Dragon Goddess’s chosen

27. Resulting Embers

Kat was right about me becoming needy again. As soon as the Rut timer ran out, the Heat came back with a vengeance in the middle of the night. Thankfully I was able to keep my mind for long enough to wake her up instead of listening to my desperate instincts urging me to ride Max in his sleep. My memories of the help she promised were fuzzy at best, but… it worked to get me to calm down enough for the rest of the night.

 The next morning I found myself sprawled out on the bed with Max on top of me, face buried in my chest, and Kat nowhere in sight. I quickly became aware of a slight soreness between my legs and in me but Max started to stir before I could figure out what could have caused it.

“…o-ow…” his muffled voice groaned into my tits as he nuzzled into them more. The feeling of the action lit up a flicker of desire that I had to push back down before it got out of control.

“G-good morning pup…” I greeted him quietly as I gave him a light squeeze. “You ok?”

“S-sore…” I flinched a bit at this and gently kissed the top of his head.


“ ‘s fine… f-felt good yesterday…” he murmured as his tail wagged lazily.

“If you say so…” I sighed and started petting his hair. “U-um do you know where Kat went?”

“Dunno, said something about a doctor,” he waved a hand blindly towards the bedside table. “Wrote a note… ’s over there,” I glanced over and sure enough, there was a piece of folded paper sitting on the edge of the table, just out of reach. Not wanting to get up yet, I clumsily used my wing to try to retrieve it but only managed to knock it to the floor.


“Mm?” he peeked up at me with an adorably confused look.

“Sorry pup… going to have to get up…” he gave a slight pout but stretched before slowly sitting up on me. He quickly got a concerned look when he looked back down at me.

“W-what did she do to you?!” he yelped, lightly tracing a hand up my stomach in a way that made me shiver and the desire flaring in me again.

“I… I don't really remember… I barely managed to ask for her help when I got horny again last night…” I admitted, propping myself up with one arm and using the other to compress my chest to be able to look at what he was seeing. The half-dozen small purple-red marks scattered across my stomach were easy to spot, giving me flashes of memory of the many love-bites Kat gave me.“Um y-yeah I think I remember her giving me those…”

“S-she was too rough with you again!” he huffed indignantly. 

“Max…” I laughed softly and patted his leg. “It's fine, I'm a dragon, remember? I can take it”

“Still…” his ears folded back. I rolled my eyes as I sat up the rest of the way, gently moving him to my lap. His cute anger was replaced with a furious blush when I did this and he quickly looked away. “O-oh… you… you're still big…”

“Hehe, just noticed?” I giggled, playfully rubbing his side a little. Feeling his scar there reminded me of what I did to him and I quickly focused on his shoulder and the bite I left on it. “Shit… I didn't imagine doing that..."

“H-huh?” my boyfriend looked back at me, slightly alarmed.

“It doesn't change anything between us… b-but last night… I-I ended up binding you as my mate…” he calmed down immediately and gave an adorable smile.

“I-I know”

“You… do? Y-you don't have Inspect in the way we have though…?”

“I-I felt you bite me” he shyly looked away as he spoke. “It hurt… a lot, then i-it felt r-really, really good… I-I figured that's what it was…”

“Oh… I didn't realize it felt like that…” I mumbled, pushing away the fantasies of it happening to me. “I-I'm so sorry for pushing it on you…” 

“I asked for it… it's fine…”

“But it's permanent…”

“I-I said it's fine… I-I'm equal to Kat now…” He flashed a shy smile then he took a deep breath then suddenly kissed me deeply. A whine escaped me as I instinctively pressed against him. Annoyingly, I felt warmth flare up between my legs and my head buzzed with noise.

‘Now's a perfect chance to pin him down and get him to stuff me!’ A rogue thought battered its way to the front of my mind and I had to break the kiss before it took over. Max looked hurt until I spoke up again.

“S-sorry, the heat is still going…” I mumbled, trying to calm back down. “We s-should probably get up… before I need to deal with it again… I need to see that note anyways…”

“Oh…” he sighed and shyly climbed off of me. 

“We'll have plenty of time to cuddle later…?” I offered and his tail showed that it cheered him up a little. I smiled and kissed his cheek before getting up, stumbling a bit with the digitigrade stance, and retrieving the note.


Morning Cuties,

You two are practically still out right now but I can't get back to sleep. It's about 7 as I'm writing this, I'm going to go out and find a beastfolk doctor for you, Alex, they'll know how to handle your heat. Hopefully I find one but I'll try to be back in a couple hours if I do or don't.

See you then~



“How did you know what time it was? there's no clock in here…” I mumbled after reading and passed it to Max to let him see it too.

“I-if we were back home, Mom could have helped you…”

“Would you really want your girlfriend in heat going to see your mom as her doctor…?” I joked softly as I went to our packs to get clothes for us.

“Oh, um… yeah… that would be embarrassing…” I smiled a little and tossed him his clothes then looked down at the only set of clothes I had left that weren't a tattered mess: the nordic dress Rissaeth gave me.

“Of course… I need to ask Nicolas to fix the rest of my clothes… or we're going have to go shopping today…” I sighed, pulling the dress out and unfolding it. Now that I got a second look at it, I noticed it was slightly altered from when I first wore it, reminding me more of God of War's Lady Síf's outfit with how the skirt had two slits up the front up to about thigh level that would definitely make walking in it easier,

“...a dress? ...you?” Max mumbled and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Shut up, I'm running out of clothes…” I grumbled and looked back at my wings and tail, knowing they'd make getting it on difficult and decided to try to give Inspect an order ‘Set my default form back to 1/8th dragon…?’


Updating default form from half-dragon to 1/8th


‘Yes! it worked!’ I thought happily as I shrunk back down to my original size, the dress in my hands also adjusting. Strangely, though, as my tail and wings shrunk into nothingness, it briefly felt like they were still there but crammed into a too-small box. I brushed that aside and went about slipping the outfit on.

“N-no, it's just… I never thought I'd see you in a dress…” My boyfriend backpedaled a bit. I couldn't help but laugh at his adorableness as I adjusted myself, trying to figure out how high the strapless dress should be on my chest. “Where did you get it anyways…?”

“Gift from Rissaeth after the meeting she dragged me to, it's the one her note mentioned” I replied simply “How's it look? not too showy is it? I hope my scales don't attract too much attention either…”

“It's not, you look really pretty in it.” I thought I had gotten used to his complements by then but it made my heart skip a beat.

‘Has to be the heat…’ I brushed it off and smiled more at him before getting back to getting ready for the day.


Once we were ready, I led the way downstairs to the restaurant-like area of our inn to grab something to eat while we waited for Kat to return. However, once we were around other people, I could feel the looks I was getting, especially from beastfolk men. The uncomfortable feeling put me so on edge that I nearly snapped at someone grabbing my free arm. I managed to hold myself back enough to find that it was just Eris with her normal mischievous grin plastered on her face and Nicolas trailing behind her. She looked me up and down and opened her mouth to say something but I beat her to it.

“N-not one word!” I hissed and she smirked a bit, unswayed.

“And you call me a princess,” she teased, looking me over. A disappointed look crossed her face when her eyes went towards my feet. “... Really? The boots you fight in… with this??” 

“She didn't have any other clothes…” Max butted in, tensing up a bit in my defense.

“What happened to what you wore yesterday?” Nicolas asked in a much more cheerful tone than he's had the past couple days.

“Torn. like the others.” I answered simply as I looked around for a table. Quickly spotting one, I pulled my boyfriend along towards it.

“Why am I not surprised?” She called after us. I flinched, knowing that she was just attracting attention to us. She followed us to the table and sat across from Max and me as she continued just loud enough for the four of us to hear. “Let me guess, all that noise is why you don't have any more clothes~” my face instantly grew hot and the two boys’ faces also turned red as they also got flustered.

“W-we couldn't have been that loud…” I grumbled.

“Called it!” 

“U-um… Our room w-was right below the noisy one…” Nicolas said as he sat next to her but noticeably left space between the two of them. I groaned and hid my face in my hands, not wanting to give the noble girl more satisfaction with my embarrassment. Then I realized something from when Kat, Max, and I checked in.

“Wait… below us? Wouldn't that mean you had the same room layout as ours?” I thought out loud and looked up at the two across from us. “How was the single bed~ thought you'd get a double room?”  It was Eris's turn to get flustered, her face turning nearly as red as her hair, unfortunately Nicolas was also caught in the crossfire with my jab back at her.

“...t-there weren't a-any other rooms open!” she stammered.

“Who slept on the floor then?” both of them looked away from each other. “...did… did neither of you think of that?”

“W-where is Katrina by the way?” the cleric asked, clearly trying to change the conversation but giving me an answer.

“Finding a doctor for Alex…” my boyfriend admitted softly and our party members briefly looked back at me with slight concerned looks.

“Why? I-I can try Cure Wounds if something is wrong?”

“It's fine, just something I need to deal with…”

“What is it?” Eris pressed, actually sounding worried despite teasing me moments ago.

“I went into heat, ok?” I hissed. 

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means,” A tiger beastman in light armor answered as he slid into the seat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder “ She'll need a man to-”

“If you don't let go of me I'll rip your throat out” I snapped, glaring up at him as the warmth I felt from being by Max immediately flared as anger instead of the desire it once was.


Warning: insufficient space in surroundings to enter rage without injury to self 


‘The fuck you mean? There's plenty of space for my rage form!’

“She's not kidding, I've seen her do it the other day” Eris added.

“What? You would rather suffer your heat than have a real man help you?” the tiger scoffed and looked at Nicolas then Max. “A human wouldn't know how to handle you and the mutt-” My boyfriend growled and started to stand but I stopped him with a hand.

“Fuck. off. now.” I interrupted, my mouth crackling with my lightning. The tiger opened his mouth to respond but an Inugami woman in similar armor to him rushed over and dragged him to his feet.

“Meti! The boss told you not to attract attention!” she growled softly. “That means not harassing every bitch that reeks of heat! Let alone a dragonspawn!” She peeked around him and gave an apologetic smile, her tone turning more polite  “Please forgive my comrade… he has no self control.”

“Hmph” I grumbled, the desire to fry the cat still very much there. “Just get him away from me.” the dog woman nodded a bit and started pulling the tiger away. No longer caring that we're in public, I instinctively crawled onto Max's lap and buried my face into his neck to calm down. His scent did wonders to get rid of my anger but replaced it with arousal instead as the world seemed to fade around me for a few minutes.

“Still as clingy as last night~?” Kat's voice giggled, snapping me back to reality and making me peek up from my boyfriend to see her standing right behind him.

“Hey, Kat,” I mumbled as I rested my head on Max’s shoulder. “Please tell me you found someone…”

“I did… there's a doctor a few blocks from here… did something happen?”

“She definitely needs that, she nearly killed a Rakshasa for grabbing her” Eris chimed in and my girlfriend frowned a bit.

“Wait, what? Where did he go?” she asked, her hand clenching on a knife handle on her waist. “I saw you get hit on a lot but no one grabbing you…”

“Great… there's going to be more…” I sighed.

“Y-you're pretty and the way you s-smell right now… I-I would try going up to you too” Max murmured. I sat up to look him in the eyes.

“You wouldn't have just grabbed me though! You're actually sweet.” As I was talking, I noticed out the corner of my eye I saw that he had a cup of water in front of him then I saw that there were three others as well. “When did those get here…?”

“W-waitress came by a little bit ago… I ordered f-for you… you weren't really responding …”

“You could have asked me to get off of you…” I sighed as I hesitantly slid off of his lap and back into my seat.

“You seemed like you needed it…”

“Sorry, I should've just woke you up earlier and brought you with me…” Kat apologized as she sat down next to me and grabbed my hand comfortingly. “Let's… just go over there as soon as you're done eating before one of us kill someone for doing something stupid…”

“Yeah…” I sighed once again as I leaned against her slightly, waiting for food to arrive so that we can finally work on fixing my condition.


1hr later


“Here it is" Kat announced, motioning to a corner clinic that she brought Max and me to.

"Dr. Moreau's clinic for the furred and scaled" I read aloud from the sign hanging above the door. "Sounds promising enough… definitely a lot more creative name than the smaller towns…”

"Wouldn't have picked it if I didn't think it was good~" Kat laughed and kissed my cheek playfully before grabbing Max and my hands and dragging us to the door. Inside we are greeted by a rabbitfolk boy with the same build as Max behind the reception counter.

"Hello! Welcome to Dr. Moreau's, how can I help- " he called out cheerfully but paused when he focused on Kat. "Oh you were the elf that was by earlier, welcome back, we were able to find an older book on dragons that my wife said might help her figure out what's going on, dragonspawn are still rare... so it's not much but it's a start" he looked at me with a kind smile "Sorry I'm being rude, I'm Vadil, I'm the receptionist and apothecary for my wife while she works as the doctor here"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Alex" I replied as I glanced around the room. It looked similar to Mrs. Wells’ office but I could certainly smell chemicals in the room, probably from the room labeled Apothecary behind him.

"I do have to warn you, the exam room has a zone of truth spell on it... any care we can provide is hindered when our patients are too prideful to tell the truth about what's wrong but Ressi will magically bind herself to only talk to you or whoever else you agree to know about what is said in there"

"Oh ok..." I glanced at Kat "Did they tell you about that when you came earlier?"

"No... this is news to me too..." my girlfriend responded before she paused and spaced out for a moment. "It'll be fine, I trust them" she smiled comfortingly at me.

"Fine, the Zone of Truth is fine with me..." I sigh.

"Ok!" The rabbit boy said happily then raised his voice towards the side of the reception area "Ressi! Your new patient is here!"

"Be right out" a gruff female voice responded from inside and a moment later the door opened and a large gnoll woman with an amazon build stepped out wearing a labcoat, towering over the rest of us. She took one sniff in the air and quickly focused on me with a toothy grin "Oh your girlfriend was right, you have it bad."

"P-please forgive her bedside manner..." the rabbit quickly said as I felt my cheeks get warm over the embarrassment of being reminded of how obvious my condition was.

"It's f-fine" I responded, trying to calm back down.

"See, its fine, honey, you don't have to fuss over my 'bedside manner' every time" the hyena lady laughed then smiled at me again. "Alright little dragonspawn, come back with me and we'll do a basic health exam, make sure you have nothing else going on before I prescribe anything.”

“They can come with… right?” 

“As long as you're fine with them hearing your answers to my questions.” 

“I have nothing to hide from them.” 

“If you say so~” she gave another toothy grin and Max tensed up next to me.

“What's wrong…?” I asked him softly and he shyly clung to me.

“I-it's nothing… l-let's just get this over with…” he answered. I glanced over at Kat but she only shrugged before leading the way to the door that the gnoll came out of. The doctor let the three of us enter the surprisingly spacious office-exam room and she directed me to the exam table. Max reluctantly switched to clinging to Kat, watching the gnoll warily, and she brought him over to some chairs at the side of the room.

“Just to confirm, your name and species" Ressi said as I hopped up on the table. Without thinking I answered:

"Alex Steele and dragon" I froze when my mouth refused to add 1/8th before dragon, the edges of the room lighting up with my magic detection.

“Dragon... not partial in any way?" She raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed and shook my head. She grabbed a nearby writing board  with paper on it and took a few notes as she continued to speak. “Did you know this?” she gave Kat a quick look.

“Wasn't my place to tell anyone else” my girlfriend replied with a shrug.

“Fortunately it does book I found a little more useful... even if the info is a century old. Still need some more info first. Age and sex?”

“... Twenty-five… and hermaphrodite?” I answered hesitantly and her ear twitched a bit.

“And this is your first heat?" She grabbed an old looking book from the desk behind her and flipped through it.

"Yeah... why?" 

"This book has info on 3 female dragons and the youngest age it has as the first heat is 50 and they all could not change form until after 100 if I'm remembering right...." she spoke as she looked through the book. "Hmm... so I also have to ask... Do you mind if I record what I learn from you to add to what info I can get from this book? I'll keep you anonymous and like my husband probably said to you, I'll magically bond myself to keep all info of this exam anonymous as well."

"What?" Kat asked "You're going to make her a case study or something?”

“In a sense, not planning to publish anything, another place to pull info from if another dragon or dragonspawn comes to my clinic. You'll be a special case compared to the others... the only hermaphrodite after all," she explained. 

“Agh.... fine as long as it's used to help people like me…" I sighed. She smiled again, her ears almost seeming to perk up.

"Thank you. That was my only intention. I'll get this over quick, check your vitals but I'll have to ask you to come back when we know your heat is over to get a baseline."she set the book down and moved closer with the writing board "First though, I am sure what is afflicting you but what symptoms have you been experiencing?"

"Um... it started with me feeling really warm after dinner... like I was burning up and I had to get out of my clothes ..."

"Any sweating, shivering, muscle aches?" I shook my head to answer.

"Honestly don't know if I can sweat”

"Do you still feel warm?"

"Kind of, not anywhere close to last night. T-these questions aren't helping…”

“Sorry, just one more. Assuming we're correct about your condition, did you get a male to help you deal with your urges?" She asked nonchalantly then a small smile went across her maw as she looked at Kat and Max. “Her scent is all over both of you.”

“Y-yep, both of them helped me” I said quickly, trying to save my boyfriend from the embarrassment as he made a point to look away from the gnoll. “b-but I can still feel the urges a bit…”

"They'll stay until your heat is over or you become pregnant or gravid, whichever happens when you're in this form. That's how it is for all of us beast races. I am honestly surprised your mother didn't explain any of this before sending you out into the world.”

“She was human before-” Max started to mumble but quickly covered his mouth as she looked between him and me.

“...you were human? That explains the young heat… if this is a curse you should visit the temple, they might be able to lift it.”

“N-not a curse… Technically a blessing, I guess?” I responded and she raised an eyebrow at me. 

“I see…”

“C-can we just move onto the vitals thing…?” she gave a slight shrug then moved to a set of shelves at the back of the room.

“Sorry…” Max mumbled. “Didn't mean to out you like that…”

“It's ok, pup” I gave the best comforting smile I could manage. “Probably is a good thing to bring up anyways…”

"Hold this with the bulb under your tongue for a bit" Dr. Moreau ordered suddenly, making my attention snap back to her to see that she was offering a glass thermometer. 

"Ok…" I did as she asked and watched as the fluid inside rose and passed the 100°F mark fairly quickly. A few seconds later the hyena lady took the thermometer from me and looked at it quickly.

"110.7..." she read aloud and wrote something down on her paper.

“That's why you feel hot all the time” Kat laughed softly.

“She’d be dead if she was nearly any other race but she's not acting feverish at all” the doctor mused. “Heart rate and breathing can wait, your heat would be affecting those. And speaking of, we can try an extract from a plant called chasteberry, it works for most mammal beastfolk… I'll need to take your weight first for Vadil and I can find the right dosage for you." She walked to a scale in the corner of the room. "Over here, and lose the boots and as much clothes you are comfortable with”

“Oh um ok..." I glanced at my partners and with a encouraging smile from Kat, I reluctantly stripped down to just underwear and handed the dress to her.

"Partially scaled in this form?”

“Technically it's 1/8th dragon like this… it's the lowest amount I can go to…” I explained as I walked over and got on the scale, instinctively crossing my arms over myself to try to cover my body a bit more as she took my weight silently.

"Do you plan on staying in this form for the near future? If not I'll need to take the weight of your true form too” she motioned towards a door at the side of the room separate from the one we came in from “There's a scale we use for our centaur patients back there that should be enough…”

“Um... would if I could... can't change to full dragon right now... closest I can get is half and that's kind of a recent thing… I-I only plan on staying in this form anyways… I'm scared of how people will react with that travel notice that went out.”

“Hmm, I forgot about that… that'll probably be the best for you but keep in mind what we give you will only be calculated for your current weight, it might not work as well if you make yourself bigger.”

“Shouldn't be a problem, we'll probably take it easy for awhile so she shouldn't have to change ” Kat said.

“That is a good idea. I would also like for you to come back in a week to check how chasteberry is working for you, if it isn't there's a couple other things we can try.”

“U-um would it help with the scent thing? On the way here and at our inn… beastmen were staring at me…” I asked and the gnoll seemed to think for a moment.

“It won't help your pheromones but you should be able to cover those yourself, wear flowers or find a errand that'll cover it for you… smith, tanner, alchemy, I'm sure Vadil would love help here if -”

“S-she did a lot of blacksmithing jobs back home, maybe we can find a place here” Max shyly interrupted.

“Shouldn't be hard to find one in a city” I agreed.

“There's one close to the docks, ran by a dwarf named Halsin, he makes the suture needles and braces I use here. He's always looking for more help if you're decent at  it” The doctor suggested as she walked to the door. “Go ahead and get dressed, I'll be back with your medicine and a basic binding contract for you to look over, see if you have any disagreements with it.”

“Ok…” I quickly returned to Kat's side to retrieve the dress as the gnoll slipped out of the room. “Hope it works…”

“As far as I can tell it will” my girlfriend assured me. “Mostly.”


“It'll be fine, cutie, I'll be there to help and I'm sure Maxie would love to help his girlfriends~”

“G-girlfriends…?” the mage yelped, finally letting go of her arm. She giggled and playfully kissed his cheek. 

“You have a problem with dating me too? Even after yesterday?”

“N-no, it's just…” he whined and squirmed. “Gods… two girlfriends…” I smiled a little over his adorableness. 

“Just be happy she was upfront with you instead of taking years like me” I joked softly, playfully sticking my tongue out at our girlfriend before slipping my outfit back on. “You've already been on one date with us, you still want to go to the market like we talked about after this for another…?”



“Sounds like a plan then~ take an easy week, go on plenty of dates~” Kat laughed before playfully hugging both of us.

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