Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 395: who needs to ascend?

The creator blinked at the words of Yunan, he did not dare believe his own ears, he was literally taking all the gods in this universe and turning them on each other, even if the planet was big enough to give each god a realm of their own, making the planet a conquest location, things are going to turn sour.

Yunan continued his explanation. " what I plan is to imprison the over-gods, the avatars and the useless gods consuming faith without use. After those without realm subordinate themselves to major gods to even compete over the planet, we also need to make sure that the over-gods are exposed as outsiders, with that, that they would be outcasts, however, some greedy gods will for sure include simply for their power".

"We also need to keep the gods from knowing about the culling, that way we can remove those who are the same as the over-gods, those who would look out for themselves even as the universe is dying, as for destroying everyone who allies with the over-gods, leave that to me".

The creator was still stupefied, he was afraid to even think how this little mortal was coming up with such plans, no one would expect this, true, the gods would be stupefied for some time, giving Yunan time to prepare, but the worst part was when Yunan said that he could deal with any god who allies himself with the over-gods, that kind of confidence, it only comes from someone who had actually done it before.

This plan was certainly good, too good in fact, so good it was clearly better than his own, he had been planning to create a planet where he could hide an offshoot of fate, it was a lure for making the over-gods break the contract, but even if he imprisoned them for breaking the contract, they may have other ways to leave.

Yunan's plan, on the other hand, it would completely put the over-gods under lock and key, they would have no way to escape the planet if all gods were to enter a tournament ground, one arranged by the creator himself, even the avatar will not escape, let alone the over-gods.

What was more terrifying for the creator, was that Yunan gave out the plan and his role in it, it was as if he was talking about the weather, there was no malice or slyness, there was not even harmful intent directed at the future victims, just another day, just another mission. The complete and utter detachment was very scary, especially when it came from a mortal who has enough power to rival the major gods.

"Suppose I can do that, and let's say that you could eliminate the traitor gods, how about the losses among the ranks of the ascended? Surely you are not planning to actually wait for the next generation to come about, the over-gods could do so much harm during that time".

"You do not need to worry, all the useless ascended will just fade away with time anyway, better to use them as incubators and strip them off of their divinities and nurture our own generation of gods, as for the gods with fighting ability I plan to trade for complete divinities with them, I think exchanging a useless complete divinity for faith in a place where faith is more precious than life, can be very enticing, even the over-gods would be willing to trade, they may even sell each other if I give them a good incentive".

Yunan gave out a sly smile after he finished his words, he did not want to trouble the creator too much with his plans, which, by the way, ran deeper than just what he said, spilling the beans already would spoil the fun of those primordials watching from the void.

"Well, it all can be arranged, I won't ask too much more, I fear for my psyche, the time frame for the planet to be ready is in about ten years, give or take a year or three, make your preparations, I will see you by then", with those words, the creator left as if in a haste, thankfully, the plan was told to him before the planet completely matured and he had to spend too much faith to make adjustments.

Yunan simply nodded his head and waited for the eavesdroppers to reveal themselves, the most impatient one was Fortuna, who hugged Yunan with a big grin on her face, repeating "my hubby is the best", as she swayed left and right with all kinds of feeling overflowing, most were pride and adoration.

"I want to open that head of yours and see where all these plans sprout from". Death was not as taken in as the rest but he too was impressed, to him, this little mortal could outwit all the primordials if his life depended on it, he might be even doing so right now with no one the wiser.

Hephaestus had some concern and had to ask "well, when are you going to ascend, you still have not my little daughter, you have yet to even start working on your divinity, not to mention condensing a shard, even completing your divinity is going to take more than a century, what about us, we are also going to get pulled into that planet, your family will not be as protected as it is now, let's not forget about reversing the mana infection of Burkan. Do you think ten years is enough to do all of this? I have spent thousands of years and still have not done much"

The way Hephaestus spoke was like a concerned father rather than a friend, he was putting too much thought into every little detail, not that Yunan had not thought about all of these things, he just did not show outward concern for most things, his focus was on other things at the moment.

Yunan's answer made everyone's brains freeze. "Who said I need to ascend at all?".

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