Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 953

: Nine Hundred And Forty-Five [End Of One Thousand Nine Hundred And Ninety-Four]

According to statistics after the event, there were about 500 chairs in the Hung Hom Stadium, which were damaged on the night of the rock concert.

Some were smashed by excited fans, and some were smashed by fans standing on chairs and trampling. For this, Kang Jianfei had to pay for compensation, which was reported by the media as an interesting story.

20 years later, the post-95s and post-00s generation may be hard to imagine the sensation of those years, and even if I look for those songs to listen to, I feel that it is nothing more than that. But it really happened. He Yong, Dou Wei and Zhang Chu became famous overnight, and they were called “Three Heroes of Magic Rock” by those who did good things.

Dongfang Music Group will naturally not miss this good opportunity. The trio’s records entered the Hong Kong market, and even the albums of Tang Dynasty, Zero Point and Black Panther have sold tens of thousands of copies in Hong Kong.

In Taiwan, UFO Records also deliberately promoted this event, and praised Wu Bai and Zhang Zhenyue, making these two newcomers quickly become famous.

As for the mainland, it is even more incredible. Under the deliberate promotion of Xiongfei Records and Magic Rock Records, more than 20 newspapers and magazines have reported on Hung Hom Rock and Roll Night. It’s so hype, I can’t wait to say in the article that Hong Kong people worship mainland rock and roll. Under such horrible propaganda, a mixed feeling of pride and inferiority has made many Chinese people rush to buy the magic rock three heroes ‘s record.

Immediately after that, there was a national tour, but because of the limited market size, it was a small venue with a few thousand people.

At the beginning, everyone was very enthusiastic and very excited, thinking that the golden age of rock and roll was coming, but soon the situation appeared.

First of all, Dou Wei refused to do it. After eight consecutive tours, this guy felt that the performance was too monotonous and tired. He felt that it took up time for his creation and life, and he strongly demanded that the tour be terminated.

Immediately, Zhang Chu and He Yong also said not to play, and they had to rest for a while. They were not used to such high-intensity continuous performances, and even if they had money, they didn’t want to earn it.

There was no other way, Xiongfei Records had to find zero and the Black Panthers to come to the top, and announced to the public that the three heroes of the magic rock were concentrating on creating new works.

At the same time, the three also strongly resisted the company’s star brokerage system. Although they are assigned an exclusive agent, they usually do not contact him at all, and often refuse the activities arranged by the agent. This situation gives Zhang Peiren a headache.

To put it bluntly, the three of Dou Wei are very noble in their bones, and they don’t want to be used as the company’s money-making machine.

Their ideal state is that I write songs and I create them, you help me record songs, help me promote them, help me distribute them, and everyone earns money together. As for those messy business activities, if you like it, go to it, if you don’t like it, don’t bother me.

The most outrageous thing is that in order to save face and make friends with friends, they secretly participated in various underground performances behind the back of their company and their managers. This behavior seriously violated the artist contract!

Zhang Peiren didn’t inform Kang Jianfei of the specific situation, but he came forward to talk to the three of them patiently, but the effect was not obvious.

Block it?

Hehe, I spent so much energy and money on promotion in the early stage, and the money hasn’t been earned yet, so how could it be easily blocked.

There is no cure for this gang of rock and roll people.

However, there is one thing worth rejoicing, that is, rock music is crazy popular in the mainland, from a niche to a popular music that can be put on the table. Even the sketches of this year’s Spring Festival Gala were used to make fun of rock and roll, which shows how popular this stuff is in the mainland.

Countless young people in their teens and twenties have become loyal rock fans. In big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, all kinds of rock bands have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. These bands are of mixed quality and good and bad. At the same time of the emergence of high-quality products, there are also news such as rock singers fighting and ke medicine lanterns.

The whole rock circle presents a kind of morbid chaos, and no one can regulate and reverse the situation.

Compared with the popularity of rock and roll, this year’s Christmas movie market in Hong Kong seems a little sluggish.

Although Wang Jing brought Zhou Runfa and Qiu Shuzhen to starring “God of Gamblers 2”, which achieved a sky-high box office of 52 million, the results of other films were very ugly.

Among them, “Fighting Heroes”, which Jiahe and Li Lianjie collaborated again with, had a box office of 14.87 million, and actually won the runner-up at the box office of this year’s Christmas file. As for the third place, it was a **** film called “Three Boys in Love”, with a box office of 9.45 million.

The fourth place further down is also related to Fatty Wang. Although it was not directed by him, it was produced by Wang Jing Studio. The title of the film was “The Occupation of Hong Kong”.

When all the box-office statistics of the Christmas stalls were counted, all Hong Kong filmmakers breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the Christmas stall!

Movies with less than 5 million box office can rank fourth, and the third place box office is less than 10 million.

Jump on the street!

Hong Kong movies are completely on the street!

“Red Rose, White Rose” directed by Guan Jinpeng was first shown in Taiwan, and then brought back to Hong Kong for Christmas. Although this film was very popular at the Golden Horse Awards, it was a bit ugly at the box office, only 1.8 million.

What’s even more ugly is that “Red Rose and White Rose” with a box office of 1.8 million still ranks seventh at the Christmas box office. The sixth place in front of the box office was more than 3 million, and the fifth place barely sold 4 million.

The entire Hong Kong film industry is collectively stunned. This situation has made everyone dare not make any more films~www.readwn.com~ Those small theaters can’t hold it anymore, and they are caught in the situation where there is no film to put on, and there is a film that loses money. embarrassing situation. So at the end of 1994, Hong Kong once again set off a wave of cinema closures.

After New Year’s Day in 1995, there were only 108 movie theaters left in Hong Kong, which was nearly halved from the peak.

At this time, three blockbusters were released one after another. They are “Hongfan District” produced by Jiahe and Cheng Long, “The Moonlight Treasure Box of Dahua Westward Journey” produced by Oriental DreamWorks and Zhou Xingchi, and “Rich World” produced by Yonggao and Xu Kuanwen.

Xu Kuanwen, a former cold-faced comedian, is obviously not keeping up with the times. The box office of “Rich World” is only 7.6 million.

“Journey to the West: Moonlight Treasure Box” has a box office of 25 million, but this is starring Zhou Xingchi. In the past two or three years, the box office of the films starring Zhou Xingchi has never been lower than 35 million, and the box office of 25 million can only be said to be pupupu!

In the bleak New Year’s box office, only Cheng Long was bright, like a firefly in the dark night, so dazzling.

“Hongfan District” box office, 56.9 million!

Zou Wenhuai and others breathed a sigh of relief. Jiahe has just been released. Once Cheng Long’s film hits the streets again, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fortunately, Cheng Long rescued the scene. After the sky-high box office of “Hongfan District” came out, Jiahe’s stock price went up, and the shareholders were laughing hard.

(To be continued.)

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