Dragon Goddess’s chosen

3.The Mage

I spent the last week doing simple quests in Rookville and the closest neighboring one, mostly slaying simple monsters, slimes, giant bats, the occasional wolf or two that got too close to the village to earn my rent and food in Rookville. I seemed to be the only adventurer that stayed for a while in the area. Most of the others only stayed a day or so, did one quest, and moved on. On the same day as my first quests, Ida was able to get back to me on info about Kat, and I learned that she had been accepting and completing quests in a port town a quite a bit away northeast of Rookville. Apparently when you look someone up this way, the guild reports who asked for it to whoever you looked up and I found that out the next day when Ida told me that Kat looked me up as well. That gave me that extra bit of hope I needed, and I started saving up for a carriage to take me that way and for a couple of days of rent for when I got there. 

"Hey, Alex, sweetie," Ida called to me while I was eating dinner at one of the tables in the quiet guild hall.

"Yeah?" I responded as I put the piece of chicken I was about to bite back down on the tin plate. 

"I know that you said you were taking the day off and that you're mostly a solo..." I sensed a but coming, "but you know Max?" The name rang a bell around here, but I had to search my mind a bit to find where. Then the image of her came to mind: a slender half beastfolk girl I've seen around town mostly practicing cantrips. She had dog ears and tails from what I remembered, I couldn't tell how old she was though, I always thought she was about my age or a little younger.

"Um, think so, the half beastfolk mage?"

"Yep, that's 'em, just joined as an adventurer, but I'm worried about the quest that was grabbed, ya know, the wolf den one?"

"Yeah, I was waiting to grab someone interested in that one to take with me before I tried that... she have someone with her?"

"No, wouldn't listin' to me about trying to solo that..."

"Shit... as just a mage too...you want me to join her party?"

"If ya don't mind, 'e already left, though. I'll give you a copy of the map to the den, ya should be able to catch up."

I sigh and grab the leg of chicken. I was about to eat and stand up. "You mind if I leave the plate? Still hungry, but this sounds urgent..."

"That's fine. Here's the map, I don' mind cleaning up if you make sure Max stays safe."

"I'll try." I sigh and grab my pack, then the map before heading out at as brisk of a pace as I could while eating. I used inspect on the map to pull up my illusionary overlay on a whim, and to my satisfaction, It actually brought up the path on the road in front of me like I hoped it would. I folded the map up and put it away so I could focus on eating and walking, waving to the residents I've been helping all week when they greeted me on my way out.



It took almost fifteen minutes of walking before I reached the point that my path veered off the dirt road and went into the forest. I stopped there and looked around for any signs of anyone but couldn't tell right away, it was just woods to me. I sighed and brought up inspect again for a second glance. This time, my eyes were drawn to a sandleprint I originally missed a little ways off the road. The print was about the same size shoe as me, and that checked out, the half dog girl was about the same height as me, maybe a couple inches shorter. For further confirmation that it was the print of the girl I was there for, the next print had a circular mark off to the side about the same width across as the staff that I always saw her with.

"Ok, she came this way..." I sighed to myself then flinched when I heard a wolf howl. "Of course they're home... gotta hurry up..." I drew my sword and ventured into the forest following the trail of shoeprints the girl left behind. "Max! Where are you?" I called out to her and made no effort to be stealthy. There was no answer so I pressed ahead further into the woods and made sure to make plenty of noise as I walked so that I'd either get the wolves' attention on me or not spook the girl by accidentally sneaking up on her. Eventually, though, I started to hear a commotion up ahead, shouts that sounded like they were in latin, followed by a cacophony of glass shattering. As I approached, my mind finally deciphered what I was hearing:

"Glacies quassat!" The feminine voice shouted, and I heard shrapnel wizz by my head a split second later.

"Max! I got sent to help!" I yelled back as I took cover behind a tree. With my back to the tree, I saw that I was being stalked by a pair of large wolves that were creeping behind trees. "Shit."

"You are?! C-come here quick! I-I can't walk..." the voice called as the wolves approached me with their teeth bared. I took a deep breath and focused on building energy in my chest to use my lightning breath sooner as I watched them.

"How many wolves are there? I have two in front of me. " I slowly backed towards the voice as I called to her.

"I-I don't know... I got two with my magic so far..." I glanced back to watch where I was going, but my attention snapped back to in front of me when a sudden rustling rang out. My eyes focused in time to see one of the wolves lunging at me, mouth open and going for my left arm. Like the last time I was hurt, I felt a kindling of rage spark inside me when the wolf's teeth sank into my forearm.  

"Get off, mutt!" I roared and brought the pommel of my sword onto its head, the strike making it retreat with a yelp. I resumed backing up myself, ignoring the blood dripping from my arm. The two wolves stalked after me as I made my way backward slowly. Eventually my back hit a rock and I glanced over to see that I ran into the side of a stone formation that stacked up fairly high for the area, almost reminding me of a disney movie's lion den. I heard movement in front of me again, but this time, I was able to respond by sidestepping and bringing my blade down on top of the lunging wolf, leaving a gash down its side.

"O-over here!" The voice called out again, much closer this time off to the side of this structure. I took the opportunity of the wolf being injured to take off in that direction. I could hear both wolves give chase as I ran. They each tried to rush me, but I weaved through the trees as I ran, and I heard them back off several times before I finally halted in front of the entrance to den. I had no time to glance over the opening before I had to pivot around, holding my blade low behind me. I barely registered the wolf flying at me before I reacted with a quick upward slash up the animal's chest then downward chop into its neck with a proficiency I wouldn't have even dreamed of in my old life. I didn't have time to be proud of myself before I had to pommel-strike the other wolf before it bit my right arm while it was open. My sword was stuck, so I resorted to releasing the built-up energy in my chest into a bolt of lightning from my mouth nearly point blank with the stunned wolf, disintegrating it.

I should have been terrified fighting wolves like this... but it was exhilarating. This would have been a news story of a mauling with them coming at me like this in my old body.

"Gods... you're pretty..." a meek voice mumbled, ripping me from my thoughts. I looked over to the den again to see the dogfolk propped up on a rock inside with her staff under her arm and pointed in the general direction of the opening similar to a rifle. I was simultaneously flattered and embarrassed at the comment, but I pushed that aside and tried to smile comfortingly at her.

"Max, right?" I asked asked as I wiped my brow with my uninjured arm, only to discover my attack caused the wolf to splatter me with its blood. She nodded a bit. "My name's Alex... um, mind not aiming that at me?"

"Y-yeah, sorry... " she shyly raised the staff end away from me. "N-nice to meet you..."

"Same to you, Any problem with me getting closer? You said you couldn't walk." She shook her head, and I retrieved my sword and walked over, stepping over a shredded wolf with ice crystals still in it and kneeling down next to her. I set my sword down next to me and checked her over for injuries. She was fairly scratched up for the most part, and it did not take long to find the tear in her robes and nasty and still bleeding bite wound on her right calf. "You have any bandages? Clean cloth?"

"Bag..." she answered, and I looked around, quickly finding it nearby.

"May I? Or do you want to grab it?"

"I-I can do it, bring it here..." I handed her the bag to within her reach, glancing at the den entrance to watch out for more wolves. She retrieved a rolled set of bandages and gently grabbed my hand, bringing my attention back to her. "You're bleeding too.."

"You're worse off than me. "

"I-its the least I can do... you're saving me... let me take care of this..." her little fox-like ears folded back cutely against her head and hiding in her sandy blond hair as she gave me a pleading but adorably determined look.

"Fine, we need to make it quick, though." she perked back up a little and immediately went about bandaging my arm, making me whince a bit at the pressure on the wounds. We both froze when a loud howl rang out outside. "Shit. Stay here, I'll be right back, just be ready for anything to come this way."

"O-ok," she responded shakily as I got up and grabbed my sword. I then trekked up to the entrance and scanned the surroundings but saw nothing. I took a breath to ready myself and took a step out to try to see further out to the sides. "What do you see?"

"Nothing... It's weird... sounded so close..." I froze when I saw the shadow on the ground in front of me, casted down from the structure of the den. On top of the den's silhouette was that of a rather large wolf's with a horn on its head. I gripped my sword tighter and whipped around to face it, just in time for it to leap at me and slam horn first into my left shoulder. I was knocked back with the monster on top of me, my anger flaring further with the pain of my pierced shoulder. It pulled its horn out of me and snarled point blank with my face, its breath smelling of rotten meat and ozone, before rearing up and trying to lobotomise me with that same horn. In the moment it was coming down at me, my body acted on its own, and I struck its face with as much strength I could with my fist. The horn still sliced across my cheek as my fist re-directed it, but that was a better alternative than my eye, and was buried in the dirt next to my face.

"A-alex!" Max called out as I scrambled out from under the wolf and turned to face it again, having to wield my sword only in my right hand now. Unfortunately, the animal quickly freed itself and turned towards me. It gave a low growl and lowered its head as it started to circle around.

"Inspect," I mumbled under my breath as I kept my guard up the best I could, and the popup immediately appeared.


???? Wolf

C rank animal







Lightning ????



"Shit. That wasn't helpful. Max! What is this thing?!" I yelled back to the dogfolk.

"Think it's a tempest wolf?!" As she answered me, I saw sparks start going off around the tip of the wolf's horn. 

"Shit." I muttered before a bolt of lightning arched from the horn and struck me in the stomach, sending me flying backward into a tree. The wind was knocked out of me, and a popup appeared in front of me as I was on my hands and knees trying to catch my breath.


Lightning resistance reduced damage sustained.

Fire resistance prevented burning condition.

"Thanks... definitely important to know right now, " I grumbled and braced myself on my sword to stand again. I had no time to react before I felt a set of jaws painfully clamp down on my right calf, and I was yanked off my feet. When I looked down, I saw the large wolf tugging on my leg like a dog with a rope toy, the flame of rage further fanned at the sight. Suddenly, another popup appeared in front of me.



Damage and Emotional Theshold Exceded, Rage conditions met, Activating skill .


Multiple other abilities acquired in the current state.


Self-immolation immunity acquired 

Self-electrification immunity acquired


I didn't have time to think about these updates as I saw red and my clothes quickly grew tight. The shirts basically became croptops for me, even the chainshirt vest's links strained before finally breaking , and I heard seams popping on my pants. Unfortunately, my shoes were burst apart from my feet inside shifting to reptilian and digitigrade, almost like a jurassic park raptor's. The wolf yelped in surprise from one of my new talons grazing by its eye and quickly dropped me, retreating from me.

With a growl, I shakily got to my feet, unused to the new stance, but that was helped by the weight of my new tail and wings counterbalancing me. I then reached down for my sword but paused when I saw that my hands were completely scaled now, fingers ending in claws. I was quickly re-focused by a bark-growl in front of me, and my anger returned when I looked at the wolf. I roared back at it, forgetting about my sword for the moment, and lunged at it. The wolf barked again and jumped back as It loosed another lightning bolt that sent me flying back against the tree again. I quickly recovered this time and automatically wiped something I felt dripping from my mouth as I dismissed the lightning resistance notification, assuming that it was blood or spit but I quickly saw that it was some sort of flaming liquid that stuck to my hand.

'That's what the self immolation was about.' I mused to myself as I focused on the wolf in front of me. It seemed much smaller than before but still just as threatening with how much that lightning hurt. 'Still prey, need an opening.' My tail flicked with irritation as I tried to circle around to get in between it and the den.

"A-alex?!" Max yelped in surprise as something whistled past my shoulder. 

"Bloodrager," I responded flatly, not taking my eyes off the stalking wolf as I felt more napalm like spit drip from my mouth. I growled impatiently at the animal and took a step towards it. Immediately, I noticed energy gathering at the tip of its horn, and I took the initiative to rush at it. It was able to get the lightning bolt off just before I reached it, but it wasn't helpful for the animal. Lightning at point blank range hurt a lot, but I dug my claws into the dirt enough that I was only slowed slightly before I shoulder checked it to the ground. Cursing that I left my sword behind, I dug my nails into its side and positioned myself above it as I felt more of the flaming liquid drip from my mouth. I let my instincts guide me into breathing fire for the first time to finish it off as I kept it pinned.

It started as a stream of napalm, and then as I adjusted, it transformed into a torrent of pure flames. The wolf howled in pain for a brief moment, and another bolt of lightning went off into woods as I held the flame. I gradually felt the physical drain on myself and eventually had to cut off the flames, revealing the charred skull. Another popup blocked my view of the animal in front of me.


Tempest Wolf Registered 

Lightning strike ability revealed


Personal stat increase

Durability increased by 4

Strength increased by 2

Arcane increased by 3


I let out a relieved breath now that it was over and wrenched the horn free from the skull, assuming that it could have a use, before retrieving my sword and going back to the den to get to Max again. There was regret at the back of my mind that I had to use a 'slower' death like fire, but I couldn't let it get the opportunity to hurt Max or myself more.

"A-alex? You ok?" She asked, sounding a bit hesitant as I approached. I nodded and kneeled down next to her, checking her over again. She was definitely more shaken than before but physically still the same condition albiet she looked a lot smaller now, about two feet shorter than me.

"I'm just going to carry you out. Don't know if there's more. Need to get you out."


"I'm gonna pick you up." I replied simply "easiest solution, and you can't be that heavy of a girl..." she blushed, and her ears folded back as she was about to protest. I sighed and just scooped her up bridal style, she'd just be mad at me later, rather her safe and mad then more hurt if I missed a wolf. She yelped and squirmed at first then gave up with a really deep blush across her face. 

"H-hey!" She whined softly and averted her gaze from my face, mumbling something softly under her breath. 

"What? It's the safest I could think of... need to leave. Thought it would be fine, both girls so -" I hated saying that but if it would calm her I was going to try it but she interrupted me.

"N-no!... not a girl... " I was suddenly very aware of my instincts telling me that Max's scent was very much not female and actually was male. I froze there a bit stunned. A lot of things were running through my head, 

'Wait... she's a guy? Why does he still seem cute to me??? Has to be this new body... right? No... feelings for Kat's still there... um then again... he looks girly enough that I thought he was...' My tail flicked a bit in my inner conflict and I shook my head to clear it. "Ok, not a girl sorry... couldn't smell that you were a guy before... and your robes don't show much of your figure..." 

"Not like that would help," he mumbled softly, dead set on looking away from me with that deep blush still across his face.

"U-um do you want me to put you down...?"

"It's fine... l-lets just get out of here... " 

"Alright then," I sighed and kept walking, keeping an ear out for more wolves. It was a stressful but uneventful walk out. My physical energy seemed like it was draining faster than it should, however, and had to lean against a tree right on the edge of the road. As I did so, a popup appeared in front of me.


Stamina Drained, use mana to sustain rage? 


I dismissed it and immediately a wave of fatigue went over me and I could feel the pain of my injuries again. I let myself slide down to the base of the tree, and Max seemed to grow in my arms to where we were about the same size again.

"Ow," I panted softly, leaning against the tree more, and Max finally looked back up at me again.

"Y-you ok?" He practically yipped and I cursed his cutenes.

"Just need to catch my breath... rage wore off I guess... lemme just get a moment and we can get ourselves patched up. At least our legs... unless you want me to keep carryin' you, " I laugh softly, trying to lighten the mood. He froze and looked away, almost like he was contemplating letting me carry him. 

"Y-yeah... that's a good idea..." he mumbled. I laughed again and gently moved him off and set him down next to me. 

"Where's the gauze... I'll get you wrapped up first... you know anyone in town that can treat us?" He handed me the bandaging from his bag again, looking shy now.

"My mom probably... she works with the alchemist... she's given me stitches before." He sighed 

"You sound like you don't want to go to her," I observed as I started bandaging his leg.

"It was my first quest..." he mumbled and flinched as I continued bandaging the bite wound on his leg.

"Couldn't do a herb collecting one like I did? Or killing slimes?" I joked softly. He shyly looked away from me.

"Wanted to prove I could handle it..." 

"Definitely held your own for a bit in there, got the same amount as me if we don't count that last one." I secured his bandage and smiled up at him comfortingly. A blush spread across his face again but I just put it to embarrassment more than anything. He shyly took the bandages from me then started wrapping up my injured leg as well. I sighed and I leaned back to not get in the way and just watch him. He was definitely better at this than I was but I wasn't surprised, I barely got any basic first aid knowledge before I died and if his mom was medically trained he probably picked things up from her.

"Thanks..." he mumbled, cutely focused on bandaging me.

The two of us hobbled up to a cottage on the edge of Rookville after a half hour of leaning on each other just to walk back to town with minimal pain. Max led us up to the door and unlocked it before leading me inside to a dining/ living area with a door to the left and some stairs leading up in the back.

"Mom? You home? I.... I need your help, " he called out 

"What is it, honey?" A melodic voice replied before the furred face and muzzle of a black, brown and white dogfolk popped out from the door. Her face reminded me of an Akita dog's but definitely more expressive than a normal dog and was framed by braided, human-like hair longer than her fur but the same color, and she registered as pretty in my mind for some reason. I had looked at furry art before but it was different seeing an actual 6ft tall anthropromorphic dog in front of me. Her ears went to full attention and her brow furrowed when she saw our condition.

"Gods... Maximillian Tytus, what happened?!"

"Wolves, um Mrs..." I answered as she rushed to Max.

"Wells." She replied flatly, looking over all the scratches on her son frantically. She eventually focused on the bloody bandages on his leg. "You walked here on this? Did you clean it first?"

"I would've carried him if I could " my hand reflexively scratched the back of my head in my nervousness, it felt like we were about to be chastised "and were in a bit of a rush in case there was more wolves..." she finally took a look at me and her eyes scanned me up and down.

"You're hurt too." She observed, then looked between her son and myself, seeming conflicted. 

"I'm fine with waiting a bit... take care of him first... I'll just go sit down if you don't mind..."

"You're worse off than him... but thank you... you can have a seat in one of the dining chairs. " she sighed and gave her son a look."You too. chair. Now."

"Ok..." Max's ears folded back as he responded. Even I flinched a bit at the mom voice as I took one of the nearby seats and stretched out my injured leg as I watched him sit nearby. Mrs. Wells stood and went back to the room she came from, disapearing for a couple minutes. When she came back she was holding a bottle of clear liquid, fresh bandaging rolls and what looked like a sewing kit.

"Honestly, honey... first time you bring a girl back home and its like this?" She chastised him as she set everything at the table. I felt myself get flustered at this, specifically the girl comment, and tried not to let it show.

"Mom." The half dogfolk whined softly with his ears folding back more. 

"J-just an unofficial party member, Mrs. Wells..." I laughed softly.

"And she's polite too." She sighed and worked on removing the bandages I put on him. "Sorry if I'm being rude...? "

"Alex..." I offered since she seemed to be asking for my name. "And it's fine, I understand... my mom would be this worried about me too if I came back like this..."

"Alex..." she seemed to be testing my name for herself. She then seemed to finally process what I called myself. "Unofficial party member... Maximillian... did you go after that wolf quest by yourself?!" He seemed to shrink in his seat. "And this poor girl got herself hurt trying to help you? Didn't everyone tell you to at least find a second member?"

"I-I tried, but everyone I asked said no..." he responded and his mother looked back at me.

"Think I've seen you in town before... did he ask you?"

"No, but I didn't see him at the guild hall when I came down from my room, he was probably already gone by then" I answered, flinching with Max as I watched her disinfect his leg by dousing a cloth with the liquid in the bottle, that smelled heavily like alcohol, and putting it directly on the wound. I continued to watch as she redressed the wound afterwards.

"Max... you're a mage... you aren't like your father, you don't have to fight like him.." The dog lady sighed and he looked away from her shyly. The room went silent as she finished bandaging him and she eventually got up and moved to me, checking me over again. "Ok, Max, if you aren't that close to Alex, you need to give her some privacy so I can treat her." I gave her a confused look as Max obediently got up and went to the stairs. "And clean up those scratches with a cloth while you're up there!"

"Ok..." he responded as he disappeared upstairs.

"Sorry my son gave you so much trouble," she sighed, gently cupping my head and turning it to examine my the cut on my cheek I forgot about.

"It's fine... I was looking at doing that quest myself... just not great at making friends and getting to party up with someone for it..." I replied. She grabbed a new cloth and doused it with the alcohol before dabbing at my cut gently. It still stung as much as I expected despite her gentleness. She eventually moved down to my shoulder and frowned when she examined it further.

"Even still... you got fairly hurt helping him..." she unwrapped the bandages around my chest and shoulder to look at my injury further. "Good, he remembered to pack it... sorry though, sweetie, shirts are going to have to come off like I thought...stay here I'll go get some fabric scissors, I'll just give you one of my old shirts when we're done" she got up and walked to the living area.

"Ok..." I sighed, resigning myself to this fate. She quickly returned with a pair of scissors with angled blades. She kneeled in front of me and brought the blades to the bottom of my shirts before cutting through to them to the top with ease. I was disappointed to lose most of my starting equipment that day but thankful I didn't have to remove them myself with how much it burned to move my left arm at that point. The dog woman paused for a moment when she saw the scales on my upper arm and side when I was left only in the primitive bra on my torso. I was thankful that was elastic enough to survive my rage transformation.

"Thought you didn't smell completely human, part lizardfolk...?"

"1/8th dragon..."

"Ah... ok, " she quickly resumed what she was doing, dousing yet another cloth with alcohol before disinfecting the area. The burning pain that shot out forced me to grip the chair I was on, hard, "what caused this one? Wolves don't make this kind of injury"

"One I killed had a horn, and shot lightning at me" 

"A tempest..." she mumbled to herself."You're lucky it looks like it's only an inch deep if I were to guess and Max packed it well..."

"Guess you taught him well," I joke softly and she smiled a bit.

"You're a tough girl, this beat up and still in a good mood. "She mused a bit as she went about bandaging my shoulder. "Fit too, what class did you pick for yourself, rogue, fighter...?"

"Bloodrager," I answered simply, wondering where she's going with the praise. She gave me a curious look.

"You're very polite for someone who would pick a barbarian class..." she shrugged. "How old are you...?"

"25...?" I gave her a confused look.

"Hmm little older than him..." she mumbled, mostly to herself. I kept watching her curiously, still wondering where she's going with this. "Little late for starting out... what brings you to our town? I'd recognize if you grew up here..."

"Just got away from home," I half-lie "just getting some work to pay my way to Rookport to find a friend I heard was out that way..."

"Ah ok," she continued treating my injuries, eventually making her way to clean the bites and fix the bandaging on my arm and leg. "I'll have to ask you to swing by tomorrow and we'll swap out all of this for fresh bandaging, if you don't mind, and try to keep strain to a minimum... do you have a place to stay while you rest? Getting work will make it difficult if you're follow my directions if you're renting."

"I have enough for awhile, it'll set me back but I'll survive..."

"You can stay here for a while if you want."

"You don't have to do that... you're already fixing me up. "I nervously scratched the back of my head again. 

"And you brought my son home from a quest that could've killed him." She said flatly, crossing her arms. "I still owe you... and letting you stay in a guest bed is the least I can do. "

"I'll have to think about it, I still have stuff back in my room at the inn anyways... thank you for the offer." She smiled a bit and stood up.

"I'll go grab that shirt for you. You're more than welcome to stick around for lunch you know," she said as she walked to the stairs.

"Honestly I'll probably head back to the guild after this... probably nap for a few hours "

"I do not blame you, I'll be right back" she laughed softly and went upstairs for a few minutes before coming back with a red flannel shirt "It may be a bit long on you but it'll cover you up just fine and should be easy for you to put on."

"Thanks." I happily accepted it when she handed it over and I immediately put it on with little pain in my shoulder. "I should probably get going... I'm exhausted... you can tell Max he can come find me if he wants to do something stupid like that again, I don't mind helping out, just give me some time after this one" I joke softly as I stand up. She smiled a bit and helped me up.

"I'll pass that along, or you can tell him yourself when I send him to get you tomorrow to get all these changed." She laughs. "You think you can make it to the guild on your own?"

"I think I can manage, made it here just fine..." she smiled more and gently led me to the door.

"If you say so, please take care, Alex"

"I'll try" I replied before trying to hobble off back to the guild for a nice, well deserved nap after this eventful morning.

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