Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 6: Dragonoid

Early in the morning so early the sun hasn’t risen yet, Eon could be seen jogging while circling around the village, to the average person it would seem like he was exercising but that wasn’t the case.

He was worried about the village being attacked by monsters so he took a jog around it, luckily it seemed the village already had a monster repelling barrier or rather that is what he assumed the runes circling the village were for.

Yesterday was an event full day and considering there was a lot of meat and food it should come as no surprise that monsters will probably attack looking for food, he didn’t like it when bad things happen as a direct consequence of his actions, so he tries to prevent such things from happening but this case it seems he was worried about nothing.

After doing a single circle around the village, he was able to confirm that the runes did indeed surround the whole village. 

He wondered if all villages within this kingdom had such measures taken for all of them or if they were runes made specifically for this village. Incidentally, the village was quite huge with the Rune covering a wide area. It seemed that the village used to be a city or a town.

Once he was a done he turned toward the makeshift gate, the whole wall showed signs of aging and was probably going to collapse soon, by the looks of things the villagers tried to using something like mud and wood to keep the wall up but that was only going to hold off the problem for little while.

After having done what he wanted and alleviated his worries, he decided to finally check out a few things about his body and race as such he walked deeper into the forest, he made it a point to be further away from the village as possible so as to not be discovered by some villagers wondering about.

After walking for quite some time, he found himself in a clearing with sparse trees and some grass.

“This should be far enough.”

He stood at the center and took a deep breath, he spread his legs apart and bent his knees forward.

“Alright, let’s see”

The first thing he wanted to test out was his full Dragonoid form, Dragonoids were a sort of hybrid form of a human and a dragon. In most fiction, they are usually the result of a Dragon and a human having a child together, so the child takes both aspects of the two species.

With that in mind, his eyes slowly changed colors from their shining silver they slowly changed into a more draconic red, and the round pupils straightened, turning his into vertical slits.

This was then followed by the hair, the silver hair changed to dark crimson matching the eyes, it also hardened slightly and gained a spikey look to it. 

His arms followed as a row of scales started to appear from the top of his shoulders down to the back of his hands, the scales were also a dark crimson in colour and his finger nails turned into small pointy claws. 

His teeth grew pointy and sharper, and his sense of smell improved. He could smell the various types of beasts that have been on this part of the forest, including their faeces and long dead corpses. Underneath both his eyes there three scales sat on each side, giving him a menacing look.

From his back, two large dragon wings sprouted and revealed their majestic form. Eon then felt his height increase by a large margin , his height now measured at 265 cm. He wasn’t short by any means in his human form, but this was a substantial increase in height.

“Fire Dragonoid transformation?”

He asked himself, not surprised by the increased deepness in his voice. It felt more intimidating than before, and it felt more fitting.

“That sounds kinda cringe”

Eon didn’t have just this one form he had various types, all based on one of the elements of nature, Fire, water, earth, wind, lightning and Darkness, he didn’t have a light element because he didn’t want it plus he only had six slots for the elements.

“Meh I’ll come up with a name later.”

Closing his eyes, he could feel the mana course through his veins, empowering him well beyond what was possible, he clenched his fist and tensed his muscles. 

A sensational sensation of strength and power washed over him, The power he was feeling right now was intoxicating he felt like he could scorch the very earth he stood upon it was a feeling completely foreign to him.

‘go kill them’

A faint whisper in his head rung out trying to tempt him, the voice was barely something he’d notice but the amount of anger and hate in it was palpable however he understood what that voice was, a lingering part of the previous owner of the body.

‘No, no little prince, be gone!! I wield this power, not you’

He thought, the prince may have been the previous owner of this body but it was his now and he was in no way going to follow the wishes of a dead kid, if The prince wanted his family dead he should have done something about it while still alive and since he didn’t that time has passed. The dead have no say in the realm of the living.

“Do not burden the living with your regrets”

Opening his eyes he let out a breath of black smoke and relaxed, he looked around only to realize he had inadvertently scorched the area around, everything within a 10 meter radius seemed to be charred beyond recognition.

“oh shit!”

He hadn’t realized that the transforming into one of his Dragonoid forms would be troublesome, with a quick flip of his wings he flew up into the air and steadily floated mid air.

“Well it seems like I have some type of flame aura or something, that would be cool if I knew how to control it”

With that sentence came the realization that he might need some secret training in order to control his forms better, suddenly scorching everyone near you when you Transform wasn’t ideal.

“Wonder what she’ll think when I finally show her this form?”

He queried himself he was fairly certain she wouldn’t freak out and call him a monster but he wasn’t sure if she had an immunity to his flame aura so he thought it was best not to reveal anything until he had it under control.

“Let’s see what other forms I have”

He said before slowly descending back to the ground and reverting back to his normal human form and then began to transform once more. 


Reniris found herself in a dark void, she simply floated there aimlessly with no clear direction, her eyes were wide open but all she could see was darkness, confusion was plastered on her face as she wasn’t sure how she got here, which caused her to question how she got in the forest earlier, she simply found herself there. 

“How do I get back?”

She questioned, if she had somehow got transported here by some power, then how would she go back? Unfortunately, there was no answer to that.

As she floated aimlessly within what she can only assume is a void, she could hear muffled voices that spoke rapidly, almost as if in a hurry.

She strained her ears trying to make out what the voices were saying but she couldn’t piece together, everything she heard sounded like nonsense but she did make out two sounds from what she assumed was an incomplete phrase 

“…. kt……. ya” 

Was what she heard, but she could not piece it into a phrase that made sense. Unfortunately, before she could try and listen for more information, she woke up.

He eyes opened and looked at the ceiling before speaking, she didn’t even yawn or show signs she was asleep.

“that was a dream?”

She questioned herself, everything within that place felt so real like she was actually there. She sat upright on the bed and pondered deeply about what she had just experienced. She tried to recall the sounds she heard and tried to form it into a sensible phrase or word.

“Protekt ya?”

That didn’t feel quite right, there was a distance between the “kt” and the “ya” sound so just like how “kt” might be the word “protect” the “ya” is it’s own full word as well.

She continued for about ten minutes, trying her best to make sense of what she heard but came up with nothing, so instead, she decided to think more on it later. 

Getting off the rather shabby bed, she stood on her feet, wore her clothes, and exited the room. The house she was in was empty.

According to Jericho, the people that lived there died a month ago, so the house was vacant. She felt somewhat bad about using the house of a dead person, but she had no choice in the matter.

Exiting the room she was in, she made it to the living room. She quickly noted that Eon wasn’t here, however she sensed his magic power was still close by.

Being in the living room had made her within the right range to hear some people talking outside so she quickly exited the house.

“Are you stupid, old man? we can’t stay in this village, the fact that we had a lucky break thanks to a bunch of strangers who were passing by is proof of that we need to move”

“Don’t be ridiculous child, while I’m grateful to our saviours, their arrival marks a great change, the gods haven’t abandoned us, this is simply their message telling us to keep at it, our work will yield results”

“how long?!! How long must we do this for? We have lost family members due to hunger. Each day, our numbers decrease. Do you want us all to die!!! “

Reniris seemed to have walked out right in the middle of an argument, there seemed to be two groups, one group was advocating the leave of this village and move and the other was advocating they stay put.

One group had what looked to be elderly people in the majority and the other with the youth being the majority, though both groups had young and old amongst them

Reniris searched the crowd for a man in armour. The search was short-lived as she immediately spotted him sitting on a chair near one of the houses. He seemed to be observing what was happening. She made his way towards him to ask about the situation and ask about Eon.

“Mr Jericho, good morning”


She greeted the man who in turn became stunned by her appearance momentarily, yesterday there was a lot of stuff that happened that he hadn’t really paid much attention to the two strangers so he overlooked somethings however now things were clear.

“Good morning, Miss Reniris. It's quite the fine morning today isn’t it?”

He said beaming a smile at her, he hadn’t noticed how beautiful she was before, but now that he has, he couldnt help but be pleased, plus he was already happy before seeing her so her presence only made him happier.

“You seem happy”


He confirmed, the reason he was happy was because the villagers were finally having a discussion about leaving the village it seems the young ones have had enough of following the whims of the old geezers. 

Yesterday was an eye opener for them, The only reason they got food was because strangers came and gave it to them, it was a stroke of luck that probably won’t happen again so it’s beneficial to everyone that they abandon this village.

“it’s been a hassle trying to convince them to leave this village, and it looks like things are finally moving all thanks to you guys”

Jericho explained, in all honesty he was close to giving up and going back to his lord, spending months in a place that barely has food and was filled with depressing sights was definitely not the place for him, he missed the liveliness of the city. 

Reniris was about to answer but was immediately interrupted by the sudden disappearance of Eon's magic power she quickly turned her head behind her toward the forest, Earlier she didn’t bother trying to look for him since he had a massive magical presence and she could still tell he was around but all of sudden that presence disappeared.


She turned around to try and figure out his location by sensing him.


She exclaimed in mild surprise 

“What is that??”

Jericho had stood up from his seat, and his sword drawn from its sheath, the blade had a faint blue glow that was barely noticeable. He quickly stepped forward and stood in front of Reniris, he could feel something approaching, it’s magical power was insanely high, and he guessed it must have been an S class monster.


Hearing the shout the villagers were shocked at the sudden shout but quickly moved once his words sunk in, they wasted no time and ran into their homes, luckily due to the events of yesterday The majority of the young children were still fast asleep so there was no wasting time looking for the ones missing. 

“Miss Reniris, go hide too. The monster approaching is very powerful”

“okay but what are you gonna do?”

She asked, although she should be asking what’s he talking about but she felt as if he might know something she doesn’t so she decided to wait and see, Jericho should know more than her as such it’s sensible to think that he’d know when a monster is approaching even though her own senses told her otherwise.

“once it makes it to the village I’ll try to have it chase me, I won’t give it time to sniff around”

He explained, though in his mind he was wondering if the warding ruins had failed, he had recently checked on them last week, and they should be working fine.

A lot of villages are surrounded by forests as such to prevent monster attacks each village is protected by warding ruin that drives away any monster and the fact that there was a monster approaching the village right now means that the ruins no longer work.

‘but how? They’re supposed to last a lifetime, as long as there’s mana in the air. If they aren’t working, then someone must have sabotaged them, but who?’ 

His eyes turned towards Reniris as it clicked in his head, the things that happened yesterday were too good to be true.

“I knew it”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Where’s your friend?”

He asked her but he spared her not a glance, if she wanted to kill him she would have done so by now plus the monster approaching was stronger than him meaning it would be pointless to kill him when the monster can do it for her.

“He should be back by now, though I don’t know where he went, but his magical presence is approaching us”

She explained with her eyes closed trying to properly sense his position, Earlier it was easy to know where he was because he was basically broadcasting his presence to any creature that was magically sensitive so she didn’t need to concentrate but now she does.


Jericho kept his mouth closed and tightly held his sword and gulped as he waited for whatever monster to appear, the monster was actually coming straight for his direction.

As he was waiting for the monster to appear, he was suddenly yanked back and found himself flying backwards

“What are—”

Just as he looked back and was about to address Reniris for her sudden action, there was a loud booming followed by a small tremor of the ground and a light shockwave.

Turning his head back to see what was happening there, he saw the body of a giant monster that he recognized, and atop of that monster was the source of the magical power he thought belonged to a monster.

“Reniris, I think we can actually help these people”

Eon voiced as he stood atop a giant green and furred beast with long branching antlers. The beast looked like a bull in shape but had the head of a deer. Reniris didn’t know what it was, but hearing his words, she smiled, leaving the villagers to suffer and die didn’t feel right with her.

“Okay so what’s your plan?”

Reniris found herself letting out a relieved sigh as she stared at his weirdly refreshing grin. 

The thought that he might have disappeared and left her on this village was one that crossed her mind when his magical presence suddenly became smaller of course she could still feel it but there was a difference, before it felt like it was everywhere and now it feels like it’s only in one spot and that spot can suddenly vanish, she didn’t like it.


A/N: The length of the chapter is usually 1.5k words, so these longer chapter are simply because I couldn't find a proper way to cut it without it being obvious.

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