Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Dragon, falling.

Meanwhile, In a certain port town, in a Kingdom.


There was a girl, Mouse-colored hair, Brown eyes, and sharp features, extremely beautiful, yet young. Someone might mistake it being an illusion in front of their eyes if they saw her for the first time.

There were only two individuals that were not affected by her beauty. That being a certain Green headed man and a butler that came with him.

This girl was going about her business in the busy merchant shop she worked at. She was happy and also loved interacting with people. She would greet the coming customers with a humble smile and take them to where they wanted to be and skillfully did business.

However, that girl also kept a secret. This girl was Tetia. A Greater Earth-Dragon. She hadn’t told her employer about herself, as she didn’t think it would be necessary and also, she didn’t want to bring unwanted attention.

But some time prior, she had revealed the truth to her trusting employer. That being the man, Jack Ofaltra. He was a witty man, brimming with ambition for trade and business, also extremely cunning, enough, that he handled the black market threats and opposition by himself and his secret team of elite. But of course, Tetia was also part of this Elite Bunch.

When he had heard that Tetia was a Greater Dragon, his jaw had dropped but then, everything made sense. Tetia being extremely beautiful, Strong in the field of hand-to-hand combat, intelligent enough to rival him, and cautious.

Once everything connected together, the picture became clear, and he was relieved. Not that she had told him about being a greater dragon, just because he had finally gotten the answer he wanted. He had been struggling with strong, intelligent, and youthful Tetia even after being an employee for over 7 years. His doubt was actually mostly about her unchanging youth but Tetia was exceptionally talented and with a hazy background, a mystery he couldn’t solve.

Then he had accepted it at face value. And calmed down so fast that even Tetia was taken aback. She was used to greeting people with a warm smile but when it came to interacting with his employer, she was actually serious and stern. But then she had laughed a lot, getting to see an unusual look on Jack’s face.


Today has been awfully busy. Not many people can afford the wares and merchandise sold here but it was unusually crowded here today.

I feel like something is going to happen today. I was very surprised to have seen Lord Vejetar that day and it seems that he had brought awfully good fortune upon Jack. I don’t know how though, but today seems like Jack will be feeling a bit… shocked.


The day was ending and we had started to wrap up our business in our shop. Once everyone had done their part, I closed the door behind them and headed for my room. This was because I was a live-in employee. I lived here and performed my duties. It was partly because I liked living here that I did not complain about anything.


The sun had basically gone down and that was when I heard it.




A voice resounded in my head. I got so startled that I basically jumped out of my skin.







Who is that! And why can I hear your voice in my head!


“Tetia… It is me…”


Huh? This voice… Lord Vejetar…?


“It is me… Vejetar…”


[Lord Vejetar? How can I hear you in my head?!]


“It’s a skill… I can communicate with anyone in proximity of a Zephyria Edelstein…”


His voice resounded through my mind, giving me an unusually weird and… well… Arousing feeling.


[This is very weird. I don’t want this to go on any longer… It’s…]


“Just listen… Velkra needs some help… Bring Jack with you to the Diacis Castle…”


[The Diacis Castle…? Lord Velkra needs his help? Why?]


“Just bring him… You and he will know what it is when you get here… Tell them I called you here… you will be let through…”


[Do I just need to bring? Do I need to be in attendance?]


“…Yes… you must come too…”


[Understood. I will be arriving shortly.]


“…I’m Counting on you….”


As he said that, his presence faded completely and it was all quiet in my mind again.


“’ I’m counting on you’ huh?”


This is very unsettling yet beautiful to see Lord Vejetar change like this. He used to be so gloomy when…


“Oh. I need to hurry up.”


I then raced up the stairs and flung open the gate to Jack’s Office. But…




“Wha?! Tetia! Knock before you come in!”


It seems Master was changing his clothes. Come to think of it… Didn’t I guide a woman into his office a while ago? Wait…


“Master. Have you been doing something you shouldn’t?”

At my comment, he went stiff, looks like I hit the nail on the head. But… Why am I the one to feel jealous…? It’s quite… unpleasant.


“U-Uh… N-No… I have not.”


“Then why do I smell an unusual smell in this room? I am a dragon, you know? I can sense many things, including those dirty clothes there as well.”


I glanced at the jumble of clothes lying on the sofa in the room. Honestly, why am I getting worked up like this? Of course, he’ll want this since he’s unmarried, but why am I getting angry?


“A-Ah! Those! I just spilled some juice t-that’s all!”

He hurriedly put on the pants he was caught in the middle of changing. Then he raced to the clothes on the sofa, grabbed them, and threw them out of the window.


“What are you doing? You think I won’t get it?”

I glared at him, hard. Why? I still don’t understand…


“W-What… Have I done anything w-wrong…?” he asked with a conflicted face.


He once told me about himself. Who he was before this. He began his story with a sigh that time. Saying that he had lost trust in all women. His heart had been wounded by someone. Apparently, when he was young, he had a small business running, and he had a quite modest lover too. But when it came the time to deepen their bonds, the lover had drugged him and she took all the funds with her. Leaving him with nothing but his clothes to wear, he was kicked out of the shop, as its building was rented, then started from scratch all over again.


Of course, he didn’t dare to love anyone again. Just led his life as a single man, yearning to be successful and be cautious and cunning when it came to people.


I have learned an awful lot from him. The value of the business as well s the variety of conmen you have to deal with in this world. Of course, when it came to good nature, his demeanor will change towards those that were honest and especially trustful. The employees in this shop were one of those people. I was one of them too. I did not want to betray him, ever. Being here for seven years hasn’t been especially long for me as a Dragon, but the time I have spent learning from him, with him, has been exceptionally beautiful and fruitful.


But why is my heart burning like this?


“No. you haven’t done anything, Master. So, you would do this even though I am here? For you?”


Why was I saying that?!


His face turned into a mixture of disbelief and confusion at my unexpected comment.


Why was this? Why did I say this? Has this always been like this? I did not think about him like this but why? Why am I saying things like these?


“W-What are you saying Tetia! You are my employee! A woman I respect! I wouldn’t do anything like that to you!”


He was reaching his mid-forties as a human but he was unusually appealing for his age. Favorable face, personality, and sharp mind. Anyone would want him for themselves.


Wait… why am I thinking about this?


“So you mean, you cannot make a move on women you respect?”


“W-Wha?! Stop it, Tetia! You’re actually scaring me!”


Scaring him? Why would- wait… what was that we wanted to talk about?


“Do you mean to say you can't fall in love anymore?”


Huh?! Why did I say that?! Wait! I want to take back my words! Honestly… what is happening!


“Don’t be ridiculous, Tetia! I am an old man! I cannot fall in love! And why are you asking me this?!”

As he retorts, he paced toward me and held me by my shoulders, and shook me back and forth.


“What's wrong? Did you eat something funny? Or are you drunk?!”


His face… seems it is dazzling…


“Hello?! Answer me! Why are you spacing out?!”


He is… Ah. I understand now. Isn’t this what people call… love?




“Huh? Why are you calling me by my name all of a sudden…? I mean you’re older than me since you’re a dragon.”


I felt an urge. I held the man by his face, pulled it closer, then performed the gesture many people do to show affection. When I did that, a shock went through my body, and it heated up as if I was boiling. my face burned as if it was on fire, my eyes were blackened by a sudden bloodrush, and my head began to spin Once I let go,


“What?! What--?!”

As i was recovering from the extreme shock, thinking about what i had done, he was flailing his arms around, frantic.


“Oh get it already… I… Seem to have fallen for you…”


Oh. Why is my chest so lighter now? Is it because the burden has been lifted?


“What? What are you saying…?”

It seems he still doesn’t get it.


“I just said it clearly. I like you.”

He contemplated my words in deep thought while staring at my face in a daze.


“I’m an old man you know…”

He said in an exasperated tone. He looked as if he was lonely, his eyes shallow, his face with a wry smile, resigned, pained my heart. He seems too lonely. This man... He hasn't told anyone, has he? He was so lonely...


“Age does not matter to me. I’m 500 years old.”

I said that with a smile on my face but I looked the next moment. This is very… embarrassing.


“Hah… you nearly stopped my heart there… but…. Let me think about it… this is too sudden… I never would have thought…”


He can think all he wants. I’ll be with him anyway since I don’t plan to leave him. This is too sudden for me as well. I never thought as well, Jack. That I would do something like this in my life. I’m sure if anyone else were to know of this, they wouldn’t believe too. this development has been sudden and unforeseen.


Oh. I nearly forgot…




“So you’re going to call me by my name now?”

He looked worried but it was fine.


“Do you remember Lord Vejetar? The one I told you about when I told you about myself?”


He looked up as if to think and then said,

“You mean the Green-Headed man?”


“The one who sold you the stone! And he’s an Elder Dragon!”

To think he’d be bold enough to call him a Green Head. I would shudder just thinking about it.


“Ahaha… Yes. I do, what of it?”


“Lord Vejetar has summoned you to be at the Diacis Castle.”

For some time he just stood there as if to understand the meaning behind those words.


“To the Diacis Castle? What does that mean?”


“He means that he wanted you to come to the Royal Castle of Diacis!”

I punched those words into him with some words.


“What?! Why?!”


“I do not know. But we have to go, I have been summoned as well.”


“N-No, I will not go!”


“You will, or I’ll drag you with me. Be careful not to fall though.”


He wanted to know my intention behind those words but he’ll see soon.




After some minutes, a Dragon would be seen soaring through the sky, with a man atop, screaming his lungs out, due to terror.




Author Note:


It was a long time since I wrote a chapter. I finally had gotten a USB hub to connect to my sole surviving USB port an finally, I was able to write.

Today, the official results for my first-year exams in my Education board of college. I'm disappointed. Really. I have worked so hard, so much that i knew the answers for question on the tip of my fingers. I had my answers rechecked by my teachers after exam to tally how i did and i did them amazing, but this was the result. A grade, 76%. it's still good since others are lower than this. it seems that the politics here has given the openeing to many exploits. Tell me, how can i get 52/85 marks in chemistry when i tallied them with my teachers for them to be above 70? I'm still grateful since i have some time since the second year exams and i'll work hard. again.

This was Symanoid. Your author. Until next time we meet. and yes, we will meet, dont go getting any weird ideas.

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