Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 30

The mutant cyclops was less than 50m away from me now. It had its club raised and its eye locked on me.

It was much faster than the normal monsters I faced earlier today. I definitely had to come up with a new battle plan.


It wasn't slowing down one bit.

The monster was less than 20m away now. It's time to move. I decided to match its movements and sprinted towards the oncoming beast.

When I was about 5m away I made a sharp left turn and narrowly avoided the massive club. I could feel the strong wind against my face. It was an impressive swing.

I turned to face the monster as it charged passed me. I tried to catch it off guard but to my surprise it was already turning to face me as well. Cheap tricks are not going to work.

We glared at each other and both lunged in to make another attack. It's club was so massive, almost 3m long. I couldn't get anywhere near the beast, it had perfect defense.

I had to dodge again, there's nothing else I can do. The familiar wind of the club's swing hit my face. I was getting a bit frustrated. I can't afford to get hit by this mutant, its attack is definitely stronger than my previous opponents.

We faced each of again. Both of us were standing close by the flowing stream on flat ground. The valley's upward hill was to my left.

As we charged towards each other this time, I decided to dodge early and run up the side of the incline.

The beast skidded to a halt and changed directions to follow me up the hill. Thankfully it's lack of agility gave me a small head start.

I ran up the valley's edge as the massive cyclops followed.

Once I got enough distance I turned to face it and ignited my entire body into flames. My grip tightened around the fiery sword and I took a deep breath.

I sprinted forward and jumped in the air with all my strength. The cyclops was still bellowing towards me from below with its club raised.

As I jumped down the valley I raised my sword for an attack. I was aiming to fly over the entire monster and land behind it for a chance to strike.

That was my plan anyways...

The monster let out a roar and raised its club high into the air.



The club hit me like a brick wall. At the last moment I did my best to block some of the spikes with the flat side of my own blade, but it didn't help much.

I was sent flying backwards behind the beast hitting the rocky ground just meters from the water's edge.

If I had just jumped 1 meter higher... or maybe just one second sooner... I could have-


The monster gave me no time to think.

I spat out dirt and blood while readying my sword. I looked up to see the quickly approaching mutant cyclops.

I have to try again.

The beast kept charging, and I kept waiting.

When we were no more than 5 meters apart I used all of my speed and agility to sprint and twist away from the massive incoming club.

Without looking back I ran full force up the side of the valley. I heard water splashing behind me.

As I ran about 15m up the hill I turned to face the monster. I expected it to be close behind and starting its charge. What I saw brought a wide grin to my face.

The monster overstepped its last attack on me and ran into the stream.

It took a few extra seconds for the monster to recover and turn. It was just starting its charge up the valley now.

I smirked and ignited into flames again. This time I had an advantage. I was moving much faster, and had more time to position my airborne attack.

I waited longer to jump and focused more force on getting higher up rather than farther this time.

The cyclops let out a roar as it made its attempt to smack me down with a swing of its club.

It missed. My plan worked.

I landed directly behind the monster and planted my right foot to jump up towards its head.

The cyclops had already come to a halt and was trying to turn around.

I focused all the fire I could into the tip of my blade and pierced the back for the monster's head. I let out a cry as I released as much fire as I could into the beast.



It thrashed around for a few seconds as I repeatedly stabbed it and released fire into the beast's body.

It couldn't shake me off.

The mutant decided to swing its own club at the back of its head aiming to crush me.

My eyes went wide and I jumped back ripping the fiery blade from its flesh. I fell to the ground as the beast bashed its own head in with its club.

I ran back towards the river. It's better that I get to flat ground now, this thing is mad.





To my surprise the mutant was still standing. It was slowly walking towards me with steady loud stomps.

Its head was caved in from the direct swing of its own club and the backside was still on fire due to the leftover magic residue.

Its eye was bleeding and cloudy, but it still stood tall ready to continue our battle to the death.

I have to give it credit, this monster is a tough one.

I was breathing heavy and bleeding all over as well. I couldn't help but to grin a little bit.

The beast ran towards me, but not in a straight line. There was something off...

It can't see...

The beast was swinging its club and blindly attacking where I was last standing.

I nodded slowly realizing the situation.

A well fought battle indeed. Without the valley's geographical advantage I would have never won. Thanks to my surroundings I've defeated this monster.

With a swift fiery maneuver I ran up the valley's incline again without the cyclops even noticing me.

I focused every last bit of fire I had into the blade and jumped at the monsters backside.

I pierced the same spot in the back of its head and let my fire burn bright.

With this silent strike the monster fell to its knees, then its head fell to the rocky floor.

"I win."

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]


Name: Jay Soju

Level: 133

Hp: 115/670

Mp: 85/670

Strength: 321 [+50]

Speed: 380

Agility: 397

Defense: 289

Mental Strength: 321 [+64]




Combat Magic [Fire Summoning]

Inspect [Special Grade]

Enemy Detection

Items Equipped:

Stainless Steel Long Sword [+50 Strength]

Golden Wolf Ring [+20% Mental Strength]


I dropped to my knees next to the fallen monster as well. I was out of breath, it landed a really solid hit on me. Another one of those and I'd be a goner.

I chugged an MP and an HP potion as the monster disappeared and a large mana crystal dropped. Now I only have 3 MP and 2 HP left. That's enough for a few more fights.

I grinned as my stats were almost fully restored.

My HP rose to 615/670 and my MP to 585/670.

I decided to walked up the valley's incline to get to higher ground and scope out where I wanted to travel to next.

As I walked up I could feel the heavy air getting even worse. My body was tingling a bit. What's going on? It feels like there's magic in the air... and it doesn't feel good.

I made it to the top and stepped onto flatter ground.




My eyes went wide....

Staring me down holding a massive spiked club was another mutant cyclops. It stood there menacingly.

In the near distance behind it I could see a normal cyclops approaching as well.

This is not good.

I activated my inspect skill and decided to turn on my enemy detection as well.

My heart skipped a beat.

Right in front of me I saw the two beasts.

[Lv. 146]

[Lv. 128]

I could sense many more as well. There were close to a dozen similar sized monsters within a kilometer of me.

There were too many to face at once on flat ground. I need to pick my battles wisely.

One overpowered monster is enough to handle, I can outsmart it. 12 at the same time is a completely different story, I'm not that strong.

I made a furious dash back towards the direction I'd came. If I ran full speed I could make it back to the dungeon's exit and get to safe ground outside to rethink a battle plan. This dungeon is more dangerous that I imagined.

Without another thought I ran as fast as my legs could take me.

I sprinted down into the valley and followed the river without turning my head to look back.

The winding river was a perfect place to avoid these monsters for the time being. They have impressive speed, but the tight turns in this valley limits their movements.

I ran into two normal cyclopses on the way back, but easily avoided their attacks and continued my sprint. After facing that mutant cyclops these regular ones didn't seem as threatening.

About 15 minutes later I came to a very familiar rock formation. This is right by the dungeon's start point. I ran up the valley's edge and made it to the mountain where I'd entered.

What I saw took my breath away...

There was a dark blood red spinning portal.

This is a dungeon break...

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