Dungeon Noble - Squire

DN 63 - Small Steps

“So, what do we do tomorrow, then?” Jake asked into the silence following the exit of the two older Classers.

“I’m paying my tax tomorrow before anything else,” Rhew said with a grimace of distaste that was echoed, though to a lesser extent, by Alan and Karl. “I’ve got enough after today, so it’d be good to get that weight off my mind. After that, I’d want to do a delve, maybe of the forest Dungeon?”

“That works for me. I’ll have my dagger back by then, so the tender won’t be an issue,” Jake said, immediately cringing internally as he realised what he’d said. He was tired, but that was no reason to slip up like that.

“Speaking of, what’s the deal with the dagger you summon? You can only use it a few times a day?” Rhew asked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looked over at him. “I didn’t think Skills worked like that.”

“Ah, well, it’s a Class thing,” Jake said, stammering slightly as he flushed under the others’ regard and cursed himself internally. What he’d said was technically the truth, but he didn’t want to get into that any more than he already had.

There was a somewhat awkward pause as the others waited for him to say more before realising that was as much as he’d reveal.

“Right, well, I’m going to go order some food,” Karl said, heaving himself to his feet with a grunt. “Anyone else want anything?”

Jake hurriedly went with Karl to find the innkeeper, and the two of them ordered enough food for the whole group before heading back to the table at a slow walk.

“You know, I have my own secrets, my own things I don’t want to talk about,” Karl said quietly, pausing just out of sight of their table. “So I get it. It’s tough to share things with others. We’ve not even known each other that long, but I like to think we’ve made a good group, and I want us to all stay together. That said, I think you’re hiding a lot more than anyone else, and none of us are blind to what’s going on with Felix and Ari.”

Jake paled a little, caught by surprise and not entirely sure what to say. “I hear you, and I wish I could tell you more, but I’m not sure it’s safe to.”

“Yeah, I had a feeling that was the case,” Karl said, shaking his head slightly before shrugging. “The only thing I ask is that you tell us before it bites us all in the ass.”

“I’ll do my best,” Jake said, meeting Karl’s gaze and giving him a firm nod. For all that he wanted to keep things secret and not let on about what was happening, he didn’t want anyone else to suffer for his problems.

If the worst happened, Jake would explain everything and leave. Nepthys would come with him so he wouldn’t be alone, but the thought of leaving the others behind made his chest tight.

“That’s all I ask,” Karl said, giving Jake a friendly nudge before returning to the table.

Jake took a moment to gather himself before following suit.


Jake made his way to bed a few hours later, stuffed full of lizard steak and feeling relaxed after an evening with his friends.

They spent so much time training and preparing that sometimes it was easy to forget how good it was to take some time off and relax. Even Nepthys had loosened up after a while, telling them some stories of the other delves she’d been on before meeting them.

Those stories of monsters and the Skills of other Classers were still ringing in Jake’s ears as he lay down and triggered his rank up.

Sufficient Wyrdgeld is present, presenting ascension options for Tier I Rank V.

You currently have two Trait slots available and two Skill slots available.

At this time, you have unlocked one additional Skill that may be purchased.

Minor Infused Strike - Common - 100 Wyrdgeld

At this time, you have unlocked one additional Traits that may be purchased.

Lesser Endurance - Uncommon - 200 Wyrdgeld

At this time, you have insufficient Wyrdgeld to make any upgrades or purchases.

At this time, you have two available Plexus Points.

Boons available to be upgraded

Orchard’s Gift - 2 Plexus Points

Would you like to upgrade one of your Boons?

“Yes,” Jake said after a moment of thought. It seemed that the cost to upgrade the Boons rose with each rank, and part of him was tempted to save up for the next rank with the Hidden Fang, but in the end, he decided against it.

Upgrade completed, continuing with Ascension.

Congratulations, you have ascended to Tier I, Rank V. The expended Wyrdgeld shall be used to refine your physicality.

Would you like to discard any Skills or Traits at this time?

“No,” Jake said hoarsely, his body tensing as he felt energy flow out from his soul and patches of intense heat bloomed around his body. His skin itched in the wake of the heat, but Jake ignored it as best he could and summoned his new status.

Name - Jake Khesh

Patron Deity - The Great Dungeon

Class - Dungeon Noble - Squire

Tier - I

Rank - V

Dungeon Network - 3

Plexus Strength - Minor

Plexus Manifestations - 0/2

Plexus Points - 0


Physical - Lesser Noble Constitution (I) - Rare- Descended from a Noble bloodline, you have a minor enhancement to physical characteristics.


Passive - Personal Plexus (I) - Very Rare - You gain the ability to bind Dungeons and form your own Plexus that may contain Dungeons of minor strength. Currently, Dungeons up to Tier I can be bound. Doubles the Wyrdgeld cost of advancing in Class Rank.

Patron Gifts

Passive - Agent of the Great Dungeon (I) - Very Rare - You are bound to the Great Dungeon by blood. Other followers of the Great Dungeon will recognise you and aid you as they may.

Passive - Sense Dungeon (I) - Rare - As an agent of the Great Dungeon, you are able to passively sense the location of nearby Dungeons in a meagre range.

Plexus Boons

Hidden Fang - II - Granted by the Holrswar Murk Dungeon, this Boon allows you to Manifest a dagger with inherent poisonous properties. Using the dagger, summoning it and dismissing it all draw on the power held within it on Manifestation.

Orchard’s Gift - II - Granted by the Aptofir Veranis Dungeon, this Boon allows you to Manifest an apple infused with vitality. Ingesting the apple transfers this vitality, healing and sating the hunger of its consumer.

Plexus Development - I - This Boon may only be increased in rank by choosing it at additional Dungeons, but it has no cap on its rank level. Increases Manifestations available by one per rank. Granted by the Haugask Deja Dungeon.

Deed requirement to increase Tier

1 - 5 Tier I or higher Dungeons bound

2 - Rank X

Requirements to increase to Rank VI

1 - 200 Wyrdgeld

Jake grinned to himself as he looked over his new status, though his excitement faded as he saw the Wyrdgeld cost for the next rank.

These Dungeons were giving at most forty to fifty Wyrdgeld, which meant that his next rank would need four complete delves, but that was only if he didn’t want to have enough for anything else.

The new Trait he’d had available was a surprise but a welcome one. Jake guessed it was from his work with Felix and all the time he’d spent in the Dungeon.

Jake had pushed himself to the brink with that, and some recognition for it felt good.

Jake did his best to come up with a good plan of what to do next, eventually deciding he was too tired and deciding to speak with Felix about it in the morning.


Jake was the first to get up the next day, but he started things off with a morning run so he could test out his new rank.

As with previous ranks, the difference wasn’t that big, but it was enough that Jake could notice it. Adjusting to his new physique didn’t take long, and by the time Jake was back with the others, he was ready for what the day might bring.

The rest of the group had gotten up while Jake was off, and breakfast was being served when Jake joined everyone after washing up.

Jake announced the good news that he’d ranked up and was happily surprised when Karl said that he had as well. It seemed that the solo delving session had been enough to give Karl enough to both rank up and pay his tax, which was impressive.

Jake glanced over to Alan and Rhew, concerned that some jealousy might be building, but neither of them seemed bothered by the news. It probably helped that Nepthys was at the peak of their tier, but still, it was a relief to see.

Both of them were still a rank ahead of Jake anyway, but that was to be expected considering his extra costs.

“Well, I’m done, so I’m going to head down to pay my tax,” Rhew announced once they’d finished off everything that had been served.

Alan and Karl both reluctantly nodded and got to their feet while Rhew gave Jake and Nepthys a curious look.

“I paid mine when I did my solo training,” Jake said with a shrug.

“I don’t pay the Triarchy any tax,” Nepthys said, holding up a hand as she saw them all frown. “I’m not from Strovia. They have no official way in which to tax me.”

“If only,” Rhew muttered with a forlorn look before heading out with Karl and Alan.

Jake was just starting to think of what to do next when Felix got up and locked the front door of the inn before coming back to their table.

“Felix?” Jake asked hesitantly, glancing over to Nepthys to see if she knew anything, but she seemed just as confused as he was.

“We need to have a bit of a talk, the three of us, and I don’t want anyone wandering in or overhearing us,” Felix said as he took a seat, the innkeeper coming over to deliver them all a cup of coffee. “Thank you, Alma.”

“Call me if you need anything else,” Alma said, favouring Felix with a warm smile before heading off and leaving them alone.

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