Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 13: ready to leave

After parting ways with Reniris, Eon walked through the village and took stock of its current state, when he had arrived here the place and people looked to be nearly dead, there was hardly any hope in their eyes, they were practically dead walking skeletons,nothing but skin and bones however now they looked better.

The women and children energetic and others seemed to be putting on a bit of weight, the men were working more and the village was starting to come back to normal.

As Eon walked he passed by various people and as he did they would bow to him out of respect, his reputation amongst the villagers was very good, some even referring to him as “the lord” Reniris had been saying the truth when she said they sort of revered him, however Eon found their behaviour toward him annoying.

To him it seemed they were trying to tie him down to this village and he didn't like that or rather he wasn’t ready for a kingdom building type thing at least not yet.

His walk through the village eventually led him towards the area of the village that was reserved for farming, his idea of burrying dead animals as a way of helping the land be usable for farming was a success.

Incidentally someone else had recently came up with the idea of digging up some soil from the forest and then bringing it back here to use for farming. It was a good idea if the villagers could protect themselves against monster attacks.

Having arrived at the farming area, he looked around and witnessed a few individuals working on the land, some watering the crops that had grown and some plucking out the weeds and checking the growth of the crops. Some of the villagers saw him and suddenly became stiff and nervous.

He noticed the sudden stiffness and quirked a brow; one would think their boss was watching them and evaluating their work even though Eon knew very little about farming. 

Although he supposed with how they viewed him, they would be nervous when they saw he was watching.

After a few minutes, Eon spotted a seemingly elderly man walking towards him, "seemingly" because the man had his hand behind his back and was hunched over as he made his way towards Eon.

Eon waited for the old man to arrive. While waiting, he saw the rest of the people stealing nervous glances at him, causing him to raise a brow in curiosity. 

The old man arrived before him and bowed, displaying his respect to the savior. This prompted Eon to roll his eyes at such an action, for a while now, with the exception of the children, a majority of the adults and teens had begun to bow whenever they were in his presence.

It was something he did not ask for but something the people felt it was necessary for some reason.

“Good afternoon, my Lord”

The man spoke politely, trying his best to be respectful, he lamented the fact that he didn’t know any refined words that would help in speaking respectfully, as the village chief he should have learned some.

“Yeah, is there something you needed from me?”

He asked. The way in which the villagers addressed him, which was also one of the reasons why he wanted to leave. Their dependence on him will be detrimental to their survival, plus it was kind of boring here and he didn't like boring, he had enough of that back on earth.

“While I do have a request, I mostly approach to ease the tension within the others, forgive them, but it seems that they feel tense whenever you’re watching them work.”

“Is that so?”

Of course, there would be those who are somewhat weary of him that much was a given, but it’s been a month since he has been in this village they should be used to his existence.

“Don’t get them wrong, they don’t fear you, Lord, but rather they feel like you’re evaluating them as they work and that is making them tense”

“Why? I don't know anything about farming, so I can't evaluate their work.”

“That is true, but your image to us is that of a person of great importance, akin to a noble, so it’s difficult to work with you watching”

“ I see” 

He responded and took a look at the old man. When he arrived here, all the men and women barely had any meat on their bones and were thin as match sticks, but now they look far better, some even gaining weight. 

The old man before him seemed to be developing a belly, because they’ve been better off thanks to him they don’t want to mess up in front of him, and that’s making them nervous.

“Anyway old man, how come the crops were so quick to grow, shouldn’t it take much longer?”

He curiously asked.

“Oh well that’s quite simple, that’s because of the mana found in the bodies of the monsters you brought us, we were surprised as well as usually it takes much longer than a month for crops to grow, by the looks of these they should be ready for harvest in a week or so”

“Oh so both the nutrients and mana in the bodies of that forest bear and Green salamander contributed to the rapid growth of the crops”

“That’s what we think at least, this is a bit unusual you see. The request I mentioned earlier has something to do with that?”

“Oh? What is it?”

“Well seeing that you most likely will leave the village eventually, some of the men wish for your help in growing stronger”

“I had already given you all the basic exercises to help build your muscles and endurance, and I mentioned that I am not much of a hunter. I barely know a thing about it”

“That is true, my lord, but they wish to grow stronger to be able to hunt for themselves. You don’t have to teach them hunting, but instead, some combat they’ll figure out the hunting themselves.”

“I’m afraid I can’t help you there. They should ask Jericho he is a knight I’m sure he knows some combat techniques. In fact, he used some against me earlier today”

The old man’s face sank a bit, and it seemed there was more he wanted to say. However, he had already taken enough of the lord’s time, so he decided to end the conversation there.

“I understand, my lord, thank you for sparing the time”

The old man gave a bow before turning on his heel and leaving Eon to himself and Eon let out a sigh, it was a good thing he was leaving Tomorrow having to talk like some lord or noble was tiring plus it seems they're beginning to depend on him more and more so it was best that he leave.


[Minutes prior]

A blue painted and unusually large carriage, with hardly any decoration to signify the status of the person riding within it, was being pulled by beautiful steeds of four horses at a steady pace making its way towards the city of Rix. 

The sun was shining, and the coach men enjoyed a cool summer breeze, relaxed and hardly worried about any attacks from would-be bandits.

Despite the carriage not reflecting the status of the person it carried on the outside, it did reflect that in the inside, the interior walls were lined with soft blue coloured fabric the served as cushion to reduce damage should anyone bang their head on the wall.

The window frames of the door were lined with gold plating, its seats had soft pillow cushions modelled much like a couch and due to its large size, the interior was big enough to allow a built in table in the middle and thanks to the design of the carriage passengers could place their tea on the table without worry of it spilling over. 

This carriage was a luxurious mode of transportation that only very wealthy individuals could ride, individuals like rich merchants and nobles.

“Alfred, when are we arriving in Rix? I’m sick of being in this box, and why is that city so far away?”

The paled haired princess asked her servant in frustration, it has been a month since she left the capital and she still hasn’t arrived to her destination.

There’s only so much mana circulation control( MCC) she can practise until she’s sick of it and a month of it is definitely too much although it was helpful in developing the water cannon further, but still a month of sitting and meditation was still ridiculous.

“It shouldn’t be too long, my lady, a few hours at best. It took this long because Rix is a bit far removed from the capital than the rest of the cities in the kingdom”

The man answered, He was a short man his height close to that of a dwarf but he was not actually a dwarf, he had a bushy brown moustache and a clean shaven head, the man was slim but had hands that seemed too big to match his arms, it was the same for his feet. His odd body was something the princess found to be very interesting, interesting enough to make him her butler.

“A few hours is too long, can the coachman not speed up the horses”

“No my lady, the horses have been moving nonstop since early morning with no rest. Moving them fast would force us to take a break, adding an extra hour to our travel time”


She groaned as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. Well, the good thing was that it was only a few hours more until they were very close to their destination. 

Deciding to get back to MCC, she crossed her legs and placed her arms on her knees, closing her eyes she began. 

The act of circulating one’s mana was a good way to train on how to weave and control mana for spells. By doing this, a mage can expand less mana when casting powerful spells.

This method of training also helps in refining your mana, allowing for faster spell casting and help in hiding one's aura by reducing the fluctuations in aura, an added bonus of having extremely refined mana was that it was easier to activate a [Mana Burst]. 

There was also the added bonus of being able to reach a resonance with mana in the atmosphere, allowing for a more powerful [Mana burst]

so it’s within every mage’s interest to refine their mana.

As the princess was entering a deep state of concentration, she took in deep breaths and deep exhales her body that had began to settle in a tranquil state was suddenly interrupted.

There was a flood of aura that slammed against her like a boulder that rolled down a mountain, forcing her to jerk up and open her eyes wide, she felt a terrifying pressure that made her body tense up and believe a monster was attacking, which prompted her to nearly activate a defensive spell before she quickly realised what was going on, the aura disappeared as quickly as it appeared never giving her enough time to sense its location.

“What was that?!!”

She questioned as her body was now standing up already in combat position. She looked at her butler, who seemed just as shocked as her if not more. His bushy moustache had lost its finely combed look and became frizzy and stiff.

“By He'a!! I thought a monster was upon us”

Alfred stated as he placed his hand on his chest, feeling his own beating heart. Seeing his reaction Reniella sighed, and looked out the window, she figured that was the same aura the Swordguard had picked up a month ago and if that was the case there was no way that it was a spy from the Dreyer kingdom, it was most likely a demon.

‘Well at least I'll probably get a chance to try out my new technique’

She thought demons having infiltrated the kingdom was news worthy of a national emergency as it would mean the warding barrier the two kingdoms had was now failing.

‘it has been a month already, and nothing has happened. If it’s truly a demon, then that means they’re probably trying to find a way to have their comrades enter as well”

“Tell the coachman to speed it up, we need to make to Rix by the next hour”

"But my lady”

“Do as I say, servant!”

She said, shutting down any room for refusal against her command, she needed to hurry. She volunteered to be the one to do the investigation on the city of Rix, while her brother would send people to the other cities, If it's truly just spies from the Dreyer then they’ll most like go to the capital since that’s where the royal family lives.

The Dreyer kingdom wouldn’t send spies just for them to take a tour of the Hendrix kingdom, this meant that on her way to Rix she would have most likely run into a carriage of sorts but so far there has been no carriage going from Rix to the capital, she also did a thorough search of any Merchant caravans that she passed by and is certain none of them were spies. 

This made her lean towards it being demons who infiltrated the barrier, meaning it’s possible demons were gathering within the city of Rix preparing for something.


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