Dragon Goddess’s chosen

23. Downtime [18+](Brief) and Travel Advisory

Contains brief trap giving oral to futa, not enough to count whole Ch as spicy to me

“So… um  i-if magic doesn't exist in your world… What was the point of y-your college?” Max asked shyly in between bites of the sweet watermelon we got as he leaned against me. He had been asking many questions about my old life and Earth ever since we got back and I was more than happy to answer while getting to cuddle him.

“We studied other things to hopefully get good jobs. Mine was biochemistry…” his head cocked to the side in obvious confusion. “Sorry, um … it’s similar to alchemy I guess?”

“Huh… y-you didn't seem to know i-it that well.”

“Not making potions,” I chuckled. “I'll have to tell you about a bunch of other things before you understand what exactly I was taught, hell I forget most of the boring reactions and how to do them.”

“O-oh… ok…? Um what about Kat? She went to school with you, r-right?”

“She did sports medicine.” 

“Oh! She was going to be a doctor? That explains h-how she knew how to set your arm before we moved you away from the crypt” 

“Sort of a doctor I guess. A kind of specialization in treating injuries from sports and helping people recover from them,” I shrugged. “It's a lot easier to specialize when there's only one race to worry about.”

“S-so… there were only humans on your world…? Did they get r-rid of the other races?” 

“No, humans were just the only race,” I responded, “dragons, elves, inugami… all just fiction there…”

“Must've been a shock when you got here…” he mumbled and took another bite of melon.

“It probably would've been if the first person I saw wasn't Rissaeth. All my shock went into learning I was dead, seeing her, and getting pushed into a new body.”

“I… I was wondering ... how is that by t-the way…?” he shyly motioned at my body “I can't imagine being in a different body…”

“It's… definitely different, not bad. Honestly, though, the worst part so far was the back pain but that's not as bad anymore with the wings.”

“... back pain?” He gave a confused look. I smiled and playfully crossed my arms under my chest, pushing my tits together and up.

“There's a couple reasons for it” I teased softly and it took a moment before realization dawned on his face then a blush spread across it.

“O-oh, d-didn't think about that…” he mumbled, then shyly resumed nibbling on the piece of melon in his hands. A giggle escaped me over his cuteness as I stole a piece as well.

“Obviously,” I laughed before taking a bite. “What's your next question, pup? I know you have more” It took him a bit before he spoke up again, like he was working up the courage.

“U-um th-that can't be it w-with what you have to say a-about it… right?” He shyly peeked over at me. I smiled and shrugged.

“What? About my body~?” He shyly nodded “Like I said, it's… different. There's more sensitive places, breathing fire feels weird and the dragon setup down here” I motioned to my hips “makes things weird: I can't use the bathroom standing anymore -”

“Huh…? Why n-not? Y-you have a…” my boyfriend shyly interrupted.

“It doesn't come out unless I'm horny, pup” I stuck my tongue out at him. “I guess it was dark and you already got me that way when we did it.” I gave him an innocent smile “Well if you're gonna be so curious about it, you wanna see?”

“W-what?” He stammered, his blush deepening and his ears folding back.

“Yes or no, do you want to see what you're so insistent on asking about~?” I laughed and kissed his cheek softly, making him squirm more. “I don't mind~ unless you can't handle  seeing me naked again, dunno what you're gonna do when I take a bath later if that's the case~”

“... y-yes…” he whined softly.

“Hehe, thought so~” I teased as I worked on getting undressed. He whined more and his blush deepened but he didn't look away for once. By the time I was squirming out of my pants and underwear, I swore I could pick up a new smell in the room that seemed to be coming from him. I couldn't quite place what it was but it was definitely familiar. “There you go~”

“G-gods… you're s-so pretty…” my boyfriend mumbled softly, shyly looking me over. I held back a laugh and just happily stretched out and nibbled on the piece of melon as I let him study me in the light of the room. His eyes eventually drifted down to my hips and groin, his cheeks practically neon red. “O-oh… I-it's like you don't even h-have one… T-there's nothing there…”

“Mhmm… the slit is hard to see, it's between a couple of the belly plates right where you think it should-” I was interrupted with a gasp escaping me when he, seemingly without a second thought, reached out and his fingers grazed right over it. A shiver went up my spine and the feeling of warmth quickly spread out under his touch “H-hey! A-a little warning p-please…”

“S-sorry! I-I don't know w-what I was thinking…” his hand was quickly pulled back.

“I-it's fine… just… could've warned me first, pup” I teased and playfully prodded his chest with my tail. “You can touch but if you get me horny, you're helping deal with it.” 

“... o-ok, s-sounds fair…” he mumbled as he squirmed in front of me. 

“Good~” I giggled and let myself relax again. Max was more hesitant this time but I eventually felt his hand touch my side, tracing up and down over the scales admiringly 

“H-how is this gonna w-work when you're a dragon…?”

“Dunno, supposedly, I should be able to change forms, you saw the journal…” I shrugged.

“O-oh yeah…” he mumbled to himself, thinking as his thumb ran over the scar on my stomach. He started blushing hard again and shyly looked away. “U-um so does that m-mean you could be in y-your big form whenever you want?”

“That's… already happened a couple times, but not when I was trying…” I admitted, my tail flicking as the thought of pinning him down while in that form popped into my head. “L-let's try to avoid trying that for now… I'm afraid of hurting you.”

“... I-I'm not fragile…” he grumbled, his hand shyly trailing down to my thigh, his thumb making me shiver as it grazed the unscaled part of my inner thigh.

“Nn… p-playing a dangerous game there…” I sighed and sat back up fully. “You trying to get it out?” Max immediately looked away from me, his ears folding back. “Y-you are aren't you~?”

“... I-I'm curious… a-and I…” he whined and squirmed. 

‘Something is up, more than just everything I just told him. I… I'll let him do this if that's what he wants’ I thought as I gently kissed his cheek. “Ok, if your curiosity about me is going this way… let's not do this on the floor, ok?”

“H-huh?” He peeked back over at me as I moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

“Come here~ you're not done looking are you~?” I teased. 

“G-gods…” My boyfriend took a shaky breath before standing and following me over. As soon as he was close enough, I wrapped my tail around his waist and pulled him into a kiss that he quickly melted into. “Mmph…”

‘Good boy~’  I sighed happily then playfully prodded his lips with my tongue, quickly gaining entry into his mouth and earning an adorable whine from him. He weakly tried to kiss back the best he could but it was obvious that he was becoming dazed from the feeling. Eventually, I had to break the kiss and lewdly pull my tongue out just to let him remember to breathe. “You ok, pup?”

“Nngh? Y-yeah…” my boyfriend panted softly, still dazed and his legs shaking a bit.

“You're so fucking cute… you can sit down, you know, you don't have to stay standing,” I giggled. To my surprise, he chose to sit down right in front of me, instead of on my lap like I expected. That's when I also discovered that the kiss distracted me enough from noticing how worked up it made me when I was so used to feeling the pressure first before it happened.

“O-oh… I-it came o-out” Max mumbled as his eyes quickly focused on my erection in front of him. 

“Of course~ Why wouldn't it? I was kissing my adorable boyfriend~” I teased and he squirmed a bit. It was obvious his shyness was making him want to look away but something in him was stopping him.

“Y-you still want m-me to help you w-with it?”

“You don't  have to but, I would really appreciate it, pup~” I laughed then playfully moved forward and spread my legs a bit to let him get at whatever he wanted. ‘I think I know what you want but if you wanted to eat me out instead I'd definitely take that~’

“O-ok” he took a breath to calm himself but his tail gave away how excited he was as he moved closer as well. His relatively cool breath made me squirm before he gave a hesitant lick up my dick.

“G-good boy,” I praised him and those two words seemed to encourage him to keep going with growing eagerness with each lick. I let out a sigh as I happily let him continue.

“S-so big… h-how did Kat…?” he mumbled shyly between licks. I giggled softly and patted his head.

“Don't… don't worry about it, pup~” I laughed then playfully made him gasp when I wrapped my tail around the tent in his robes. “Hehe, you're definitely enjoying this~”

“I-its f-from the kiss…” he shyly tried to distract himself by going back to lapping up the entire length of my dick, his own twitching a bit against my tail.


“I-it is…” he insisted with an adorable pout.

‘Whatever you say, pup’ I thought as I watched him shyly focus on his task when I decided against teasing him, enjoying the feeling of his small licks.

“O-ok how…? Do I just…?” He murmured to himself after a bit as he sat up more. Another shiver of pleasure went up through me when he hesitantly took my tip into his mouth. The look on his face was absolutely adorable as he waited for any sign of approval. I happily gave him what he wanted.

“Nngh… such a good boy~” I sighed happily while rubbing behind one of his ears. His tail went crazy behind him and he eagerly took more of me into his mouth without any more hesitation. He surprised me yet again when he didn't react when I hit the back of his throat. “F-fuck… pup…”

“Mmph!” He gave a muffled yip, squirming excitedly while pushing himself to take more in and the attempt at making noise made his throat vibrate pleasantly around me. 

“G-good boy… Y-you're doing so good…” I mumbled and kept petting him as his quick, excited breaths against my knot making all of this feel even better despite him not making any attempt to move. 

“Mmm...” His happy mumbles sent more waves of pleasure up me as I rubbed behind his ears. 

“D-dunno how y-you took more than K-kat…''I mused softly then quickly regretted saying that. It brought him out of his daze enough that he realized what he was doing. His throat immediately started to reject the intrusion, making him gag and quickly pull off of me while coughing. I felt a pang of guilt when I saw the tears well up in his eyes “S-shit, sorry, shouldn't have said anything… a-are you ok?” 

“I-I'm fine.. agh…” my boyfriend whined softly after a bit, shyly wiping his eyes.

“You sure?” he gave a cute nod then his eyes widened when he looked down. I followed his gaze and smiled a little that he was only staring at how much progress he made. Somehow, on his first try, the trail of spit he left was practically at my knot. “You did such a good job, pup~ Kat could only take half of it~” 

“R-really?” His tail wagged a bit. “I-I can try again I-I can-” he was cut off by a knock at the door that made him yelp.

“Dammit…” I growled softly at the time with him possibly getting cut short. “Can you go check who it is?”

“Oh… um ok” he mumbled and hesitantly got up. Adorably, he had to stand on tip toes to look out the peephole but the cuteness of it was lost on me when he informed me who was at the door. “I-it's Kat… and someone else… a man…”

“Shit… w-why did she have to bring him here already…?” I groaned and quickly went about gathering up my discarded clothing.  “O-ok… w-we can continue this later… if that's who I think it is… I-I need to get dressed…”

“D-dunno if we'd get a chance… but ok…” I raised an eyebrow at him but he just shyly looked away. I sighed and just resigned myself to retreating to the bathroom to get dressed, closing the door behind me as I heard Max open the door to the hallway.

‘I'll ask when we're alone again…' 

“Hey, Maxie~” my girlfriend's voice greeted cheerfully as I rushed to get everything back on “Why's your face so red?”

“H-hi, Kat… n-no reason…” Max replied, his voice sounding cautious. “S-so um… w-who's this?”

“H-hey, sorry, Katrina invited me to talk with her and Alex? I'm Nicolas…” the other chosen's voice answered. 

“Where is she anyways? Eris said you guys were here when we passed her on the street…” Kat asked. I meanwhile was cursing the tightness of my pants as I once again had to trap my exposed dick in them.

“B-bathroom…” Max responded then paused “Wait… Nicolas… you're that a-angel Alex told me about… y-you don't look much like one…”

“Oh, she told you, that makes this easier”

‘That's a weird tone for you, pup, I know we were just… Why do you sound so guarded?’ I thought as I slipped on my shirt then cursed again when I saw my bra laying on the ground. ‘Fuck it, good enough… ’ I wrapped my wings around me like a cloak again  to hide my chest  and groin the best I could before leaving the bathroom.

“Hey, babe~” my girlfriend greeted me happily when she saw me. As I turned to look at her I quickly noticed the demi-angel behind her looked quite a bit different than last time: wingless, a few inches taller than me, and wearing a chain shirt over top of commoner's clothing and an amulet shaped like a tankard around his neck. I also noticed a flanged mace hanging on his hip that looked pristine, no wear on the edges at all. 

“H-hey… I didn't think you'd come up here,” I responded as I walked over. She glanced between Max and me suspiciously but with a slight smile for a moment but didn't comment what she was thinking.

“Oh, you're a lot less scary than before,” Nicolas observed. Max seemed to tense up at this comment and I hugged him against me with one of my wings to try to calm him down and help his arousal from earlier as soon as I was close enough.

“And you look less on the edge of a panic attack,” I countered jokingly. 

“She's more pretty than scary” Max grumbled softly as he half-posessively hugged my arm. I glanced at my boyfriend to find him curiously looking the newcomer over, his ears perked up and alert as if he was expecting a threat “Even in her big form…”

“Just because we think our dragon girlfriend is hot, it doesn't mean that's everyone's first thought,” Kat teased before playfully kissing my cheek and walking past us further into the room. Max shyly clung to me more as I sighed and stepped to the side, pulling my boyfriend with me, to let Nicolas in with a wave as well.

“Wait… our? You three are?” The demi-angel asked as I closed the door behind him. 

“Yep, t-together” Max grumbled, his tone making me glance at him again.

‘Are you territorial about me now or something?’ I thought then I heard Kat immediately pounce on the opportunity given to her as she sat on the bed:

“Oh? Are you my boyfriend too?” She giggled and his ears folded back immediately. 

“W-what? N-no, I… you k-know what I meant!” 

“I don't know, seemed kind of easy to convince you to letting me share the room too~” 

“I-I'll change my mind!”

“When did this happen?” I interrupted and Kat smiled innocently at me. ‘Is that what you meant, Max?

“When you went to go find a carriage and he got onto me for the hickies~” She answered happily.  I sighed and my tail flicked a bit as I looked at the other chosen, who was just awkwardly standing off to the side. 

“Sorry” I apologized to them with a polite smile. “You doing alright since the meeting?”

“To be honest? Not really. I've been barely scraping by doing errands in town.  Not as good as you guys seem to be…” Nicolas sighed. 

“Quests that go outside of town pay better, you have a mace.” I pointed out.

“I-I don't know how to fight!” Kat and I glanced at each other. 

“You should have been given some base level idea how to. What about magic?”

“I don't know if I have that either!”

“There's a skill Alex and I have a skill called Inspect, try to use it. Did you play any video games?” Kat said.

“Or watch any isekai anime? Think about the U.I. from anywhere” I added. Max looked completely lost at this point when I looked at him again. “Sorry, pup, we haven't gotten to explaining video games yet…”

“I played WoW…” the demi-angel answered.

“Good, focus on how that screen looks and think about trying to use Inspect, or even better, say it out loud as you try to do it.”

“Fine,” he took a breath and closed his eyes. “ Inspect …?... just as I thought no- what the fuck?”his eyes snapped open and he seemed to scan the air in front of him as my magic detection showed an aura around his head.

“I think you made him insane…” Max mumbled softly.

“No, it looks like it worked, from what I know about the game he talked about… it might be a lot of info at once” I sighed and gave my boyfriend a slight squeeze. He mumbled softly in response and leaned his head against me a little.

“W-wish I knew what you were talking about.”

“We'll try to figure out how to show you” Kat offered.

“I-is this what you guys see all the time?!” Nicolas asked, still seeming to sort through what he was seeing. 

“Mine only comes up as needed really…” I answered “It's just little popups.”

“How do you remember what spells you have? I'm seeing like six for me…”

“I remember them? I'm a Bloodrager so I only have three. Max doesn't even have what we have and he has seven” the half inugami kind of puffed up proudly next to me.

“Same here, I have five spells, two sorcerer and three ranger ones, it gets easy to just say the words when you get enough practice.” Kat added. 

“Where do I find my weapon skills…?” the demi-angel asked

“Hell if I knew, “ I laughed softly. “Mine don't show up anywhere but if you don't mind either I or Eris can spar with you and we can figure out your skill level.” Max gave me a look like he didn't want me to help like that and I could only give him a confused look in return. 

“U-um, no offense… but she's less scary than you… if I'm going to do that… if she's wanting to too…”

“Oh she's always happy to have someone to spar with” Kat giggled.

‘That's going to end well…’ I thought sarcastically. 

The conversation continued in much the same way for awhile, Kat and I trying to get caught up with Nicolas and teach him the necessary things Azion failed to. Max's strange attitude towards him also continued but it got better when I sat next to Kat on the bed and he brazenly just sat on my lap despite how flustered it made him. I didn't mind him being there, but it prevented my arousal from going down at all with his soft butt trapping it between us. 

Nicolas eventually had to return to a different inn for a night, but we all agreed to meet up again in the morning. Nearly as soon as he was gone, Kat started teasing us, nothing during the conversation escaped her and she was only holding back until we were alone. When she got it out of her system, she happily answered questions from the super flustered mage about home. She even went as far as to reveal all of the modern items she kept hidden in her pack to both of us: the phone, a really basic set of make-up of mostly concealers, her wallet, and a bunch of other small common items, but most embarrassingly, a set of condoms that she had in her purse “in case Alex's dumb ass finally caught on to me liking him… her”. She apparently had a lot of faith in her clairvoyance to have not brought up that she had them until then.

Night time was a different set of awkwardness. Max might have agreed to let her stay with us without telling me but he definitely didn't seem completely ready for it. While getting ready for bed, he got even more flustered as Kat got undressed down to underwear without a care. He tried to keep looking away but I caught as many glances towards her chest as there were towards mine. He was lucky she kept that much clothing on for him, the past couple nights she didn't wear any since I put off so much heat. The sleeping arrangements were just as awkward, Max and I still being worked up and me ending up with me sandwiched between both of them, the whole night. Despite the awkward bits, it was even easier to get to sleep when I didn't have the guilt of sleeping away from one of them.



Next morning.


“She doesn't hold back, does she?” Max mumbled as we watched Nicolas get knocked off his feet by Eris from a bench in the shade of a tree by the town guard training yard they were borrowing. It was already the third time in the few minutes they had been at it.

“Shield's not helping him any either.” I observed. “Wonder if he's regretting thinking I'm too scary to spar against.”

“Maybe…” my boyfriend shrugged and happily hugged my arm.

“Come on, pretty boy, you need a wider stance! You're going to keep getting knocked down” Eris laughed as she helped Nicolas back up.

“How is it going?” Kat asked as she suddenly hugged me from behind, making Max and I both jump a little.

“A-as good as I thought it would” I sighed in response and looked back at her. “You're back quick, there's no way you got to the guild hall and back already.”

“I didn't even make it all the way there before  I found a stack of these” She lifted a flier in front of my face. I grabbed it to actually be able to read it while she kept her head resting on my shoulder. “We're going to have to keep an eye out…”



Four-winged dragon of unknown element has been spotted; a travel advisory is in effect for Elmcester, Rookville, Vinewood, Kara's Vale, Wakefield, and Rookport.

Anyone with information, please report to an Adventuring Guild hall or Imperial outpost.

Current whereabouts will be rewarded when confirmed.


“Another dragon…? Y-you think they'd be able to tell t-that you're…?” Max mumbled. I sighed and shrugged. 

“I… actually don't know… um how likely are we to run into it?” 

“I only looked ahead a couple days and I didn't see it… but that's if we stick with our plan and make it to Rookport in that time…” Kat answered quietly.

“So weird t-that you can just do that…” Max sighed as he kept clinging to me.

“It's not fun, watching multiple different ways the two days can go on fast forward, it is literally a headache…”

“Didn't you have some pain medicine left in your bag?” I suggested.

“I used way too many in the first few weeks just for this, It's fine…” She sighed then kissed my cheek before vaulting over the back of the bench to sit on the opposite side of me from Max. We all flinched as a solid thwack echoed across the yard followed by the thud of the baton Nicholas was using falling nearby.

“First disarm of the session… did it sound this bad when I was -”

“Yes” both of my partners said simultaneously.

“Ah…” my tail flicked a bit from the guilt of making them worry when I sparred with our fighter. “So um… you tell Eris yet?”

“Hmm? No, haven't had private time with her yet. She's not going to be happy being the last one to be let in on this, she loves secrets.” My girlfriend answered and leaned against me.

“She'll have to deal with it. Max deserved to know first and I didn't want to tell them together” He didn't verbally respond but the half-inugami's tail started tapping me slightly as it wagged.

‘You wouldn't have the opportunity to let him blow you either~’ Kat's voice invaded my mind and I shot her a look. ‘And I was the horny one’

‘Shut up, h-he was curious about me and one thing led to another… we shouldn't have told you what happened- oh no, this won't be good’  I responded as I glanced back towards the other two. I interrupted myself when I caught sight of Nicolas trying an overhead strike but he swung his shield arm out wide. The fighter took the opportunity to grab his weapon arm and flip him over her shoulder.

“Agh!” The demi-angel grunted as he got his back slammed onto the ground and he let out a wheezy groan as he lied there, staring up at her.

“You have to keep the shield in front of you, you know.” Eris teased playfully as she stood above him, her hands on her hips.

“Eris, he's a cleric , not a soldier.” I called over and she gave an innocent smile.

“What? I'm going easy on him. He just gives too many openings” she looked down at Nicolas. “You are learning from this, no?”

“I… I guess…” he wheezed, still recovering.

“See? If I wasn't going easy I wouldn't give advice.” She smiled more. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

“He's probably just going to want to stay here” I groaned.

“Nah, he's still coming with us, just don't interfere too much” Kat giggled softly.

“You're up to something…”

“I'm not doing anything~ in fact, let's leave them to their practice” She got up suddenly and grabbed my hand then Max's. 

“H-hey! W-what are you doing?” My boyfriend yelped as a blush spread across his face and Kat pulled us to our feet.

“Eris! we're going to go check out the job board, don't kill him while we're gone” 

“I'll try not to!” The fighter laughed and Nicolas gave us a panicked look.

“W-what?” He managed to get out. 

“You'll be fine.” Kat assured him then glanced at Max and me “alright, let's go you two~” she happily started dragging both of us away from them before we could respond. It would've been easy to resist but she seemed to be seeing something that I wasn't so I went along with what she wanted. 


“Thought you were leading us to the guild hall?” I asked as she led us back up to our room at the inn.

“I will in a minute, we have a problem to solve first~” she replied and I quickly caught onto her playful tone.

“A-and what problem is that?” Max mumbled behind me, clinging to my tail.

“There's a dragon around and as hot as Alex is, she's getting too many looks out there. So I'm going to try to fix it.”

“How?” I asked, trying to push away the feeling the complement from her gave me. She only smirked a bit at me as she unlocked the door. “Kat…” 

“You know exactly how I'm going to try, cutie~” I could already feel my heart start to race at this, part of me excited, the other embarrassed that she intended to do it in front of Max.

“T-this is w-what we were able to get me d-down to.” I managed to stammer out as she playfully backed me up to a wall, my wings fluttering a bit until they were pinned behind me. 

“And we haven't tried it again while you're like this~ You have any better ideas?” 

“... No…” I sighed and she smiled a bit before glancing at Max.

 “Hey, Maxie, close the door please~”

“O-ok” my boyfriend mumbled, having been frozen watching us, and shyly closed the door and locked it.. 

“Good boy” his blush from earlier quickly returned and he looked away from her as she turned her attention back to me. “Still your choice~ you can turn this down if you wanted~”

“... F-fine… l-let's just try it…” I sighed then she playfully grabbed my chin with one hand and pulled me into a deep kiss. My heart started to race again when I felt her other hand graze my neck followed by the too familiar feeling of her Ensnare vine loosely wrapping around it.

“H-how is this s-supposed to help?” Max whined softly then he yelped as I heard her voice in my head again.

‘In the bath she got into her big form when she took charge, this got her back to here~’ 

“Y-you can talk in our heads???” 

‘Message, cutie~’  she giggled into the kiss and playfully pressed her tongue against my lips. I instinctively just let her in, my mind already going fuzzy with the feeling of this. ‘Good girl’

‘Dammit, K-kat…’  I whined softly and reached out to grab her hips. She giggled even more before pressing up against me. A soft gasp escaped me into the kiss as her tits pressed against mine. ‘A-all this is doing is making me worked up…’

‘Took a bit last time, just focus on being a good girl for me and maybe it'll work~’

‘Y-you like this too much…’ I grumbled, then deciding to be a brat and resist, I built up a charge and zapped her tongue with my own. She immediately broke the kiss but kept me pressed against the wall.

“Agh! It's like a fucking battery!” she gasped, then gave me a chastising look. “Fine if you're gonna be like that.” She quickly grabbed both of my wrists and pinned my arms above my head, the idea of playful resistance leaving my mind as quickly as it entered.

‘G-gods… w-why does this make m-me feel so warm…’  Max's voice now invading my mind too. I glanced behind over to see him squirming as he watched us, definitely wanting to come closer but frozen with a deep blush across his face.

“I can pin you too when we're done~” Kat teased with a short laugh and he yelped and immediately looked away. My girlfriend then smirked at me and pressed a leg between mine, making me squirm from the pleasure it caused. “Now for you, you going to be a good girl now?”

“Fine…” I managed to mumble before suddenly being kissed again. ‘Y-you're getting the electric tongue in you again for this, though!’  Kat shuddered a bit from that but quickly recovered and shoved her tongue back into my mouth.

‘Just focus on being a good girl and make yourself less dragon…’  She “ordered” as the fuzzy feeling from being pinned and kissed by her returned and the desire to playfully resist again vanished.

‘O-ok…’ As the moments ticked on, I was made to squirm more and more from the pressure and pleasure my girlfriend was inflicting on me, especially when she moved her leg slightly. Eventually a thought bubbled up in me out of desperation. ‘D-dammit, p-please let her touch me more or work already!’ A popup snapped me out of the submissive daze I was falling into.


User wishes to revert to 1/8th dragon form?


‘The fuck? it was that easy,??? Why didn't I change back before?!’


User showed no intent in adjusting form once current one was acquired.


‘What is it cutie?’ Kat's voice giggled and I shivered as she moved one hand from my wrists to my hip, rubbing my side with her thumb.

‘D-dammit, j-just let me be good and change back!’  I flinched a bit in embarrassment as I realized how I worded it.


Default form updated to 1/8th dragon.


Immediately, I felt myself shrink under Kat. She smirked a bit against my lips before pulling her tongue back and breaking the kiss, leaving me panting and still pinned against the wall.

“O-oh… i-it actually worked…” Max mumbled, still squirming as he took a hesitant step toward us. “Um… are you ok?”

“She's fine” Kat giggled then playfully pulled Max closer to us. It was weird to be back to being about the same size as him but in my current state, one set of my instincts made me excited for the potential for him to take charge too. I had to quickly push those away before they started broadcasting to my partners, Kat had made me horny enough and I needed to calm back down.

“You sure…?” He whined softly and looked up at her.

“I-I'm fine, Max” I mumbled.

“See~? I wasn't trying to break her again, just help and it worked” Kat teased.

“What do you mean break her again?!” my boyfriend puffed up a bit then froze when she grabbed his chin with the hand that was on my side.

“It was nothing bad~ just a little fun. Maybe I can show you sometime~ you'd be adorable ~”

“U-uh…” he whined more and his ears folded back cutely, but he didn't pull away from her.

“K-Kat… where are you going with this?” I asked and she flashed a playful grin then stole a kiss from him before releasing both of us, including freeing me from her Ensnare.

“I'll go wait downstairs for you guys to recover~ Alex, you might want to adjust your clothes or get some of your old ones on, your pants are barely staying on you~” she teased as she headed towards the door. I gave a sigh and stayed leaning against the wall for a bit.

“You ok there, Max?” I asked softly.

“S-she kissed me…” he mumbled.

“Mhmm… saw that” I unsteadily moved to his side, still used to having the weight of my now-absent wings and tail. He kept mumbling to himself for a bit then got his adorable determined look and suddenly kissed me.

“D-damn it! F-feels the same!” he whined when he pulled away, his ears folding back.

“As in you liked it…?” I jokingly suggested and he shyly looked away for a moment.

“W-was she still just t-teasing me…?”

“Maybe, but she thinks you're cute too… and she never kissed me just to tease me before we got together…” I shrugged and gave him a comforting smile.

“Y-you aren't upset…?”

“Why would I? I'm dating both of you” I laughed and kissed him softly. “Are you upset when she kisses me in front of you?”

“N-no… kinda makes me warm...”

“Good, we're on the same page~ Just take your time for now to calm down, I'll be doing the same for a minute, … and change clothes…” I pulled at the waistband of my pants a little. “Then we can go meet up with her again, ok?”

“Ok…” he shyly kissed me again before letting me go change my clothes.

We caught back up with Kat once we were ready again, Max acted more awkward towards her for a while, though. Even though it was embarrassing, the “help” did actually help, I didn't realize how many looks I was getting from everyone until after I was no longer getting them on our way to check out the job board. In fact, with the whispers about the spotted dragon I overheard, I would have probably gotten a lot of negative attention drawn towards us and it made me wonder if Kat saw something before she decided to try to help change me back to how I was. 


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