Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 92: The target is the headquarters of the French Ministry of Magic

Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, a famous writer, adventurer (self-proclaimed), Defense Against the Dark Arts expert (self-proclaimed), and magical beasts expert (self-proclaimed) in the wizarding world - of course, he is also an extreme A vain liar.

But Dudley knew he was a liar because of the plot he knew in advance in the original work.And obviously, his deception has not been exposed in this world, so much so that even Mr. Delacour has been deceived by him.

"So Lockhart cooperated with Auror Abel and Bernard from the French Ministry of Magic, deliberately pretending to be the reinforcements sent by Dumbledore in advance, and forcibly abducted Gabrielle." Dudley frowned, in the living room Pacing back and forth.

"But it's unreasonable. It's Fleur they want. Why would they attack Gabrielle - she's just a child!"

"In fact, that bastard Lockhart really wanted to see Fleur at first." Mr. Delacour's usually gentle and steady handsome face was now full of anger and regret.

"It was because Mr. Lupin's arrival revealed his trick that he chose Gabrielle, who was closest to him, to take action...Gabriel even planned to ask him for an autograph at that time! This despicable and shameless bastard !”

Fleur couldn't stand for a moment, and slumped down on the chair next to the dining table, her face turned pale, and she looked even more shocked than when she knew she was wanted.

"So...Gabriel was taken away by them on my behalf." Fleur said with determination, "I...I want to go to Paris! I will surrender to the French Ministry of Magic and bring Gabriel Change it back!"

"Calm down, Fleur!" Mrs. Delacour sternly stopped her daughter. Although her eyes were a little moist, she still tried her best to control her emotions. "In the past, you were just seeking skin from a tiger, but it made things worse. worse!"

"I should have been here earlier... It's a pity that my identity took me a long time to pass the immigration review." Lu Ping also looked very annoyed.

Dudley knew that the reason why Lupine was held up at customs must be because of his werewolf status.Of course, it may be because he is a werewolf that Dumbledore sent him to assist. After all, as a werewolf, Lupine can enter the ruins as a fighting force.

"In any case, they forcibly abducted Gabrielle the day before Professor Dumbledore and Ms. Maxim arrived. They must have planned to settle the case before us." Newt said solemnly, "Although I don't know what they wanted to do. What are you going to do with Gabrielle, but I'm afraid her situation is very dangerous now - Dudley, what are you going to do?"

Dudley pondered for a moment and quickly made a decision: "We should go to the French Ministry of Magic headquarters in Paris immediately... But instead of asking Fleur to surrender, we will sneak in and rescue Gabrielle by force. !”

Everyone in the living room except Newt looked a little surprised when they heard Dudley's plan.

But Newt looked like he had known this for a long time and nodded: "I understand. I will send a letter to Dumbledore explaining the situation later, and then we can set off after everything is packed."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Scamander." Mr. Delacour said with an incredulous expression, "Although I appreciate you thinking about Gabrielle, is it really possible to sneak into the headquarters of the French Ministry of Magic?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Delacour." Newt showed a confident smile, "I won't talk about other things, but I have experience in sneaking into the headquarters of the French Ministry of Magic in Paris."

Fleur immediately stood up and wiped away the tears on her pretty face: "I'm going too! Gabrielle is my sister, I can't just watch you two take risks for her!"

Lu Ping also stood up: "Then I also..."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Lupin, you can't go." Dudley stopped Lupin, "Even if there are some changes now, Mr. Lupin still gives priority to the initial task, to keep an eye on the ruins and not to let Nagy Ni escaped."

"For Fleur, take good care of Mrs. Delacour with your father—"

"No, it's enough for my husband to take care of me. Fleur should go with you." Unexpectedly, Mrs. Delacour did not stop Fleur this time. "I just don't allow Fleur to do stupid things like meaningless sacrifices." , but if it is a necessary risk, everyone should play a part."

Mrs. Delacour looked at Fleur and said seriously and seriously: "Gabriel will be left to you. You must follow Mr. Scamander's command and don't be impulsive. Do you understand?"

Fleur nodded firmly, and Lady Delacour lovingly gave Fleur a gentle hug.

The division of labor for all personnel was arranged properly. Dudley and Fleur immediately went to dress up and set off immediately after waiting for Newt to write an urgent letter to Dumbledore.

Mrs. Delacour also marked the address of the Dragon Cult ruins on Mount Lambert on the map and gave it to Lupin.

After Lupine carefully folded the map and put it away, he came to Dudley before going out.

"I heard Professor Dumbledore say that you proved Sirius' innocence... We have wrongly blamed him for so many years." Mr. Lupin held Dudley's hand tightly, "Unfortunately, it is a critical moment now. When the matter is over, I will express my gratitude properly."

Watching Lupine leave, Dudley thought of Sirius Black. Since Dumbledore had Peter Pettigrew's body as evidence, Sirius might be released soon.

"Okay, without further ado, let's get going." Newt tied the letter to the owl's feet, then picked up the suitcase and hurriedly left Delacour's house, with Dudley and Fleur following closely behind.

It was just as night fell, and under the night sky, Dudley and Fleur breathed in the fresh air that they had not been exposed to for a long time, and their tense heartstrings because of Gabrielle's capture also relaxed a little.

"After I leave the Delacour home later, I will use Apparition to go to Paris." Newt put the suitcase on the ground and opened it. "You can just stay in the suitcase. Fortunately, you don't have to experience being raped." With the feeling of apparating...trust me, it's not pleasant for beginners."

"But Mr. Scamander, Fleur should still be wanted. Will it be a problem for her to enter the headquarters of the French Ministry of Magic with me?" Dudley looked at Fleur next to him and asked with some worry.

"Look at my memory. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to explain the plan to you." Newt took out two small bottles from his arms with his right hand. They seemed to contain strange liquids, which were slowly bubbling out like thick mud. with bubbles.

Then, Newt took out a small notebook from his pocket. After opening it, Dudley found two locks of hair of slightly different colors sandwiched in the notebook.

"When I first met those two Aurors, I roughly expected that this might happen." Newt said proudly, "Don't worry, the French Ministry of Magic cannot detect the presence of Polyjuice Potion. The wanted criminal...provided that the effect of the decoction is not released midway - I think the decoction prepared by Professor Snape is much more reliable than the one I made back then."

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