
Chapter 19

     Leaving the office, Natalie made her way through town towards where her house was. It was usually a pretty short walk, however Nat made it take almost three times as long. After multiple run ins with goblins, she wanted to do her best to avoid an ambush. So far, she has always been the ambusher. The idea of becoming the ambushed side was not appealing in the slightest to her. She cut through backyards, an alleyway, and her neighbour two doors down house. Not getting a house with a rear door had finally come to bite her in the ass. And the only reason she didn't go through the one closer is because that was the one that belonged to Troy. Nobody could pay her enough to willingly set foot in that den of douchebaggery. The home she passed through belonged to a lovely old couple who had decided to retire here. Thankfully, as far as Nat was aware, they were currently on a vacation down in Florida.


     As she was moving through the house, she started to hear a muffled banging coming from outside. Coming out of their front door, nothing stood out in her view as off or wrong. she moved towards her house, still giving Troy's house as wide of a berth as she felt comfortable. As she moved towards her house, the banging got louder and louder. Coming around the front, the view was something that made her glad she was not at home for these past couple of days even more so.


     Clearly, filth loves to stick together, as Troy was leading two goblins with a poorly made makeshift battering ram and attempting to break down her door. The goblins were grunting and clearly fatigued, sweat poured off their skin like waterfalls. As for Troy, he seemed to get angrier with every failed attempt at breaking down her door. Nat was convinced she was sleep deprived, as she could almost swear that Troy had some of the same black mist coming off of him that the evaporating goblins did. Her door was the true MVP in this situation, as it had some scuff marks and a slight dent visible in the middle of it, but was otherwise in tip top shape. If it wasn't for the fact that it was her house they were trying to get into, it would have been hilarious.


     Despite taking all the care to getting to that point, all it took was one action to ruin it. As Natalie started to move back, her foot landed on some broken glass that was lying on the ground behind her. Freezing in place, she took a look at her front door. Both the goblins and Troy had stopped moving and looked at her, the crude implement still sitting in their hands. As if he was snapping up from a daze, Troy threw the poor entry tool to the side and cracked a wide grin on his face. "You kept me waiting princess, but that is no matter. They always say more is merrier, so me and my new friends shall make sure you feel welcome and cared for." He started sauntering down her walkway towards her, goblins following his lead. Slowly, the goblins grins changed to match his as they realized what their new comrade had planned.


     Seeing this, Natalie quickly thought to the adult wolves. 'Kali, Bryden can you two please take care of the two goblins? The other four of you, can you please subdue this creep? I do not care how much you hurt him, just don't kill him. I want this pleasure for everything this asshole has said and done towards me for these last three years.' Bryden and the others from the office all sent an affirmation to her.


     Kali however, had almost a giddiness to her. 'This is creep? Glad we can end creep who disrespects our Alpha.' A feral and almost crazed look came upon her inside the Soulscape. The other wolves were shocked at these words, before following Kali's lead and adopted her look onto their own faces. The growled in anticipation of the fight that was to come. Natalie was emboldened by the wolves unity against him that she felt sure of what was to come. 'Hey pups, when I ask, can you bring me out the axe? I Believe it will be glad to end one more monster today.' The pups, who had no idea of what was going on, just chanted, 'Axe! Axe!' The innocent and excitement almost made Nat break into a fit of giggles due to the disparity. Quickly schooling her features, she started striding confidently towards Troy. 


     Seeing her not scared and walking towards him with fervor, Troy staggered. "Hey, you two. Go subdue her, and I will grant you the first taste." Hearing this, the goblins got visibly excited and started rushing at her. Trails of drool escaped their mouth as they cheered Troy on, and ran forward towards Natalie. When they got within one meter of her however, their entire tone changed. This was due to two large full grown gray wolves coming out of Nat and pouncing on top of them. They barely got out a scream of anguish before their throats were torn out by the predatorial canines.


     Seeing his goblins getting set upon by wolves caused Troy to stagger backwards and fall on his ass. As he attempted to scramble away from the wolves now flanking Natalie, four more came out and ran at him. He did not make it more than a couple meters before he was hounded back to the ground. His sides were clawed, his tendons were nipped, and each of his limbs was held down by the beasts. He looked up to Natalie to ask for help, only to see a group of puppies come out of her and hand her an axe. He started whimpering and begging, asking to be spared. Natalie had long since learned how to tune out his horrid voice, and carried on as if he was silent. She brought the axe around and lifted it over her head. Without one word from any of the wolves or her, she brought the blade down upon his head, rendering him silent.


     Looking down at his corpse and seeing his blood covering the axe, Natalie did not feel any grief from his death. Angie at least meant well most of the time, and she did not deserve what happened to her. Troy however, he deserved death in her opinion. If she felt anything at this point, it was relief. Knowing that he would never try and get his way with her or any other woman ever again. Satisfied, she unlocked her door and headed inside with the wolves. It was a long day, and now all that she really wanted was to sleep.

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Jake, Viktor, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times.

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