Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 130: No Background.


***HR. Sol System.***

In a burst of light and a single battle cruiser appeared from FTL. The ship was a battle cruiser with a sharp angular design. Like a blade pointed towards the enemies throat. A long sword! The blade stretched out and along the 'blades' edge was weapon ports. The fuller or main section of the ship was a flight deck for the several interceptors kept out of sight in the loading bay. At the cross guard of the ship the wings came out and pointed forward towards the ships blade tip. Where the command tower rose up. Then behind that were the main engines. The color design was gold, and silver.

The moment the ship came out of FTL its shields were activated, and its weapon ports came online. Turbo lasers, magnetically accelerated cannons (MAC), missile pods. Each one popping out of the blades edge of the ship. The interceptors were launched one by one from the main flight deck. While the battle cruiser only had four. They were best their people could provide along with their pilots. However, even with out them they were not defenseless.

From an airlock on the main deck two lights appeared. One bathed in the light of purple, another in a green glow. On closer inspection these lights were people. One female the former, and one male the latter. They wore warrior garb fitting of the Tamaran people. Once all their offensive, and defensive capabilities were established the battle cruiser began to move into the system. The interceptors, and the two royalties kept pace....

“According to the Galactic Sheriff records this is the Sol System where their client Wraith resides. We should find sister here.” Ryand'r said through their communication relay. He shot through space covered in his green glow from his power.

“I swear if this...Wraith has hurt her I'll burn this entire system to ash!” Komand'r said as her purple fire burned bright.

“Komand'r, we don't know the situation. This Wraith paid for our Sheriff station. From the way Koriand'r spoke it wouldn't seem she was under duress. I'm just happy she got away from The Citadel.” Ryand'r replied.

“Then why didn't she come home!?” Komand'r shouted, her purple fire become momentarily bright as any star.

“I don't know! Maybe because she felt betrayed? Maybe she believed that if she did we would send her back to The Citadel? They are looking for her after all.” Ryand'r bit back, and his reaction surprised Komand'r. Normally Ryand'r would talk her down, not incite more of a reaction.

“You still blame me for what happened, don't you?” Komand'r said as her light dimmed and Ryand'r groaned in frustration.

“We've had this argument before. No, I don't blame you. How many times do I have to say it before you will believe me? Please...Please sister. Don't project your own insecurities onto me!” Ryand'r shouted at her and Komand'r bit back a crude remark.

“Highness, we've received a message from system security. They want to know who we are?” The bridge officer aboard the battle cruiser said through their comm channels. Ryand'r breathed a sigh of relief, rescued from the awkward situation.

“Inform them that I am Kormand'r Black Fire, Queen of Tamara with Ryand'r Dark Fire, Prince of Tamara. We are here to see our sister Koriand'r Star Fire, Princess of Tamara immediately!” Komand'r articulated her words perfectly in the locals language to be relayed.

“Please...” Ryand'r said to be tacked on to the end.

“We've been ordered to head to the Watchtower Star Base at the current coordinates.” The officer relayed the information.

“They have given us orders!? Who do they think they are!” Komand'r all but screeched across the comm channel.

Almost to emphasize the point six JLI corvettes, and twelve JLI star fighters spring jumped into being just ahead ahead of them. Along with six Green Lanterns, and two Blue Lanterns. Each one had shields, and weapons primed for combat. One of the Blue Lanterns flew up to meet them in the space between the ships. She had a medium tier exoskeleton suit that covered her from head to toe. Her helmet/mask collapsed to reveal Katma Tui-Stewart.

“Tamaran's welcome to the Sol System. We are currently under siege so we are taking your security seriously. Please follow us back to the star base. Do not deviate from course or it will be seen as a sign of aggression.” Katma said in a 'I don't give a shit who you are' voice.

Before Komand'r could shoot her mouth off. “Yes! Thank you for the escort we will of course comply with out any deviation.” Ryand'r said to them and put on his best smile as he put a warning hand on his sisters back.

Katma watched as Komand'r had to bite her own tongue to keep herself in check. Katma's helmet/mask was replaced and they flew back. While the corvettes, star fighters, and Lanterns took up positions around them. Ryand'r tried his best to calm his sister down. She was use to being treated with a certain form of respect and courtesy. Luckily she calmed down after thirty minutes of travel when they begun to see traces of the battle that had taken place. Thousands of bodies littered space as they were slowly being collected by different shuttles, and a few galactic sheriff ships.

Once they reached the Watchtower the corvettes, star fighters, and lanterns broke off to return to their own duties. Katma stayed with them and Vici directed the battle cruiser to its designated docking station on the ring. The Watchtower looked like it had been through a war. Hundreds of insertion points scattered across the hull. Debris floating aimlessly around its super structure. While hundreds of engineers did their best to make temporary seals where they could.

“You said you were under siege, who is attacking you?” Ryand'r asked once they were through the soft light shield and could breath air from the station. Katma turned to look at him.

“The machine intelligence Brainiac attacked us.” Katma replied as she pulled her helmet off and ran her fingers through her hair. Both Ryand'r, and Komand'r stopped dead on their feet. Their faces grew pale.

“Can we see our sister, please?” Komand'r said in soft voice nervous tension dripped off of her. She was terrified something had happened to her. Katma looked at them and her irritated mood lessened just a bit.

“Vici, where is Star Fire currently?” Katma asked, the open air but soon enough a feminine synthetic voice replied.

“Star Fire is currently on Gaia's surface helping fight off cyber-slaves on the east coast of South America.” Vici replied, and created a holographic map of Earth for them to look at.

“But she's alive?” Ryand'r asked.

“Yes she is, and in good health.” Vici replied while Ryand'r and Komand'r both breathed a sigh of relief.

“May we....help?” Komand'r asked, her previous snobbish attitude all but evaporated. Katma gave them an appraising look.

“We'll go where you tell us! We give you our word.” Ryand'r said, and Komand'r nodded in agreement. Katma shrugged and had them link up into the communication channel. Vigil got a brief understanding of who they were and started to tie them into the mission structure. It was going to be a long day.


***HR. Mother Gaia. France, Paris.***

  • Attention User! You're reality has completed 1,000 F Grade Rifts.

    • Reward: F Grade Rifts spawn rate has greatly diminished.

    • Reward: All F grade Rifts now completed will have x 2 the rewards given.

    • Note: E Grade Rifts to be completed 1,000/1,000.

  • Attention User! You're reality has completed 1,000 E Grade Rifts......

  • Attention User! You're reality has completed 1,000 D Grade Rifts......

    • Note: C Grade Rifts to be completed 645/1,000.

Lash raised a scaled eye crest at the message then flipped the pancake he was currently cooking on the pan. He was currently cooking breakfast for the buffet line for the armed forces in the city of Paris. Peyton, and Mikhail were talking to M'gann, and Vyllith about this and that by a table within his earshot swapping stories. It had only been a few hours since the sun rose and most of the armed forces were scarfing down their breakfast before they were deployed again. Lash had offered to cook for them all. One less thing for the logistical staff had to coordinate.

Fresh cut fruit, waffles with cream, pancakes with warm golden syrup. It wasn't a true French cuisine but the soldiers didn't really care. Several shadows made from Darkness Manipulation, and False Life were helping keep the place clean, and served drinks. Coffee was mana from the heavens! All four of his clawed hands, and his four tentacles were busy. Thanks to Parallel Minds, but this may not have been what the developers hand in mind when they made the ability. But it was still useful in the moment.

“So she drops the ring in the fire and in a panic she reaches in to grab it.” Mikhail said with a smile as M'gann gasped and Peyton was softly punching him in his arm.

“Then her hand enters the fire and she yelps! 'Ah, its hot!' Like a child that's never seen a flame before.” Mikhail continues to say as he flinches with each punch.

“So she gives me this puppy eyes and asks me to get the ring...The ring that is in the fire. While I just look at her like she's lost her mind.” Mikhail said with a smile as he looked at Peyton who glared at him. While M'gann couldn't stop her giggling, and Vyllith just smiled.

“So then I get some metal tongs and scoop the ring out of the fire and set it down to cool off. Then my lovely wife reaches for the ring before it has time to cool off. She picks it up and yelps! 'Ah, its hot!' and accidentally tosses it back into the fire again.” Mikhail finishes with a grin and M'gann giggle snorts and blushes brightly when she realized what she had done.

“I hadn't slept in two days! It was the engagement ring. I wasn't thinking clearly!” Peyton shouted at them and crossed her arms in a pout.

“No burns on your hands?” M'gann asked when she finished giggling.

“No, I've always been a quick healer.” Peyton says dismissively. But in truth Lash had granted her Regeneration. She could heal quickly, and even regrow a limb as long as she had the nutrients to pull it off.

“Why were you awake for two days?” Vyllith asked after she glanced at Lash who smiled at her. A grin grew across her face.

“Egg break Rift was found a few miles outside the city. Who ever went inside failed, and thousands of creatures came out. We had to hunt them all down. They were scattered out across the country side.” Peyton said with a somber expression.

A resounding crack of thunder shook the area around them as everyone looked up and saw that the JLI corvette had returned and continued its patrol of the city. Several soldiers cheered, and a few sent thankful glances towards the JLI that were eating side by side with them. Bilal Asselah aka Nightrunner the JLI team lead in Paris was eating at the officer table enjoying a glass of coffee.

Nightrunner was a mundane who wore a light weight exoskeleton suit of the JLI. Black, on gray color with a bat symbol on his chest. He was protege on Batman, and Nightwing when they came through Paris some time ago. Has acrobatic training, and basic Hand to Hand Combat experience that has only grown in experience from the Training Hall aboard the Watchtower. He was the Batman of Paris. Who was now in charge of leading all the JLI in France. A position he had grown into, and filled out very well.

“Agent Wraith?” An officer walked over and spoke in French to him.

“Yes, may I help you?” Lash asked, as he turned to look at the man then blinked when the man took out his sidearm and shot Lash point blank in the face.

After the third shot the man was tackled by another soldier. The entire buffet line blew up in confusion as gun fire was heard and no one had any idea of what was going on. Lash had simply stared at the man in confusion. Danger Sense hadn't gone off because small arms fire wouldn't do anything to him. The man could have shot him in the eye and it would have been a mild annoyance.

“IT'S YOUR FAULT! THIS ALL STARTED BECAUSE OF YOU!” The soldier screamed at him as he was handcuffed and led away.

Lash blinked and then just went back to cooking for the buffet. The man continued to scream the whole way. This hadn't been the first time something like that had happened. A few civilians had thrown rotten food at him when he was rebuilding a hospital. People wanted someone to blame and he was convenient. A hand came to rest on one of his own and Lash glanced at Peyton who smiled encouragingly at him.

“He's not wrong.” Lash said softly, and Peyton glanced at the soldiers who were passing by. They were politely ignoring Lash's words.

“He is wrong, they are all wrong. You've done everything in your power to keep this world safe.” Peyton replied and took one of his giant clawed hands into her own and smoothed her fingers across his scales.

How would Lash explain a game mechanic? The moment Lash was brought to this world by his Cosmic Patron and was fused with Saurian this world had grown progressively more dangerous. One could argue that this world wouldn't even exist without them. But none the less. From the time he first appeared on camera working in the narrows to stop a sex traffic ring, and drug cartel. Things had gotten worse, and worse. The Cult of Ares. The tidal wave from the people of Atlantis. The alternate reality invasion. Now the second invasion with Brainiac. All of it essentially happened because of them.

Lash created a few shadows to take over cooking for the soldiers and he was led over to his own table where his people kept him company. Several officers came over to apologize to Lash and he said he didn't want to press any charges. So the soldier would still get in trouble of course. But it would not be as bad as it could be. The world was on fire and anything that had happened could logically be placed at Lash's feet. For in a way he was to be blamed.

For the first time ever he was tempted to restart his own dream. To try again. But if he did that he would lose everyone, and everything. But even if he did? He was locked on Nightmare Mode now. The Cube was his. It was signed in his name and now he had forever access to the Dream. The developers were paying him as long as he was on Nightmare. Speaking of that...

“Dawn, set the world to soft progression and log me out.” Lash said softly and Erik the gamer felt the usual pull from his body to the black room then to the open world.


***The Real (?) ***

Erik the gamer opened his eyes to find his room was pitch black. His windows were open since the last time he went in so that meant it was night. He carefully rolled out of bed and rubbed his face. He stood up and felt every joint in his body pop softly and he groaned in satisfaction. He rolled his neck and felt it pop as well. He slowly inhaled and nearly gagged on the body odor sitting in the room. Even with the windows open it was pretty bad. His sheets were soaked in sweat. His sweat had that grim look to them like his body was processing alcohol and pumped it out of him through his pores.

He went to take a shower, scrubbed his whole body down and quickly came back out. He pulled his sheets off his bed and set them in his hamper to take down to the wash. He grabbed his keys, and some change and went down. It was after midnight and no one was in halls. He would walk by his neighbors doors and would hear music, the TV, or even people talking in a few. That was normal, sound proofing was pretty good in his home. Couldn't hear a thing through the walls, but through a door sure.

He through his sheets into the washer and jumped onto his phone. No texts, no phone calls, nothing. That wasn't unusual. Most of his private messages happened through the computer anyways. He checked his calendar and saw that it was Thursday? So he only had three days before he was due back at work. He wasn't sure if he could even go back to work now. He felt like a life time had passed. Would they even recognize him? He had lost a lot of weight.

Erik glanced to his side and swore he saw something run past the laundromat. He jumped to his feet and poke his head out. Hallway was clear, his washer dinged at him. He hadn't realized how much time had past. He threw his items into the dryer then saw something run by his side. He looked over and saw a black cat on a washer staring at him.

“Hello...” Erik said softly, and the cat meowed at him in response. It jumped machines and rubbed its cheek against him.

Erik spent sometime with the cat. As most cats it gave him a feign interest which of course was all part of the game. React just enough to make the human pet you more. Erik laughed and rubbed its ears, neck, and just under the chin. Then as always the cat replied by biting him softly. Oddly enough Erik didn't react, he blinked at the cat and the cat blinked back at him. It's fangs had bitten his hand, but didn't draw blood. They didn't bite that hard.

“Do I taste good?” Erik asked, and the cat let him go and spent a bit of time licking his hand.

“Annabell!” A young woman called out and raced into the room to snuggle up to the cat. The cat meowed at their owner.

“Sorry about that.” The woman said, and Erik shrugged at her and didn't say much.

The cat and their human soon left and Erik retrieved his laundry to go back upstairs. He put the sheets on his bed, set down some towels. Cleaned the Dream Engine Cube. Then jumped onto his computer. He received an email from his work.... He'd been fired for not showing up to work. Apparently his two week long vacation had not been approved? What? It was only one week. Erik typed out a reply and... Then soon deleted it. He tabled it for later then looked up the paperwork for the Cube that the Dream Engine Developers had sent.

He signed the paper work and now the Cube was officially his. He also signed off on the paperwork for the paid time he was getting for being one of the one hundred Users on Nightmare Mode. He was being paid 500$ a week to play on Nightmare Mode. They were using his Dream as part of the trailer, and in-game play testing. He was making more money off the Dream Engine than he was at his job...His old job.

So being the diligent worker he was. He jumped on the Dream Engine forums and filled out another beta test form. Answered questions, gave some tips, and ideas. He then jumped on the User forums and looked around. He activated his spam filter program and cleaned out thousands of letters. Dwindled it down to a few hundred legit letters. Erik wasn't sure how much time had past but he answered all the letters and it was still dark out so it shouldn't have been very long.

He made something to eat, even though he wasn't hungry. He couldn't remember the last time he had a meal. He assumed that wasn't a good thing. Drank plenty of water, and took a multivitamin. Out of pure curiosity Erik dropped to the floor and tried doing a push up. He stopped counting after 45. How much could he do before? It didn't matter. He cleaned up his kitchen and went back to his bedroom, back to the Cube. He made sure it was clean, settled down on his bed and switched it on....


***Black Room***

Erik opened his eyes to find himself back in the Black Room with the solar system below him. He could see several different systems in the distance. This showed him how big his sand box was. He glanced around and found Dawn sitting down on a giant leather couch with a book in hand. A roaring red sun glowing in the fire place. A glass of wine in her hand. She looked up from her book and smiled at him.

This time Dawn had short chopped brown hair above her shoulders. Golden caramel skin, with amber eyes, and good figure. She wore cotton bottom sleep shorts, fuzzy slippers, and a t-shirt. She smiled at him and gestured for him to take a seat that materialized next to her. Erik walked over and took the offered chair. He wore cotton sweats, and a t-shirt that he filled out nicely. They both looked like they had chosen to be lazy today.

“Welcome back.” Dawn said, as she took a sip of her red win.

“Anything happen while I was gone?” Erik asked, as he glanced at the solar system beneath his feet.

“The world continued to spin for about a week. Then a story event happened.” Dawn replied, and showed Erik the timeline application. Erik glanced over it and groaned audibly.

The remnant forces of Brainiac within the solar system had changed from 35% to 34%. Which meant that he was rebuilding, and they didn't know where. The JLI were able to upload a kind of digital vaccine to the world wide web that booted Brainiac out. That doesn't stop Brainiac from using the internet like anyone else. But it did stop him from hacking, and taking over things long distance. A casualty report had been created for the JLI.

Roy Harper / Arsenal, Dr. Silas Stone / Cyborg's father, Iris West / Barry Allen's wife, Joe West / Barry Allen's adoptive father. Captain Quentin Lance / Black Canary's father. These were just some of the names on the list. Many of the JLI heavy hitters had been in space for the first battle. So when Brainiac sent his metal shards to Earth and shut down all the electronic devices in the system with his virus. They couldn't get down to help. Hundreds of JLI members had died on the Watchtower. Hundreds more on the planets surface. M'gann's parents on Mars had died when Brainiac had ignited the fuel reserves in a city. A lot of people had died.

Then the next issue. Lash was currently in Las Angeles he had been hoping to visit Lucifer in his club. Take him up on that drink. But a blood red Rift had appeared in the city and grew at an alarming rate. Several Rift teams had been dispatched but oddly enough the Rift refused to let them in. Some sort of invisible barrier prevented access. Lash had been called to look the Rift over. Vigil didn't want to send Lash inside the Rift but they needed to know why it was there. That was when the dream paused. Story event.

“Why can't they get in?” Erik asked Dawn after he read. He wasn't sure he'd get an answer. But maybe he'd get lucky.

“The developers sent out a new patch for the Dream. You have to be of equal or greater strength to access the Rifts of grade. So if you are C grade you can't walk into an A grade Rift.” Dawn replied, and set her book aside.

“Why?” Erik asked.

“Hundreds of Users had there worlds consumed by idiots who kept going into the Rifts who couldn't handle them. So most civilians can go into G, and F grade Rifts with out issue. But if they fail Rifts of those size are not a big issue. But with this new update. Civilians can no longer step into a Rift that is beyond them.” Dawn replied as she watched Erik with a spark of mischief in her eyes.

“Doesn't that just mean the strong have more work to do? If no one enters a Rift it eventually grows large enough to explode, implode, or egg break. It's almost like they...Eh...” Erik said and stopped at the end as he thought about it.

“So this method would encourage Rift teams to be made. Start small work your way up. Because if you want access to the true treasure trove you have to earn it. They change anything else?” Erik asked.

“The delay on the Rift. Normally if a Rift Walker was not dispatched within 48 hours the Rift would explode, implode, or egg break. Now the time is approximately a week. Also the colors have been tweaked. A and B grade Rifts are red. C and D grade Rifts are blue. E, F, and G grade Rifts are green. S grade Rifts which are phenomenally rare are gold.” Dawn replied, and made several images in front of her like a holographic.

“Also take note. Since your time tool is one month in the Dream for every hour in the real. It's the same setting for the Rifts. For any Rift Walker. So one month in the Rift is only an hour in the Dream. Most of the time, exceptions may apply. So most G grade Rifts. A Rift Walker steps in, ten seconds later they step out.” Dawn said next, and created a show with puppets. Yay puppets!

“Anything else change?” Erik asked, as he watched the puppet show beat up an egg break. Erik smiled at Dawn who was watching him watch her antics.

“I can give you the long list of patch notes if you want. But most of it is character growth with the denizens of the Dream. Time between events. How a character can go through a traumatic experience then less than a week later be perfectly fine. So the developers are spacing out the growth of characters which means they have gradually space out events. But how to still keep things hectic, especially for those on a harder difficulty.” Dawn said, and took another sip from her wine.

“I've noticed that the issues we've encountered are not necessarily harder than normal per say. Just that they are back, to back, to back. I never really get a break.” Erik replied, and Dawn nodded in agreement.

“That is what they are trying change. The challenges you face should be harrowing, dangerous, and create character growth. The Users, and their characters need time to properly process what has happened. The issue they are having is so many Users grow to strong, to fast. So they are updating the experience granted through missions, events, etc. Increasing the point value of abilities to be purchased with DP, and AEP.” Dawn said.

“Right, that's what happened with us. We're S grade. Very little can hurt us. Very little poses a challenge to us.” Erik replied.

“That just means we have to find a chink in your armor. Or give you a situation that you technically can't win. But it's also important that you have fun, User. Yes you are getting paid to play. Sorry about your job.” Dawn said, and Erik glanced at her. Why did Dawn know about his job?

“But its still important that you have fun while you play. There is bad stress, and good stress. The developers want you, and the other Users who are on Nightmare to have good stress. The euphoria of overcoming a challenge. You Erik are on the forefront of this test. In many ways you are an Alpha tester when it comes to this challenge. You and the 99 others. The original Alpha testers never did Nightmare. So this a new field of study. You and the other 99 are very important to the development team.” Dawn said, and smiled at Erik.

“Dawn how did you know about my job?” Erik asked, that surprisingly felt weird.

“You tied your account to your social media, remember?” Dawn replied. Erik looked at her and felt only confusion. He just found out about his job through an email. It wasn't like he went to his social hub and yelled that he was fired but now he makes 500$ a week to play games.

“The developers told me. I don't know why they know. I was asked to see if you were OK.” Dawn replied when it was clear from Erik's expression he was still confused.

“Ya, I'm fine. I mean I get paid more from doing this than work anyways.” Erik said, and relaxed a bit. Why did the developers know about his job?

“Anything else, User?” Dawn asked as she stood up and stretched. She groaned in pleasure and Erik enjoyed watching her stretch out.

“I finished the paper work for the cube, and the automatic deposit for the money.” Erik said, and Dawn glanced off to the side like she was reading something.

“Yep, first deposit will go through Friday which is tomorrow. For your first week.” Dawn replied with wink and sashayed her way across the black room.

“You said the Dream Store was getting reworked?” Erik asked, as he stood up and the sitting area dematerialized.

“Yes, that means the store is currently under subject to change. Which makes sense it is a beta test. Just be aware that if you mark something to be buy today, it may be different in a few hours. Or rather months for you.” Dawn said as she snapped her fingers and a portion of the black room turned into an office, and she put on a suit.

“You were relaxing because the Dream was paused weren't you?” Erik said he admired her pencil skirt.

“I was, but I am ready to get back to work. Speaking of the store is there anything you want to purchase. You have a lot of DP left. Along with a few AEP thanks to your achievements.” Dawn replied as she took her seat in giant leather executive chair.

“I honestly don't even know what to buy? Can you bring up a recommended list?” Erik asked, as he walked over to sit down in the offered chair as Dawn typed on her keyboard and swiveled her monitor over for him to look at.

“I can't buy spell Domains anymore right?” Erik asked, as he flipped through a page of spells.

“You can buy spells for your existing spell Domains. But yes you have 20 spell Domains. You can still learn new Domains through the Dream however.” Dawn replied.

Erik looked over the long list of recommended purchases. They were of course limited in a sense that Dawn could only give away so much. Each item listed could in a way be a red flag or rather foreshadowing for something else. Or they were things that other people had purchased and gave positive reviews about. Erik focused on those, using the other Users has a sound board. Then Erik found one thing he needed and had put off.

  • Automated Fuel Refinery and Station: This fuel hub will be placed above a gas giant and will automatically refine planetary gas into fuel. The station can then refuel ships at its available ports or send drones with fuel back to the designated station. Most refineries are vulnerable to attack unless defended. A grade item 500DP – 1,000 DP. (R&D module applied)

    • Note: You have purchased A grade with offense, defense, support, and utility. A total of 1,000 DP.

The designs would be uploaded to Vici. Then they would build it when they got around to it. The Watchtower was still being repaired. But this had been on the wish list of Mr. Xags for awhile. It was just another means to earn solar coins. Plus the merchants that visited would rather have actual fuel instead of magically created fuel. With the amount of DP Erik had spent the station was essentially a defensive platform with turrets, drone fighters, and ports for ships. Ah that was something else!

  • Defensive Platform: An automated platform that could assist with the defense of the station, planet, or even the solar system. The platforms come in a variety of types, styles, and configurations. Allowing for offense, defense, support, or utility. Or all four! C grade module for 30 - 60 DP. (R&D module applied)

    • Note: You have purchased offense, defense, support, and utility. Total 120 DP spent for two platforms.

  • Engine: A specific engine to increase maneuverability for the station. With enough engines and with the right science, and engineering development the station can use a FTL method. C grade engines cost is 30 DP. (R&D module applied)

    • Note: You have purchased 95 engines for a total 2,850 DP.

    • Attention: Once complete the Watchtower Star Base will be capable of fold space FTL.

“Dawn?” Erik asked as he looked at the note.

“Since you use singularity drive cores. You bend, or fold space as your primary method of FTL. Thanks to your R&D module. Once the engines are applied you can fold space. As long as you know where you are going that is.” Dawn replied, and that was the problem. Something to tackle at a later time.

  • Turret: A omni turret station capable of switching between several different modifications. Arcane Science applied allowing for offense, defense, and utility against mundane, alien, meta-gene, and magical origins. C grade turret for 30 DP. (R&D module applied)

    • Note: You have purchased 95 turrets for a total of 2,850 DP.

There... If only he had remembered to do that before Brainiac had shown up. If they had 100 omni turrets during the fight they would have ripped him in half. Of course, because they only had so many Brainiac only had so many turrets to take over. So a mixed blessing now that he was thinking about it. Erik continued to look through the list then stopped at a peculiar module that he could purchase.

  • Mana - Forge: This module is an enchanters dream. The forge pulls energy from the universe and creates materials not found on any world. Then Users of the forge create materials, items, armor, weapons, etc with magical materials. Arcane Science, and magitek required to operate. C grade 30 DP. (R&D module applied)

    • Note: You have purchased Mana - Forge for 30 DP.

Technically Vici already had this aboard the Watchtower it was something they had made together. Lash had his transmute title effect that could recreate metals. Vici had something similar because she and Lash were connected. Since it was a magitek station they had enchanting methods available in engineering operations. Now, with this module they would have a complete area dedicated to enchanting. What fun!

“Anything specific you could point out?” Erik asked as he leaned back in his chair. The list was extensive. But most of the things were quality of life items that he didn't really need.

“You could buy a map.” Dawn suggested and the item was highlighted.

  • Map: The User will have access to a mini – map, and a larger map. Higher grades come with detailed maps, routes, and cosmic positioning systems.

“Really?” Erik said as he glanced at it.

“You like your clock don't you?” Dawn pointed out, and Erik had to admit clock was useful. (Chapter 88)

“How much would Master Map cost?” Erik asked, and Dawn adjusted the store.

  • You have purchased Master Map for 500 DP.

  • You have purchased Master Clock for 100 DP.

  • Congratulations User! Minor Clock has evolved into Basic...Intermediate...Advanced...Expert...Master Clock.

    • Effect: You now know the date and time of any place you have ever visited.

Erik raised his eye brow at that effect. That wasn't very much for 100 DP. There was some advantage to it. For example he knew how much time had past in the alternate reality version of Tartarus. That made him wonder how AR-Dia Nyx countess was doing? The alternate reality and their prime reality synced up a while ago. So their time zones weren't any different.

  • Congratulations User! Map has evolved into Minor...Basic...Intermediate...Advanced...Expert...Master Map.

    • Effect: You now have a mini-map that extends 100 ft sphere.

    • Effect: You now have a IFF marker for allies, enemies, and neutral parties for your mini-map.

    • Effect: You now have a 3D interactive map of any place you have ever been. You can show this map to anyone you decide.

    • Effect: You now have a IFF marker for allies, enemies, and neutral parties for your map.

    • Effect: Map and Cosmic Awareness work in tandem.

“What the...” Erik said as confusion was clear on his face. He looked up at Dawn who snickered at him.

“Sorry that is something you'll have to figure out on your own.” Dawn said with a smile and a wink.

“Alright, I think that is enough. Let's head down... Why do I get a feeling I'll be doing the Rift?” Erik said as he stood up and looked at Dawn.

“You may enjoy it. I know the last one was hard on you. But you got a lot out of it.” Dawn said, and it was true. They had got a lot out of the MCU story event chain Rift.

Erik jumped off a pre-constructed diving board and flew through space. He must have zipped through the ocean of stars at thousands of miles per hour. He dive bombed through Mother Gaia's atmosphere and came upon California, Las Angeles. The Dream was paused awaiting the arrival of Erik. Once he landed and fused with Lash and his partner Saurian the world continued.

“I'm just saying, being a Deity is a lot of responsibility. If you need any help I'm here.” Amenadiel the arch-angel said to Lash.

“Thank you, I appreciate that. I honestly never planned to be one...It just kinda happened.” Lash replied to him.

Amenadiel the arch-angel stood next to Lash in his Wraith disguise as they looked at the crimson red Rift. Vyllith stood by Lash's side and watched them both carefully. Amenadiel had shown up the moment they landed in the city. He introduced himself, and welcomed Vyllith to the path of the angels, and to Lash for becoming a deity. Amenadiel stood at approximately 6'3” with chocolate black skin, sharp brown eyes, groomed beard, and a bald head. (Baldies unite!) He wore a tennis shoes, blue jeans, a blue t-shirt that he filled out really well across the chest. With a angelic medallion around his neck. He also had gray to black angelic wings on his back.

“Most new deities don't plan on it either. It kinda just happens. Most lose their grace with in a few years of obtaining it. But you have proven time and time again that you are a defender of this world. The stronger you are, the safer this world will be. So the more stable you are as a Deity the better it is for this world.” Amenadiel replied with a smile. A smile that gave Lash a lot of comfort.

“Is that something you turn on and off, or is that natural?” Lash asked, he was really curious about the sense of comfort he got. Amenadiel just laughed and clapped him on the back.

“Alright, so what is this thing?” Amenadiel asked as they walked towards the blood red Rift.

  • Rift Grade: A+

    • Type: Story Event Chain. (Star Wars)

    • Rift Walker Allowed: 0/1

    • Rift Failure: Egg Break 500,000 Rift Creatures.

    • Rift Duration: 6 days / 19 hours / 12 minutes.

The crimson red Rift was approximately one thousand feet in diameter and growing by the minute. It had consumed a city square block and would consume over a mile before it was done. A half a million Rift creatures in down town LA was not something they could handle right now. Lash was surprised he could see what the Rift story was. But with the information that Erik brought back made him assume it was an update. The moment that Lash stepped in the Rift duration clock would pause. At that point it would be whether or not Lash completed the Rift or not.

“It's an A grade egg break, with a half a million creatures as the failure.” Lash said to Amenadiel who whistled.

“You sure the angels can't step in?” Lash asked, and Amenadiel frowned.

“Our father has declared that we not participate in the Rifts. But if it breaks I'll be here to defend fathers flock. You have my word.” Amenadiel replied, and Lash caught a momentary glance of Amenadiel in full armor with a flaming sword in hand.

Lash took a moment to send the information up to Vigil at the Watchtower. All of the A grade Rift Walker teams were either busy, or dead. Vigil hated to ask but Lash was already there. Lash rubbed his face and groaned in dismay. He really didn't want to go. The MCU Story event chain had been torture for him. Yes, he had obtained a lot of rewards from it. The tear drop power stone that rested on his forehead. The singularity drive core. He still had the design for the dark elf capital ship.

“I could go.” Vyllith said softly as she took a step towards the Rift and Lash reached out and snagged her back.

“No!..Just...No...” Lash said, his hand tight on her shoulder. She looked up and smiled at him. Amenadiel smiled at them both. His eyes were looking at them, but also in the distance as if he was re watching a memory.

“Tell Lucifer to have something ready that can get a minor deity drunk.” Lash said, and Amenadiel laughed a bit.

“I will... We'll be here when you get back.” Amenadiel replied.

Lash took a moment to wrap his arms around Vyllith, and she did the same. He sent several quick messages to his pack-mates through the Pack Bond and through his holographic. Then he sent word to his people. Several people shouted at him to wait. They could get a team together. But it would take a few days. Technically with the new system they could do that. But every minute that passed the Rift got larger.

'Just come back home when your done.' -Lizzy said across the Pack Bond.

'Don't you dare miss my wedding!' -Selina said across the link.

“Go to work.” Vyllith said and leaned up to kiss his snout.

Lash took a deep breath, turned on his heel and walked straight into the Rift. The moment he touched it he was swallowed by it. A dark ink like substance coalesced over the entire Rift. It stopped growing. Amenadiel took out a phone and called his brother. Vyllith stayed and watched the Rift for a while before she received a notification from Vigil. If she wasn't busy they could use her help.


***Rift. The Black Room***

Lash walked through the crimson red Rift to find an interesting sight waiting for him. He stood on a white marble floor with gold inlay. Rich intricate designs that told a story about people coming from the stars. Giant columns of stone stretched to the ceiling that gave way to a vast expanse of stars, and nebula as star ships flew by. Plush pillows were scattered across the floor. Then sitting across a red extravagant couch was Dawn. Dawn who wore a slave Leia costume.

Golden threads tied to snake like designs wrapped around her bouncing breasts. The threads tied back around her back in a criss cross patter. Golden ornaments on her biceps, and wrists. A red silk dress that draped from front to back but left her legs, and hips completely exposed. Golden hoops, and snake motifs wrapped around her slender pale waist. Her rich brown hair was tied back in a braid with gilded thread woven through it. Her lips were ruby red, and her eye lashes fluttered artfully.

“Hello Lash.” Dawn said in a seductive voice that sent a shiver up his spine.

“Wow... You look amazing. I'm afraid to step any further.” Lash said softly as his Transformation ended and he returned to his default human shape.

“I'll only bite if you want me to.” Dawn said, as she swept her legs over the couch and stood up in a fluid motion. She sashayed her way across the floor. Bells had been tied to her ankles, and hips so she moved in tandem with a musical piece.

Lash took a measured breath and counted to ten. Dawn made her way towards him and slipped her arms around his waist and glued herself to him. No matter how many beautiful women, and men that Lash had met and spent time with. Dawn could always make him feel like a blushing maiden. He didn't know where to put his hands, or how to even stand. With a laugh Dawn smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

“Your know most Users have sex with their Dream Engine representative. Should I be insulted that you haven't fallen to temptation?” Dawn said sweetly then turned so her back was pressed to his front. Then shimmied back and forth.

“I think.... I'm afraid that if I do give in... Something will change between us.” Lash said, with pregnant pauses between each portion. Dawn stopped at his words and turned around to look at him. She smoothed her hands across his cheeks.

“Your afraid I'll leave? Or, that you will?” Dawn asked, and Lash looked away refusing to meet her eyes.

“I'm not insulted Lash. If anything I feel that you respect me. Most of the Users that have sex with their Rep treat them like tools. You treat me like family.” Dawn said, then slowly leaned up on her tipsy toes and whispered in his ear. “Which is why I can tease you so awfully.”

Lash closed his eyes and growled softly. He felt a shiver roll down his spine, and felt other parts of his body specifically the lower half stand at attention. He opened his eyes and yelped! He jumped back in surprise then started to laugh. Why? Because Dawn had changed her shape to that of a female Hutt. Hutts are large slug like beings. Dawn oozed across the floor, and stood approximately at 6'5” with mucus green skin. Large yellow eyes, and a long tongue that slithered out of her giant mouth. Her belly which to be honest was her entire body bulged out.

“What's the matter? Don't you want to kiss me?” Dawn's deep bass voice called out. Lash walked over and kissed Dawn on her huge lips. She leaned into it and licked his face with her long tongue.

“Thank you, Dawn. I needed that.” Lash replied, and Dawn chuckled loudly and slowly oozed away.

“Come...Come...Look at your options.” Dawn the Hutt said as she slipped onto the couch and settled down. Her giant yellow eyes peering at him.

  • Background selection process activated. Star Wars story event chain. A+ Grade Rift. Dynamic scaling for difficulty.

    • Jedi, 100 WP: The Jedi were a devoted to the ways of the Jedi Order, an ancient order of protectors united by their ability to harness the power of the Force. Adhering to a doctrine that favored the light side of the Force, the Jedi aspired to attain a state of inner tranquility through calmness and meditation while avoiding emotions affiliated with the dark side of the Force. (Point of entry to be decided)

    • Sith, 100 WP: The Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order, was an ancient religious order of Force-wielders devoted to the dark side of the Force. Driven by their emotions, including hate, anger, and greed, the Sith were deceptive and obsessed with gaining power no matter the cost. (Point of entry to be decided)

    • Bounty Hunters, 100 WP: Bounty Hunters were individuals who could be hired to capture or kill a designated target. The target would have a price or bounty on their heads that would be collected by the bounty hunter upon successful capture or proof of death. (Point of entry to be decided)

    • No Background, 0 WP: You are given no background and are instead dropped into the Universe with nothing but your abilities already unlocked. You gain 5 X the experience, and rewards at the end of the Rift. (Point of entry to be decided)

    • Recommended, 120 WP: You are a Gray Jedi, Dark Jedi, Jensaarai, and/or a Revanite. A follower of neither light or dark of The Force. But rather you walk the path between each. You have access to both sides of the force. With all of its responsibilities, privileges, and pitfalls. (Point of entry to be decided.)

“Dawn, what's the point of not having a background? Why do you get 5 X the experience and reward from it? Wouldn't it be easier?” Lash asked as he looked through his selection. That had always bothered him.

“Unfortunately I can not give you the intimate details of that option unless you select it. I can however tell you one specific trait that comes with 'No Background'.” Dawn said, and Lash gestured for her to continue. Dawn took a moment to pull some sort of creature out of a vat of water and bit off its head. Then tossed the rest of it into her giant mouth.

“The 4th wall engine does not effect you if you choose the option 'No Background.' Remember in the MCU Rift you read about how a Kryptonian, and a omega level mutant killed Thanos ahead of time? That was because they went in with out a background and were no longer compelled to follow the story.” Dawn said between bites.

“So if I had chosen that option I could have killed Thanos ahead of time and Natasha didn't need to die?” Lash asked, as he trembled with rage. Dawn ran one of her slug like hands over her head with a nod. “There has to be a downside to picking it though. Why else would it have 5 X the rewards.”

Lash debated the choice for a bit. Once he selected it he couldn't take it back. Unlike the other choices if he wanted to swap out mid selection he could. But not the fourth option. But if he chose that he could go in and scream that Palpatine was Darth Sidious from the get go? That honestly felt like a trap. Why was no background considered harder? That is the only reason why the reward would be more.

“We are doing the movies right? Star Wars cinematic universe?” Lash asked.

“Kinda... It depends on the butterfly effect. Especially if you choose no background and you are not affected by the 4th wall engine? You could change the entire dynamic of the story.” Dawn replied then reached into grab another creature and chewed on that one as well.

“I don't have to do it all either? You kept asking me in the MCU Rift after every event if I wanted to collect my reward and leave. I can choose to do that right?” Lash asked, Dawn nodded in agreement.

“Fuck it! Curiosity wins the day. I select no background.” Lash said, and the other options went flying off.

“Because you have chosen no background you don't get any WP. However, be aware that you will get WP between events based on your choices and what you end up doing. WP between events is part of the 5 X reward. So you could earn up to 500 WP between events. There is a cap.” Dawn said softly, and Lash's eyes went wide.

“OK, so what's the catch?” Lash asked.

“With out a background. You do not obtain an alter ego. There will be no personality shifted onto you. In every Rift you've done before. You got memories, history, skills that applied to your chosen path. There is a big difference between reading, and watching the world of Star Wars. Versus living in it. For example, if you had chosen a background you would have automatically learned the basic language of your people, and the galactic rim. Now? Everyone will speak a foreign language to you.” Dawn said, and took a moment to swallow her food.

“That's not that bad. If all of my abilities are unlocked I have Language Smith. I can just learn the language.” Lash commented and Dawn nodded.

“Think about this for a moment. Since you don't have a background you were never a part of this world. This reality. This universe. You are an anomaly. Something that shouldn't exist, but does. Think about where you are going. Imagine if you had done this in the MCU. If you had traveled to Earth with no background. The Sorcerer Supreme would have tracked you down. If you couldn't convince her you were no threat. She would have tossed you into a dimensional prison.” Dawn continued, and let Lash chew on that for a while.

That was when something clicked for Lash. Everything belongs somewhere in the grand universe. Even the things that lurk beyond the edge of reality. They are all part of the tapestry that makes up existence. That is why the 4th wall engine wouldn't effect him. Is because he is not part of it. He is not part of the grand design. The danger of that is. When you mess with fate, fate tends to mess with you. The universe will try and correct the error.

How many times in a movie, or a novel or something! Did the audience see the characters almost get caught. But they were lucky? Plot armor protected them. By not selecting a background. Lash isn't even a character. Not only that, the universe would want him caught. Oh no! Lash has been afflicted with Bad Luck.

“That's why the rewards are greater. Reality itself will be out to get me.” Lash said and Dawn nodded.

“What if I play along?” Lash asked Dawn who shrugged her shoulders. What if he played along with the story. Didn't step out of...No that wouldn't work. Lash simply existing would effect the story.

“I think I just made a mistake...” Lash said, and looked up to see that the room was empty.

“Dawn?” Lash asked, then turned around to see that he was no longer in the black room.

The room was approximately a 100 ft space. There was a meager bed, with a small refresher room off to the side. The room was metal. Lash pressed his clawed hands to the wall and sent a Technomancy pulse through it. The pulse went through the entire ship. He was on a space craft. He walked through his small room and activated a window shutter on the wall. A blue corridor of light passed by the window.

“Hyperspace tunnel.” Lash said softly.

“Cralagna dbtuanda thad bladnadtna.” Said a voice over the ships intercom.

Lash jumped onto his bed and put himself in Meditation. Then pushed his Technomancy through the ship. He released his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits and they combed through the whole ship. He quickly accessed the logs and poured over the written language and he received 5 X the experience for Language Smith.

  • Congratulations User! Minor Language Smith has evolved into Basic Language Smith.

    • Effect: Can learn any spoke language 15% quicker.

    • Effect: Can learn any written language 5% quicker.

    • Note: Abilities, and achievements work in tandem. (See tool tip.)

The door slid open to reveal a creature with red skin, dark red horns on their head, and stood approximately 7' tall and wide as the door. They literally had to turn sideways to get into the room. They were covered in animal hide, and had what appeared to be an energy side arm strapped to their belt. They growled at Lash who was sitting in his default human shape wearing his Daemonic Warden armor.

“Hi there.” Lash said in basic with a brutal accent. But Partial-Telepathy did its job even now. The creature winced as he looked around. Like some annoying fly was buzzing around. Maybe they could tell he was using Telepathy.

“Ticket?” The creature said in a voice that sounded like two stones making love. Wow, Lash thought he sounded bad. Wait, he didn't have a ticket.

“Really? I gave my ticket the moment I stepped aboard. I assume your the muscle working your way through the rooms extorting credits from people?” Lash asked, and Acting...

  • Congratulations User! Basic Acting has evolved into Intermediate Acting.

    • Effect: The User's ability works in tandem with several other abilities. (See tool tip) Making their performance so believable that others can't help but agree with them.

The giant creature glared at Lash then after about a minute of staring at one another the creatures face broke into a smile and he laughed. A giant boom of a voice that shook the whole room. Then he took out a knife as long as his forearm and rushed Lash. Lash reached out with Telekinesis and slammed the man into the roof with bone breaking force. Lash closed the door, and dropped his target. The creature collapsed like a meat accordion.

Lash went to the creatures side and rifled through his pockets. He found a republic credit chit. He stashed that in his Storage. The moment the credit chit entered he could now produce that kind of money thanks to his achievement ability. He pulled the side arm and realized it was a blaster pistol. Low grade, would over heat after a few shots. Lash copied the chemical formula for the blade and got back a few interesting results. He cast Recycle on the blaster and got a partial on the design. Once he had everything from the body he cast Decomposition focus target. He didn't want to destroy the ship.

There was a knock on the door. Lash rolled his eyes and cleaned up the ash pile with Immaculate then opened the door. He found a human! The man looked to be mid thirties, brown hair that grayed at the temples. He wore a uniform with what appeared to be the transport ships security. Thanks to the tech-spirits Lash learned that he was riding a refugee ship to a collection of planets. He wasn't sure where he was headed yet.

“Oh...Hello sir! Ummm...” The man looked at Lash in complete surprise. His right hand settled on his blaster pistol tied to his waist.

“You here to extort money from me too?” Lash asked with a grumpy expression on his face.

“What!? No? I...I was just looking for a trouble maker. They were going around asking people for their tickets. When they didn't have them he would force them to pay up. Honestly, everyone gave their tickets when they boarded.” The man said, and thanks to the Blessing of Loki Lash knew the man was lying.

“Wow you are really bad at lying.” Lash said honestly and the man dropped his fake expression pulled his pistol and was suddenly yanked into the room by an unseen force.

Five minutes later Lash stepped out of his room with 50% of the blaster pistol design. Along with a security pass code key. He decided to wonder around the ship for a bit. According to the tech-spirits they would be arriving at the next planet in less than an hour. Lash had lived in the Star Wars universe before in some of his past lives. He vaguely remembered that the hyper lane FTL method was incredibly quick. As long as the routes had been mapped out. If not, there was a good chance you would end up inside of a moon, or a planet with out a route.

Lash made his way towards the galley and he felt like it was one of those old western movies when the stranger steps into the saloon. Everyone even the droids stopped to look at him. Close to a hundred people just stared at him as if he was something that none of them had ever seen before. Lash stood there in full armor from head to toe. His Daemonic Warden medium tier exoskeleton armor. With animal claw motifs, scaled segmented plates. He looked lethal.

“Never seen a Mandalorian before?” Lash asked through his male synthetic voice from his helmet/mask. About half the room quickly looked down at their food and refused to look at him after that.

“What in sefiran's but hole is a Mandalorian doing on a refugee ship?” A man at the bar said as Lash walked in.

“That's my business.” Lash replied.

“Maybe my friend Sylock will make it my business?” The man asked, who turned to look at him. He had green yellow skin, and two antennae. He wore leathers, and unclipped his blaster holster.

“Would that be the giant red monstrosity going from room to room to extort money from people asking about tickets. When we gave our tickets when we boarded?” Lash asked as he stopped to look at the man.

“Ya...” The man replied as he stood up. Four others stood up as well.

“Ever seen what happens to a body when it's pushed out into a hyper lane? No? It's rather breath taking.” Lash said.

“You bastard!” The man shouted and pulled his blaster. Lash reached out with his right hand and yanked it forward. Telekinesis ripped them off their feet and flew them towards Lash. He then spread his fingers out and each of them went spread eagle.

“Woah! Woah! Master Jedi! Please calm down!” A man shouted at him who was off to the side. He wore a security uniform and had his hands up in the air. Oh that was right! The only people in this universe with Telekinesis were Force users.

“I am calm. You and your little gang are the ones breaking the law.” Lash replied, as Acting continued to get 5 X the experience.

“How many people here had security, or thugs visit their rooms and took money from them?” Lash asked as he looked around the room. One by one hands were raised.

“Give back the credits to every person you stole from. If you do it in the next ten minutes I won't kill these men. For every minute after one of them dies.” Lash said, and to emphasize his point his targets limbs started to spread out in odd angles.

“OK! OK! We are doing it....” The security officer said as he got on his communication relay. Lash's tech-spirits told him over a dozen security where heading towards the galley. No credits had been deposited.

“Everyone your attention please. I want you to take these tables and over turn them. Have them point towards the main doors and I want you to hide.” Lash said as he used Telekinesis to string up the guard who had lied to him.

The refugees did it without question. Lash then used the floating targets as shields and waited out in the open. Lash cast Silence on his targets so they couldn't warn their comrades. The galleys door burst open and blaster fire went off. Deflection activated with a spell command and the shots of particle base energy bounced off of Lash, some of them even went back to hit the shooters. All the while the targets floating were shot full of holes. Once they died Lash tossed the specific ones towards their allies like a battering ram.

Lash created a red Psionic dagger in his left hand. Several people shouted in surprise. Then he slowly walked towards the remaining people and stabbed them, or cut them in half. Once the room, and entry way were cleared he began to rifle through their pockets.

  • Attention User! You've learned the design for low grade CDEF blaster pistol.

“Any soldiers in here?” Lash asked while he was shuffling through their pockets.

“I...I served as a security chief in Coruscant.” A young woman said as she raised her hand. She had vibrant pink skin with short orange hair, with a good athletic figure.

“OK, want to make some credits?” Lash asked, and the woman's eyes glowed. Literally they glowed.

At the offer of credits more than half of the room volunteered. Lash gave them all 100 republic credits as a sign on bonus. Then handed out pistols to everyone. In hindsight this was not the best idea. They all had itchy trigger fingers. More than a few people shot a random civilian. But Lash used his Nature spells to heal them. That astonished everyone!

If Lash remembered his previous reincarnations correctly. At the height of the republic there were hundreds of thousands of Jedi. However, even with that number they were considered fairy tails. Why? Well the republic was vast! Hundreds if not thousands of populated planets with trillions of people living through out the systems. A hundred thousand versus trillions of people. They also mostly stuck to the core regions rarely venturing out along the outer rim. So meeting a Jedi, let alone seeing one in action was astonishing to most people.

By the time they exited hyperspace the ship had been cleaned of the gang, and corrupt officials. Unfortunately that included the pilots. Lash jumped into the pilot seat, along with another volunteer and they came out of hyperspace above a beautiful world. A breathtaking blue marble with vast stretches of jungle. It....Oh crap it was Naboo.

“Oh! There's the blockade!” Lash said as alarms started to sound. “Hello everyone this is your acting captain, and pilot speaking. Please return to your rooms and strap yourselves in this is going to be a bumpy ride.” Lash said over the intercoms.

At over three kilometers in diameter, the enormous vessels resemble flattened disks with a central sphere containing the ship's bridge and reactor assemblies. The disk is broken at the front of the craft, revealing two mammoth docking bays lined with forward docking claws. It reminded Lash of doughnut with a bite taken out of it.

“Why is there a blockade!?” The young woman from Coruscant asked. Who's name was Ula. Turned out she was coming home to Naboo.

“That's what I came here to find out. I didn't think they would fire on a refugee ship!” Lash replied as he sent the federation ships their ID codes. While Lash tried to pilot a giant brick.

The refugee ship was over a 500 ft long, 100 ft tall, and 50 ft wide. There were close to a thousand people jam packed into the ship. Including their luggage, food for the trip, engines, crew quarters, etc. It had two massive engines connected in the back and stuck out like a sore thumb. The ship had cargo containers attached to the side give it a very off balance stick.

Lash ordered his tech-spirits to engrave Deflection spell script into the ship. Then he fed his energy into the ship and his magical energy took a nose dive. But as always it quickly refilled. As they got closer to the blockade several turbo lasers started to fire on them. Lash sent a distress signal to the surface of the planet...Nothing. Lash sent a distress signal back to Coruscant. That got a reply. The trade federation had been blocking Naboo, and several other planets for over a month. Why did the refugee ship head to that planet? No one had told them that!

“I really don't like Coruscant. Nothing but shifting blame, dancing around the truth, and only doing anything once it blows up in their face.” Lash said loudly as they continued to take energy fire from the ship.

“I'm going to record the entire scene and send it back to Coruscant! Can you input your Jedi ID code?” His co pilot shouted at him.

“I'm not actually a jedi! So that would be a no!” Lash replied, his pilot and Ula balked at him.

“How are you not a Jedi!?” Ula shouted at him.

“I'll explain if we live!” Lash replied and naturally this caused a red flag. So their left engine was hit!

The engine explode and rocked the whole ship. The cargo containers were flying off as parts of the ships were sheered off. Only about half of the ship was protected by the Deflection spell script. The front half. Lash told everyone aboard the ships to get to the front half of the ships before they were hit again. Didn't matter as hundreds of droid starfighters came rushing towards their location. The trade federation started to block their communication so all Coruscant saw was the federation firing on them and that was it.

“Were not going to make it are we!?” Ula shouted at Lash who glanced back at her.

“I give us 50/50!” Lash shouted as the back half of the ship exploded. “More like 30/70!”


The refugee ship flew by the trade federation ships. Then made a mad dash for the planet below. In an odd twist of fate they stopped firing on them when it became clear they were never make the landing. Cargo was flying out, along with hundreds of people. Everything would burn up in once they hit the atmosphere. The ship broke apart as it flew through the skies of Naboo. The people who lived in the capital of Theed watched in horror as the ship crashed in the jungles just outside the city. An explosion of epic proportions shook the landscape.

Queen Amidala ordered a search and rescue no matter the slim chance of survivors. The refugee ship had no escape pods aboard. The people of Naboo were horrified when they heard the news across planetary network. A trade blockade was one thing. But slaughtering innocent refugees was another. The Queen messaged the senator Palpatine himself and demanded swift action be taken. The senator was more than willing to argue the case for immediate action. As the senate was broken down into procedure. The supreme chancellor secretly dispatched two Jedi to fly towards the blockade and force a settlement. Que the star wars theme music.

Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic.

The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships,

the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping

to the small planet of Naboo.

While the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates

this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor

has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights,

the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy,

to settle the conflict...

Mean while back on Naboo...


“See I told you we would make it!” Lash shouted as he pushed a piece of debris out of the way of the cock pit.

The refugee ship had crashed into the jungles of Naboo. Well the front 30% of the ship crashed into Naboo. About a hundred people who had rushed towards the location when he called out, along with his co-pilot, and Ula. They were alive! Lash recalled his tech-spirits and moved to assist the injured. Ula was unresponsive as she had fallen on her ass and was now rocking back and forth in a fetal position muttering to herself.

The jungles of Naboo were breathtaking. Lash could practically feel the vibrant pure energy of nature here. The people of Naboo had taken good care of their mother planet. They, and the Gungans of course. Once Lash had finished tending to the survivors he made an effort to put out the fires in the forest and nurture it with a bit of magic. The plant life grew exponentially! Like a sponge soaking up water till it would practically burst. That was a little unusual.

Lash swapped through his Magical Perceptions and found something peculiar. There was not a single drop of magical energy in the air. Well now there was. But before he started to use spell craft there was nothing. There were lots, and lots of tiny motes of energy dancing around. Hundreds of trillions motes of energy. They were everywhere! Midi-Chlorians the very organisms of the Force. Lash then understood that he had just introduced another cosmic energy into the Star Wars Universe. Magic! Oooo, this is going to be fun.

It looked like the midi-chlorians were eating the magical energy that Lash was producing. They were growing in size, and number. Lash produced a passive aura of magic. Simply by existing he would create passive magical energy. The Force was practically glued to him. Imagine if you will a box of say two dozen kittens at least. Now, lay down on a bed and have someone pour this box of kittens on you. What happens? The kittens flip, flop, and play about on the bed, and on you. Tiny curious, fuzzy creatures with tiny claws, and fangs. Endlessly curious about who, and what you are.

Lash noticed that his magical energy levels kept dropping marginally. His energy restored quickly of course. But he would feel bad for any magic user who came to this universe with out energy regeneration. The midi-chlorians would suck them dry. As far as Lash could see, magic was like crack to them. He wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. A high pitched whistling noise came up over the jungle canopy and Lash saw a vessel fly over them. He raised a hand up and waved. With Connectivity he linked with the vessel.

“Good morning! Or is it afternoon?” Lash asked.

“You're alive!? Thank the republic!” The pilot shouted through the communication channel.

“We have little over a hundred people in way of survivors... Out of a thousand people. Luckily enough no serious injuries. I'm new to Naboo what direction is the nearest city?” Lash asked the pilot.

“Copy that! I'll relay it to the capital. Help is on the way.” The pilot said then informed Lash of the direction that help would be coming.

With in the hour several land transports flew over the jungle canopy and slowly came down across the wreckage. Search and rescue troops jumped down from the transports and proceeded to help the survivors. Despite the crash Lash was in perfect condition. His armor wasn't even scratched. A few police officers looked at him in confusion. But the survivors informed them that Lash had piloted the ship. The only reason they were alive was because of his skills as a pilot.

Actually it was the first time he had ever piloted a starship of that design before. His Operator ability got a lot of experience from it. Lash was looking forward to trying again. Maybe next time he wont crash. By sundown everyone had been collected and they were flying back to Theed. The capital of Naboo. The security teams didn't know what to make of Lash. Several survivors said he was a Jedi. A few said he was a Mandalorian. Either way he was a mystery they wanted to solve. The fact that Lash refused to remove his helmet paid credit to him being Mandalorian. They were well known for only removing their helmets in private, or in a room with loved ones.

Oddly enough if they visited Mandalore they would see plenty that didn't wear their helmets. From what Lash remembered about their culture. Which evolved a lot over the years. Depending on the creed or practice of Mando some would religiously wear their helmets at all times save for private. While other creeds could remove them at their leisure. Though few ever did it in a hostile area of operation. Lash would have to research them more so he could blend in.

The land transport flew over the jungle in the distance they saw the city of Theed. Naboo really was a beautiful world. The architecture had tall, round edges, and rooftops. With stone ramparts, cut stone, and intricate designs carved into each one creating pictures. A flamboyant mosaic of hundreds of thousands of tiles in different colors. Artificial canals ran through the whole city that eventually led to a breath taking waterfall hundreds of feet high. The palace was situated on the edge of a cliff making it a great defense to land troops. While the rest of the land around Theed was carefully cultivated landscape. Either jungle, or grass lands. With farmland further out. The people of Naboo had taken great pains to coexist with nature.

They had very little light pollution at night. Which made the stars above a tapestry of intricate color. They used dim glow lamps scattered through out city. It provided just enough light to see but not obstruct the night sky. The roar of the waterfall called to them as the transports flew overhead and landed directly next to a hospital. Everyone walked out, however Lash was met by the captain of the police force, and palace security.

Quarsh Panaka stood at approximately 6' even. With chocolate brown skin, short black hair, intense brown eyes. He had a military athletic figure. He wore officer leather security suit. Black leather boots, blue undergarment cloth, with red leather vest and tasset. With red leather gloves, and bracers. An officer ID tag on his left breast. With a red leather officer hat with golden embroidery. On his belt was an S-5 Blaster pistol.

“Mandalorian?” Captain Panaka asked.

“My name is Lash, Captain Panaka. May I speak to your Queen I have a message to deliver?” Lash asked, and bowed from his waist in respect. The extension of courtesy made Panaka's expression soften by a fraction.

“She want's to speak to you as well. This way.” Panaka did turned on his heel and marched away. Lash followed but also knew he had an escort of six officers. While another four shadowed him from afar.

The walk...peaceful. Lash saw many people in the streets and they all smiled and waved at him. He returned the gestures and bowed to a few when he had a moment. He watched the birds fly overhead. They had four wings, white feathers, and long necks like a swans. Apparently they were carnivores! They ate rodents, and small pests. Kept the cities clean because they ate them whole. Fascinating creatures, Lash wanted to touch one to see if he could use his Monster Divine spell to remake them on Gaia.

Lash entered the palace through a side entrance and stepped into what could easily be described as a weapon detector. It was obviously unnerving because the whole thing scanned him...twice! Not a bleep. Which was funny because Lash knew for a fact that several weapons were integrated into his suit. Happily a young officer supplied an obvious answer. Most refugee ships don't allow weapons in the main crew area. Lash most likely lost his weapons in the cargo bay. Right you are good sir. That was exactly what happened.

Next was stairs. So many stairs. The palace was beautiful. Exquisite pieces of stone everywhere they looked. Massive columns made from a single piece of rock. Each pillar, archway, door, was a work of art. A majority of the pieces were hand made. Not replicas to be found. Naboo put a lot of emphasis on their culture, and art pieces and Lash could feel the history as he moved through the palace.

“This place is amazing.” Lash said softly. Captain Panaka smiled at him, as did several other officers.

Lash was led to a large golden wood finish double door with intricate handles that actually moved with a viewers eye sight. The door itself seem to wiggle, and move as the art was almost life like. The sun was rising and it was dead center in between the two doors. Rays of golden light pushed out with vibrancy across a vast jungle.

“I've never been to Naboo before. What customs and courtesies are there for meeting royalty?” Lash asked Captain Panaka.

“Bow to the Queen. Be polite to her handmaidens. Do not step within ten feet of her. Speak softly, but clearly. Wait to be spoken to, or if you wish to speak freely ask to do so.” Captain Panaka went through a few etiquette rules.

The doors opened and Lash was shown into a tall, but not large room. A grand bay window was behind the throne. The throne itself was a half moon stone seat with intricate carvings inlay. The throne had an almost clam shell cushion seating to it. There sitting in the throne was the Queen who wore the most gaudy outfit Lash had ever seen. The Queen's hair was a massive sideways mohawke? Brushed, and braided. Oh no! That was just a hat. Her face was painted pale white, with a red brush stroke in the middle of her lips. Her face was frame by a golden hat piece with the central top piece pointing up, and two pieces pointed down along her jaw line. She wore a almost oriental flowing red garb with large billowing sleeves, and pronounced bell like skirt. Her fingernails were painted white, and were tied to the garb by ringlets.

By her side were four handmaidens. Each one wore a simple but colorful red to gold gown. Flowing sleeves, and hoods that concealed parts of their face. They stood in a circle around the Queen. Lash looked at each of them carefully. While he was doing this, his visor on his mask was pinging faces. An augmented reality ID picture was over Lash's eyes. As soon as Lash landed in the city his tech-spirits had jumped into the network. He was putting names to faces.

Rabene Tonsort, Eirtama Ballory, Suyan Higin, and Sashah Adova. Were their birth names. But when they became handmaidens for the Queen they opted to change their names on the official record to create confusion. Tonsort became Rabé, the wardrobe mistress. What a job she must have! Ballory became Eirtaé and was in charge of communications. Higin and Adova became Yané and Saché respectively, serving as liaison and page, and Tsabin became Sabé, the queen's closest bodyguard and body double. (Actual cannon)

Sabe was currently sitting on the throne, posing as the queen. Lash walked into the room on careful foot steps then right before he was about to bow to the queen. He took an immediate right and stopped ten feet in front of Padmé Amidala Naberrie dressed as a handmaiden. Lash then put a fist above his heart, bowed ninety degrees from his waist counted to three then rose.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet with me your highness.” Lash said, and he absolutely loved that the 4th wall engine didn't stop him.

A pin drop silence settled over the throne room. The four handmaidens looked struck dumb. Captain Panaka and his elite security force had their pistols out and pointed at Lash. Padme's mouth was open so wide Lash could fit all sorts of....Ahem! Lash held perfectly still. Not that he was afraid of blaster fire. But more out of courtesy.

“I bring bad news. The Trade federation intends to invade Naboo. They are being manipulated by an individual known as Darth Sidious of the Sith.” Lash said to her.

“They wouldn't dare. The Republic would revoke their trade franchise. They would be finished!” Captain Panaka said to him.

“I think you'll find that your communications out of the planet are being jammed. The only reason they would do that...” Lash replied.

“Who are you?” Padme asked.

“I'm Lash I've been sent here to help.” Lash replied...

First draft, raw, unedited. So begins star wars!

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