Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Finally… Food.

We just sat down for the food that took too much effort to be cooked. The effort you say? This guy had to go to Marcella just to bring fish for me to eat. I do love fish but that was too much effort. I appreciate it though. I wonder how far he can go for me.

Him aside, This girl took my breath away for a moment. The dress looks so good on her. I guess the maids and Lucy worked together to surprise me. Now that I think about it, the clothes she was wearing before were quite worn out too. I think there might be a shortage of fabric there too.

Albart should be able to handle the work that I gave him. Felia and Carmine are no doubt the best people I could’ve left behind there to help the Demons.

I can smell the food from here. It’s making my mouth watery all of a sudden. I think it should be here any moment.

A few moments later, Willis steps through the gate that leads to the room for the preparation of food. He walks calmly by my side and bows,

“Great Velkra, The fish is ready.” He says.

Ooooh. This is some fancy treatment like I’m in a 5-star restaurant or something.

“Bring it, Willis,” I say with a serious look on my face.

I’m no Seafood connoisseur but I love fish. That’s all. Everyone does, don’t they? They do right…?

After I just said that, Willis claps his hands two times and several male and female attendants step out of the room. Clad in black and white, they look like some beautiful protagonist-esque people now that they received my blessing. Honestly, they became so much refined and beautiful that one might not even recognize them because of his drastic change.

Their hair has mostly gone silverish white along with strands of color indicating their elemental proficiency. Eyes have gone red. Everything has changed. Even their teeth, they’re pointy now.

That’s not the case with all of them though. some have seen fairly mild changes. Only if compared to others. Their hair, not all white and silverish but it’s there. But the eyes are red and teeth might have become somewhat pointy.

Aside from appearances, their stats have skyrocketed. Basically, these attendants are above the levels of normal Knights that are in the army and protect this country. I guess they are about 10 to 15 levels above them? Yeah… Terrifying.



[Nothing. I just thought this must be why people dream of receiving an Elder Dragon’s Blessing. Even though many have not heard of blessings but those who have, failed to receive one many times in the past. Not that I can say that I know anything about it. I was sealed away for more than a century after all.]

I can pretty much imagine how desperate people can be for these blessings. They could even go to extreme measures. Not that they can do me any harm but they could definitely end up hurting people. Should I be careful in the future> you know… With blessings and stuff.

[Yeah… I think so. even if you do want to give someone your blessing, just hold back. I don’t know how you could do that but it should be possible. You know… like controlling how much power they could get from your blessing. And if possible, you could also try to give blessings individually. Giving a blessing to a leader or a head can transfer that blessing to all those under him. You could just give the blessings individually.]

Hmm… that’s also an option. And if they want my blessing in the future, they can come and talk to me.

[Uuuuhhh. Yep.]

I’ll keep that in mind.


I can’t believe I was talking to her while they were setting up the dishes in front of me.

Willis stands by my side and begins to name the dishes. I see that there are three dishes set in front.

“This on your right is the Seared Vilari Filet along with Spine Radish Dressing and in this saucière is Picant sauce. It is mildly sour and spicy..” He says.

Damn. This looks so yummy. It’s a quickly fried filet with some radish-like dressing. That sauce looks good too. I can smell its tastiness. Whoo-hoo, yeah!

“This in the middle is the main course, we thought that you might have a liking for rice so this is Fragrant Vilari Fish Rice. Along with some thick Fish Gravy on the side in this bowl.”

Oh. This does smell nice. But I never expected fish rice. How did they know I like rice too?

“How did you know I liked rice?” I ask.

“You do?” asks Vejetar.

“We just… did. It was an intuition.” Says Willis.

Does that have to do with the soul bridge too?

[Who knows?]

You sure you don’t wanna eat this? Wait. I just realized… Where the hell are you?! I sent you with Juna, didn’t I?!


And how the hell are you talking to me?!

[Through soul bridge.]

Am I subconsciously talking to you through soul bridge? Forget that! Where are you?!

[I’m coming! Just wait a second!]



“Yeah, yeah. Here I am.”

A door opens and Juna steps through with Twixie on her palm. It’s scary that I didn’t realize what just happened right now. She was talking to me so I thought she was still inside…

“What took you so long? I guess you had a century of filth on you…”

“Rude! She took too long!” says Twixie.


“It is my fault, Great Velkra. I have never handled a fairy before so I faced some difficulties.” Says Juna.


“I guess handling babies is quite a chore.”

“Hey! I’m not a baby!” I hear a fairy retorting but I ignore it.

Twixie flies out of Juna’s palm and lands on my shoulder. Then she sets down on the table to eat. She doesn’t have the furniture to sit on properly so she makes one out of wind. You can do that? I didn’t know anything like that. She makes a spoon out of wind too.

I guess she is a fairy after all.

“Continuing, this on your left is a side dish known as Bouillabaisse. It is a Soup with several kinds of fish in it.”

The soup has a reddish-orange color and A sweet and sour smell. Didn’t My previous world have a dish like this?

“This is all. Dessert will be served later, Great Velkra.” Concludes Willis.


I reach out for the Bouillabaisse and bring a mouthful of it inside my mouth.

“Oi! This is amazing! What’s in it? Tastes like tomato and orange… but there’s too much in it. I can’t tell…”

“That’s just skill, Great Velkra. I am glad you like it. They’ll be happy too.” he says.


Anikia on the other hand is sitting quite meekly. Is she waiting for someone to tell her to eat?

“Ankia? Why aren’t you eating?” I ask.

She looks at me.

“Can I?” she says.

“You’re saying that now? Don’t hold back. Eat all you want.”

Her expression brightens and she reaches out for the Soup just like me. Taking a mouthful of chunks and soup,

“What the heck is this?!”


“Ah. I apologize for my crude language. I meant what is this? It’s very tasty…” she says.

What was that just now? Her way of speech took a 180 just now…


“I’ve never tasted anything like this before…” says Twixie.

Me neither, Girl.


Anyway, we go through our side dishes. Everyone loved the Soup the most since it was the easiest to eat. And it was damn good. Anikia loved it.


I get ready for the Fish rice and pour some gravy on one side. Then I also take some piant sauce and pour a small amount on one side too. Everyone does what I do too. They don’t really have to but I guess they’re curious.


I take a spoonful of the fluffy and fragrant rice along with chunks of Vilari. I put it in my mouth and the rice and fish melt like butter.

“Mhmm~ I love it~” I melt in my seat and everyone gets excited about their spoonful too.

They take a mouthful and let out amazed noises as they never ate anything like this before.

“To think I would get to eat something like this in my life…” says Zanim.

I never thought about this either, Mister Zanim. I’m just as amazed as you are.


I look towards Anikia and see that she has tears in her eyes,

“What’s wrong Anikia…?”

She looks up at me and makes a sad face,

“I just miss everyone. They must be hungry too…” she says.

It must feel wrong to be here and enjoy while her people suffer there… It is wrong.

“Great Velkra, I am finishing my food and heading out immediately or the Demon Realm. Zanim, hurry up.” Says Albart all of a sudden.

I guess he understands as well. I can see why his sense of responsibility sparked all of a sudden.

Both Albart and Zanim race through their plates and stand up immediately. Both of them bow in front,

“We will be heading out now, Great Velkra.” Says Albart.

They look very serious. Too serious at that. Zanim must have eaten too quickly without chewing as his eyes are watery.

“Be careful guys. Once you go through the gate, there is a huge lava ocean between the gate and the Castle.”


I look over at Twixie,

“Tell Carmine and Felia that they are coming.”

“Okay… Mhmmm~” she says as she raves through the fish rice.


“Then…” says Albart and walks to the door.

“Goodbye and good luck, both of you.”


Several minutes pass and everyone is done eating their main course. After this, the desert comes out.

“This is a Normal Cheesecake. I hope it suits your taste.” Says Willis.

He walks to the cake and cuts a piece and passes it to me.

“Give it to her first,” I say looking at Anikia.


Her eyes sparkle and Lucy follows after her too. Kids should get sweets first.

Anikia and Lucy both take a mouthful of the cake and make dreamy noises. Honestly, this sight would be too sweet for someone with diabetes.

“I love this… Mom.” Says Anikia.

“Anikia-Chan sure does love food…” says Lucy.

“You do too…~!” Says Anikia with a red face.


Caryl looks at them with loving eyes and everyone else is smiling. This is what happiness should be.

Now that this is coming to an end. I need to get ready for my visit to Youlias.

I wonder how shocked he’ll be.



Author's Note:

So... I'm back with the roll. As I updated in the previous log, Busy. That's all there is to it. A fifteen-day break in uploads is too much I guess. I don't see the regular people here... did they leave...? well, I hope you guys are good. Checking in just now.

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