouth and started to bob her head slightly. She could only take half of my length in there but she made up for it by stroking what she couldn't fit with her hand. I was left panting from the pleasure she was causing and had to start resisting the nagging urge to try to buck into her throat coming from the back of my mind. 

“Nngh…” I groaned as she kept going at a teasingly slow pace and she smirked a bit around my dick but didn't adjust her pace, happy to leave me squirming under her. Eventually she slowly pulled off and gave an innocent smile.

"Think youre ready for more 'exploring'~? "She rubbed my pussy a bit as if for emphasis and I had to suppress a moan to answer.

"I-I guess, b-but what about you...? Y-you're doin' everything so far..."

"Trust me, I'm getting a lot of enjoyment just making you squirm but you can make it up to me in a bit~" She giggled and I felt her press a finger against me slowly. "And I can tell you're enjoying this a lot too, you're absolutely soaked here~" I couldn't tell before with everything else she was doing to me but when she mentioned it, I was immediately aware of the wetness coming from my slit and running down from there. "Little bit ago I thought I'd have to use create water or something to help but you seem to be doing fine without it~" She stood up and playfully pressed her hips against mine, trapping her hand between us. She then cupped my cheek with her free hand before she leaned in and kissed me deeply.

 "You ready for it, Alex?" She asked when she broke the kiss and I only nodded a bit. She smiled softly and slowly worked her finger into me, watching my face carefully. Another electric jolt of pleasure went out when her finger finally made it in and grazed against something in my slit near the top. My hand immediately went to grab her wrist from the sudden overwhelming feeling.

"F-fuck..." I gasped softly, not letting go of her.

"Sorry, that was your clit, you're a lot more sensitive than me… just take a breath, try to relax... I'll leave it alone for now" I nodded and tried to follow her advice. She slowly and carefully started to move her hand again. Kat kissed me softly as she continued, that helped me relax further. Eventually I felt her push a second finger in, but the pleasure and additional intrusion made me tense up again. "Its okay, Alex~ just relax~ you're doin' fine~"

" 'm tryin..." I mumbled, "i-is this how it always feels?"

"How does it feel to you...?"

"E-electric... a-almost too much, h-hard to aah!" She interrupted me by curling her fingers in me.

"This is your first time... and you've only had this for a month so I'm not surprised…”

"Nngh, fuck," I managed to moan as she did it again, this time it was enough to make me arch up under her again.

"That's probably it~ don't worry I'll only go up to two fingers today if that's fine~ unless you ask for more~" She teased softly and playfully kissed my cheek. I never realized she was like this in the bedroom, it wasn't bad, for some reason I was really turned on by it, to my surprise. My thoughts were interrupted by Kat moving her fingers more and another wave of pleasure making me arch up and a moan escaped my throat. "You're adorable~"

"Fuck..." I mumbled as I feel her slowly pull her fingers out. "Nngh?"

"Giving you a break, cutie~" She kissed my cheek softly "Still seemed overwhelmed... don't want to overstimulate you and turn you off from this~" I watched as she stood up and stretched a bit "Huh, are you bigger...?"

"Dunno, don't feel any bigger..."

"Oh well..." she shrugged and started taking her clothes off stopping at her panties. I watched with interest, not wanting to miss my beautiful elven best friend strip down in front of me. My eyes focused on a jagged scar over her heart, briefly bringing me out of the moment but I re-focused on the rest of her quickly. She smirked a bit when she saw me watching "Like what you see?" she teased and playfully climbed overtop of me to straddle my stomach.

"O-of course" I tried to tease back but then she laid down onto me, pressing her tits against mine.

"Oh yeah~?" She giggled, rubbing up against me a bit.

"Y-yeah," I hesitantly moved my hands up and grabbed her butt, inciting a cute little noise from her. With that encouragement I start groping and kneading there a bit "W-why wouldn't I want to watch my beautiful best friend strip for me~"

"Nngh~ we both know best friends aren't gonna cut it after this..." She playfully adjusted herself in a way that pinned my dick between us.


"We're in agreement that this~" She grinded a bit on me, letting me feel her warmth through the last bit of clothing she had on "is gonna be stuffing me tonight, right?" She leaned in to my ear to continue her teasing in a husky tone "Knot and all if you wanna try~" Her tone made me squirm in my increasing arousal. She smirked then kissed me again as she grinded on me more.

"Nngh.... K-kat... f-fuck..." I managed to whine in between kisses.

"Hehe, if I knew teasing like this worked so well before I would have tried it a long time ago~" she giggled and sat up, putting her hands on my breasts and making me have to suppress another moan when she started to knead there. "It's really fun to push your buttons~ or pull them~" She playfully gave my nipples a light tug which made the moan finally escape me and made me arch up under her. She giggled more then slowly adjusted herself as she pulled her underwear off. She felt absolutely soaked and warm to the touch when she set herself back down on me.

"F-feels like y-you've been affecting yourself t-too" I mumbled. There was something screaming at me in the back of my head to try to take her right at that moment but I had to push that thought away.

"S-shut up..." She faltered a bit and took a breath, steadying herself fairly quickly. "N-never thought I'd ever ride a dragon, especially like this~ you wanna try getting the big guy in~?"

"S-sure... j-just be careful."

"Hmm? How so?" She lifted herself up and lined my tip up with her. Immediately, another scream for action at the back of my head rang out, really wanting to impale her on it right away.

"D-dragon instincts... I-I think, messin' with my head," she smiled a bit at me.

"It's probably fine, a-as long as you don't try to jam it all in right now, you're definitely too big for t-that." I gave her a worried look "Oh, that's what you're holding back... Ok time to stop playing with fire," she slowly lowered herself onto me, earning a moan from both of us.

"F-fuck... so tight..."

"Y-you're just huge, dumbass," she teased and rocked her hips a bit, biting her hip a little as she tried to lower herself more. "Fucking hell, its hot too~"

"Nngh, K-kat," I moaned softly when she tensed up on me, almost like a vice, then relaxed a bit. I hesitantly moved my hands to her hips, having to push out another intrusive instinct to just pull her down. To my surprise, Kat didn't seem to be in any pain, "H-have you done t-this before...?"

"N-not with anything this big or real" she panted a bit, though still rocking her hips and pleasantly slipping a little further onto me with each passing moment. I only got a moment to notice her little smirk before she playfully bounced a little and I couldn't hold back the moan from the pleasure that radiated out.

"A-ah! Fuck, Kat... nngh y-you didn't seem t-too phased about t-the knot... or the i-idea of taking it..." she seemed to freeze a bit.

"S-shut up... lemme just focus on getting this in," for once it seemed like I got something else that worked to tease her with, her face was even more flushed than it was before. True to her word, she continued working her way down without any more teasing but plenty of little noises from both of us. Eventually she stopped, resting on top of the knot and panting softly, but I could feel my dick pressing hard against something deep in her and even sort of see the outline of it slightly on her belly.

"Y-you sure you're ok?" I panted.

" 'm fine," she sighed happily then playfully leaned down and kissed me "don' know if I can move, though... legs feel weird, j-just give me a moment, I-I'll get back t-to dragon riding~" 

"If you say so," I sighed and just held her close. I did notice the opportunity though, and playfully grabbed her ass again to get back at her. Almost immediately she tensed up around me with a moan.

"Nngh j-jerk" she mumbled against my neck. I only groped her ass again in response, earning another moan and wave of pleasure from her tensing. I kissed the top of her head as I continued kneading."G-gonna take charge then, dragon~? Not like I can stop you~" with that, my instincts took over for a moment and I quickly found myself on top with her. "T-That's more like it~ "

"Such a tease," I mumbled then I felt her tense up on me.

"I can feel how much y-you like my teasing~" She giggled softly as she looked up at me lovingly. She let out an adorable little moan as I tried pulling my hips back a little. "J-just slow ok? Please..."

"I-I'll try" I kissed her softly then slowly pushed back into her, enjoying every moment of it. My instincts had quieted for the time being. Now that I had gotten control, I playfully grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head and I could feel her squirm excitedly under me. "O-oh so you like that too?"

"Too?" She gave a smug look. Still somehow able to tease me even in this situation. "M-maybe I can try a-ah! fuck..." I cut her off with a short thrust. "R-rude..."

I sighed and kissed her deeply before starting to steadily move my hips. She moaned happily into the kiss as I continued, arching up eagerly every time I pushed back in. I eventually broke the kiss and buried my face into her neck as I focused on slowly fucking her but gradually picking up the pace. I quickly noticed that it was getting harder to thrust in over time for some reason and Kat was whining and moaning more often but I just as quickly ignored it in my pleasure.

"G-good, m-more!" She moaned loudly, finally finding the energy to buck up against me, just in time to slam herself against my knot. The shock of that pleasure made me moan as well and I instinctively bucked back just as hard, almost popping it in and making her give an adorable gasp.

" 's it safe? I-if It gets stuck... I can't..."

"D-don't worry, its fine, j-just fuck me!" She whined and bucked against me again, getting a moan from both of us.

"O-ok" I moved my hands to her hips, and only then did I notice how much smaller she was now, and my scales had spread to my hands. I had somehow entered the same form as my rage skill. I froze a bit at that moment, suddenly aware of my wings and tail now. Kat snapped me out of it by bucking up harder than before and managed to pop my knot into her with a cute little cry. 

"F-fuck!" she whined, rocking her hips. "m-more, s-stuff me..." Her pleading drove my instincts crazy. With some nearly overwhelming pleasure, I managed to pop the knot back out, much to Kat's protests, to eagerly go back to fucking her, quieting her immediately as I buried my face against her to playfully nip at her neck and shoulder. Part of me was afraid to hurt her at this pace but her adorable noises and nothing sounded like pain put me at ease to keep at this pace. I quickly felt the familiar pressure of being close at this increased rate and pleading from my best friend to breed her. When the time came, I had the fleeting thought to pull out but instincts overrode that and I bucked into her with a growl, and my knot popped back in, it swelling up and locking us together before I felt the dam inside me break. We both cried out together and I felt her clamp down on me as I practically flooded her, her belly visibly swelling a bit against me with how much went in. 

As I came to my senses, I realized I tasted blood in my mouth and quickly noticed I somehow ended up biting her shoulder, leaving four small puncture marks. I started to panic at first but then before my eyes, the wounds closed up on their own into a set of scars. Thankfully, Kat looked more dazed under me than in pain.

"Nngh... so warm..." She mumbled before she passed out, making me worry a bit more but I quickly noticed her pulse around me while I was still stuck in her. I sighed in relief and gently petted her hair as I rolled us onto our sides. After a few minutes, I noticed I wasn't changing back despite being in the large form for so long, but the fatigue of everything was weighing on me and calling me to sleep. I just resigned myself to curl my tail and wings around Kat before letting sleep take me

"Gonna be a future me problem…”

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