Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD (danmachi / kinda SI)

Chapter 5.2

“Damn just where did you put it all” Mord asked in amusement. 


“Shut up, it’s been three days alright I was hungry” I glared at him even as I tried to adjust my pants so they weren’t so tight.


“Anyway that’s about it, Dorlia is probably gonna want to meet with you before they depart but we should be back in Orario a little after midnight”


“Good, I think I need some time to rest and recover before I come back here” I told him, the dungeon was beautiful and all but I needed some time to deal with everything.


“Don’t we all? At least you’ll have you’ll part of the lot” Mord grumbled angrily before draining the rest of his beer and slamming the mug down, frustrated he let his head bang against the table “Fucking asshole thieves”


“What do you mean?”


“Even with all three of our savings I don’t think we have enough to fix Scott’s arm” He confessed with a sigh while waving the bartender for another refill.


“Can’t you guys reattach his arm somehow? I though that’s why we were carrying that elf’s legs with us”


“Well we managed to recover his arm but, with the Goliath still up and Rivira without supplies there wasn’t any potion or healer strong enough down here and it’s too late now” pushing himself back into a sitting position Mord scratched at his eyes “Getting something to restore the limb after so long would cost us more than we have ever made but we can probably get him a prosthetic if we take a loan”


“Shit” Looking at my immobilized arm I thought about my own missing fingers and grimaced. It seems I’m not getting those back anytime soon “What happened with those bastards anyway, did we get them all?”


“The elf got their leader and one of the snipers with her magic weapon and Scott managed to kill the other fighter but at least one of them escaped” he confessed “Ramilia was sure she had hit one more guy with her last thunderbolt but the weapon was already crumbling and we never found a body”


I closing my eyes I had to squeeze the edge of the table to keep my hand from trembling, one of the guys who tried to kill me was still alive, a thief and murderer with reason to take revenge on me was still out there.


“Goddamn poachers, with how many wounded we had we couldn’t even risk bringing one of their bodies to find out from which familia they belonged to”


“There’s nothing we can do?”


“Well if I recognize the guy in the street I’ll certainly petition Ogma to deal with him but, those things happen in the dungeon” finally getting his refill he looked down at his beer for a second before giving a bitter smile “At least Freya, Ganesha and Loki manage to keep things mostly civil in the surface but down here? All that matters is strength”


I gritted my teeth in a sudden bout of impotent anger, it’s not that I wanted everyone death for daring to attack me but, the fact that they could just attack someone without provocation and escape without repercussion left a bitter taste in my mouth.


“Don’t worry about it newbie, get your share of the money, have some fun, life’s too short to focus on every shitty thing that happens” pushing his chair back Mord grabbed his full mug and stretched his back “You know what, I’ll even bring you to the entertainment district after you take off that cast, a level one fighting a Vouivre in melee range and surviving? The amazons are gonna love you there”


Can’t really say I was against that, I wonder what kind of entertainment a fantasy world would have.


“Well, I have to finish packing my things, I’ll meet you in two hours at the entrance to the 17 floor alright?”


I waved him away and finished my own beer, the good kind now that Rivira could resupply from Orario “Hey Villy, is my room still free?”


The cat eared innkeeper looked my way while cleaning a table and nodded “Yeah, with the Goliath down and one of the big familia’s camping outside very few people stay here. Why, want to rent it again?”


“Not really but, can I use it for an hour or two?”


“You know what, sure” he told me and was about to continue with his work before he thought of something “but no funny business you hear me! No leaving suspicious stains all over my room, if I have to clean it after you left I’m blacklisting you”


Ugh, now I’m gonna keep imagining white stains everywhere.


Entering the room I found the mirror right where I had left it, closing the door I sat on the bed and lifted my shirt up, it was awkward with my cast but I eventually managed to expose my back and smear a drop of blood on it.


Roland Synclair  – level 1

Strength –        I - 72

Endurance –    I - 98

Dexterity –       I - 64

Agility –            I - 58

Magic –            H - 199


- Chosen of an Outer God. 

- Mangekyou Sharingan (Shisui).


I felt a warm sensation fill my body as my falna was updated, every attribute had a significant improvement and magic had almost tripled after using my eyes so much.


It wasn’t really worth the loss of a kotoamatsukami but at least it took a little bit of the sting off.


With the increased attributes I felt even better, the soreness of my body was almost entirely gone and I felt strong despite having an arm out of commission, no wonder adventurers continued to risk their lives in the dungeon, the feeling of improvement was almost addicting.


Hiding my falna again I took a deep breath and just tried to relax, there was nothing trying to kill me right now, no danger I had to watch out for, no pressure.


I could almost feel the tension leaving my body but, before I knew it, the face of the man I killed flashed in my mind, as detailed as the moment I had killed him, I remembered every pore on his skin, every drop of…


Jumping out of the bed I shook my head and made myself busy creating illusions.


Thinking about my experiences it was clear that every illusion I had created took time and effort to make but it also got better, more detailed and realistic after each use.


I suppose the ninja in Naruto had generations to optimize their genjutsu, to make them as complicated as they could and realistic enough to even fool other ninja but I was starting from scratch.


It was the difference between doing complex calculations from scratch and having a known formula for it, the same result could be achieved but the first would take far more time and effort while being far more likely to make mistakes.


At least the sharingan helped me tremendously when casting visual illusions.


I started simple, the first illusion in my repertoire would be something I wouldn’t even need to think about, I’d simply fill my enemy’s vision with darkness, robbing them of sight.


Monsters could make do with other senses and adventurers would quickly realize something was wrong and break the illusion but it would earn me a few precious seconds of confusion until I could create a better illusion, probably more than enough to finish an opponent.


The second illusion served the same goal, I concentrated on the pain I had felt in my fights and made it into an illusion that would last a few seconds, if the Almiraj I had killed was any indication it would be very effective against monsters and I was sure any adventurer would at least flinch away.


Thinking about it, do monsters even feel pain like humans or was it just muted, every monster the party had fought on the 19 floor had continued fighting while ignoring any wound they received but the Almiraj had became almost incapacitated when I made it feel pain with an illusion, interesting.


Both illusions didn’t really require much preparation or complexity but it was good to have then ready, to think about them as if they were skills I had access to instead of having to come up with solutions on the spot, I’d have to train until casting them became an instinctual response in a fight but, for now, they were good enough.


Then I started building my first complicated illusion, using everything I had seen I started making something able to fool even an experienced adventurer, slowly the image started to form in my mind.


The illusion would start very simple. I used the mirror to look at myself from every angle until I could replicate the look of my own body perfectly, I included everything I could think of, the sound, the smell, the wind, I put everything I could into a couple of seconds of action.


When cast my enemy wouldn’t lose sight of me or anything, instead the illusion would start at the exact same spot as me and act exactly as I would, it would be capable of dodging a single attack before striking with an overhead blow with my sword.


My own body would be hidden from the targets sight so I could act freely while he dealt with my illusion, hopefully whatever I was fighting would try to block my overhead strike and open up its chest for a quick kill but I could also use the time to escape, buy myself some space or just keep an enemy occupied for a few seconds.


It took me a little over an hour to make the skill and keep it in my memory, not bad for something I was doing for the first time and, coupled with the mangekyou the illusion is good enough to fool even a level 3 adventurer for a few seconds.


At least I think it is, hopefully, I’d have to test it out.


I was also pretty sure I could use the experience I gained to create something similar in about half the time now.


Unwilling to risk missing the meeting I grabbed my things and left the inn with a wave towards Villy, it was finally time to enter Orario



A shout to Xhaustedhero and AkumaSmaG for supporting my work!

If you like my work take a look at my other novels Reincarnated into a H World A NSFW fanfic thats not just smut. Reincarnated as supergirl is a DC/YJ fanfic and Welcome to the system is my only original novel which I am getting back into writing. they are getting updated at least once every two days at the moment

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare valis and like my work, the Patreon button is right there at the end of the chapter.

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