Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD (danmachi / kinda SI)

Chapter 10.2

Deal made, Welf immediately started looking at my sword and armor.

I had done my best to maintain the edge of my sword but, in the end, I wasn't a blacksmith and all I had sharpness before were kitchen knives.


Elf showed me how to properly use a sharpening stone and finish with a leather belt while keeping an eye on the cutting edge and making sure to polish it later.


He left my sword and all my knives sharp enough to shave with before getting rid of the dents in my armor.


I paid him 20 thousand and he let me choose a spear and hammer from a pile of weapons he had already made but had yet to trade with any store because of the whole magic swords thing.


My new spear had a dark brown shaft only a little taller than me with a steel blade half the size of my sword as the tip, there was a red cloth tied around the base of the spear and just bellow two metal wings that curved upwards in order to stop a monster from bulldozing the wielder. Welf had taken the time to carve flame patterns in the metal making it a beauty despite not having any enhancement.


The hammer was a simple one handed weapon, smaller than my sword it had far more metal on the head than something from my world but still didn’t look anywhere near as bulky as a mallet, on the other side of the hammer there was a large, curved spike, Welf had also put a spiral pattern around the shaft but the handle was made from a dark wood that felt perfect in my hand.


My plan was to use the sword when I wasn’t going to enter the dungeon but the spear and Hammer would be my main weapons when dealing with monsters and such.

I considered buying a halberd instead but… well the spear just looked better really.

Buying a leather strap for my spear I put it at my back while securing the hammer to my waist beside the sword, I’d still have to find a ranged option but really, by the time it becomes a true necessity I’d probably have found at least one companion to fill the place.

Leaving Babel I gave a long gaze towards the dungeon and sighed before finally turning away. 

It was about time to face that hellish training again, dealing with murderous monsters was far less exhausting.

The next I woke up feeling slightly better, either Tiona got better at holding back or I was growing at an astonishing pace because she only knocked me out a single time in or spare and didn’t even break any bones.

Stretching I took the time to see all my bruises were already gone before I started running, having a Falna and keeping a steady routine of exercises was doing wonders for my body, I had already lost the pouch on my belly and my muscles were beginning to show, another month of this and I’d probably end up as ripped as most other adventurers.

Taking a quick bath I made my way towards the Dian Cecht clinic for my consult with Airmid, I was received by a well dressed nurse and quickly led inside the clinic towards a large room in the back.

Airmid herself was a very short woman with silver hair and purple eyes; she was using some liquid to clean her medical instruments when I entered the room.

“Good evening, you must be Roland?” she asked with a polite smile while searching for my name on some documents “you’re getting a hand prosthetic next week right? Do you need something else?"

"I need you to look at my eyes and body for any adverse effects or curses" I told her, telling a stranger about my skill rubbed me the wrong way but the trial was worth it to get a consultation with Orario's best healer.

"I see, please sorry down" she waited until I was sitting in front of her, taking a magnifying glass she sat in front of me "let's start with a physical exam, please open your eyes"

I did as instructed and watched as she looked at both my eyes, then used a wand to touch me and finally drew some blood from one vain using some magic device to analyze it.

Everything took half an hour of work and left me kind of bored as the healer worked.

"Well mister Roland it seems you were right, from what I understood you have a skill constantly active on your eyes, the drain on your magic is negligible but it's still causing a strain on your body, nothing that a healing potion can't deal with but I still suggest you deactivate the skill's constant use until you reach at least level two."

"More worrying is the state of your eyes, your right eye should already be showing signs of diminished vision but even your left one shows some minor damage, worse, your right eye seems to be suffering from the effects of a curse or something similar, do you know if you were hit by something or is this a side effect of your skill?"

Ha, so using the mangekyou is already doing damage, I'll have to keep is use at a minimum "it's a side effect"

"I see, with your permission I'll try casting my magic at you, it's able to heal a lot and overcome most curses"

"Do I have to pay extra? I don't have a lot of values"

"Don't worry It's covered by the price of the consult this time"

"Go ahead them" I told her but still got ready to attack in case it was a trick, unlikely but you never know.

The short woman started chanting with her hand pointing at me until a white aura covered her body.

"DIA FRATEL" She finished and a half of light spread from her body covering the entire room and making me feel far better than before.

My hopes were high with the best mortal healer in the world casting magic at me but she frowned when looking in my eyes and grumbled in annoyance.

"Hmmm, may I cast my spell on you again Mister Roland?"

"Well, sure who am I to deny free healing"

This time she picked up a large magic staff and a white, diamond shaped magic circle appeared at her feet as she cast the spell causing a much brighter light to fill the room. "DIA FRATEL!!"

Looking at my eyes a third time Airmid seemed really annoyed which squashed any hope I had of solving the mangekyou problem.

"Is something wrong?"

"Sigh, not really wrong mister Roland it just hurts my pride as a healer to leave a patient untreated."

"It didn't work then?"

"No it worked, just not as well as I had hoped, the damage seems highly resistant to healing but it still shows minor signs of improvement" she leaned back and started cleaning her equipment again almost mumbling "it's just very minor"

"But it can be healed?" I asked in eagerness, anything that extended the usefulness of my cheat was good news in my book.

"Slowly, I'd say it would take me 10 castings of my magic to completely heal the damage done to your healthier eye and hundreds to heal the other one and my magic is equal to an elixir" she sat back down and released her staff 

"Worse, the damage can be mitigated with the use of potions even if it would be very expensive but the effects of the curse barely improved and no potion can disperse it"

"It's there nothing I can do?"

"Again, I recommend leveling up if you can; every level will decrease the strain of the skill and may provide the right development ability to fight it off"

"It would be ideal to use at least a medium potion every twelve hours and avoid using your skill as much as you can, working with Dian Cecht it is possible I could create something to dispel the curse but it would cost at least 100 million valis, probably more and he may not be interested"

Hmmm, seeing as it was only on one eye the 'curse' was probably what stopped me from using kotoamatsukami again and the damage was caused by using the mangekyou.

I made up my mind to only activate the improved eye ability in case my life was at risk and stop using it to keep up with Tiona; I probably didn’t need it to stay alive anymore.

I hope.

“Right, thanks for the help anyway” I said and got up stretching, I actually towered over the small healer but she wasn’t intimidated in the least.

Grabbing my new spear I left the building. Instantly I stumbled as I felt someone’s gaze on me, I looked around to see dozens of high level adventurers coming to the clinic to buy potions or get a consult.

I quickly walked away from the place and tried my best to get rid of the feeling but I just couldn’t manage it for at least 10 minutes, I still spent at least an hour wandering around just in case.

Finally I decided to find somewhere else to sleep.

It would be a pain to lose the advanced deposit and I had started to trust Loki not to just kill me but finding her at the foot of my bad again would probably give me a heart attack or something and I did have some extra valis.

I found a small little inn close to the entertainment district which had a minuscule bedroom but a fairly comfortable bed and warm showers so I paid for the day and went up the stairs.

Making sure to put a dagger under the pillow I put my spear beside the bed and together with the sword for easy access and took off my shirt.

A few days ago I got myself a good mirror to do this so I laid it against the wall and dropped some blood on my skin revealing my falna


Roland Synclair – level 1

Strength – H – 152

Endurance – H – 149

Dexterity – H – 140

Agility – H – 138

Magic – G – 292


  • Chosen of and Outer God
  • Mangekyou Sharingan (Shisui).

Hmm, a good growth, nowhere near what I achieved after risking my life against stronger monsters but still larger than just working out for two weeks.

Despite me not using many illusions while fighting my magic still grew faster than every other stats, then again, after talking with Airmid, it became clear that my sharingan was always active and using a small amount of mind so it wasn’t a surprise.

Concentrating I tried hard to cut off the flow of magic and deactivate the eyes but nothing worked, no matter how much I tried to keep my magic in place or stop it from flowing into my eyes it just didn’t obey me.

“Damn it work!” I tried to force the issue grimacing as I did everything I could to stop my magic.

A spike of pain hit me and caused me to wince while grabbing at my head but the sharingan didn’t deactivate.

Damn, I wasn’t an Uchiha, like Kakashi I couldn’t stop my sharingan from working and sucking on my magic, thankfully it didn’t seem to draw too much from me but it was still doing damage to my body.

Throwing myself in bed I sighed, it seems I’d have to invest in stronger potions to counter this effect lest it build up and cause permanent damage.

At least I could let Tiona hit me on ‘accident’ and get a high grade potion out of it sometimes, just had to make sure the strike only broke one bone not all of them.


You can read up to chapter 12 on my patreon right now.

If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics:

Reincarnated as supergirl (SFW)

Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW)

Welcome to the System (SFW)

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao and Ian Michael for supporting my work!

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