Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 125: Message


***HR. Undisclosed Location***

Hidden away between the dark space of two different galaxies was a place. This place was a secret place sealed away between the spaces between dimensions. With in was a vast space station covered in the best communication network relays that the universe as it self could obtain, and use. The machines could receive, and send vast quantities of information across the universe. While galactic empires may have large spy networks. They had nothing on this place. This was the, Intergalactic News Network.

A pleasant melody played as the view screen turned and their broadcast reached across the whole universe, to every screen, and holographic display in a seconds. From the viewers perspective on the right was a strange looking creature with pale blue like skin, tendril hair follicles that writhed and wiggled about. Dozens of red eyes sat on either side of its bulbous head. A gaping maw sat front and center that opened wide with rows, after rows of shark teeth. It stood at approximately 7' 0” (213 cm). Its body was made of tentacles, and a carapace shell. Adorned in warriors armor.

“Welcome l' intergalactic news network, Y' ah Thuoonkigoll.” The creature said. (Welcome to Intergalactic News Network, I am Thuoonkigoll.) The creatures voice sounded like hundreds of voices chattering at the same time. At the bottom of the view screen were captions that translated its words.

To the viewers left was a beautiful woman with electric pink skin, long silver hair past her shoulders. She had golden molten eyes, scaled horns that resembled a crown. She sat down in her chair like throne and was languid about it. She was approximately 6' 2” (187 cm) She had a voluptuous, hourglass figure. While it was barely hidden behind what could only be called a scaled bikini wear. Her clothing was in fact her body, simply artfully shaped and designed so not to be revealing. She smiled at the camera.

“Hello everyone, I am Raerienga of Intergalactic News Network.” She said, and her voice was smooth as silk and promised sweet damnation if listened to.

“Iiahe syha'h c' ymg' tharanak vulgtmnahog news, hup ph' nilgh'rishuggogg. C' news ah truthful, ng llll mgepah'ehye vulgtmah.” Thuoonkigoll said, it stood up straight and glared at the camera daring anyone to refute it's words. (As always we bring you the best news, from across the universe. Our news is truthful, and bound by honor.)

“I don't know about bound by honor, but it is definitely truthful.” Raerienga replied with a smirk as she glanced at Thuoonkigoll who glowered at her. “No matter where you are in the wide universe we hope our broadcast finds you well and ready to listen.”

“Currently c' ephaidiscuss different types ot lanterns, ng f' mgn'ghftnah spectrum!” Thuoonkigoll said next, as it folded their claw like appendages in front of them on the desk they sat at. (Currently we will discuss the different types of lanterns, and their color spectrum.)

“Red is one of the energies far from the center of the color spectrum, and represents the emotion of rage/anger. Using a person's rage, they are able to tap into the red light.” Raerienga said with a smirk on her face as she leaned back in her throne and crossed one of her shapely legs over the other.

“Orange ah ehyeahog energy mglagln hup center, ng represents emotion ot avarice/greed. Wielders ot orange mgn'ghft mgep mgepah l' mgepmgah'n'ghft become llll mgepuaaah'li f' greed, ng obsessively ah'ehye'drn f' property ng mggokaog possessions hup others!” Thuoonkigoll said next as they peered at Raerienga in annoyance. (Orange is another energy away from the center, and represents the emotion of avarice/greed. Wielders of the orange light have been shown to become twisted by their greed, and obsessively guard their property and steal possessions from others.)

“Yellow is a color close to the center, and represents the emotion of fear. A being capable of instilling great fear in others is capable of wielding this power. The entity for this emotion is Parallax. We now know that Parallax is imprisoned on the planet of Oa. The yellow light was finally harnessed by Sinestro of Korugar leading to the creation of the Sinestro Corp of Yellow Lanterns.” Raerienga said next, as she held her hand out and a filled goblet appeared. She took a drink, then offered a bit to Thuoonkigoll who accepted and downed the goblets contents. Raerienga wrinkled her nose at them, but a smile grew across her face.

“Turn'ghftor ah mgn'ghftnah ph'nglui center ot spectrum, ng represents emotion ot will. Fahf mgn'ghftnah mgep least amount ot influence llll wielder, ng ahor uh'eor ah llll mgepwgah'n 'drn mgep namgah ephaicahf ahor overcome throdog ah'lloigshogg. The entity llll fahf emotion ah Ion!” Thuoonkigoll said, and placed the goblet down then shouted at the camera with much enthusiasm. (Green is the color in the center of the spectrum, and represents the emotion of will. This color has the least amount of influence on the wielder, and can only be controlled by one who has an indomitable will that can overcome great fear. The entity for this emotion is Ion.)

“Regretfully it was recently discovered that the so called Guardians of the Universe may not have been the best care takers of the color of 'Will'. As their many sins, and miss treatment of the universe as a whole was recently brought to light by a certain individual known only as 'Wraith.' If you are watching? Our hearts, and minds go out to you, Wraith.” Raerienga said and blew a kiss towards the camera, while Thuoonkigoll nodded their head in confirmation.

“Blue is a color close to the center, and represents the emotion of hope. The blue light is capable of being wielded by a being who can bring hope for the future to others when they have lost all of theirs. The blue light is the most powerful wave of the spectrum, but it is also the most difficult to wield and understand. Currently the Blue Lantern Corp has been formed and is under the direction of the very being we recently spoke about, Wraith.” Raerienga said towards the camera as she turned to her partner.

“Indigo ah mgn'ghftnah naIIIIog hup center, ng represents emotion ot compassion. The indigo mgn'ghft ahor ah wielded llll ehye llll throdog compassion llll mgahehyee beings, ng ahor manipulate mgahehyee energies ot emotional spectrum!” Thuoonkigoll said in humbled reverence. (Indigo is a color farther from the center, and represents the emotion of compassion. The indigo light can be wielded by one with great compassion for other beings, and can manipulate the other energies of the emotional spectrum.)

“Violet is the other color furthest from the center, and represents the emotion of love. Those who are capable of great love, even those who have lost their loves, or been rejected are capable of wielding the violet light. Be mindful that this is love with out anything to temper it. Be careful!” Raerienga said with a clear warning as she looked at the camera, Thuoonkigoll nodded their head in agreement.

“Yog ot emotional spectrum ah n'ghftog, mgn'ghftnah ot n'gha. N'ghftog represents total absence ot emotion, ng lw'nafh cahf h' uaaah. Wielders ot mgn'ghftnah n'ghftog ah mgvulgtnah! mgvulgtnah! mgvulgtnah!” Thuoonkigoll said, and slammed its clawed fists into the table several times to emphasize the point. (Outside of the Emotional Spectrum is Black, the color of Death. Black represents the total absence of emotion, and the life that creates it. Wielders of the color black are bad! Bad! Bad!)

“The White Light of Life is where the Emotional Spectrum originated. Very little is known about the color. Along with the last and final color the invisible spectrum or Ultraviolet. Currently across the known universe there are no known wielders of red, indigo, white, and Ultraviolet.” Raerienga said as she looked at her nails instead of the camera, clearly bored of the subject.

“Moving llll! ph'nglui economic news soth sector ot 2814 mgep spent nearly 200,000 solar coins ph'nglui yah'or'nah. Ahog than ahogog soth sectors ph'nglui uaaah ehye solar y'or'nah.” Thuoonkigoll said as they shuffled their claws and tried to not glare at Raerienga as she was currently pushing her toes against their armored carapace. (Moving on! In economic news the space sector of 2814 has spent nearly 200,000 Solar Coins in a week. More than most space sectors make in a single solar year.)

“That's right! Pirate armadas across multiple galaxies are flocking towards this sector hoping to enrich their lives, and steal from others. Here's hoping that the space sector is up to the challenge!” Raerienga said with a smirk as she stopped teasing Thuoonkigoll.

Thuoonkigoll, and Raerienga continued to do the news for the next hour covering a wealth of subjects, and segments of this and that. Their information network was huge, and nearly every portion of the known universe would tune into their broadcast every week. While galactic governments tried to track the source of the broadcast they never succeeded. The Intergalactic News Network was loved, and loathed by all. Whether they wanted to be reported on or not it didn't matter. Entire star systems would find themselves in the spotlight with out warning as long as it was news worthy.

Then as quick as the broadcast started, it soon finished. They said goodbye to their viewers while Thuoonkigoll wished everyone luck in battle, and Raerienga blew a kiss to her followers the feed cut off. The station hidden between galaxies blinked out of existence hiding between dimensions. Only to reappear at a different location, between galaxies at their next scheduled broad cast. This was Intergalactic News Network with Thuoonkigoll, and Raerienga. Good night!


***HR. Space Sector 2814, Sol System. Watch Tower Star Base***

A collection of spell scripted spring rings came into being on portal hub Alpha pad-2. With a soft audible pop, and a glowing brilliant light. Dozens of news reporters, journalist, and delegates appeared on the pad and looked around in wonder. The portal shield rotated and smoothed out allowing an unobstructed view for the public as they saw a team waiting for their arrival. Each individual would be assigned two security war droids, and one aerial unit. They would be allowed to wonder, only after the guided tour.

Their tour guides? The public relation twins Kyoko and Mezo. Kyoko stood at approximately 6'0” (182 cm) with midnight black fur, and golden amber eyes. He had a lithe athletic figure that was hidden behind his impeccable fashion choice of a pin stripped black suit, with fedora included, and a red rose in his lapel. He wore no shoes as it would crap his style, also his paws wouldn't fit in wing tips. His long tail twitched in mild attention as he watched the journalist step off the portal pad. While his sister Mezo was also 6'0” (182 cm) with light golden fur, and golden amber eyes. She had a athletic hour glass figure, and wore a tailored gray pants suit that did well to show off her form. She unlike her brother didn't wear a hat, or a flower in her lapel. But wore a forced smile on her face.

Both Kyoko, and Mezo were anthropomorphic cat people. No they were not the silly cat eared, and tailed people that so many people love. But full on cat people with fur, paws, tails, and fangs. Their whiskers were long, and well groomed. Standing next to them was the security manager, and director of Shadow Operations, Hex. Hex stood at approximately 5'9” (175 cm) and was wrapped from head to toe in tattered cloth, and a JLI shadows light weight kit. Hex glared at the arrival of the public and their body language despite the heavy amount of cloth showed it.

“Smile Hex.” Mezo said with a stiff expression that showed she was barely smiled of her own.

“I am smiling.” Hex replied in their gender neutral voice. To this day no one knew what gender Hex was, or if they even had one. They were an Technomagical Construct after all, that specialized in the Illusion, and the Enchantment Domains. This allowed them to hide in plain sight, and change their shape at will.

“This is a really bad idea.” Kyoko said stiffly as he raised a paw and waved at everyone to come over.

“It's never a good sign when the both of you agree on something.” Mezo said to them both.

“Hello everyone! Welcome to the Watch Tower Star Base! I am Kyoko, and this is my sister Mezo we are in charge of public relations for the Justice League: International. While this is Hex station security manager!” Kyoko said to the assembled public.

“Star Base? I thought it was a space station?” One of the delegates asked loudly.

“We recently went through an upgrade and the classification had to be changed.” Kyoko said with a grin that showed a bit of fang. His tail twitched idly behind him and the delegate swallowed their follow up question.

“All of you will be assigned two security officers, and an aerial drone to help keep you in check and to answer any further questions after the tour is over. Please understand that there are several areas of the station that are not for the public eye.” Hex said in a very brusque voice towards the crowd. A few people looked them with irritation.

“And why not? This is suppose to be a public tour!” A journalist spoke up.

“Please understand this from our point of view. The Star Base has a lot of secret information aboard. Such as the secret identities of the JLI, along with scientific, medical, and engineering research and development. Even you were allowed to visit a corporation, or military base planet side you would not be allowed to see it all.” Mezo replied with another forced smile.

“I believe we should see all that we can see, since tax payers paid for this base.” One delegate spoke up but was interrupted.

“Excuse me! This Star Base is privately owned. No money from the tax payers went into its construction. This base is not owned by any nation on Earth. We are, apart. So before any of you believe you have the 'right' to look where ever you wish. Please get that out of your head. You are here because we allow you to be here. Not the other way around.” Kyoko said, and his voice took a sinister undertone.

Mezo clapped her paws together several times to get everyone's attention. “Well now that is out of the way, shall we?” She said, then turned on her heel and walked towards the door. The group followed in their wake.


“Pretty harsh for public relations.” Lois Lane said from the back of the group as she was making notes in her holographic interface with a stylized pen.

Lois Lane was an investigative journalist for the Daily-Planet in Metropolis and had won several awards for her pieces on meta-humans, and the arrival of aliens on planet Earth. She stood at approximately 5'6” (167 cm) with blue eyes, and long black hair that went past her shoulders. It was tied back into a pony tail while her bangs were clipped to her sides with hairpins. She wore a cream colored pants suit, and white blouse, along with three inch black heels. The suit did well to hug her athletic hourglass figure. Lois had the personality of a smooth confidence woman until you pushed her to far than she became sharp as a knife ready to stab you with her wit, and sometimes a palm strike. Her military father believed in self-defense and martial arts for his little girl.

“There under a lot of stress, Lois.” Clark Kent said, as he walked along with the group. Lois rolled her eyes at him.

Clark Kent aka Superman stood at approximately 6'3” (190 cm) with bright blue eyes, and high and tight black curly hair. He had a boy next door look to him with his inverted triangle figure, narrow hips, broad shoulders, biceps that barely fit in his gray suit, and blue tie. Clark had worked for the Daily-Planet in Metropolis and was here to work with Lois. He had a good head on his shoulders, and was usually great at picking out details. He had a great memory! So Perry assigned him to Lois for the investigation. Clark, and Lois were also sleeping together, but only a few people knew that. Clark had a warm, and gentle personality that drew people in and made them want to trust him. Until you got him angry! The quiet, nice ones were always the most dangerous.

“Excuse me! Why isn't Wraith here to help us on the tour?” A journalist called out.

“Agent Wraith is currently planet side rebuilding the selected cities under the request of the United Nations.” Mezo called back.

“Tch. Did they really just ask that?” Lois said to Clark in a whisper.

“Not everyone across the globe has access to WWN or the Daily-Planet, Lois.” Clark said softly, but still people heard him and nodded in agreement.

“First up we'll take a ride on the transportation hub train. This train goes through the entire station and covers several modules. Please climb aboard.” Kyoko said with over enthusiastically. Clark tried to contain his laughter at the mere sight of the twins grumpily playing tour guide.

The transportation hub was essentially a rail line with several cars in the shape of ovals, or eggs. Everyone climbed aboard, along with their security escort. Despite their numbers they had plenty of room. Once everyone was inside the doors closed seamlessly. Then they gradually picked up speed and quickly road through the Star Base. It quickly became evident just how large the station had grown to everyone riding as they eventually hit the outside edge and came to the 'Docking Ring.'

“Excuse me!? What are those ships?” A journalist shouted out. Despite being separated into different transport pods they could all hear each other. The Journalist was pointing at the strange, and alien ships docked just outside their view.

“Those are merchant vessels here to trade at the Star Base. As well as receive repair, fuel, and supplies aboard the Trade Hub on the base.” Hex replied in a monotone voice.

Several of the merchant vessels had a very simple all be it aerodynamic design. They were essentially flying bricks with wings, and soft edges. While others looked a little more outlandish. One was incredibly decorative with golden sails on its top, bottom, and along the sides that glistened as the sunlight bounced off the sails. While other ships looked like animals? They had a squid like appearance with an arrow front portion, and tentacles that propelled the ship forward.

“So the JLI are allowing alien invaders into the Sol System?” A delegate shouted in outrage.

“Merchant vessels, say it with me. Merchant. Vessels. They are here to trade with the station.” Kyoko corrected the delegate with an annoyed eye roll.

“Is the trade hub part of the tour?” Lois called out with a raised hand.

“The trade hub is part of the tour, however for obvious reasons you may not go there unattended and speak with the visiting aliens.” Mezo replied.

“Why not?” A journalist ask.

“Because obviously many of you will accuse them of invading the Sol System just like this idiot did.” Hex said, and pointed out the delegate to everyone. The delegate in question turned purple with rage, thankfully their companion calmed them down.

The transportation pods continued to circle around the entire Docking Ring. They saw several ships of strange design pull out of the Star Base directly. They were informed these were the JLI vessels specifically shuttles, star fighters, and they even saw the soon to be made heavy corvettes that were under construction. A few people saw humans, or very human like people working on the construction of the ships which raised several questions.

“Where does the JLI get the people to work aboard the station? What nations are these people from?” A journalist asked.

“All the people you saw are aliens. It has been stated several times in different interviews including Miss Lanes interview that there are many alien races that look very similar to humans.” Kyoko replied and pointed out Lois Lane who waved at everyone.

“Your telling us that every human-like individual we just saw was not born on Earth?” The journalist continued.

“That is correct, they were not born on Gaia.” Mezo continued.

“Gaia? Why do you call Earth, Gaia?” Lois asked with a smile, several people perked up at that.

“Think about it this way Miss Lane. Most alien civilizations have a translators that translate word for word. Earth translates into, dirt. Many visiting merchants, and dignitaries from other worlds were very confused as to why humanity chose to name their mother planet...Dirt.” Mezo replied with a smile, and earned a few sheepish looks from around the pod.

“So Gaia, or Mother Gaia was chosen. Given that several cultures on Earth have called their planet Gaia in the past. The name stuck.” Kyoko said next.

“You said visiting dignitaries? As the JLI made contact with other alien governments? Why was the United Nations not informed of this?” A delegate asked.

“Because they came to speak to the owners of the Star Base. Not the governments of Gaia. The Star Base is a privately owned installation. Gaia, of Earth as you call it is still considered a pre-FTL primitive civilization. The aliens don't want to talk to you. Last but not least. The United Nations was informed, if you didn't know. Then you don't have a high enough security clearance to know.” Hex replied in a sarcastic tone.

This started another slew of shouts, and insults. Ya, this was going really well. Lois rolled her eyes and started to write onto her holographic pad. She had some choice words to describe security manager Hex, and the twins. Clark frowned at the words she was typing but couldn't really disagree. The tour was suppose to bring the JLI, and the people of Earth closer together. That was definitely not happening. If anything it showed how different, and far away they both were from each other.

Eventually the transportation pods stopped and everyone stepped off. They were brought around to see the medical hospital wing and walked through it. They saw technological marvels as Ethan the chief doctor rebuilt a spine in under ten minutes. Many of the delegates, journalist, and news stations asked why the JLI hadn't shared this. Well the problem was simple. They did! But the medical, and pharmaceutical companies of Earth bogged down the license, and certification of the device. They cared more about making money, then saving lives. Kyoko then went down a list countries that had denied the medical bed. Some of them were in the tour.

“So you are telling us that you have life saving technology aboard this base? But the people of Earth don't have it because our leaders have been bought and paid for by medical companies to deny access to the tech?” Lois Lane asked, ready to write a smear campaign then and there.

“That is correct Miss Lane.” Mezo replied, and sent the entire list of countries including America. Several journalist shouted at the attending delegates as to why their counties didn't have a medical bed in every hospital.

Suddenly the poor reception the public tour received made a little more sense. Most of the delegates, journalist, and news stations came from countries that bogged, or completely stopped the JLI attempts and bettering Earth aka Gaia from joining the rest of the universe in technology all because the medical companies wanted more money. Unfortunately this was a common problem on Earth. It was one of the main reasons that Superman didn't work under a single government. He was willing to work alongside Earths nations. But never under them.

Next part of the tour they went to one of the main engineering operations. They watched in vivid fascination as a medium tier exoskeleton suit was measured, fitted, and built around a JLI member. Watching all the different gears, joints, and metal plates being formed around the hero a delight to many. Especially the delegates who desperately wanted them for their military programs. Several people asked about the specifics of the exoskeleton suit and the difference between light, medium, and heavy.

“What's the point of a heavy exoskeleton suit if you have meta's with Superhuman Strength? Can't they toss these around like rag dolls?” A journalist asked.

“Some can this is true, while others cant. The heavy exoskeleton suit is one of the rarest suits we field in the JLI. You have to pass a plethora of tests, physical examinations, and be certified in in hundreds of training operations. It is akin to a highly mobile tank manned by a single individual.” Kyoko replied.

An example soon appeared and the tour group had slacked jaws as a several different suits were shown to them. The smallest heavy exoskeleton suit was 10' tall, all the way to a 30' tall robotic suit. The suits were covered in heavy armor, weapons, and gear that could be swapped out depending on the mission needed. Though the suits were clearly war machines at their base. They could also be used in search and rescue, and construction. Most heavy suits had transformation capabilities. Allowing them to fly in the air, or travel through space. Or underwater! While several others had wheels attached to their feet so they could roll through urban streets.

“Less then 3% of the entire JLI are certified to use a heavy exoskeleton suit simply because of all the stress that comes with piloting one. Though we have hundreds of people currently in training to one day pilot them. We take training seriously here.” Hex replied and for once their voice was simple monotone and with out sarcasm.

“Are there any plans of sharing this technology with Earth?” A journalist asked.

“No.” Hex replied, it was short and to the point answer that caused several people to growl in annoyance.

“Next up! We'll show you all the Star Base drive core! Should be fun!” Kyoko shouted and guided the tour to the inner depths of the station...

“That's an artificial black hole?” Lois asked, as she pointed at the giant orb of darkness that oddly had a ring of crimson light coming off of it.

“That is correct.” Mezo replied with a sinister grin.

The tour did not actually take them into the room. Very few people were allowed in the energy core simply because gravity was weird in there. If you were not careful they could be pulled up and into the core. They even demonstrated this by throwing a can of soda at the core and they watched in horror filled fascination as the soda can was twisted, distorted, and pulled into the core. The entire time it stretched out not once did the soda inside burst out. Until the entire can was swallowed by the core. It was then explained to them why the Star Base no longer sat directly over looking Earth. It was....Dangerous.

“We could power every single city on North America, and South America with the power this is giving off and still have plenty left over to power Australia.” Kyoko said with a grin.

“Your all insane!” A delegate shouted at them.

“Don't look at us, Wraith is the one that designed it.” Kyoko said with a cackle. That both fascinated and horrified so many people.

The tour quickly left the central drive core and visited the trade hub next. Or rather they sat behind a window and looked at the trad hub like it was an exhibit at a zoo. Thankfully the visiting aliens didn't know they were being observed. Many people wanted to go down and talk to the aliens but that was strictly forbidden. Except for a few pre-selected individuals who had previous interactions with aliens. So the Daily-Planet, and WWN were allowed to enter the trade hub under guard.

“Well I guess I'll be getting death threats from my fellow journalist when this is all said and done.” Lois replied with a bemused expression on her face as she walked next to Clark, and the WWN news crew Sara Bradley, and Luke Brendon who were all kinds of excited.

“I didn't think they were going to select us, we only interviewed Wraith yesterday.” Sara said, as she brushed her hair back.

“How is he by the way?” Lois asked out of the blue. Luke, and Sara both paused to look at her.

“Really nice! Far more laid back than I thought.” Sara commented.

“He seemed a little frayed around the edges. Stress from work seem to be getting to him.” Luke said honestly, and Sara begrudgingly agreed.

“It's a little unfair I think that the UN completely relies on him to rebuild so much.” Clark said in a concerned tone.

“Especially with all the anti-Alien flak he gets from so many people. They absolutely despise him but they still expect him to show up in their towns and rebuild it.” Luke said with a irritated expression.

“Thanks for saying. Looks like we got a hook fish incoming.” Lois said to them. As an insect looking alien walked towards them with interest.

The alien in question looked like a Arachne to be perfectly honest. Spider like lower half, with the upper half of a man. The spider half was about the size of a horse. Covered in a black carapace armor, with red marks up and down it. While the upper half looked humanoid with two sets of arms, and covered in a very shiny fabric. It's? His? Her? Had long silver hair, no ears, and a normal human face? They walked over and spoke to them in a serious of clicks, while the collar around their neck translated in a synthetic masculine voice.

“Greetings to you scribes of Gaia, how may I be of assistance?” The Arachne creature said as it bowed from its waist, and its long spider legs knelt down.

“Yes hello, I am Lois Lane with the Daily-Planet. What is your name?” Lois asked as she stepped forward when it was clear Sara, Luke, and Clark were not going to speak first. The Arachne looked perplexed.

“Shaf'il of the Teri'konklak people.” Shaf'il replied as he stood back at his approximate height of 7'6” (231 cm).

“Shaf'il, tell me what brought you to the Watch Tower Star Base?” Lois asked, trying to pronounce the name. Shaf'il smiled at her, his mouth was oddly human like with incisors and molars.

“Our people bring trash, and toxic waste to the processing plant here. Then transport the materials back. It is, as you say. 'Easy money.” Shaf'il replied, once more he spoke in a series of clicks. While his translator on his collar translated the words.

“Forgive me, Clark Kent Daily-Planet. It's space, can you just throw it anywhere?” Clark asked next, Lois didn't reprimand him for interrupting her.

“Both are from this, Daily-Planet? Disposing of trash in the vastness of space is what most primitive cultures do. However many types of trash, and exotic waste has ill effects on the spatial ecosystem of the universe it self. Sooner or later that trash will hit something. Besides, why throw it out when you can make money off of it.” Shaf'il replied with a curious head tilt.

“You do make money from bringing your trash here to the processing plant?” Lois asked.

“Yesssss.” Shaf'il said while he rubbed all four of his hands together in glee. “Very profitable this business has become. My brood has grown large thanks to this establishment.” Shaf'il finished.

Eventually Sara, and Luke got up the nerve to speak to Shaf'il as well. They asked him about his home world, and what it was like to travel to the Sol System. His home planet, and the trash world were in the same star system which was 13 systems away. He was looking forward to the FTL-Sling Shot that was soon to be finished. It would cut their travel time in half. It was then learned that even garbage runners feared pirate attacks. Though their cargo was not worth anything on the way to the base, it was definitely worth more on the way back.

By dinner time the entire tour group found their way towards the dinning hall. This was after they were given free reign to travel through some of the station. Everyone sat down at their individual cliques, while many glowered at the team that got to speak to Shaf'il, a few were friendly enough to come talk to them about it. Then one by one each of them were transported back down to Earth via spring jump pad. All the while Lois Lane, and Clark Kent stayed aboard. Eventually Lois got to meet Clark's biological parents. Which was a whole another story waiting to be written...


***HR. Earth, Washington DC***

  • Congratulations User! Intermediate Telekinesis has evolved into Advanced Telekinesis.

    • Effect: Increase in abilities power.

    • Effect: Increase in abilities range, and manipulation.

    • Effect: Decrease in abilities energy consumption.

This was a surprise for Saurian as he lazily flew through the air towards his destination. He had decided he wanted to stretch out a bit and stayed afloat through Telekinesis as he traveled from New York City, all the way to Washington DC. All the while he was being escorted by several military helicopters. He had even called ahead through Connectivity to inform the UNWS of his decision. He was sure that the Wardens were irritated with him but could do little to stop him as the giant 400' long kaiju floated over Philadelphia, and then Baltimore.

This had both terrified, and fascinated the populace of both cities as the massive monster flew overhead. Saurian tucked his four arms, and legs close to his body and lazily swam through the air like a giant crocodile or maybe a mystic dragon of the east. His tentacles writhed, and wiggled about on his back. While Vyllith sat on the top of his skull crest as she looked through her holographic. A few fighter jets flew by and patrolled in an open perimeter around Saurian. His six reptilian eyes tracked their movements. Then finally they arrived on the outer edge of the city.

He continued to receive experience points for Telekinesis as he used it more and more. Saurian let out a low growl that reverberated across the entire are for miles. Wild life scattered in all directions as they tried their best to get away from him. While oddly enough flocks of birds had landed on him for the free ride. Several hawks landed on his skull crest and looked at him in confusion but stayed on him to ride it out. One hawk in particular was perched on Vyllith's shoulder and was looking at her holographic.

Through the use of Connectivity Saurian used a bit of GPS and turned gradually towards the White House. He was reasonably sure Lex would not allow him to land on the lawn so he was flying towards the front gate. Saurian, and Lash both had been to Washington before though it was in the MCU Rift. Little changes, but more or less it was the same. Washington being the capital of America had received far more support in the rebuilding process then other cities. So though a lot of it had been rebuilt with out his aid. Though a lot of resources sent from the Watch Tower still came in everyday. Would they received a reward for indirectly helping?

'Vyllith, I am making my approach.' -Saurian said across their shared link.

Vyllith with out a word stood up and regretfully sent the hawks away. She Called her wings to her and flew into the air. Saurian then took great pleasure in diving straight down towards the ground shocking the military choppers that were escorting him. His landing zone was dead center in front of the White House with a military officer was standing ready to receive him. To the officers credit they didn't flinch at the approaching dive bombing monster.

Saurian soon tucked, and rolled end over end. As he did each revolution he got smaller, and smaller. Smoke, and shadow began to billow out of him like a flame consuming a forest. Until eventually he was little more than a ball of smoke that crashed into the street causing a miniature mushroom cloud to appear. From the explosion of shadow came out the 8' tall Agent Wraith, and Vyllith who landed next to him.

“Good to see you again, Agent Wraith!” The military officer gave him a crisp salute and Wraith looked at him for a moment before a smile stretched across his face.

Colonel Jace Nichols was the Lieutenant Colonel that Lash had met at the Riddlers attack of the Winter Carnival so long ago.(Chapter 34, 35) Wraith had recommended the officer get a promotion for doing his job when the General they were protecting hid away like a coward. Jace had been a complete asshole to the city watch, security, and GCPD. But he had always been a man with out tact. But he also was a hard worker, and prided himself on taking care of his people. He was in full army dress uniform.

“Good to see you as well, Colonel Nichols!” Lash walked right up to him and stopped at six paces then returned the salute. Colonel Nichols smiled a bit and brought his hand down, then did Lash.

“Sorry, Colonel I'm not sure I did that correctly.” Lash said to him.

“You did fine, Sir! Who's this.” The Colonel asked as he gestured towards Vyllith who walked over.

“This is Hell Knight of the JLI she helps keep me in line.” Lash said, amusement clear in his voice. Colonel nodded to her and she returned the gesture.

“A pleasure ma'am. Well shall we, before the vultures come to call?” Colonel said as he did an about face and walked towards the White House.

The vultures in question were the reporters, and news vans that were speeding this way. Lash, and Vyllith fell in line behind the Colonel as they walked onto the paved path of the White House just as security closed the gates on the first reporter. They shouted questions that were easily ignored. Lash went through his Magical Perceptions and saw dozens of newly minted spell wards, talismans, and inscriptions on the White House. Catered to prevent teleportation, and even a shield that could envelope the whole complex if needed. Lash wondered why they hadn't done that before?

The White House was an impressive structure that needed a face lift in Lash's opinion. The overall design hadn't changed in over 200 years. Yes, it had been updated with all of the technological marvels of the modern day. Along with several supernatural enhancements. But it still looked old. Many would argue that it was historical. Lash knew with out a doubt that for Lex Luthor, it was a step down in luxury.

The Colonel escorted them across the walk way towards the west wing. This was actually where the president did most of their work. Most people believed the oval office was in the main building. This wasn't true at all. The main building was primarily were their families would live, as well as where they would hold parties, and delegations from foreign countries. The White House had 147 windows all of them with ballistic safety glass. Supposedly they used a level 8 standard or higher but such knowledge was not open to the public.

While the entire lawn was under hundreds of cameras, and infrared sensors. But most of all it was under the watchful eye of a full trained operational SWAT team, as well as a newly innovative Meta SPAT team. (Special Powers and Tactics) They weren't sure about the acronym. While they also had a K-9 unit of guard dogs. One specific guard dog was also a meta. The dog was the size of a horse, but was still just as attentive as it was before.

“That's Bruno, the one and only Meta hound that works security with the White House. I'm told he has the same intelligence of a 5 year old. Though he is far more mature for his age. He's immune to small arms fire, and resistant to rifles.” The Colonel said softly as he waved at Bruno. The giant dog, and his handler watched them across the path with careful eyes.

Bruno was a German Shepard dog. Massive in size with dark brown fur, razor sharp fangs, and claws. Along with amber colored eyes. Bruno watched with interest as Lash stopped and looked towards him. Bruno wagged his tail and licked his nose as he started to walk towards him much to the surprise of his handler. Lash stayed on the path not venturing across the lawn he knew that was a bad thing. The Colonel, and Vyllith paused and waited for him. Bruno eventually walked over and started to sniff Lash.

“Hello... You smell good! Who are you? Are you here to see the big man in the house?” Bruno asked Lash through the use of Beast Speak. (Chapter 4)

“I am called Agent Wraith, I work with the United Nations World Security as well as the Justice League: International.” Lash replied in Beast Speak which came out as a series of growls, and short to the point snarls. Bruno tilted his head to one side then licked Lash's face several times.

“Bruno, what's going on?” His handler gentle tugged on his harness. Bruno turned to looked at his handler then yipped softly, his tail wagging.

“Apologies sir, I am capable of speaking to animals. We were saying hello.” Lash informed the handler who looked at him wide eyed.

“Can you tell him to visit the doctors? He smells sick.” Bruno asked Lash.

“Bruno says you should visit the doctors, he can smell the sickness settling in you.” Lash informed his handler who looked surprise then smiled at Bruno.

“I've got an appointment next week big guy.” His handler said, and Bruno gave a happy bark at him. Which was like a mega phone given his size.

“Apologies but it's time for me to go.” Lash said through Beast Speak. Bruno barked once, then licked his face then gradually pulled his handler back to their appointed position.

“Well, that was educational.” The Colonel said with a smile as they continued on their way to the west wing.

Despite the pleasant situation it soon ended once they reached the door to the west wing. They ran into a problem. Security wouldn't let Lash, and Vyllith in until the checked them for weapons. Upon which they would have to give up their weapons. Lash gave them a blank stare, then rubbed his face for a moment and tried to explain that he himself was a weapon. He had a mounted cannon attached to his combat suit, as did Vyllith. Now they really wouldn't let them inside. Lash refused to give it up because he was worried they would try and copy the design. They promised they wouldn't try to do that. But Lash pointed out the scanning tool that was clearly already trying to scan his whole suit. That started another little discussion about how he was not allowed to scan anything in the west wing. Until word came down from the president himself to let them both in, weapons and all.

Lash noticed several of the secret service agents were meta's, and even a few supernaturals! Lash was under the impression that such a thing was against the supernatural community law. But they must have amended that after the invasion. He had to admit that the assassination of the worlds leaders would have gone a lot differently if a Blood-Kindred had been a part of the security escort. Or better yet a War Troll. Lash sent a simple Telepathic hello. He knew they couldn't stop to greet him as a Warden, or him bowing to them either. They said hello back and that was it.

Lash, and Vyllith were shown directly into the oval office and there sat behind the desk was Alexander Joseph Luthor aka 'Lex' or President Luthor. Lex stood approximately at 6'2” (187 cm) with piercing intelligent green eyes, and a bald head. (Baldies Unite!) He had an inverted triangle figure, and was in great shape. His muscle definition was clear under his $10,000 tailored black suit with a red tie. Lex was technically in his thirties, but thanks to Lash who used Restore Youth and gave him 10 years. He was physically in his twenties. (Chapter 43)

Sitting in the room with him was his mother Lillian Luthor who stood at an impressive 6'0” (182 cm) with pale skin, blue eyes, light brown hair that was cut just above her shoulders and framed her face. She had an athletic svelte figure, she had been in her 40's but had also obtained the Restore Youth treatment and returned to her 30's exact age Lash didn't know. (He didn't ask) Lillian was a caring mother, who was a brilliant scientist, and a great actor who was more than willing to manipulate people in just the right way. She had a simple mind. If you were with her, you were family. If you were not you were simply living on borrowed time.

Lillian wore a black pencil skirt, and green silk blouse, with a black half jacket suit. Golden earrings, and a pearl necklace. She smiled at Lash as he walked in and Lash smiled back at her. Next to Lillian was a surprise. Amanda Waller stood up to greet Lash as he entered. Amanda stood at approximately 5'1” with cold brown eyes, pixie cut short black hair, and an athletic hourglass figure. She wore a black, on white pants suit. She had several tiny facial scars along her cheeks, eyes, and one long scar down her neck. Amanda had a cold personality that fit her manipulative style of thinking nicely. She knew when to cooperate, and she knew when to shoot.

“Agent Wraith, Hell Knight welcome. Please take a seat... Or make one.” Luthor said with a smile as they walked in. Several presidential aids stood in the office.

Lash took him up on the offer and used Fabrication, and Alteration to craft Vyllith, and himself two wooden, and black obsidian stone chairs. Each one ornate, and decorated in gothic style. With plush cushions, and an open spot for their tails. While specifically for Lash he designed his chair to accommodate his tentacles, and the scaled spine he had. Once they were comfortable they looked towards Lex. Colonel Nichols stayed in the room and took an offered seat.

“You put on rousing appearance in New York, and your little fly over caused a lot of stir in the American public. I like to think I know you well enough that you did that for a purpose, care to share?” Lex asked, as he sat back in his large leather chair.

“I was practicing my Telekinesis.” Lash said simply, Lillian raised a manicured eye brow at him.

“So, in your primal shape which is about 400' long. You manipulated your Telekinesis to wrap around your entire body and lift yourself off the ground and gradually fly here?” Amanda asked, in conflicted tone of voice. Caught between the simplicity, and stupidity of it.

“That's not the only reason you did it.” Lillian commented, not a question just a statement. Lash gave a 'who knows' shrug.

“A show of power.” Vyllith said softly from her seat. Amanda looked at Vyllith, this was the first time either of them had met.

“What do you think, Colonel?” Lex asked, and Nichols raised his chin to look Lex in the eye.

“If his objective was to show the American people how strong he is. I would say he succeeded. Not only that, but the ability to shift from such a large mass to the 8' tall creature before us. That's terrifying! I'm happy he is on our side.” Colonel Nichols said and glanced at Lash who nodded to him.

“How strong is your Telekinesis?” Lillian asked, as she took out a note pad.

“I could lift the White House, including the entire garden area and hold it indefinitely.” Lash replied.

“Or throw it into space.” Amanda said next, Lash shrugged again.

Colonel Nichols opened his mouth then closed it. He looked at Lex for permission to speak and he gave it. “Is that how you got the space station up there. It's supposedly very large.” The Colonel asked.

“Oh goodness, no! I built the station in stages. The first time I had Superman fly me up and I built it the first version. It was little more than 50' wide, and 10' high at that point. Then every few months I built, and upgraded the superstructure to what it is now.” Lash replied with a smile.

“The specifics of the stations super structure will be released with the latest news articles since the tour group should be aboard the station now.” Vyllith said next, the Colonel nodded in acceptance then looked towards Lex.

“Colonel Nichols here will be in charge of the soldiers that you decide to change. If they pass you criteria.” Lex said next, while he also said a great deal between the lines. Lex didn't buy what Lash had said about people surviving the process. He knew Lash had a 100% survival rate.

“They'll be in good hands then.” Lash said, and complimented the Colonel who smiled at him. “I would suggest the Colonel go through the same process. It makes it easier to give orders who you, yourself can also do the same things.” Lash suggested, and the Colonel to his credit didn't jump for joy but Lash could see it on his face.

“So you can just give meta powers to anyone?” Lillian asked next.

“They need to be physically healthy. Have reached maturity, mid twenties early thirties. Not pregnant. A stable, and healthy mind. Also I can only grant the basic abilities. So don't expect anything like Agent Murmur, and Agent Nickel.” Lash said, and finished by giving an example. Waller had taken out a holographic pad and was scribbling notes.

“Basic?” Lex asked.

Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, Agility, Reflexes, Stamina, Healing, Regeneration, Intellect, Senses, and Age Reduction. They'll start at G- and grow to about E+. Anything more than that and they start to suffer from mutations.” Lash replied.

The Watch Tower had recently finished its Beta test for artificial meta gene implanting. They were moving on and were slowly learning how to grow from G- and up. Lash could of course do it on a whim, but that would require him to be present for all of the operations. They wanted to try and do in on their own, and Lash encouraged this. He could also grant the special abilities, but was not willing to hand that over to the governments of the world. Everything in moderation.

“Side effects?” Lillian asked.

“Increased metabolism, longer sleep periods after excessive use of abilities. Even starting at G- they will need to learn to interact, and react to the world around them. Having super strength makes the whole world incredibly fragile. Heightened senses will make living in day to day life torture until they can re-learn how to tune the world out.” Lash said, and created a interactive holographic window for Lillian, Amanda, Lex, and Nichols.

“When you say, Age Reduction?” Colonel asked.

“At E+, almost an additional hundred or so years.” Lash replied.

“Would it be easier to simply implant these abilities in children?” Lex asked, and one of his aids gasped softly. Lex ignored them.

“Yes, but I wont do that.” Lash said flat out, Lex looked at him in curiosity.

“The men, and women you have prepared agreed to this procedure. Maybe in a few hundred years when all of humanity has been conditioned and optimized things will be different. But unless the people in question agree to it, I refuse to preform the operation.” Lash finished and wouldn't budge on it. Lash knew he was splitting hairs. He had changed plenty of people with out their permission. But that was that, and this was this.

“No chance of sterilization?” Lillian asked.

“Not unless I design it that way. Which I wont.” Lash replied.

“I will agree to change 10 soldiers, 11 counting the Colonel and that is it. I'll be doing the same to the other nations militaries as well.” Lash said to continue the discussion.

“Can't you give us more?” Waller asked, and Lash gave her a dead panned expression.

“I don't only work for America, Waller. Your know this.” Lash replied, and she sent him a glare.

“Agreed.” Lex said as he finished speed reading through the holographic window and sent it back to Lash who closed it. “Colonel you are dismissed, narrow down the volunteers to your top 10.” Lex ordered, Colonel Nichols stood up and saluted then left in a hurry.

“How many did you select?” Lash asked.

“216” Lillian replied. There was no way Lash was going to change that many. Lex never believed that Lash had a fail rate so what were they thinking?

“All of you please leave.” Lex said to his aids who all left through the office side doors and the last ones out closed the doors behind them. Lex took out a device from his desk and turned it on. An electronic baffle field was created. Blocked all listening devices in the office, and there were a lot of them.

“I want and additional 10 soldiers. If you agree I'll force the issue for the medical bed license in the US. Ghost Industries can begin to sell them on American soil.” Lex said next.

“Agreed.” Lash replied simply. Lex smiled at his quick reply. Politics!

“When can you come to Belle Reve and give it a once over?” Waller asked next, however her personality was a little more amiable. Perhaps she was playing to a crowd before? Lash leaned back in thought.

“As soon as I leave here.” Lash replied, and Waller smiled at him, and nodded her head in thanks. She was either playing to a crowd before, or she was doing it now. Lash's assorted abilities, and blessing of Loki informed he she wasn't lying to him, so?

“I read a report about a school being made for meta's, aliens, and gifted mundanes. Any progress report on that?” Lillian asked.

“The Lunar Academy is still under construction.” Lash began to say and everyone perked up at the sound of Lunar. “However, there is a hostile force on the moon that we are clearing out. It will take time. Also it is believed an Kryptonian armada is on the way to invade the Sol System.” Lash said at last and Lex stood up from his seat.

“Excuse me?” He asked with a smile tugging on his lips. While Waller, and Lillian both looked surprised and eager for more information.

“Fort Rozz the prison ship contained several hundred Kryptonians. Many of them were political prisoners from a fail coup that happened on Krypton before its destruction. Fort Rozz came here to the last known location of a Kryptonian Justicar, Supergirl. Where it landed and proceeded to broadcast a SOS signal to any and all Kryptonian ships capable of hearing it. Dru-Zod the military general behind the coup who was not aboard the prison ship received the signal and gathered the remnants of Kryptons space forces to track down Fort Rozz and retrieve their people.” Lash said, and produced a large holographic window with the estimated ship number, and tech level.

“Chances of hostility?” Waller asked.

“Very high. Dru-Zod is a puritan. Any one who is not Kryptonian is beneath his eye. Many Kryptonians are still beneath his eye. He is also brilliant, ruthless, cunning, and incredibly dangerous. Especially because we believe their fleet stopped in Alpha Centauri and have been absorbing yellow sun energy. They are about half as strong as Superman.” Lash continued.

“ETA?” Lex asked as he pulled out a private and secure holographic phone and started to type into it at a rapid pace.

“The next few weeks, honestly I'm surprised they haven't shown up yet. The JLI have observation satellites at the edge of the solar system on the look out. Aside from the normal visitors we get, nothing as shown up.” Lash replied.

“Why are we just now hearing about this?” Waller asked.

“We told the UNWS, anyone who needed to know had been told.” Vyllith said softly from her seat. Which only infuriated Waller more. Because she didn't know. Which made perfect sense to Lash. Waller would take the information and protect America, and only America.

“Chances of Earth being caught in the cross fire?” Lillian asked.

“50/50. We've captured more than half of the Kryptonian prisoners and have them aboard the Watch Tower, including Dru-Zod's wife, and his son. Most of Earth's technologies are to primitive for the rest of the Kryptons to create a transmitter strong enough to communicate with Dru from the surface. Fort Rozz is dead, and needs a new fuel cell to be reawakened. The JLI, and the UNWS are debating on whether we should get one or not.” Lash continued.

“However, there is another possibility of invasion from a force known as the Green Lanterns.” Lash said, and Lex stopped typing to look at him.

“We had reports of Green Lanterns on Earth. We were informed they were allies? Part of an intergalactic police force?” Lillian asked.

“The Green Lanterns took orders from the Guardians of the Universe on Oa. Recently their archive of records was placed on a public network across the universe. Including but not limited to their secret operational files. The entire universe read their dirty laundry and didn't like what they found. The Green Lanterns collapsed. 30% of the group gave up their rings, another 30% kept their rings but no longer follow Guardian Law, while the last 40% give or take still work for the Guardians.” Vyllith replied.

“Do we know who to thank for spreading this information across the universe?” Waller asked, and Vyllith pointed at Lash.

“So, after that was done. The Guardians of Oa revoked the protection they had on our solar system. They also placed a very large bounty on my head, preferably alive but dead if necessary. While their public image has been completely ruined. We've been informed they are attempting to do a smear campaign on myself. They are trying to sway public opinion that I am a corrupting force on the people of the Sol System. That I am nothing more than an invader setting up the Earth for invasion.” Lash replied, and Waller rubbed the bridge of her nose in frustration.

“At which point the Guardians will swoop in, detain you. Then declare martial law as they do their best to help in this transition between government powers. While the people of Earth are caught in the middle. I know this all to well, I've planned and successfully run dozens of operations like this in other countries.” Waller said with a sigh.

“So this is why the Watch Tower went from a space habitat to a military installation. They were preparing for war, prudent.” Lillian said next.

“I assume the Watch Tower is fully equipped to fight off a Kryptonian armada?” Lex asked, as he finished with his phone and set it aside.

“We believe so.” Lash replied, from what Jor, and Lara had said the Star Base was more than enough to stop Dru and anything they could throw at them. But Lash was on Nightmare difficulty, he was sure something would come out of left field.

“How many Green Lanterns still work for Oa?” Lillian asked.

“Hundreds, maybe thousands. All of them with a power ring capable of making energy constructs. If they wanted to they could turn the planet Earth into slag.” Vyllith replied with an indifferent tone of voice as if it didn't concern her.

“Can you adjust the soldiers now before you leave the states?” Lex asked, and Lash thought about it for a moment and agreed. Lex picked up his office phone and closed the electronic baffle field.

“Tell the Colonel to wait, Agent Wraith and Hell Knight are joining him in the car.” Lex said, than hung up the phone. He pressed another call button and a secret service agent opened the door.

“Please escort Agent Wraith, and Hell Knight to the Colonel.” Lex instructed, Lash stood up and bowed to everyone in the room and dematerialized his chair, along with Vyllith's.

Lash, and Vyllith were escorted to the underground garage where Colonel Nichols stood at attention with a smile on his face. They would be headed to Quantico. Several armored vehicles escorted them towards the base with police escort. All the while the car ride to the base was a little uncomfortable simple because the back seat of the car didn't accommodate Lash's size. Vyllith was practically sitting in his lap. While Colonel Nichols sat off to the side as best he could. Until Lash laughed to himself and cast Size Alteration and shrunk down to about two feet tall and curled up in Vyllith's lap.

“There we go.” Lash's voice had also lowered several tones, and may or may not have been a little to cute. As the Colonel attempted to not laugh at him. “Fear me!” Lash shouted, raising up his four arms as he threatened the Colonel with the wrath of doom!

“Hhahahahaha!” The Colonel laughed loudly in the car, then Lash calmed down as Vyllith pet his head.

“So did the President inform you of the 21 people I'll be changing including you.” Lash said as he flopped across Vyllith's legs. She ran her gloved, clawed hands down his spine.

“Yes, sir! 5 Marine Raiders, 5 Green Berets, 5 Navy Seals, 5 Air Commandos.” Colonel Nichols said as he pulled up a E-Pad and handed it to Vyllith who held it in front of Lash who unlocked it and read through it with Connectivity.

“They are all legacies. Good, good.” Lash said as he read through the file.

Legacies are born and raised within the service. Yes some may jump branches due to this and that. But your father, and often times your mother as well were in the service. You grew up traveling from base, to base living the live. Then you hit 18 and join up just like your families did. Some of the best soldiers in the history of the world were legacies. Not all of them. But there are always exceptions to the rule.

“Alright Colonel hold your hand out.” Lash said, the Colonel did as he was instructed. Lash brought up Source Code and looked through Colonel Nichols form.

Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Restoration, Quality Enhancement, Re:Implant, Panacea, Restore Youth (20 yrs), Empathic Healing, and Awaken Trait. The nature spells were used to restore his body, quality brought his standard human grade from G to F. A bio-mechanical implant to help him slowly develop his abilities. The Colonel was in his 40's so he was in his 20's again. While Empathic Healing will help him get past a lot of pain, and heart ache. Next he used Source Code to implant Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, Agility, Reflexes, Stamina, Regeneration, Healing, Intellect, Senses, and Age Reduction. Then Lash left a tiny Compulsion inside of him for emergencies.

Colonel Jace Nichols stood at approximately 6'0” (182 cm) with fierce bright eyes, high and tight thick black hair, a strong inverted triangle build. The few wrinkles he did have smoothed out, the gray hair he had was gone. He was in great shape before, but now he was an all star athlete. He had grown several inches to the point that Lash used Alteration, and Fabrication to fix his uniform so it fit better. He took a long slow breath and opened his eyes with a smile.

“Wow! That is some good shit right there, sir!” Colonel said, his voice strong, confident, and full swagger!

“Your wife may not recognize you now.” Lash said as he flopped down into Vyllith's lap once more. The Colonel got a little quiet and looked down. Lash tilted his head to one side and realized he made a mistake.

“Invasion?” Lash asked, the Colonel nodded. “Daughter?”

“Still alive, staying with her grandparents. They live here in Washington.” Colonel said.

They didn't speak for the rest of the ride. The Colonel had an odd little smile on his face and Lash understood that Empathic Healing helped him get over the death of his wife. When Lash had healed Kaecilius, he had felt the tsunami of torment wash over him. With the Colonel the pain was there, but it seemed the Colonel was hurting but hadn't blamed himself. He was good a man who wanted to do right by his family, and his country. Good people.

The convoy reached its destination and there was a minor problem at the gate when they asked for the Colonel's ID and the man who was in his 40's didn't really match the man who was in his 20's. Then the ID of Agent Wraith who was suppose to be 8' tall didn't match the 2' tall version. It also didn't help when Lash shouted the words 'Fear me!' in his tiny voice. When they at last got past the gate Lash learned that Vyllith had recorded the whole scene and sent it to Kyoko. He was going to make an Agent Wraith plushie.

Lash decided he liked being small and stepped out of the car as his tiny self. He scampered along next to Vyllith, and Colonel Nichols who was trying to keep a straight face and was failing. Several officers did a double take not only with Agent Wraith, but with the Colonel. While Vyllith was also beyond attractive even in her medium tier exoskeleton suit. Sex appeal is hard to hide no matter what you do. Or maybe it was her heart shaped tipped tail? Who knew!

Soon the tiny Wraith was escorted into a barracks where the selected soldiers awaited. Thankfully the selection from 216 down to 20 had been relatively easy. Lash learned that they always assumed it would be a small number and simply over prepared. Before they stepped into the room that held the soldiers Lash went back to his impressive 8' tall form. Then followed in behind the Colonel, someone called attention, they saluted the Colonel and he had them fall in. 5 men from each branch stood in perfect lines, at attention.

“Stand at rest all of you.” Lash said in his animalistic voice, and Colonel gave the command. They went to the standing position of rest.

“How many of you know, Colonel Nichols?” Lash said as he gestured to the young man beside him. Several people raised their hands but a look of confusion was on their faces.

“I thought it prudent that the man in charge of the new unit should be a meta themselves. So the Colonel has already gone through the process. I also did some conditioning, and optimizing on him as well. As you can see he is younger, by about 20 years.” Lash said, and the Colonel smiled while the soldiers looked at him in shock.

“I look around and most of you are in your thirties with a few exceptions, with late twenties. This is the perfect time to implant a meta gene. Your body is young enough to accept the change, and your mind is flexible enough to not have a mental break.” Lash said and emphasized this point by creating a holographic window with a complete scan of the Colonel as reference.

“Any medics, here?” Lash called out, and 1 soldier from each group of 5 raised their hands. “Right, dumb question.” Lash said with a bit of humor and a few people chuckled.

“Most average human beings use approximately 55%-65% of their bodies natural muscle use. This is to prevent damage to their bodies. Well trained athletes, and soldiers can push themselves to 75%-85%. However such extent tends to have issues after 5 or 10 years. When you leave here today, each of you will be able to use 100% of your bodies muscle groups with no ill effect.” Lash said and the medics looked dumb struck.

“So...Who's first?” Lash asked, as he smiled at everyone present showing a bit of fang that sent a shiver down some of their spines.

At standing tradition a Marine was first, after that they zippered in. Left right, left right, etc, etc. One hour later Lash, and Vyllith stood in a room of men in their early twenties all of them trying to essentially learn how to walk, run, and do jumping jacks together. The Colonel took off his coat and began to do push ups with the soldiers while Lash, and Vyllith counted for them. Eventually Lash sat them down and ran them through what to expect for the next few months.

“None of you can fly, or shoot lasers from your eyes, or move the earth with your mind. All I've done is effectively made you superhuman. That's all.” Lash said simply and a few people barked out a laugh.

“The highest meta grade any of you should be able to reach is E+. However, you got all of this.” Lash said as he pointed out the different meta abilities they were given. “While others only get some of what you have. Yes, those that get only some tend to go a little higher in grade. A question some of you may ask? Could you go to a higher grade with less powers? I don't know. It's possible. But every attempt to push the limit of the human body with an artificial gene has led to mutations, and abominations. None of you want to do that.” Lash said, and demonstrated his point by showing holographic pictures. Of humans, and animals with miss shaped limbs, spines protruding out their backs, skin falling off.

“What can we do with E+, sir?” One of the soldiers asked.

“With Age Reduction you'll most likely live an additional 80-100 years. With Superhuman Speed at E+ you'll be able to run at 30 mph and hold it. Regeneration you'll be able to regrow an entire arm in under a year.” Lash said, then created several holographic windows and gave them each one to look through while he closed the horror show video down.

“With Superhuman Durability, and Reflexes you may be able to catch a bullet. Depends on the bullet honestly.” Lash said with a smile, and a few people laughed.

“I will say this though. I am the one that gave you this artificial gene. So I'll be real with all of you right now.” Lash said, and his tone took on an edge. All the soldiers stopped reading their screens to look at him.

“If any of you go off the rails, and use what I've given you to become a monster? I will track you down, take them back from you, then kill you. Understand?” Lash said, his voice all but a growl. Several people swallowed audibly, then Colonel Nichols stood up at attention.

“I understand, sir!” Colonel Nichols shouted. He was soon followed by every man in the room.

Lash and Vyllith stayed for a few more hours. He handed them each a holographic pad with the do, and do not while training with powers. He also encouraged them to attend CSA training because technically even though they are already in the military its the law. Also to not tell anyone that they are artificially created. Especially since other countries are only getting 11. When the soldiers heard that they all had smiles on their faces. Assuming Lash was making an exception for his home country. They didn't need to know the truth. Colonel Nichols saw them to courtyard where Lash, and Vyllith used a spring jump to head to Belle Reve.

In the comics Belle Reve is a prison facility used to contain metahuman criminals. It was also used as a base of operations for Task Force X and the Suicide Squad. Located in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana near St. Roch. In the Dream Engine that hadn't change much, however there was a very large military base attached to Belle Reve. The military base wrapped around the whole prison. Half of Belle Reve was underground. While the other half which was the administration portion was above. Building underground in the swamp lands is incredibly difficult. Unless you have a talented Terrakinetic.

When Lash, and Vyllith landed on the street fresh from a spring jump they were welcomed by a beautiful sun set. As the sweltering heat, and humidity pulled them both into its uncomfortable embrace. Actually for the both of them it wasn't that bad. Not because of their full body exoskeleton suits. But because Vyllith was born and raised in Tartarus, and Lash was a reptile in his current form. Nature spirits, as well as rot drifted in the air in an odd harmony. Swamps were great like that. A balance between life, rot, death, and rebirth.

What also welcomed them was an alarm. A base wide alarm. For a brief moment Lash assumed it was because two unidentified people teleported within 50' of the gatehouse. But no, it was because half the base was on fire and people wearing orange jump suits were sprinting across the base attempting to get out as fast as possible. Lash reached out with Connectivity, then used Virtual Intelligence aka tech-spirits. He sent the spirits into the base to figure out what was going on while he called Amanda Waller.

“This is Director Waller, you have 5 seconds to tell me who the fuck you are because I don't recognize this number.” Waller's irritated voice came over the line.

“Director Waller its Agent Wraith. I'm right outside of Belle Reve and there is an alarm, several explosions, and what appears to be convicts attempting to run off the base. Do I have your permission to intervene?” Lash asked politely into the phone.

“God damn it! Yes, you have my permission to intervene!” Waller shouted then hung up the phone.

“Rules of engagement?” Vyllith asked as she flipped through a holographic setting. A holographic projection of JLI showed up on her front, and back so she could be identified.

“Ask them to surrender if they don't, maim and or kill them.” Lash replied, and Vyllith reached up to her back and pulled her sword free from her spine sheath. Wings burst into being with a crimson divine glow and she took off into the air.

Lash raised his four clawed hands into the air and channeled Reality Warping and Manifestation. With the spell being empowered he got something a little different. 1500 warriors, 200 veterans, and 20 elites stepped out of the portals of darkness and starlight. Lash lowered all of his arms but one, the last one he pointed towards the base and with out a word his army rushed towards Belle Reve. While his tech-spirits notified the base commander that he was on scene with help, and had Director Waller's permission to intervene.

Lash's magical energy took a nose dive when he cast the empowered version of Manifestation but thanks to the tear drop power stone, and Endless Energy he soon returned to 100%. While the original 1110 had their own power source. He had to keep the extra numbers up himself. Even then his energy levels rarely went below 90%. Lash reached out and linked up with the intercom system in place on base.

“Attention! Attention! This is Agent Wraith with the United Nations World Security! Liaison with the Justice League: International. I advise any and all convicts to surrender peacefully. If you do not! You will suffer!” Lash's animalistic voice shouted across the base, and the entire prison. For a brief moment the prisoners stopped then they went right back to what they were doing.

'Just maim, and or kill then?' -Vyllith asked across the link.

'Yes.' -Lash replied.

Lash dropped to all fours as his Adaptation adjusted his bones, and muscle structure. While Vyllith dived bomb straight into a group of convicts next to the wall flaming holy sword out. Then the screaming started. Lash ran straight towards the towering metal alloy door that stood over 30' tall. He jumped up and stuck to the door thanks to Gravity Stride and climbed up like it was the floor. He reached the top and looked at the watch tower that had several convicts attempting to break the door down. Lash jumped across the space easily enough and pounced onto one of them.

“Hello there!” Lash said, his shroud of smoke and shadow billowing around him.

“Oh fuck!” One of the men shouted, as Lash's tentacles reached out and snagged each convict and tossed them off the watch tower to the ground 30' below.

“Agent Wraith?” A soldier inside the watch tower stuck his face out.

“Yes it's me, do you have any injured?” Lash asked as he climbed the rest of the stairs and perched on the metal railing.

“No sir! But we are not the only gate house. Can you check the others? We lost radio contact.” The officer asked. Lash nodded in agreement then jumped back to the wall and raced along the edge. Well along the side.

While Lash ran along the wall his four tentacles created spell circles of Eldritch Blast and beams of red energy danced across the base like sniper shot that cut through concrete, steel, flesh, and bone alike. All the while a tidal wave of Saurus Warriors dove into the waiting arms of the prisoners who were trying their best to run away now. Then a piece of the wall that Lash ran across suddenly turned into a concrete spike that tried to impale him. He jumped off thanks to his Superhuman Reflexes though neither Danger Sense of Foresight activated. He landed and looked around to see a man with a ripped up jumper suit, and skin made of rock. Lash cast Insight.

  • Name: Fuk Jr. Tastic VI Avatar. Aka Earth Burglar

    • Title: Earth Bender. Rock Eater. Born to Rock.

    • Origin: Meta. Sub-Origin: Science Project.

    • Rank: C-

    • Skills: Pottery, Quilting, Hand to Hand Combat, (See tool tip)

    • Powers: Terrakinetic, Superhuman Durability, Earth Breath, (See tool tip)

    • Domain: N/A

    • Traits: Dark Vision.

    • Affiliation: Waller's Bitches, Rough Riders.

    • Flaws: Short Fuse.

    • Disposition: Hostile.

    • Description: Fuk Tastic is a VI Avatar who's User had died so many times he finally gained enough WP to make an instant C grade meta. Who got arrested 10 minutes after their creation. They've been in prison ever since. They have over the top anger issues, and are easily baited.

Wow! That was a gamer name for sure! Fuk Tastic slammed his fists into the ground and concrete spikes shot out of the ground. Lash easily side stepped them and darted straight towards Tastic by jumping side to side in odd patterns. Lash didn't say a word as Tastic kept making spikes after spikes. Then when Lash got close enough Tastic spewed out sand from his mouth. So Lash opened his maw, and spread his mandibles to breath out blue hot flame with Elemental Manipulation. His breath was so hot the sand turned to glass, and the top half of his body melted before Lash's eyes. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Lash watched as the spirit of Fuk Tastic was pulled into Lash's private hell dimension. Ah! That's right, Lash needed to visit there and get it all set up. Then he needed to see how expensive a heavenly realm was. Hopefully the Krypton demigods could go there for their home away from home. He'd have to see later. Lash took back off on a sprint towards the next gate house. While more and more damned souls were sent to his hell dimension. Lash reached the next gate house and found it intact. Then when he reached the next he found that one open and dozens of convicts running in the swamp.

Lash climbed into the watch tower and found several officers horrible beaten and a few mutilated. He repaired, and healed their bodies. Then brought each one back as they each had their soul tethers in place. Then he climbed the wall and shot each of the running convicts with a long range, focused Eldritch Blast. The lower half of each convict flopped into the swamp after he was done. They closed the gate, and he repaired the watch towers door. Then started to move inside.

More than half the base had fallen under Lash's control by the time he got to the upper floors of the prison. Vyllith was flying around the base slaying the sinful and healing the injured. That was right! Apparently with Angelic Physiology Vyllith could use her Daemonic divine pool to lay her hands on people and heal. Groovy. Lash was actually a little worried because he saw little lights of what he could only call motes of faith be absorbed into his being. Wonderful he thought sarcastically.

Lash moved into the upper floors of the prison and stood up straight as his bones snapped into a bipedal position. He poked his head around the corner and pulled it back as assault rifles shot where he had been. He used Earth Swim to move through an exterior wall. The administration portion of the base was in part where they ran their operations out from. The one and only door that led outside was the one he just used. Several convicts sat above with assault rifles, and light machine guns waiting for anyone to poke their heads back in.

“I'm surprised you didn't run.” Lash called out from the shadows, he used Phantasm to have his voice come from different angles.

“We were going to, then a flood of reptiles in fucking armor killed half our crew.” A man's voice called out.

“I've only noticed men so far, where all the women?” Lash called out. It was true, every convict he had met were male.

“They're still in prison. We didn't want to let any of those crazy bitches out. Normal women are hard enough to get along with.” Another man's voice called out.

“You can still surrender.” Lash called out, as he cast Invisibility on himself and climbed up the wall. There at the edge of the room was a machine gun nest.

Like most secure facilities the door in and out was controlled by someone who sat up in a secure spot one or two floors above the door. The room was commonly large, with several security monitors, and a small armory just in case they needed in. Unfortunately in this case the convicts got a hold of that small armory. Since the prison dealt with meta-humans with many having Superhuman Durability the weapons all had armor piercing to high incendiary rounds. Technically none of those could do anything to Lash. But he had grown over confident before, he promised he wouldn't do that again. So sneaking up was the choice of the day.

“And go back to that shit hole! I'd rather die!” One of the men said, then screamed in panic as he clutched his chest and soon fell over with blood leaking out of his mouth. Grasp Heart was a useful spell.

Unfortunately using the spell broke Lash's Invisibility. The convicts looked up to see him attached to the ceiling. He jumped straight towards them and tackled the man wielding a light machine gun. He raked his claws through the man's chest and cut flesh, bone, and organs apart like paper! Blood sprayed across Lash's reptilian face as he whipped his bladed tail and cut a man. Both halves fell to the floor with the man blinking in confusion before he died. Then Lash was catapulted through the ballistic window by a Telekinetic. Lash was sent through the reinforced concrete wall and flew across the base by several hundred feet until he skipped across the pavement like a stone across a lake.

“I should have cast Insight.” Lash said more to himself than anyone else. As he slowly sat up and looked around. The throw had caused him little damage, but it did hurt his pride.

The convict in question rose from the main administration building, he had learned the ability of Telekinetic Flight. He lifted an armored humvee and tossed it Lash. Who rolled out of the way and stood up with a smile on his face.

“You are a complete and total moron, you know that right!” Lash called out.

“I know I have no chance against you!” The man shouted back, but that wasn't what Lash had meant.

Lash raised his upper right hand up and made a finger gun then pointed it at the convict who braced for an attack. An attack did come, by hundreds of Saurus warriors who all used Eldritch Blast on the man. All that remained was his shoes as they fell to the ground in smoking ruin. Lash returned to the front door to find Vyllith waiting for him, her wings dismissed. Though she didn't say a word, Lash could feel her attempt to not laugh across their shared link. Lash took a moment to nuzzle her with his snout and she hugged him in return.

There was an industrial elevator that went down into the prison with a winding staircase that wrapped around the elevator. Looked like the elevator had been shut down when the male portion broke containment. So they had to hoof it up the stairs. Lash jumped down the elevator shaft, followed by Vyllith. They drop was over 200' down and they landed with out a sound. The doors opened up into a large room with two separate tunnels. One led to the men's portion, and the other led to the women's.

The tech-spirits flowed from electronic, to electronic. True enough the entire women's section was in total lock down while all of the prison guards in the women's section kept trying to contact the surface. Then the men side was in total disarray. Though not everyone had run. Lash had his tech-spirits start immediate repair and they soon found the problem. One of the convicts had Machine Control and it had not been recorded. In fact out of all the convicts that Lash, Vyllith, and the Saurian army had fought that specific meta was still missing. Along with a elite others.

“One was captured, and sent to prison to free selected individuals. That takes a lot of careful planning.” Lash said softly.

Who was missing? Slade Wilson aka Death Stroke. David Hyde aka Black Manta. Erik Needham aka Black Spider. Copperhead no known civilian name. Lawrence Crock aka Sportsmaster. Along with the Machine Control meta who's named was Tom Bilden. Most likely an alias. Lash copied the information and forwarded it to the JLI. Then he and Vyllith went to the women's section and politely informed the guards that the prison escape was under control but they should wait for the go ahead from Waller....


Midnight rolled around and all of the still living prisoners were escorted back to their cells. Lash and Vyllith worked in the medical wing of the military base and were in the process of fixing the soldiers who fought in the escape. They had wanted to speak to the warden in charge but apparently the man had been eaten by one of the convicts. Lash couldn't find the man's soul so he couldn't build a new body. Eventually Waller showed up. She was not pleased.

“452 inmates were killed in the escape.” Waller said to them both as she walked into her office with them following behind.

“Why were they not wearing inhibitor collars?” Lash asked softly as he decided to stand knowing the chairs in the office wouldn't hold him.

“They don't wear the collars in the prison because we have them installed in the walls, cells, every god damn hallway in this place as inhibitors built into them!” Waller shouted at Lash. Then she started to fiddle with a silver chain around her neck. Still wearing the Nth metal slip he had given her. (Chapter 58)

“I'm afraid that isn't true, Director Waller. There are dozens of places in your prison where the inhibitors do not cover. A fault in the design, or specifically placed.” Lash said, and created a holographic window with a map, and all the blanks spots. Waller's eyes twitched then she looked like she wanted to scream but held off on it.

“The cascading failure started in the laundry room. Tom Bilden the meta with Machine Control reached out and turned the other inhibitors off one by one. From there the prison escape happened. But of course that was just a happy accident. They specifically got these individuals out.” Lash informed Waller of the individuals missing.

“FUCK!” Waller shouted.

“How many prisoners have a sub dermal tracking chip?” Lash asked, for a brief moment Waller blinked as her brain worked a problem. But she never answered him.

“You did put a tracking chip in them, right?” Lash asked in a dead tone. “Preferably with out their knowledge?”

“Fuck...” Lash said softly when she didn't reply.

“Can't you track them?” Vyllith asked, and Waller looked up at him.

“Where are their cells?” Lash asked...

About 30 minutes later Lash sat outside sitting cross legged in a ritual circle with the items of the prisoners that escaped. Vyllith, and two Saurus Elites stayed watch while Waller looked at him in mild confusion. Slade Wilson had absolutely nothing in his cell that would be called 'his'. David Hyde had kept hand carved shark made out of soap. Erik Needham had a porno magazine. Copperhead had a tooth file. Lawrence Crock had a palm sized wall ball. While Tom Bilden had nothing at all, he'd only been in the prison for two weeks. Lash used Clairvoyance on each of them.

4 magical mirrors formed around Lash as his eyes fluttered closed. Each mirror was for an individual. David Hyde the Black Manta's mirror showed a image of him swimming through the ocean back once again in his Black Manta suit. The view point shifted, and turned but couldn't identify where he was. He was deep enough that the water color didn't matter, and no aquatic life was around for any sort of migration position.

Erik Needham the Black Spider was flying in a private plane talking to a man, and woman. Unfortunately Lash didn't have sound for his spell yet. The view point shifted until, the view always had to have Erik in it. But they could pan around him. One the breast pocket was the name of the private air line they were using. Waller barked out orders to track all planes in the air under that business. It was a long shot but at last it was a thread to pull.

Copperhead's mirror was blank. The tooth file didn't posses enough of 'him' to track so Lash closed that down. Lawrence Crock the Sportsmaster was in very nice car driving down a free way. He just past a mile marker and the sign for Bob's burgers family restaurant. The trees around him were western hemlocks, douglas firs, pacific northwest trees. Lawrence parked at Bob's Burgers and stepped out of the car to meet a young woman with yellow tanned skin, jet black hair tied back, and athletic shape. She wore a leather jacket, and khakis pants, with running shoes, and a base ball cap. Her face was hidden, and a bright flash from a necklace burst and the viewing mirror shattered. But that was enough to go on. Not that many restaurants named Bob's burgers in the North West of America. Hopefully.

Lash kept the windows of Black Manta, and Black Spider up for another 20 minutes. But eventually they became distorted, and fuzzy before they to shattered. The essence of each item ran out of the individuals energy. Eventually the ritual circle powered down and Lash stood up. The eerie glowing energy from the circle faded.

  • Congratulations User! Minor Clairvoyance has evolved into Basic Clairvoyance.

    • Effect: Viewing now comes with sound.

    • Effect: Spell can work with less energy, and lasts longer.

Lash tried to stop himself from rolling his eyes in front of everyone but Vyllith could feel his annoyance across their link. She assumed it was because he didn't get enough. But before he could tell her otherwise he got an update to his Divination Domain.

  • Congratulations User! You've learned a new spell for your Spell Domain, Divination.

    • Message: This spell allows the User to send a message 25 words or less. The User can decide if the target can reply back or not.

    • Effect: Each target has a 24 hour cool down.

Lash growled in delight as a face splitting grin grew across his face.


David Hyde aka Black Manta swam through the depths of the ocean free and clear of the awful place. He was back in his element and now he simply owed a group of people a favor that he'd have to pay in a few weeks. But that was enough time to meet some friends, kill some enemies, and...

'David... I will find you, David. When I do you will not like what happens.'

David whipped around and looked behind him. He looked all around him. He reached up to interface to check his readings. Aside from some fish he was alone. So what the fuck was that!? That voice? He'd heard that voice before, but only through a television or over a holographic! So why did he just hear it inside his head!?


Erik Needham aka Black Spider was currently sitting on a private plane heading to Europe. He had a new employer and he was happy with the arrangement. He got out of jail, got a new job, with lots, and lots of perks. He'd also get a new suit out of the mix...


“What!?” Erik jumped out of his seat and looked around the plane. The two agents of his new employer looked up at him in confusion.

'Erik are you sure you can trust them?'

“Trust who!? What the fuck!?” Erik shouted, then pointed at his head and made a mouth motion with his hands. Normally this would cause people to think he was hearing voices. But that was exactly what was happening! But the two agents responded quickly by taking out a device that was suppose to prevent telepathy.

'I'll find you Erik. See you soon.'

“Hello?.....Hello?” Erik said a few times but never heard a reply.

“What did the voice sound like?” One of the agents asked.

“It sounded like a crocodile had just learned how to speak.” Erik said to them, and despite the odd response both Agents went pale.


“I can't believe you!” A young woman shouted at Lawrence Crock as she pressed her foot down on the gas pedal to the car they were both in.

“What is the big deal!? So I used a ball while I was inside. I was in there for two months, I was bored!” Lawrence shouted back.

“Someone was using a scry spell to track you through the item.” The woman shouted back at him, then checked her necklace which was cracked in half. “And it was a strong spell caster!”

“Isn't that why you have that gizmo? To prevent that from happening?” Lawrence asked, as he rolled his eyes.

“Its broken! This thing cost a quarter of a million dollars and it snapped under the pressure the spell casters power!” The woman shouted at him.

“I'll cover you! Jesus...” Lawrence began to say.

'Lawrence... Where you going, Lawrence?'

“HOW FUCK!” Lawrence shouted and reached into his bag and pulled out a device.

“WHAT?!” The woman shouted.

“Fucking Telepath.” Lawrence shouted. The young woman looked behind her, then looked above the car.

'Did you finish your burger already? Wont be long now. See you soon.'

Lawrence flipped a switch and the device turned on. After that the voice stopped and Lawrence felt a shiver roll down his spine. He'd heard that voice before. He had heard it when they had left the prison just as the teleporter showed up to snag them all.

“Fuck! FUCK! Stop the car! Stop the fucking car!” Lawrence shouted, and the woman slammed on the break. He got his stuff and climbed out.

“Lose the truck!” Lawrence shouted, and the young woman climbed out.

“What!? Who was it, did you reco-Gaaaaaah!” The young woman screamed in panic as she went flying up into the air. Past the trees.

“JADE!” Lawrence shouted.

Tree branches shifted, and groaned and reached down to try and grab him. Lawrence aka Sportsmaster earned his name as he bobbed and weaved through the branches. He jumped, tucked, and rolled up off the ground just as the roots reached for him. He slung his bag across his back and took off on a sprint, his breath strong, and even. On his peripheral vision he saw things running on all fours. Giant reptiles in armor.

“Fuck!” He reached into his inner coat pocket and pulled out a device.

“I need a pick up right now! I'll sign up for life, just get me the hell out of here. NOW!” Sportsmaster shouted into the device. A resounding crash went above him and Sportsmaster fell across the ground but only after he felt a searing pain stab directly into his left leg.

“Fuck!” Sportsmaster twisted around and saw a fucking metal spear in his leg! The tree branches reached out to him but a soft pop rang out next to him with a bit of purple smoke.

“Oh wow! There is a spear in you!” A man said as he reached out to touch Sportsmaster.

“We got to go now!” Sportsmaster shouted until another crash was heard from the side of the forest and the teleporter shouted in pain as a spear flew through the air and impaled him into a tree ten feet away.

“Fuck! That's not good.” The Agent said, then teleported off the spear right next to Sportsmaster then with a quick hand touch they both teleported away.

A Saurus warrior jumped into the clearing and looked around. They quickly collected blood from Sportsmaster, and the teleporter. Then flew up above the canopy with Telekinesis. Floating in the air was its creator, and his knight. While he held a terrified young woman by the back of her neck. The warrior handed the vials off to its creator and returned to the ether from once it came.

“Villains for Hire, how annoying. Hello Jade, been a while.” Lash said to his prisoner.

“Hello Wraith....” Jade aka Cheshire replied.

First draft, raw, unedited. I used an H.P. Lovecraft cthulhu translator for the INN portion, so that's why some of the words are in english.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.