
Chapter 3

Finally figured out how to get the Patreon button on the bottom. I can be a bit slow at times. Just as a going forward, it is always kept ten chapters ahead. Do not feel as if you have to support it to read it, it is just there for those who wish to read it immediately after I finish writing. I will continue to keep uploading to scribble hub regardless.

     Before she could even start to think, Natalie's legs were already moving. 'That fucking dumbass! Does she not remember what is in here? Why did she just ignore the guidelines?' As she got close enough, she threw her body at Angie in a full body tackle. Just after she makes contact and they start to fall, she hears a whoosh of air and a growl pass by behind her. Holy crap, this idiot literally almost died! As soon as they landed, Nat got to work fast, stripping the fur coat off of her air-headed co-worker. Thankfully, the tackle caused two things that helped her take care of the idiot sooner. Firstly, the BLT went flying directly towards the next wolf that was lining up. That distracted the wolf and once they caught it, they were content to just sit down and eat the delicious morsel. Secondly, she seemed to have stunned her target, making the removal of the fur coat be relatively resistance free.


     Throwing the fur coat away, she then quickly stops all movement. As the abomination lands on the ground, two wolves descend on it and start ripping it to pieces. Slowly, Natalie picks up Angie and slowly starts making her way to the door. Thankfully, due to the distracting nature of the fur coat and the tastiness of the BLT, they make it to the door without any issues. Once inside, Natalie starts moving exponentially faster, carrying a still dazed Angie down the hall. Arriving at a door near the end of the hall, she quickly opens it up, and deposits her package onto one of the chairs. "Okay Natalie, why are you carrying Angie in here and why does she look like she just got mugged?" The original occupant of the room, Bryden, asks with increasing worry and volume.


     "This fucking Dumbass not only went into the enclosure with food, but while wearing a goddamn fur coat! She is lucky she is not dead right now! I now need to go deal with the aftermath, so I am leaving this moron with you." Nat says to him, still exasperated at the idiocy that she had witnessed. Before Bryden can say anything else, she leaves the room and heads back they way she came. Getting to the separating room, she just sits down on a chair and works to calm herself down while mentally digesting what just happened. 'Angie ignored the guidelines and protocols, and almost got herself killed. If she does not get fired for this, I am totally going to submit a formal complaint to the higher ups and state that she is completely incapable of working in this field as she has no ability when it comes to working with wild and dangerous animals.' Once she had sufficiently calmed down, she got up off the chair and headed back to the door.


     For the rest of the morning she just went through the enclosure, making sure that all pieces that were left of the abomination were cleaned up and disposed of, doing standard checks of the area, and filling out all of the reports that she needed to in the separating room. The only eventful thing happening was when she went to grab a sleeve, the more friendly pup decided that then was a good time for a game of tug of war. Of which, she did humour for a good while, even after its mother came by and watched. It almost looked like the mother wolf was smiling while watching the whole situation.


     As the clock finally rung out 11:00 AM, she got up from the paperwork covering her desk and headed to the lunchroom. As she walked in, she was confronted by a crying, angry mess of a human being. "How could you do that to me! Not only did you assault me for no reason, you also destroyed that beautiful coat! Do you even know how much that cost! I will have you pay me back for that. It was a limited run designer coat you uncultured harlot!" Angie just blows up at her. "I am going to sue you into the ground for this. Just wait till you hear from my lawyers!" After she finished yelling, Angie grabs her belongings and walks straight out of the door. Natalie just stands there, unable to process what even just happened. There was just too much that just felt wrong with everything, that she was left unable to retort the emotional wreck of a co-worker. As she just stood there shell-shocked, a hand settled gently on her shoulder.


     "Do not worry Nat, Angie finally went off the deep end. Not only has she been fired, but if she does try to press anything you can have full access to the security camera footage. They all caught the whole thing wonderfully."


     "Thanks Bryden. Guess now its time to hire some new blood, eh?" Nat responds, starting to have a bit of a smile. Not having to deal with that air head anymore sounds like a giant blessing, and with her birthday next week, she could not have asked for a better gift.


     Bryden just smiles back, "I guess we do. Hopefully, we can get another person with as much care as you have shown. Now, with all that happened today, you are to head home early. Take care of yourself, and ill see you back here no sooner than five days from now."


     "You sure boss? You won't get lonely just being on your lonesome without anyone else here? You might go crazy from the lack of attention." she responds, with obvious humour carrying through her voice.


     "Get out of here your rascal, I am going to be fine. Would much rather be alone here than suffer with your terrible sense of humour a minute longer!"


     Laughing, Natalie grabs her stuff, punches out, and heads out of the office. "Thanks Bryden, take care of those wolves while I am gone. And yourself while you are at it!" She calls out as she leaves. Walking outside, she takes a large breath of air, smiles, and looks out to the horizon. "Now," she asks herself, "what am I going to do with four days off?"

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