Dungeons and Dalliances

4.32 – Swapped I

"What the hell?" Natalie said, the shock piercing through her grogginess. She stumbled to her feet, the motion feeling extremely odd. Not just because of her limbs, which were shorter than they should be, but all of it. Her breasts, which were smaller—though not by much—her hair, her general build, and most importantly, that she no longer had a cock.

She'd already gone through the experience of gaining it, so she wasn't quite as baffled by losing it, but the heavy weight of it sitting between her legs had definitely become familiar. So, no longer having the weapon squished into her panties was, again, odd. Disorienting.

Then, at seeing Ana—in Natalie's own body—staring down at her own crotch, frowning, Natalie realized the opposite was true.

Ana had a dick.

"This is strange," the mage commented idly. She adjusted her pants, then winced as never-before-felt sensations fired through her. "Oh. And it's getting hard. I didn't mean to do that."

What the hell was Natalie supposed to say to that?

"What the hell. Oh gods, what's happening?"

The only reasonable response at a time like this.

Ana cleared her throat, seeming uncomfortable at whatever was going on between her legs. Even through Natalie's thick adventuring leather armor pants, she could see the bulge appearing. Her cock wasn't easy to hide—not even when soft, to be honest. Eight inches wasn't on the small end, and she was pretty thick, too.

And it was Ana's now.

And Ana's body was hers.

A headache appeared. She looked away from Ana, who was squirming in place, having to deal with new sensations firing through her. It was too much for Natalie's brain to handle. As much because Ana had a cock, as that Ana had her cock. She placed a hand on her forehead and tried to steady her spinning thoughts.

"I guess I'll just ignore it? Hm. It's rather difficult."

"You knew?" Natalie asked.


"That I had one." That was another reason behind Natalie's discomposure. She'd thought Ana had been clueless about the addition between her legs. Instead, it seemed Liz had been the only one in the party not to figure it out.

"I suspected," Ana said. "Especially recently. I've caught you adjusting yourself once or twice." She frowned down at her crotch. "And I understand why you would need to. How big is this thing?" She tried to pull open her waistband to take a peek, but with her belt and gear on, she couldn't quite manage.

Of course, at Ana trying to catch a glimpse of her own cock, Natalie protested. "H-Hey. Don't do that. That's mine."

Ana paused. "Right." She stopped trying to peek in, though she did awkwardly try to adjust her erection for a second or third time. "I apologize. I'm not sure how to handle this."

That made two of them.

"Okay," Natalie said, trying to take control of the situation. "Okay. So. We're in each other's bodies."

Ana gave her an odd look. As if Natalie's discomposure was unwarranted. Of course Ana could take it mostly in stride. The never-ruffled, nearly expressionless practical woman. Natalie, herself, could not. Ana had Natalie's dick between her legs. And not in the good way.

"Yes," Ana said. "I assume we've entered a challenge room. I consider that fortuitous, considering the strength of Elizabeth's wand. Perhaps we'll get something of equal worth."

The implications of that sunk in. A challenge room. Like what had happened with Liz.

So that meant—?

They would need to—do something?

While in each other's bodies?

Another wave of disorientation washed through Natalie. She wasn't against it, but the unexpectedness of this development—of wearing another person's body—was too much to handle. She swallowed.

"Nobody else followed us in?" Natalie asked faintly, forcing herself to focus on what was immediately relevant. The dungeoneering aspect of this misadventure. She looked up at the ceiling—since it had felt like they'd fallen in. But there was only smooth ceiling, no apparent hole.

"Perhaps they did, and the dungeon paired them up separately. Or perhaps they didn't." Ana shrugged. "It's irrelevant. We need to worry about ourselves." She tilted her head. "But that means you followed me in? It didn't force you?"

"Well. Yeah."


"Because you might've fallen into a trap. I wasn't going to let you handle it alone."

"That's impractical. And reckless."

Natalie grunted. "I know. Just happened." Natalie had recognized the stupidity of rushing into a potential trap even as she was doing it. "Would do it again, though."

"Hm." Ana studied her, and Natalie couldn't make out what the expression meant. It was even more difficult than usual, thanks to the fact it was Natalie's face. She'd only half learned to read Ana's subdued expressions, much less filtered through someone else's face. Her own face. "Anyway," Ana said. "We should figure out where we are."

Natalie shook off the last of her disorientation—or what she could of it—and moved to practical matters. Body-swap or not, they had fallen into a dungeon trap, or some kind of challenge room, and they needed to figure out what it was, and how to escape.

"And this is yours," Ana added.

Natalie looked over; Ana was struggling to drag along her warhammer. Natalie stepped forward and grabbed it. She hefted it up and rested it on her shoulder.

"We kept our skills and stats, then," Natalie said.

"Just our bodies are changed," Ana agreed. "That's probably a bigger deal for you. Casting doesn't require much coordination, but your new limbs might affect you. My crystal ball, please?"

Natalie handed it to her.

"Can you fight?" Ana asked. "How is it?"

"It's getting better," Natalie said. Initially, her new limbs had felt exceedingly odd. She was adjusting fast. The dungeon's work, smoothing things over.

Giving her hammer a test swing, she checked her footwork and coordination. After appraising her new body for a moment, she said, "Yeah. I can fight. Feels weird, but not enough to mess me up."

"Good. Though," Ana said, "there might not be much fighting to do."

If it was anything like Liz's challenge room, they'd be getting tired and sweaty, but not from combat. Natalie might normally be excited for that, but this situation was—well, a bit much. Especially with Ana, who she knew the least well out of everyone in her party.

At least this might fix that. A great opportunity for getting to know each other. Bonding. If in a more intimate way than usual.

Oh, gods.

Finally, Natalie looked around at the room they were trapped in. It was time to determine what, exactly, the challenge was.

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