Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 15: the Princess means business

Trigger warning, rape mentioned and implied


The city of Rix is considered as one of the two cities that is quite close to the border and very far from the capital as such for the most part it is not considered the safest of cities, as the distance from the capital seemingly gives various kinds of criminals free reign to conduct business. 

Each of the 5 five main cities within the Hendrix kingdom is governed by a marquis that is responsible for it, however the marquis ruling this city had passed away five years ago leaving the city in the hands of the royal family.

The king however is an especially busy individual as such he delegates his duties and sometimes those with the delegated duties do not do their job well, creating situations where cities run rampant with crime and one such crime was occurring as we speak.

The city was surrounded by tall walls that served as a rampart to protect against attacks from outside forces such as monster stampedes and invasions from neighbouring kingdoms, like the Dreyer kingdom that the Hendrix kingdom has had skirmishes with before. 

At the edge of the city where the buildings meet the surrounding walls, there was an abandoned building that was formerly used to store grain but fell out of use and now housed a group of ten individuals, six of these individuals were alive and three of them were dead with only a single woman alive. 

The woman was tied to a chair just like the ones who were dead. The building was very sparse on the inside and with a single source of light that was hung on the ceiling. 

The light did not provide good visibility and left some areas of the building completely dark, which was what the six men wanted.

“AL are you sure we should be conducting business like this?”

One of the men in the group asked as he watched the woman that was tied to the chair silently sob. She had closed her legs, and her head was looking down with her hair covering her face.

The torn clothing on her and ruffled hair spoke volumes of what happened transpired in this building.

“Don’t worry about it, as long as none of us blabs to the boss, nothing will happen”

AL reassured his companions as he stood over the woman and grasped her hair. For the most part, all criminal activities were to be halted for the time being, at least until the princess who arrived today left.

It was important that she arrived in a city that was normal. Otherwise, the whole freedom they had in this city would be taken. Of course, Al did not plan on halting his activities. He just had to make sure she didn't find out.

“Yeah, but are you sure that he won’t find out? I don’t have to remind you that the old man who runs this city has that creepy lady that always appears out of nowhere”

“You're such a coward. Nothing is going to happen.”

He again reassured, he couldn't help but feel saddened for them. They lacked the strength to express themselves freely, unlike him.

Deciding to ignore their fears of being caught he placed his hands around her throat his grip held on to her tightly, feeling her pulse and the warmth of her skin, He could feel her breathing, terrified and afraid but resigned to her fate.

The act they have done against her has completely broken her, and she no longer wishes to live. He liked that.

The first one had struggled making things a bit harder but after the second one the rest seemed to welcome their fate, that was always a treat once they give up on life, they gave him free reign to do whatever he wants. 

Using his strength he tightened his grip on her neck cutting off her circulation, she began to struggle as she realised the severity of the situation however it was for naught, she tried to speak but only inaudible gurgles could come out.

He smiled as he saw tears begin to stream down her face as her eyes rolled to the back of her sockets. She tried desperately to suck in some air, but it was impossible as the man’s grip was so tight that her trachea was closed entirely.

It took little time for her to eventually pass out and once she did the man used his fingers to feel around at the back of her neck feeling the bones located there before he moved up his hand to her chin and then proceeded to twist, snapping her neck and killing her.

As he let go of her his hands trembled as he felt an overwhelming sense of euphoria that travelled all over his body and caused him to receive goosebumps, drool escapes his mouth, with his eyes nearly rolling to look at the inner part of his head 

As all this happened, his companions could only watch him, some disgusted and others completely nonchalant about the whole thing, regardless of how they felt, they had absolutely zero right to criticise the man, after all they themselves are not innocent. 

The dead bodies did not kill themselves, and the two now dead women didn’t rape themselves.

“Haaah!! It always feels good to do this. Now we dispose of the bodies.”

After letting out a sigh of satisfaction he informed the men and began to move, it was ill advised to burn the bodies as that would bring unnecessary attention as such the best way was to piece them up and throw them in the nearby forest and the monsters will deal with them.

“There's no need for you guys to be afraid of that bitch, she may be a powerful mage but as long as she doesn’t know anything, nothing will happen and besides the boss gave us permission to act without reservation, we just have to be secretive about it.”

Al explained as he watched his comrade’s piece up the dead bodies, while it was untrue that the boss gave him permission to act but it’s true that he would have continued to do as he pleased regardless of what the boss wanted.

As an A rank adventurer, he had the power to do whatever he wanted without fear of consequences, or at least that is what he believed.


[Next day]

“Your Majesty, please be reasonable.”

A middle-aged nobleman pleaded with the princess as they walked through a city that was seemingly in disorder. The street were in disarray as the knights apprehended various criminals they found, with some small skirmishes happening here and there.

The knight guard of the city, who usually let the crime run rampant in the city, were now raiding every home or building they found suspicious, and they were doing this under the Princess’s order.

“Be reasonable about what? Baron Philemon. There's are possible demons in the city, and you want me to waste time?”

Reniella firmly spoke as she walked with a brisk pace, she had concluded that demons had infiltrated the kingdom and were possibly hiding in this city as such she needed to find it, using her magic she created ice pillars blocking any exits to ensure there were little escape options.

“That is not what I meant, your highness. This sudden inspection is disrupting business and the lives of the innocent, I'm simply asking you to do this orderly”

“It may be disrupting businesses but in the past hour the knights have already found multiple buildings housing weapons and drugs, my quest to find the demon hiding here is also beneficial to the well being of the city in the long run, so no I will not be reasonable”

She answered as she picked up the pace and forced the Baron to halt in his steps as he could no longer keep up with her. As she got further and further away, he kicked the dirt on the ground and cursed.

“DAMMIT!! I should have prepared better”


A/N:  hope you enjoyed the chapter, leave a comment or like.

Fun fact: Did you know that human brain cells( not exactly brain cells, its much more specific brain cell, i just forget the name)have been implanted into the brains of mice and this allows the mice to learn faster and complete tasks quicker.

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