Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 90: The brief cohabitation life with Furong

Facts have proved that Mrs. Delacour's worries were correct. In the next few days, two Aurors raided the Delacour home almost all the time. Fortunately, Fleur had been hiding in the bag space and was not attacked. They caught it.

While waiting for a reply from Professor Dumbledore and Madam Maxime, Dudley and Fleur began a dreamy cohabitation life.Living with a beauty of Fleur's level, rather than being happy, made Dudley feel very constrained and needed to be alert all the time to avoid making a fool of himself.

But it seemed that Dudley was the only one who felt embarrassed. Fleur seemed much more casual. It seemed that to her, Dudley was just a little brother who was three years younger and had no other ideas.

Dudley was also surprised. Logically speaking, he was almost 30 years old in his previous life, so why was it so difficult to control himself after seeing Fleur.

"Maybe it's because Fleur's Veela bloodline, which is also a non-human creature, has a special attraction for you, who has dragon bloodline." When Dudley asked Newt, Newt analyzed it this way.

"Besides, your body is like that of a child who is about to enter puberty. No matter how mature your mind is, your body's instinct can't do anything about it." Newt showed a meaningful smile, "But I don't worry, you won't do anything bad. "

"I can do bad things, but I have to find a way." Dudley said distressedly, "To be honest, if this continues, I will definitely not get enough sleep."

"You can go chat with Fleur more to enhance our relationship." Newt suggested, "Maybe it's just the distance that brings beauty. If you and Fleur get to know each other well and become friends, maybe you won't have so many weird ideas. ”

Newt's suggestion seemed to be really effective. Dudley took the initiative to talk to Fleur and tried to get closer to each other.

Fleur was worried about being expelled from school and felt very depressed, so she was happy to chat with Dudley to divert her attention.

Fleur was very interested in Dudley's experience at Hogwarts, so Dudley told Fleur his experiences since enrolling as a story.

"So you were misunderstood before as the murderer who stole the Philosopher's Stone and almost dropped out of school because of it?" Fleur felt the same for Dudley's experience in being imprisoned and said quietly: "I know this feeling, being forcibly accused of unfounded charges. But it’s so uncomfortable to have no excuses.”

"Yes, thanks to my friends who always believed in me and helped me get through the most difficult time." The figures of the Harry trio and Pansy appeared in Dudley's mind, although it had only been a while. See you there, but he started to miss his Hogwarts friends.

"I really envy you for being able to form such a deep friendship at school." Fleur looked at Dudley with a longing look on her face, "I couldn't do this at Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"I thought Fleur would be very popular in school, after all, with your beauty," Dudley noticed the pride flashing in Fleur's eyes when she heard the compliments on her appearance, "and Ms. Maxim's respect for you. If you take it seriously, it should also attract much attention in the school.”

"Dudley, if you are a girl, you will understand that outstanding appearance and special treatment will not help you gain the friendship of other girls." Fleur's helplessness could be felt in her tone.

"Most of the students at Beauxbatons are girls, so whatever you praise me for will only make me more jealous and doubtful - but thank you for the compliment, Dudley."

"I would never have been troubled by this kind of thing before. After all, Ms. Maxim taught me that excellent people are always hated by others. Keep yourself elegant and noble, and all the boos and doubts will only become decorations." My medal.”

When Furong said this, she raised her head high, like a beautiful and proud white swan.Dudley almost fell into a trance again when he looked at Fleur who was so confident and elegant.

"But I'm afraid that when the news of me becoming a wanted criminal reaches the ears of my classmates, it will become a joke to them." Fleur sighed, her momentum dropped sharply, "I guess they will laugh at Maxim after they find out. The student that Madam cares most about has ended up like this - I hope this matter will not implicate the principal's reputation."

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting heavier, Dudley quickly changed the subject and talked about the faculty members with different personalities at Hogwarts and interesting stories about them. Fleur gradually became cheerful.

"You said Dumbledore hired a half-giant, your friend Hagrid, to be the key keeper and hunting ground warden?" Fleur blinked her bright eyes mischievously and joked, "Then if I am really fired by Beauxbatons Besides, you can try submitting your resume to Professor Dumbledore...after all, the half-Veela might also be able to be Hagrid's assistant."

Dudley imagined Fleur wearing the same outfit as Hagrid, watering the pumpkin patch that was taller than a person, and couldn't help laughing out loud: "This may not be bad. Norberta often complained that Hagrid was too busy when bathing her. That’s rude, Norberta likes you quite a bit, you might be able to become the specialist to take care of Norberta.”

"Hmm, then I will first accumulate a few years of experience in taking care of animals at Hogwarts, and then I can see if Mr. Scamander needs someone to take care of magical animals. From the looks of it, it doesn't matter even if he is expelled from school. It's no big deal." Fleur had an open-minded smile that showed joy in suffering, but Dudley could still feel the sadness behind her sweet smile.

In this way, while waiting for Dumbledore and Madam Maxime's reply for nearly a week, the distance between Dudley and Fleur quickly narrowed, and the two soon became good friends who talked about everything.

And as Newt said, as the relationship with Fleur became closer, Fleur's beauty had a much smaller impact on Dudley.

Although occasionally Fleur's cute little moves would still make Dudley lose his mind for a moment, but at least Dudley wouldn't get distracted by some brief contact.

Several days had passed since Fleur and Newt's letters were sent, and during these days, Newt had not been idle, hiding his identity and going to Selemuni to investigate the situation.

According to the results of Newt's investigation, although the Ministry of Magic has sent people to erase Muggles' memories of Dudley and Fleur flying on a dragon.However, the actions of the witch-hunting organization are still intensifying, and they are gradually developing in the direction of a cult - there are even outrageous rumors that the top leaders of the organization can steal the power of witches and become immortal.

And there is another one that I don’t know whether it is bad news or good news.The number of victims of disappearances continues to increase. This time, a writer of suspense novels came here to collect materials. As a result, he disappeared immediately the next day after going up the mountain - but this also shows that Nagini is still continuing to act here, and He didn't run away to another place just because he saw Dudley.

Just when Dudley was worried that the letter might be intercepted on the way, he was considering whether to let Newt go back to England in person.Finally, an owl delivered the long-awaited reply from Professor Dumbledore and Madam Maxime.

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