Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 95: When the chain of tragedy and hatred begins

"Calm down, Fleur. He may be lying. Ask him clearly before speaking." Dudley advised Fleur not to be impulsive. "And this boy's words are not trustworthy. Don't forget that he was arrested for attacking a Muggle. Very soon. Maybe he was ordered by Nagini!"

"Nagini? The witch who gave power to those Muggles who were inferior to beasts?" Hearing Nagini's name, the boy looked very excited, "Bah! How could I be her subordinate? I can't wait to kill her. , she is the culprit of everything!"

Dudley's heart trembled when he heard the boy's words.He realized that he might have gotten things wrong at the root.

"Tell me everything clearly!" Dudley approached the boy and said solemnly, "What do you know about Nagini? Why did you attack Muggles? Tell me clearly from the beginning!"

"Dudley, we need to ask where Gabrielle is going first!" Fleur said anxiously, "She may be in a very dangerous situation now!"

"Calm down, Miss Fleur." Newt put a hand on Fleur's shoulder, who was disguised as Bernard. "I agree with Dudley's approach. If you don't understand the situation and act haphazardly, it may be dangerous."

"You don't seem to be with that witch Nagini and those beastly Muggles." The boy looked at Dudley and Fleur back and forth, and then said slowly: "Then it doesn't matter what I tell you... .The more people who are hostile to those bastards, the better!”

"My name is Sims. I have lived in a small town near Selemuni since I was a child. I am a second-year student at Durmstrang College. My parents are both wizards, but they died very young. I'm staying at my Muggle uncle's house far away."

"You will never imagine how ignorant and stupid Muggles my uncle and aunt are! Their resistance and slander against magic made me begin to understand Lord Grindelwald's words. He said that Muggles should be born -"

"Speak to the important point, don't talk nonsense!" Dudley stared at Seamus closely. His experience was very similar to Harry's, but now was not the time to sympathize with him.

Seams glanced at Dudley dissatisfied, and then continued: "There are still exceptions among Muggles, and that is my uncle and aunt's daughter, my cousin Diana... Although she is a Muggle, But she was very interested in me as a wizard and even praised my magic. She was the only reason I could bear to stay in that home."

"But more than a month ago, when I came back from Durmstrang for vacation, I felt something was wrong with the atmosphere." Himes's face darkened, "I heard that there was a case of Muggle disappearances near Mont Blanc. It seemed that a local witch-hating group had arisen as a result, and there was no doubt that my uncle and aunt became members of that group."

"I didn't take it seriously at first. After all, it took more than a day or two for them to kick me out of the house. If it doesn't work, I will apply to Principal Karkaroff to return to school early. And I'm also worried about Diana. After all, there were unexplained Muggle disappearances nearby, and I wanted to stay by Diana's side to protect her as much as possible.

But Deanna was also very worried about me, so she often secretly followed her parents to meetings of that wizard-hating organization for my sake to help me find out what was going on.

According to her, there is a so-called prophet behind this organization-Ms. Nagini. She helped the organization set up many radical and dangerous platforms and was very inflammatory.

But one night, something happened - that night, my uncle and aunt went to attend the rally of that organization again.I went to bed early, but not long after I fell asleep, Deanna shook me awake.

She told me very nervously that she secretly followed her parents to the organization's meeting place and overheard her parents exposing my identity as a wizard to the organization. The organization planned to capture me and sacrifice me to their facilitators. A mysterious woman named Miss Nagini - and from what they said, it seemed that she planned to eat me as food.

At first I thought Diana had heard it wrong. After all, cannibalism is too shocking.But at Deanna's urgent request, I decided to be on the safe side and leave for a few days to see what was going on.

She was really too smart. I found out later that in order to give me enough time to escape, Deanna hid in my bed and pretended to be me to buy time - I was such a coward and idiot. I actually missed my uncle at that time. If her aunt loves Diana so much, then Diana must be fine.If I had been tougher and taken Diana away with me..."

Recalling this, an expression of regret and pain appeared on Sims's face. After taking a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, he continued slowly.

"I escaped to a hotel in Selemuni for a night, and then the next morning, worried about Diana's situation, I sneaked back to my uncle's house. But my uncle's house was quiet, and there was no one there. There was a lot of movement. I waited until late afternoon before I saw my uncle and aunt come back...but not Diana.

I immediately felt something was wrong and immediately came out to ask them where Diana was.When they saw me, they looked like they'd seen a ghost, screaming that I shouldn't have been sacrificed to become a force for the organization.Then, as if they realized something, they started to vomit while holding their throats.

I almost lost my temper, but the last glimmer of hope that Deanna might still be alive kept me going.I used the Imperius Curse on both of them - this was the first time I used the Unforgivable Curse on Muggles, but the effect was unexpectedly successful. As expected, it was the same as Principal Karkaroff said. The secret is to be ruthless. Come......

Then I ordered these two guys to take me to where Deanna was. Following this crazy couple, I came to a newly renovated mountaineering supplies store in the next village.This store had just been renovated and expanded its business scale, but it was not officially opened due to the disappearance of the climbers.

When I entered the store, I felt a disgusting smell of blood... Then, I saw a scene that I will never forget - a group of people eating large pieces of raw meat like wild beasts, and The raw meat looks obviously different from the meat of any animal I know..."

Himes raised his head and looked at the three Dudleys, with pain, sadness and anger mixed in his eyes: "Guess, what kind of meat is this...or whose meat is it?"

Hearing this, Dudley felt a chill run down his spine, and his stomach was in a state of turmoil. He felt even worse than when he drank the polyjuice potion.Fleur beside her swayed and seemed to be a little unsteady. Fortunately, she had now transformed into Bernard's huge and stable right triangle body, otherwise she might have fallen down.

"Yes, you should have guessed it - I tortured my uncle, and he told me that last night they planned to sacrifice me, an evil wizard - and in the end they said they couldn't bear to kill me with their own hands, so they hid. Got up and didn’t take part in the action.”

"But he underestimated the fanaticism of those in the witch-hunting organization. In order to prevent me from waking up and using magic, those lunatics took action without even confirming who the person under the covers was..."

"Diana was eaten by them!"

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