DxD: Matsuda!

Cook, Dance, and Romance!


     A Hibachi Grill was what I wanted to do for the cultural festival! I, Matsuda Gremory, am manning my large size grill ready for a cooking show for all the guests! In order to eat at our haunted cafe one must purchase tickets to watch the show and eat.

     Guests can also buy tickets to take photos with their favorite ORC member. We have so many hot and sexy girls plus Gasper and Kiba for pictures that they are in super high demand with both boys and girls! And as a time saver, you can purchase already made 'selfies' pictures with each member's autograph! For the true fans they do both!

     Asia, Ravel, and Akeno are assisting me with ingredients and order sorting, while my knives and fire spin and erupt from the food! With my devil reflexes and my powers it is like watching the finest Hibachi show! The crowd however is more captivated by our sexy servers, with so many attractive girls, every table constantly has some eye-candy around so just the ticket price alone is worth the customers' time.

     I was surprised out of the girls' costumes that Irina is wearing a devil costume! Wow she actually looks super cute like that.

     Issei is sulking because he has to sit outside and sell tickets for the inside show. Yup I can't let Issei drool or have nose bleeds around the customers, how can a man make love to a woman with a nose bleed issue? I just chalk this up to anime logic....After becoming a devil you would think that perv problem would be fixed right?

     Each cooking show and eating time lasts for 45 minutes, and we have a preset meal-plate of a mixture of foods that a school class could afford. I served noodles, fried rice, vegetables, and a steak and chicken combination.

     I am not in a costume myself, but am wearing the traditional Japanese cooking jacket with the puffy hat, this is a must for a good show! But the truly great part of the show is Akeno wearing her Miko outfit and catching my tossed pieces of food thrown catapult style into her valleys! She makes excessive lewd looks when the food falls in! Then with chopsticks she puts it in my mouth! Yes in the future I was severely reprimanded by Sona for this action... cough! So worth it!

     To my surprise the last show had a few people together that I did not expect at one table. My mother, father, Sirzechs, and Serafall!

     Serafall made sure they got the closest tables to my cooking show and she had the biggest smile on her face with stars in her eyes! My mother gave me the look 'Another One' , it seems I keep forgetting to tell mom!

     My damn father is blowing all his money to take pictures with everyone.....Um and I don't think he knows Gasper is a boy...meh not my business!

     Rias is a flustered mess thanks to her brother waving at her! Her embarrassment of her brother must be from when she was little, because he just smiles and waves. Oh I spoke too soon! Now he paid to take pictures with her and he is buying all of her selfie pics too ha-ha!

     Serafall yells at me when I finished the last meal, she says,"I want my picture with the Cook!" She is currently wearing her magical girl costume and it looks like a hot middle school girl is picking me up! I just nod my head 'yes' to her, because there is no nod 'no' with my Devil King wife there!

      I was pulled by my overexcited magical girl to the picture booth and she asked with glistening eyes,"Mat did you miss me?!" I kiss her when the picture flashes and tell her,"Sure I do but since you're in my heart, it is bearable! Also I have to go upstairs and change into my school uniform for the after party....Do you want to help me change?"

     Serafall's eyes light up and tell me,"Can you finish in ten minutes? I have to leave back to the Underworld with Zechs?" I nod yes and she runs off to tell him she will be back!

     I of course did not want weird looks so I headed into the hallway before she told him she would be back.....

     I was on the stairs waiting when she came running up to me and grabbed my arm with a dopey smile so we went up to the bedroom connected to the club-room, the one with the shower in it.

     I pick her up princes style and lock the door then put her on the bed, she is putting on a fake shy look to get me excited.... well it is working! I remove my clothing and only remove her underwear! She likes it when she wears her outfit.... not all the time but for times like this she likes it!

     She stopped me and said,"Heal me first husband!" I do of course, but neither of us know yet that she was pregnant on the first installment!

     I then enter Serafall's magical space with my magic wand! She just held me tight and did not rush..... Serafall whispers into my ear,"I won't let anyone take you away from me OK! I love you Matsuda, as much as Sona!" Wow that confession is real! My gear even confirmed her words.... To be in equal love with Sona means a lot in Serafall's heart.... oops, I got so excited with her words I finished early!

     I smile with embarrassment and say,"You made me too happy, so you get two servings!" And indeed after ten minutes she finished with two servings of fullness!

     We cleaned up and I put on my damn school uniform and the two of us went back down to where my parents are.

     Dad is comparing pictures with Sirzechs like two kids with trading cards and my mother is hugging a blushing Rias in her arms due to waiting for her next grand-baby! How will I explain Venelana to my mother? Should I say that's what a Yakuza boss does? Even that sounds bad.... But something tells me if she sees that Venelana is pregnant with my kid too she will ignore reality! But how do I explain that they got pregnant at the same damn time?! Um I think the Yakuza will file charges against me for giving them a bad reputation?

     Serafall hugs my mother with a smile and says,"Sister Grayfia told me you are waiting for grand-baby's, so be ready! For I will give you plenty!"

     My mother says,"You're a good woman and my stupid son does not deserve any of you girls! But all of you daughters are just so beautiful and perfect! I will be a good mother-in-law! Let me watch the kids when you are busy, OK!"

     I grumble to my mother,"Um I think the stupid comment might be much right? you know I am top in the school right?"

     While hugging her daughters she reprimands me,"Oh if you are not stupid, how about the time you got caught masturbating in middle school? Or the time....." And she aired my early life memories before I turned 16! My life without my past memories was super shameful!

     While all the ORC members are now laughing at me, I am man-crying,"Mom I am sorry! Please stop talking! I am stupid OK! Just don't tell them anything else! sob sob..." Asia is hugging me and patting my head with Koneko.

     Koneko in her flat voice says,"Big Brother, we know you were a lecher in the past, it's alright now, just let it out....." Moms are the worst!

     Finally my parents and the two Devil King's left and we closed the ORC house so we could go to the after-party!

     The teachers all sit off to the side around their own smaller bond-fire to watch over the student so things won't get out of hand. There are also four massive bond-fires spread out over the sports-field that provided light and heat on this dark and cold night. Speakers were placed throughout the field providing music by a professional DJ. This allows the kids to have dances with one another. And off to the side is a truck providing an assortment of food and drinks for the party. This school is very wealthy... Well it should be, I pay the bills with the Gremory Groups money!

     I see that Azazel is chatting with some of the more attractive female teachers while drinking from his bottle with a paper bag on it...I can't figure out what he could possibly be drinking right?!

     Rose has a blanket around her and she still looks bad! Kyouko and Kala are sitting on each side of her giving her water and crackers....Alright, I almost feel bad for her!

     While I was looking around, a light-brown haired girl shyly came up to me. It is Irina and she asks,"May I have your first dance Matsuda?" I just hold out my hand and pull her to a less obvious spot around the fire, one that is more hidden from the majority of students and hold her waist.

     She blushes and puts her arms around my neck and smiles at me,"I am very happy Mat! You have given me a happy life with all my new friends.......When we first met, I had bad feelings, and I admit I was wrong. Thank you for being forgiving to my childish ways." She puts her face in my chest.

     I held her close and told her,"A devil came out of nowhere and stole your close friend from you with no reason for it.... Of course you should think that was wrong. You did nothing wrong. How could you know I knew you already? I did feel bad for pushing you away from me due to my visions.... Now you should forgive me for that! I am just glad you know I am not too bad of a guy now." It feels so long ago now when I tricked Issei into feeding Irina, while I ate with Xenovia.......

     While my mind went to the past, my lips were covered by the angel in my arms?! I just held her and kissed her back under the firelight...... I could feel her heart beat while we slowly danced. She with misty eyes says to me,"I will love only you my Matsuda! I know how much you have suffered and lost in your past... So let this angel from Heaven heal your heart!" She just kissed me again this time with confidence......

     "Sorry I can't belong to just you, like you would want when you were younger, but I will do my best so that you don't regret choosing this devil loved by Heaven! Welcome to my heart!" She just gives me a happy smile telling me she is good with her choice!

     My gear sent me a warning as this loving pink world was shattered! Irina with a blush separated from me, and was running back to the church group with a happy skip......

     Momo Hanakai was standing in front of  me with a blush and she asked,"May I have this next dance?" Sigh! Well it's just a dance and I don't want to hurt her feelings after all she has been through with my buddy.... I am just weak to a pretty girl that looks sad!

     I smile and say,"Sure, I would love my drinking-partner to have my next dance." I extend my hand out and she comes in. Why is the DJ playing only slow dance songs right now?!

     She puts her hands around my waist so I have to hold her around her arms, this is a bit intimate. She just gives me a happy smile and looks into my light-blue eyes with her blue-green eyes.

     She says nothing but she holds me with extra strength wanting our body's to touch. I can feel her heartbeat through our close hug, she seems to be nervous about if  I will push her away?! Against my better judgment, I just rub her back gently to calm her down. It seems to work and she looks at my face again. She is giving me a thankful smile. I feel like my Gremory charm is the cause for this. Well Zeoticus, I guess this is karma for taking your widow as my wife.... Or did Big G tell you I would do that?! The look in Zeoticus' eyes when he told me his words seems to indicate he knew what I would do...damn!

     (Big G, feeling his name being used just shakes his head and says,"Nope she just fell for you, we did not know she would trick you! ha-ha")

     Momo, seeing my eyes dazed, felt the mood was right and stole my lips! At first my instinct was to push her away, then I remembered Kyoto in the restaurant, the nights drinking in the Sitri home, and when she gently washed my back. I wanted to push her away because of Issei....but.... This kiss feels right?! Well she put her heart out there and I do find her cute and pretty..... I will apologize to Issei later.

      With my mind made up I pull her in tighter and make my kiss more passionate so she knows I will accept her heart. When I look I notice happy tears fall from her half closed eyes, like her wish is being fulfilled. She is gripping my back tightly so I can't run away...at least that's the feeling I get from that action.

      I stop the kiss and jokingly say,"If you cry while kissing me, I will be arrested for forcing a girl against her will, then you will have to bail me out of jail! Now that would be a horrible way to start a relationship...In prison right?" Getting my joke she quickly wipes her eyes and then immediately starts kissing me again so I wont take back my words......She is a good kisser!

       I could tell the song and dance was too short for Momo, but she knows many girls want to dance with me, but she looks very happy that she waited for me. I see her go to the Sona peerage and the next girl in my many to dance-with starts. The rest of the evening went normally, I would dance with my woman and they would confess to me just to do it. honestly it is cute when they all demand to confess even in a relationship. However, every confession healed my past life pain little by little. I think the Demon King past of mine had all his happiness stolen so he punished the world. I am sorry for you, my life number 19! I will try to make your pain worth it in this life!


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