Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 4: asking for directions

“MY Name is Eon Steel. I hail from the Dreyer kingdom”

Reniris quirked a brow at the sudden fake name prompting her to think about whether or not she should give a fake name but she decided against it however she decided not to give her last name as a precaution.

“And I am also from the Dreyer kingdom my name is Reniris”

Jericho considered their names but found he doesn’t recognize them, letting strangers into the village wouldn’t be ideal but if they are bandits he could just run with the young healthy ones he can’t get them all but a few should be enough plus it would give the stubborn ones reasons to leave this village though traversing in large groups could attract monsters but he’ll deal with that later. 

He commanded the men to ease up in their bows and let the two enter the village.

“So why the fake name”

With the threat of being killed now gone (not that there was ever any) Reniris asked him a question. 

“To be honest, I thought the name of a prince would be too recognizable, so it’s best I go with an Alias”

He clarified and she understood, if he wants to “explore the world and all that jazz” an Alias is perfect, after her question was answered she remained silent, They had forgotten what they were talking about earlier.

Her face gained a red hue as she recalled him stating his intentions towards her. 

Reniris can’t say she’s in love with him or anything however, so far she likes him as a person, and she’ll see what the future holds.

“You alright?”

His sudden question pulled her out of her thoughts, and she turned to look at him, his platinum silver eyes stared at her, and for a moment, she could not help but admire their treasure like beauty.

“Yes I’m fine, just thinking about the way we met”

She responded and a blush appeared on his cheeks eliciting a smile from her, seems he was very expressive, well in his defence any man would blush seeing a woman as beautiful as Reniris plus having a good memory doesn’t help you forget things easily.

“Y-Yeah it was quite the strange meeting, ha-ha”

A rather awkward response came from him, despite him being bold enough to state his feelings for her on the spot.

The very same moment they met he somehow gets awkward when she mentions such an event, in his defence it was the first time he saw real life naked woman before aside from Porn so that situation was quite awkward.

The two walked in silence towards the village, letting the awkward air settle as Nate, now known as Eon, struggled to start the conversation once more. 


“Welcome to our village”

Jericho welcomed the two newcomers, his mind was too focused on what their intentions were as such he could not fully appreciate Reniris’s beauty, no matter how he looks at it two completely unharmed and relaxed strangers walked out of the forest with no injuries.

They wore no armour, and they weren’t running away from anything, his mind did not believe they weren’t bandits or at least aren’t associated with bandits.

“Thank you. Can you tell us how long it would take to reach the Hendrix kingdom capital or any nearby city?”

“With a carriage or horse, it would take a full week to reach the nearby city, the city of Rix”

Jericho answered the man’s question, he didn’t want these people to stay in this village longer than they need to, there’s little food and while he would love to have all the villagers abandoned this village once the food runs out, he is not so heartless that he would try to speed up that process by giving strangers the already little food they have.

“If you wish to stay the night I’m afraid we can’t accommodate you, plus we don’t have any food to spare”

Jericho, using his thumb gesturing to the men behind him, they looked like skeletons with only skin

“That’s fine, we were just passing through, so there is no need. We just need directions”

“Well if it’s directions you want, then you just need to go straight from here, and you should reach the city of Rix in maybe 2 weeks or a week and a half."


Reniris and Eon walked behind Jericho and his men and took in the village, looking at the village Eon could see that it was on its last legs, the houses seemed like they were about to collapse there was barely any vegetation at all, both he and Reniris could tell that this Village was long gone and it was currently a mere shadow of itself.

Reniris saw the men, the woman and children, all of them were nothing but skin and bones, it was a pitiful sight, young children no older than five years old looked to be closer to death than any she’d ever seen, it was quite tragic and it didn’t feel right with her, simply passing by without offering any sort of help made her stomach churn, she frowned at such a sight.

“You alright?

Eon asked, she seemed to be distressed by the sight, as an orphan in his past life the sight of starving children wasn’t something he was unfamiliar with but he has never witnessed it to such a degrees before, if they asked for help he would probably help but he won’t go out of his way to do that.

“You can create food, right?”

Reniris whispered 

“That I cannot”

“What!! you can’t?”

Reniris was shocked, since he could create clothes she had thought creating food would be fairly simple but now that she thinks about it creating food must be more difficult than just clothes as one would need to know what the food is made of.

“Of course I can”


Seeing the smile on his face, Reniris realized he was messing with her. She looked at him with a deadpan stare, and he caused her a little panic for a joke. 

Eon could easily see it in her eyes that she wanted to help the people, save them from hunger, and he thought he’d give her a little scare for the favor she was about to ask.

“Then can you make some food for these people?”

He is able to create the clothes they’re wearing, so it’s reasonable to assume he could create food as well. Eon didn’t respond to her but instead addressed Jericho.

“Uh excuse me”

“It’s Jericho”

“Jericho, you said you have a food shortage?”

Correcting himself, Eon proceeded to ask a question regarding the food status of the village.

“Yes, why do you ask?”

Jericho turned his head to look at him, he was quite confused by the sudden question, he hadn’t let go of his suspicion about them being bandits but why would they ask about food, were they hungry?

“I think I might be able to help. You see I’m somewhat of a magician. I have a spell that might help”

Jericho had his eyes wide opened, mages weren't too uncommon, you’d have a difficult time to find one unless you go to the cities were there’s plenty of them, Jericho quickly composed himself and squinted his eyes to check for mana within Eon but he couldn’t detect it 

“Excuse my rudeness, but you don't seem like a mage, mages have an image, and you don't fit it."

This caused Reniris to be curious, wondering what the image of a mage would look like but also Eon’s Aura alone should have alerted this man about Eon’s level of strength, it would make sense if Eon was suppressing his aura like her however, Eon did no such thing infact he was basically telling every magical sensitive creature in the area his location so if this Jericho had any skill at all he should be able to sense Eon’s power.

“oh no I’m no mage, I’m just a person who can you use magic”

That was technically not a lie, but it was not the truth either. 

“That’s basically what a mage is”

“oh really, I had no idea, though clearly, you know more about mages than I do”

Eon sarcastically spoke as a flame suddenly covered his left hand, and he raised his hand to show it to him.

The flames looked as if it was burning him as it had engulfed his entire hand but he suffered no damage, this was the simplest explanation he could think of at the moment, and hopefully, Jericho wouldn't catch on that he wasn’t necessarily using magic.

Jericho frowned just slightly, a clear signal he did not appreciate the sarcasm from Eon, but it was true that Jericho probably knew about mages more than Eon did since he only arrived in this world today and hadn’t encountered a mage yet.

“Very well then.”

Jericho conceded that he could not rebuttal, regardless of how the man seemed he could not argue with what was presented before him.

“Do you have an empty space or house I could use?”

“Yes there’s plenty of empty houses. Many of the residents have died from hunger during these few months."

“I see, then take me to the largest house you know”

Jericho had no idea what this man had in store or what he could even do, but he needed to find if this man was truly a mage or not, so he complied with his request.


A/N: The mc is op, but creating stuff can't be spammed every day it actually takes a lot of power to do 

also, Reniris is OP if you think about her last name a bit, also when I was creating her character  I was thinking of Rias Gremory from High school DXD. 

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