Dungeon Core Chat Room.

Chapter 100. Birth of a god marks the end...or perhaps the start?

“Today we will join our kin at the true seed of enlightenment.”

Yew had travelled a long and dangerous distance across the continent to reach this point. She was a true wood-elf from a small grove deep in the heartwoods of the largest forest in the world.

She had given that all up to find the world tree.

“High above you can find our tree of myth. The prophecies were right. The legend-song came true. If you crest this hill you can find the new capital of elves. With life sister.”

Yew thanked her guide noticing his strange tapping foot and bloodshot eyes. He looked like he wanted to come with her but stayed behind anyways.

She carefully picking her way around the dungeons entrance and headed towards the settlement.

High above massive branches twisted off into the distance casting a permanent blanket of shadow and then brightening it up again with a constant soft golden glow. Eternal evening.

This was the first time she had seen such a massive arbor and she felt deep in her bones a sense of awe.

Cresting the hill she looked out confidently at her fellow elves and immediately lost her awe.

“What in the tree-killing blazes is that!”

Elves fought each other with spears of wood drawing blood that healed instantly and soaking the ground a deep woody crimson. They laughed and danced as if it were a holiday instead of just a Tuesday.

One dark elf lay directly in front of her, a syringe pumping some strange golden ichor into his leg.

A moon elf – supposedly the rarest and most proper race of their species – whooped while riding a bear about. He Whooped.

A snow elf wandered up to her as she stared in confusion at the chaos. Wordlessly they handed her a sparkling golden fruit before wandering away.

“this…is suspicious” Yew stared down at the fruit.

A deep elf called out to her at this moment “The great tree gives its bounty, it protects us, guides us, join me! Let’s go trash the human settlement they don’t deserve to sleep under Yggdrasil’s mighty branches!”

“This is from the great tree? Alright” Yew took a bite feeling safety and kinship spread throughout her body. Her worries slipped away. She was home.

She barely noticed when she joined her new kin in the first of many raids of the lost continent's settlement her war cry drowned out by the ones of her peers.

Excerpt obtained from a wood elf upon discovery of the elven capital.

The whole time Innearth was working away at increasing the chance of cultivation being successful, he was also working away at the rest of the trial.

Okay! Lets see…I think I’m getting close to finishing the disease. I’m actually so close I can feel it.

Seeing as how all my best versions are all “ingested” or “injected” versions, it makes the most sense to combine it with the rest of the trial.

Yin energy will be provided by the trial takers and yang energy will be mixed with the disease.

…essence might be a good start? No that's too overwhelming. It will definitely override their Yin energy I'm better off just making "normal" concentrated sources.

I could make them as materials? It would work… but that will carry the intent of the material spell…My best option for the purest yang energy is to break corrupted crystals on something edible and easily absorbed.

…why am I using the cultivator nomenclature? Its mana! External and internal mana!

Innearth thought process spiralled off into thinking of the best way to insert foreign mana into a creature. A syringe seemed much more efficient and fast acting than foodstuff – the blood-based disease worked in seconds, while the ingested one needed several minutes to digest first…but Innearth liked the idea of a room of pills adventurers could choose from – he liked it much more than “knocking them out and injecting them with mana” or setting up a syringe monster again.

Let's see…some scrolls reference pill refining it seems so primitive…but it's also nearly identical to my mana ovens.

I could push my own mana into the ovens and let that become the environmental mana?

…but I’m not sure if my intent to make a pill would be a good or bad thing in this case. Every single pill refining method I see mentions extracting Yang energy from plants or celestial ore.

Welp. Easy enough to follow what the ancients did. I have tons and tons of corrupted crystals to break and infuse stuff… that should be a pure enough source of environmental mana. Base should be something edible – most pill refining seems to be using sugar?

Innearth started setting up a room beside the bracer area. A single pill consisted of a fast-acting ingestion based disease mixed with a chunk of baking soda – Innearth had first bought mundane sucrose (C12H22O11) and tried to get his system to print that… but the leap between his system creating something non magical but simple like salt or water and creating a more complex compound was too great. His system really didn’t like organic compounds, in general, they were all too complex.

NaHCO₃ was a happy medium. His system could build it and it wasn’t as bad tasting as salt.

These pills were then baked in a huge array of cosmic void ovens fed by corrupted crystals. Long ago Innearth would have used nullstone… but he could actually print and create perfectly sealed boxes of cosmic void by now. He could print them in whatever size he wanted and they worked the same once tempered well.

Fire Pill.

A source of surprisingly pure fire mana. Corrupted with a blasphemous parasite. Consumable.

WARNING: Contains consumption of this dangerous item is not advised. This pill will momentarily cut your connection to the [system]. Contains a crystalline parasite that must be fought off to regain connection to the [system]. Giving into said parasite will entomb and eventually kill the consumer.

Burn your body and be reborn.

Slowly Innearth moved through a list of mana types he knew – he made ovens for every single corrupted crystal type he had in his entire mana filter – every single pure type he had from earth and crystal to void and eternity. He had corrupted crystals for mana types he could make with combinations – mud and magma – for offshoots he could make – light and stone – and even more importantly he had all the types his friends had made and shared with him like lightning and seed.

It wasn’t necessarily an extensive list of every mana type available – the essences proved quite a bit got through his filter…but it felt like it was good enough to cover most transcendents in some way.

At some point Innearth’s experience tipped unceremoniously over into Tier 10. Other than an interesting look at the systems interference and a slight notice of the much stronger than normal “level”…it was nothing more than a meaningless tick upwards.

Finally done his pill room and mostly finished his guru advice panel, Innearth stopped for a moment to think about experience.

I’m really hoping the gurus can help with cultivation…but is there anything else I can do?

I think fighting on the plane will be enough to give meaning but…experience is much simpler

I was trying to think about meaning and giving adventurers a skill to help use meaning well…but embedding a skill circuit into an adventurer might be traumatic. The transplant won't be the best.

Maybe I should just focus on the combat portion? Or would creating a story be good? The meaning in killing demons…in fighting for reality…maybe there could be a sort of “meaningful action” in that?

Could I leak a bit of my goal to adventurers? Let them fight for the meaning of helping the gods?

What about…what about killing demons and then bringing their bodies to feed Yggdrasil? That seems meaningful. Destroying an enemy of reality and disposing of it in a safe way? That does feel important. Yggdrasil seems important to help create a god I can imagine its passive increase to magic will help cultivation…

I’ll tell the gurus to ask for help if they need me to make anything. Let's just finish it I’ve spent long enough on it!

Finally, Innearth was ready to begin. He hadn't told his friends his plan…he was positive it would be safe even if it felt like cheating to him – but that didn't mean he wanted to explain himself.

He also didn't want to lie – it wasn't that big of a secret.

“Just going for it” was probably the best thing he could do.

Like the plains, the “first time interest” was slow to form, but steadily grew as information about the room began to spread.

Over the past while transcendents in Innearth’s dungeon were growing more bold.

One group of three orcs in the 160s grabbed some fire, kinetic and lightning pills. They downed them and waited for something to happen – they had been using the plains for ages at this point and fully trusted the training system.

Instead of some grand transformation, all that happened was they each twitched slightly as the environmental mana began to slowly seep through their body – entering their blood and being pulled around by the circulatory system.

The lighting pill taker twitched slightly in pain despite having a lightning affinity himself. The more simple fire orc’s body temperature rapidly rose as bits of his insides set on fire.

As far as cultivation masters went, orcs were probably the safest option Innearth could think of. After a few minutes a telltale link was gone – trying to analyze them came back with nothing indicating their subsystems were blocked.

Mental connections wafted through the tiles of the room, drifting into each of the orcs as three gurus began explaining what they had to do.

As orcs each felt mana since birth, they were the easiest group to teach cultivation to. They grabbed streams of their own mana coating their insides creating channels of yin energy to insulate their flesh from the yang energy…it was all happening so fast.

They sat there in the pill room for three solid hours just learning to prevent their bodies from being damaged.

Only three hours to learn a lifetime's worth of knowledge.

The kinetic pill taker had been the least damaged initially, but it took them the longest to wrest their body under control – three and a half hours in comparison to his friends’s three. They were now vibrating constantly to deal with the inner storm of movement.

After each gained a sense of their new constitutions, they rose and left on a hunt once more. Passing under the feet of the colossus with a nod to the protector they spread out in a practiced formation.

Kinetic in the back pushing his comrades forward his hands on their backs as they ran.

Lightning wrapped around the fists and feet of the orc on the right while unnatural orange-tinged fire encased the chest arms and legs of the leftmost orc.

A chaotic sparking punch ripped towards a demon – faint sparks flying out and melting through the metal ground below as it “pulled” through space.

The punch was so weighty void atmosphere swirled around in its wake.

Despite the light show, the spell didn’t increase their strength too much against the humanoid demon they fought. Instead, it was a simple sort of punch that did the demon in – brute force winning out over magic one cathartic punch at a time.

Innearth was the only one watching them at the current point his friends hadn’t noticed anything different from normal…it was hard to notice something different from normal most of the changes were internal at this point.

The group ran further and further out into the planes – hundreds of meters travelled every second.

At this point in time, the maximum width of the floor was 13km right at the facility and its total length was over 50km out into void.

They fought and fought some more tearing through the weakest demons and then starting to get damaged by the medium difficulty ones.

The fire-wrapped orc lost an arm to a demon that looked like a crocodile folded into an origami plane and actually growled mana rushing out of the lost limb as their concentration lapsed.

The kinetic orc squished the demon and moved to protect his friend smashing his chest in a salute.

Two octopus-like demons with endlessly splitting tentacles reached out and sliced into the orcs.

Crackling energy wrapped the lighting orc as he threw his whole body into the tentacles to punch its squishy core not caring about the pain.

Slowly as more and more wounds built the orcs lost their focus. Bits of their still inexperienced cultivation slipped and instead of healing normally their bodies healed with crackling or burning or vibrating flesh.

They weren’t death-seeking however and continued to push their limits without taking on an impossible challenge.

A full day passed like this. The fire orc was unrecognizable from before – his muscled green skin covered in countless red and glowing scars his eyes two miniature suns illuminating the entire surroundings. His lost arm had been regrown as an ethereal claw of flames and his attacks had grown wilder and more savage as time went on.

A second day of straight fighting passed.

The other two were warped to much lower degrees and seemed worried about their friend. They retreated to the facility and sat in a new meditation room trying to rest and trying to fix their bodies ineffectually.

Finally, one by one they fell asleep and mutations spread as their control lapsed before stopping.

They awoke to find their bodies changed their cultivation no longer running. Hesitantly each of them discussed their options and listened to the suspicious voices explaining their situation.

Finally, they decided to double down. Each took a second pill – all of them taking kinetic pills this time and fought to keep them under control. This time the kinetic orc got his yang circuit under control in a matter of minutes while the other two spent several hours but they were ready and willing to train once more.

Out into the plain they ran ripping past a group of swordsmen who stared in shock at their shapes.

This time they fought more and more dangerously. They pushed deeper into the plains coming up against demons none of them could damage alone.

Massive mammoth-like demons, Super sized clamshells.

Finally, they fell and were set upon by a pack of flat stingray-like demons.

Their souls was saved and shoved into the resurrection tanks and Innearth carefully examined the damage.

It was surprisingly minor for the amount of time they had lasted – it looked like someone had thrown them about a bit and whipped them but as ambrosia surrounded them and spells activated one by one that damage faded.

Slowly bodies were formed – perfectly normal bodies this time not ones that damaged themselves. Somewhere along the line the system suppressing disease was scrubbed clean. It had thankfully not embedded itself too badly into the soul and did not survive the resurrection cycle.

One by one the orcs emerged from their pods disoriented the signs of ambrosia addiction thick and heavy about them. They knew they needed to wait it out and retreated to the booze floor to describe their experiences.

Abe: Hey buddy… what was that?

Innearth: Training tool :3 Look, they jumped to level 170 in just two days!

ZeMadDoctor: However did you manage that! Please I simply must know.

Innearth: …It’s a game, try and figure out what I did :3

A portion of Innearth became immensely excited.

Craig had started fighting in the plains a few months before. He wasn’t nearly as strong as many of the much older transcendents and had more magical attacks that were weaker against demons…but Innearth had still fancore’ed over his favourite adventurer getting stronger.

Well now Craig was standing in the pill room slowly wandering from pill to pill staring deep into their shells analyzing each and every one, before finally grabbing a metal affinity and downing it.

Innearth watched with interest as the pill spread about his body. Skills activated to direct it…and then everything started to fall apart. The system faded and most of the human's skills were disabled with it. [mana sense] was gone, the human couldn’t sense the mana anymore just feel its effects in his body. [mana protection] was removed – the environmental mana attacking and warping flesh unimpeded.

Panicked the boy kept trying to activate skills. [Create Needle] worked – they had mastered it long ago the skill permanently fused to their soul. [Needle Storm] did not – they hadn’t used it enough relying on it as an occasional finishing move. Similarly [Needle Shot] worked the skill still flinging conjured needles forward at great speed but [Manipulate Needles] did not – the finer control not being practiced as much as the stronger attack.

Frantically the human tried to protect himself tried to feel or hear or see the mana wrecking havoc with their body. He barely heard the advice from the gurus to calm his mind.

Flesh slowly warped, tanned skin turning a metallic bronze and then stiffening. Shards of metal burst out metallic crystals poking out of skin like needles. The human was entombed and shortly after their soul saved and reincarnated – Innearth watched carefully as it happened.

He stared at the porcupine-like statue slightly disappointed and then looking around to make sure no one was watching carefully grabbed it and pulled it to his shrine.

A memento to remember this time by.

As soon as Craig healed, he ran to the pill room once more – as if unable to accept he couldn’t do this.

Grabbing a second pill – this time an air one – the kid immediately downed it muscles clenched stubbornly as he stared inwards mana sense straining to continue tracking even as his system support faded.

Running out into the plains the kid released a tornado of needles pushing as much strength into himself as he could as he watched it rush forward and pincushion some weaker demons. He watched as demons died satisfied barely noticing his body turning to mist around him and floating away.

This was much much more drastic of a change than it should have been – Innearth packed as much mana into each pill as he could, but it still felt excessive.

It was as if Craig had fed his own mana to the change his intent to do something anything holding his body together for a time.

If the system was monitoring him and not preventing this from happening it might have briefly changed his race to elementalassi even as the transformation kept going his mind only now realized his state as his body drifted away in all directions bracer falling to the ground and pulling his soul with it back into the reincarnation tub.

Craig was reincarnated and moved to run back for a third attempt ambrosia leaking out of his mouth like froth before he was stopped by an old adventurer.

They had set up a guard of sorts to try and mitigate ambrosia addiction. The guard had noticed his two short resurrections and forcefully brought him away from the plains gruffly telling him to give it a few weeks.

Innearth watched as more and more adventures tried his pills and tried to cultivate. Nearly every single human that tried failed save a single white-bearded mage who had begun meditating 10 days before and was still going. They had to have some sort of mana manipulation mastered it was the only explanation.

Days passed and turned to weeks and turned to months. Innearth very carefully monitored the situation. Orcs were the best at adapting to this cultivation and nearly every single time managed to last long enough to gain a few levels. A vampire had tried once involuntarily turning to thousands of bats in the plains that attacked demons and then were unable to resurrect due to not wearing a bracer.

The arch goblin did well forcefully warping their body and fighting any unwanted mutations.

Innearth was happy with the progress he was seeing but noticed with dismay the number of trial takers was dropping with time. There were still a steady stream of experts wanting to try their luck but the whole trial was still an incredibly traumatic experience and few were willing to undergo it several times.

A year passed with the average level of adventurers in the area increasing immensely. Fresh blood streamed in new undertakers wanting to advance.

Finally, a special case appeared.

Tom was once again in the facility his little legs carrying him up onto the pill tables as he wandered about with fascination. Finally, the gnome found a pill they liked the look of. A simple earth pill – nothing fancy. He stared at the pill nearly the size of his face before beginning to write a circular script on the table. Around and around the words and magic wrapped the void atmosphere pooling and changing inside of it to the gnome's frustration.

Innearth reached out.

Slowly helping the gnome, Innearth pulled the void. He infused shrinking mana into the air and pulled inwards shrinking the pill down even further.

Mana did not like being condensed this much the matter shrunk but the total amount of mana in the pill stayed the same.

A blinding speck of a pill was born leaking mana rapidly in front of the gnome. Smiling upwards, Tom nodded thanking the dungeon directly even as he popped the spec into his mouth and swallowed.

The storm of mana subsided. Toms's body completely contained the output his ancient flesh insulating the world from that mess.

Nodding slightly as he listened to the gurus describe his situation Tom began writing even before the pill fully took effect.

His pen dug deep into his arms and legs drawing blood as he tattooed magic into his flesh. Words wrapped around him ink moved beneath his flesh and as his hand blurred, flecks of blood flew off with the speed of his writing.

Innearth watched in shock as the gnome twisted his body a smooth white bone popping out of his arm in an incredibly strange manner – as if his arm had become liquid and the bone floated up and out.

Deep script was written down into the bone magic digging down past what Innearth could see was existing shallow scripts.

The bone was shoved back.

A new bone extruded.

The gnome edited himself right before Innearth’s eyes, beads of concentration flecking down around him. It felt like the world itself stilled as Innearth watched everything began to…feel meaningful?

Tom finally stood up his body containing the pill perfectly his enchantments cultivating his physique passively.

Walking out into the planes the gnome moved slowly but purposefully his strides appearing slow but covering an impossibly large distance.

Pulling out a quill from nothing, Tom began to write words here and there on the silver planes.

Slowly in a trail behind him the metal would bulge and extrude upwards creating a rough blobby army of metal gnomes.

Turning around once he reached 42 Tom travelled back a blur as he flicked between rough silver shape after rough silver blob.

Metal seemed to condense and roughen…as if the pure metal was converted back to an ore…back to a more rough and impurity-filled state even as it grew denser.

Blobs became humanoid headless creatures. Each with nearly every single part of their exposed flesh covered in glowing words of power.

Demons had begun attacking but the golems fought them off even in their unfinished state.

To finish off each golem the gnome pulled soft sheets of paper out of nowhere and ripped them into strips. On each, he wrote a single word with a massive amount of mana it shining brightly in Innearth sight even after being pushed straight into the middle of each golem.

Innearth watched and expected some sort of summoner situation. Tom would surround himself in guards and let them kill things in safety.

That’s what he expected.

What ended up happening was each golem was fashioned a simple enough looking sword and sent in all directions. Tom himself ran forward alone, a massive smile on his face that grew larger and larger – unnaturally large his smile curved up until all Innearth could see was his smile his sense of adventure and thrill.

10km out into the plains, 20km out. 30…

Tom ran all the way to the “edge of the world”.

He stood on the lip of the plains staring out into void uncomprehending the dimensions but not being broken by them. He laughed his voice muffled in the atmosphere even as an eye rose up over the lip covering the entire horizon as far as the gnome should be concerned.

A void whale.

A massive one Innearth estimated was at least 40km long based on the size of the eye.

Tom ran back away from the lip not because he was escaping but because he was drawing the whale further in.

Up over the lip the void whale's mouth scratched. This whales whole mouth was teeth. Its lips were teeth, part of its face was teeth.

Screeching forward the whale's mouth lunged jagged bones ripping through the top layer of metallic floor with a screech.

Tom jumped.

His tiny form moved through the air with an incredibly fast pace. He was teleporting about, the movement leaving lines of chaotic void around him as he shifted his body in and out.

A boulder was formed and flung into the demon’s eye as a distraction. Below the gnome dashed in and wrote one character at a time on the whale's side.

Each character glowed with mana and then faded as if disabled by the whale's flesh his mana sucked away and consumed by a massive drain of mana vore.

Tom kept writing anyways. He pulled the void about him as he dashed and Innearth was positive he had both a void and a space affinity. He was using a teleportation much more specialized to himself than portals, but his attacks showed their origins.

Innearth was riveted. The gnome was moving so quickly warping void around him to push or pull his movements and getting more and more experienced with it.

A single script was finished, and Tom ran his whole hand over it briefly lighting it up with mana to activate it once.

The whale flinched its whole body shuddering as a wave of something wrecked its insides.

Tom dashed back holding his quill like a rapier before teleporting through the demon. Before pulling himself and a spear of void atmosphere behind him straight through the middle of the demon’s body.

A thundering whale's groan rolled out, the atmosphere pushing out like a wave in the sea.

Another spear.

Slowly but surely the whale was weakened. Tom visibly struggled with each special spear taking a lot out of him. Finally the void heart was broken and the whale struggled his last breath.

Instead of leaving the corpse at the edge of the plains Tom wandered around it writing a script to turn the ground below into a plate of metal that slid along the ground behind him.

Taking much much more time on the way back, Tom brought the whale uninterrupted back to the tree pushing it right within range of the seeking roots.

Walking around a bit Tom climbed up the side of the colossus running up his shell and sitting down on the middle of the lower body.

Pulling out a journal Tom began to write.

A review of his experiences. A review of the plains a review of the trial that was supposedly still going on.

Tom wrote with a simple endless quill not a single ounce of mana in his words. He wrote without mana but everything about him reminded Innearth of a spell. Something deep within the gnome clicked and fluttered – around him the void shifted, and mana flashed underneath his skin.

In a wide range about Tom the atmosphere shifted and swirled as if moved by an invisible breeze even as his golems fought demons far away steadily giving him “experience”.

A second void whale appeared in the middle of the plains. Slowly falling out of the “clouds” like a blimp.

Immediately Tom closed his book and travelled out. A second fight this one easier done. A second snack for the world tree. A second journal entry.

Tom began adding a line of script defences along the whole edge of the facility even as a third whale appeared. Every time he grew more experienced and then less than a month later and 5 whales in it happened.

Tom was in the middle of writing his experiences down when the words he wrote suddenly dug deeper than they had before.

It was as if the last sentence he had written was dug not into the page but into the space around him. Into reality itself.

…to sum it all up. “All in all I recommend this trial”. Many transcendents will see the mountain of experience in front of them as an insurmountable barrier. This~~~~~~

The words floated in space in front of Tom as he clenched his belly and dropped into a ball.

Innearth hadn’t been able to read anything Tom had written up until now but these floating words conveyed their meaning straight to Innearth’s mind.

Mana began streaming out of the gnome's tiny frame dragging him apart piece by piece.

It was like every single atom was pulled out and into the air around him, his form physically disappearing even as his inner mana strengthened.

Innearth could barely keep track of what was happening several unknown mana types floated about in the air converting every single bit of the gnome into something else.

Atoms were transmuted to divine mana. Everything that Tom was, had been, and could be was converted to divine mana. Specks floated inwards slowly – the projection of mana that had been his consciousness and soul sucking inwards as each divine mana spec absorbed his being.

Faster and faster the transformation accelerated. 20 minutes from start to finish the ascension continued until all that remained was a single point. A single spec of divine mana almost a singularity with how small it was.

That spec floated in void for several minutes completely motionless before out of it more divine mana fell like goop and began creating an avatar.

The new god awoke and stared about directly looking at Innearth’s mind floating about his soul.

Innearth could vaguely pay attention to the scroll of his friends in the background their confused and excited messages flipping past one by one.

Abe: AhhhHHHH whats this!

Amy: It happened huh! Innearth, you mentioned you wanted to ascend someone congratz!

Tom: Huh…well this is awkward. Anyone know what I’m supposed to do next?

Brutality Queen: I mean we could make a new floor? I’ve been itching to play some new games.

Abe: …

Amy: …

Brutality Queen: wait what? …

Innearth: Hey…Tom?

The chat was silent for a moment. Suddenly with a click a second spec appeared. A second divine mana singularity floating beside the spec that was Tom.

A second roll of mana projected out an avatar that quickly became real and a second gnome appeared standing in the air.

He wrote words in space silent like Innearth’s crystal gnomes.

Hey kid. We gotta go. I’ll explain when we get there – I warped time to reach you but I’ve still been gone for hours and it will take hours more to reach the celestial realm. Each minute I’m gone we lose a star.

Less than a second later the two vanished – tunnelling through void like twin meteorites that left a thin thread in the void behind them.

Blue boxs appeared


You don’t know how much you have done to help. Or maybe you do I don’t have enough time to read your existence fully. I’ve left a few gifts but you’ll have to wait till your god comes to get properly thanked.

Innearth (Dungeon Designation: Crossroad Link from Murek)

Level 145 139898/22630 exp to next level.

System Access Level 10 -Level 166+


Mana Regeneration 306.78 personal unit/min

Mana concentration 3.70 AMU / personal unit

Mana Storage 3242.739/83691.113 AMU

Regeneration over time 18.90908791 AMU/s

Time to Full Mana 70.9 Min

Physical Storage 42% Capacity

Age 26 years

Current Year 2023 AS

Distance underground 1225 meters

Number of floors 53 floors


Earth Mana Specialization, Crystal Mana Specialization, Void Mana Specialization, Customization, Unique Dungeon, Cosmic Void Mana Specialization, Mature Dungeon, Godsmaker, Mortal Void Bastion Creator, World Tree Gardener.


Description: Was present at and participated in the ascension of a true god. A seed of divinity has been planted and sown. A new possibility has been born.

Effect: Divine mana potential grown from nothing to something. Rank 5 affinity choice lets you reap this potential blooming into an affinity.

Mortal Void Bastion Creator

Description: Partly responsible for the creation of a bastion against the void. A weak copy of the celestial realm. You have one step into the void.

Effect: Increases void affinity by 100%, Increase cosmic void affinity by 5%.

World Tree Gardener

Description: Partly responsible for the creation of a world tree. The world tree the only one that can exist. Your fate has been influenced by old magic and your potential blooms like the seeds of this tree.

Effect: Fate mana potential grown from nothing to something. Rank 5 affinity choice lets you reap this potential blooming into an affinity. Increases Life mana control by 10%. Increases Plant mana control by 10%. Increases Earth affinity by 200%. Increases Dirt affinity by 10%.

Innearth stared at his titles reading their descriptions carefully.

Am I dumb for being this happy at seeing those three titles?

Void bastion was obviously something they should have gotten long ago – they would have gotten with a god to oversee what they had done. Same with Yggdrasil and the world tree title.

Godmaker was the big one even if it did much less than the other two. It didn’t even give a current bonus like “World Tree Gardener”

No it felt like an achievement. Proof he had managed his goal. He had done it. He had proven himself to himself. That title sitting there was proof.

It was a good feeling.

Slowly the massive amount of experience above his current level was consumed and Innearth felt each level tick in slowly one by one at the maximum speed they could be applied.

All the way to level 150. 23708/24160 exp to next level.

The rush of levels was a different sort of “good feeling”. A rush of permanent strength.

Innearth sat nearly comatose – relaxing for the first time in a long while. His dungeon continued running as normal, his friends continued talking about Tom’s ascensions and he just sat there content.

After a while he pulled himself together a solid chunk of himself returning to discuss with his friends a faint sliver staying behind.

I need to find a new goal now I guess. Maybe turn myself into a god as well? Maybe wake up Gaia? Before either of that I need to start making the circuit website I’ve been putting off…and see if I can make a version of circuits that works like enchanting. OH! I should spend some more time with my friends – we can try playing some competitions like the dungeon games. It should be fun!

Innearth latched onto a new goal and headed off.

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