DxD: Matsuda!

I wove woo Wafia, pweez wet mwee gwow?!


     Grayfia leads me and Venelana to the guest receiving area. I am currently wearing my typical white suit, with a black shirt and crimson tie with the Gremory house symbol on the jacket. Venelana is straightening my tie before we go in with a smile on her face. She is wearing a motherly white one-piece dress. Grayfia is obviously in her maid mode for this meeting.

     Grayfia announces the two of us and we go arm in arm with a smile on our faces. I see a burly young man I know all too well, Sairaorg Bael sitting on a couch by himself with a wide smile on his face.

     Across from him I see a sexy looking devil woman with cherry-blossom long hair in a braid, with enchanting eyes. Her unique feature however would be the curved horns on her head that almost gives her a look of wearing a headpiece. She is currently wearing leather and silk clothing in dark colors that exposes her upper legs. She sits cross-legged with pride .

     I greet the two as I sit on the couch in-between the two guests,"Greetings young master Bael and Lady Belphegor." I let Venelana sit first then I sat to her right.

     Sairaorg laughs and also greets,"Duchess Gremory and Lord Gremory, I give my greetings and hope you are doing well auntie?" He is smiling and waiting for the formalities to end.

     Roygun also says,"Thank you both for having me at the Gremory home. I find this home calming." She is a super star and very famous, but due to me being new to the professional rating game stage, I don't have the same admiration for the top players like most devils do, well not yet.

     Venelana says,"Well I greet you both at my son's home. And Sairaorg dear, I am doing very well thank you. I hope your mother is still doing well, I am sorry we can't do more for the two of you right now...." Yup, due to Sairaorg's family being full of assholes, I or any of us may help them out. Well, the devil of the old houses are mostly jerks by human standards.

     Sairaorg smiles with pride,"No even with our situation, we are very happy thanks auntie! By the way Matsuda tell me straight, how strong are you right now? Well without Touki? I saw what you did to the game field when you played with Riser...." Roygun has perked up at that though no one else noticed this but me.....

     I look bashful and say,"Without Touki, I am at lower Ultimate-class rested with no power ups." I rub my nose feeling bashful for him.

     Sairaorg just says,"What? How? When we spard, you just broke through right?" I nod at him.

     I tell him my not so secret training,"That's right, I can destroy my body with over the top training and heal the damage while keeping the benefits, and as far as my demonic power goes...... If you empty your reserves and do it often, you can grow it by a large degree. It's like a muscle, if you don't use it you will lose it. Normally it would take a devil a long time to recover their power, but I just cheat with my training. So that's why my growth is explosive. Also I have tons of gravity pressing on my body at all times, an improvement to the weighted clothing I used."

     Venelana adds,"That is also how many of his peerage get trained, we are very proud of his work ethic." Grayfia is handing all four of us tea to drink at this moment.

     Roygun tells Grayfia thanks and then asks,"So all of this is because of the Eye's of Creation right? The never seen before Sacred Gear? It can even suppress the Vanishing Dragon, very impressive!" My gear is telling me this woman has lots of knowledge of Sacred Gears like Azazel?! Well she is number two in the rankings so being smart should be the case...

     I shake my head,"Your sources are wrong Miss Roygun, I do not suppress his gear... His gear merely cannot suppress mine!" I cross my legs enjoying my wife's tea and snacks.

     Roygun then asks me,"It is confirmed that you are now a pure-blood devil of the Gremory bloodline, so how can a devil possess a Sacred Gear? You definitely break all the rules of the Gears right?" She does not seem to be hostile but incurably curious.

     I look at her and with a punchable-face I tell her,"It is obviously because my father gave it to me right? Honestly everyone seems to be making a huge mistake! Who ever said that my Sacred Gear is a normal Longinus?! That is why Vali and Cao Cao failed to deal with me........" And now I do the evil villain smile! Nailed it!

     Sairaorg laughs and agrees with me,"You're right, I even feel I would struggle to deal with you right now! So if you go all-out, what strength can you push out?" Wow I think he is shooting to keep up with me as a fellow rival.

     I rub my chin and think,"In my dragon body I can reach the lower Satan class. If I use my weapon or my trump cards, I can kill a Satan class in ten seconds. I will struggle to stay alive vs a Super Devil though?! And if all else fails, I will summon Tiamat and run and hope the enemy has a good will to give their family everything!"

     I see astonishment from Roygun's eyes. I do not know who this woman is but she, like the number one, is only mentioned in early lore of the story.

     I say to Sairaorg before he gets the wrong idea,"But don't be worried cousin, in your future you will continue to get stronger and your dream is not impossible, you know your declaration to become a Devil King!" Everyone including my women are dumbstruck at my declaration to him.

     Sairaorg looks to see if what I am saying is said as a joke or not but he sees I am serious,"Matsuda, I wondered why you have always had faith in me, I never knew that was even a possibility! Thanks for lightening my heart. I will do my very best to catch up to you! Will you also become a Devil King in the future?"

     I shake my head no with a smile,"I will absolutely decline the offer! There is nothing in this world that will tear me away from the women I love, and if the world were to try, then I would smash it to dust! They disqualified me from the post when they said no harem for the Devil King. Betraying my heart is a crime punishable by death, ha-ha!" Venelana just rubs my arm with a smile, and Grayfia looks happy, well for being in maid mode that is.

     Roygun timidly asks,"By chance would I have been included with your future visions?" She looks calm but she looks worried about something?!

     I look grim and say,"You are in the top 10 of the rating game right? I don't know the details but from what I glean, the top professionals meet hard times. I do not know what trials you will go through, but I know its not promising ends. However you can ask anyone! My visions are faulty these days and everything may have already changed for the better! All I know is it has something to do with the terrorist!" I feel like Roygun is panicking inside for some reason? Is she a terrorist?

     Sairaorg shakes his head,"No Matsuda, you predicted that Issei was going to beat me.... You did not say it to me directly but I saw it in your eyes! That's why I did not hold back in the game. When you and I fought, I asked if we should use our Gear and you said not needed. I have faith in your predictions Mat."

     Roygun then asked me once more,"Do you know when problems may happen?" Well a terrorist should not ask that right? Plus this is just crap my coworker talked about, but since I did not know the story like him it's super fuzzy at best.

     I smile at her and say,"I think before next April human time? Sorry, I did not think those memories were important to focus on since I had no relation to it! I only care about my family after-all!"

     Sairaorg then stabs me without knowing,"Venelana, Rias said you were pregnant is this true? And if so, congratulations!" Roygun looks at her... OK I will keep my face cool as a cucumber!

     Venelana smiles at him and shamelessly says,"Thank you for asking and yes it is true! Thanks to Mat here, my pregnancy will go perfectly." Fuck please tell me I am not blushing because she slightly leans into me! Crap soon I will have to own my crime!

     Sairaorg says,"That's good, after uncle Zeoticus left us I had not realized he left you another child. That's good." Fuck you Sairaorg! My gear just told me I am screwed thanks to you!

     Venelana smiles and says,"No dear, my baby belongs to the new Lord Gremory here....." Holy shit I think Venelana just KO's the number two rating game champ with that news! She has the Issei statue mode going! Hey look, she even took out Sairaorg!

     Sairaorg tries to put on a straight face after that nuke! He then says to me,"Congratulations Matsuda?!" Bro what is with the questioning in your voice?

     I play it cool and say,"Thanks Sairaorg! I am a very happy father, plus I have twins on the way with Grayfia!" OK Venelana I will own what I did to you and be proud of it!

     Roygun almost screams,"TWINS?!" She looks like I will need to heal her soon when she passes out... This woman can't handle good news!

     My gear says I am getting pinched later! I feel the not-killing intent from my super maid behind me! Maybe I will avoid the tea now?

     Venelana does not let me down,"And with Rias we will have a happy new year for the Gremory's. Right, my loving son?!" I give her the I give-up look, you win Venelana. I am not as shameless as she is!

     Roygun says,"Congratulations!" Lady it's too late for that!

     I smile and say,"Lady Roygun Belphegor, I believe it is time to take care of your healing needs right? I will take your voucher now and heal you?" I put on my Satan Gold Balance Breaker and put my hand out to her...

     She puts the slip in my hand and in my altered voice I say,"Thank you, now give me ten seconds.. cast-cast-cast... [Restoration!]" I then leave my form after healing everyone in the room.

     Sairaorg smiles and says,"Thanks for that Matsuda!" He knows how valuable the healing is now so he takes it when he can.

     I tell the shocked looking devil woman,"Everything is brought back to your best condition, and oh be super careful about pregnancy, for at least a week, you have a 70% chance of having an heir to your family... Good luck on that one! Most women have been satisfied with that chance! Lord knows I learned...." Venelana pinched me on my side when no one saw, she is feeling playful now she personally leaked our secret, well it was Rias's fault for saying it first. Venelana just made sure it was not a bad rumor of who the father is.

     After a while I get the subtle hint from Grayfia to end it and I say to the woman,"Lady Roygun Belphegor, I believe unless you need healing, we might not run across each other in the future, so I wish you and your house good fortune! Speaking with you was refreshing. I will take the time in the future to watch one of your games. Good luck!"

     All of us stand and we walk out our guest to the front where they left some of their peerage members. Venelana, like a happy teenager, now openly holds my hand as the two groups get into their cars to leave. When the cars are out of sight my face is in a Grayfia death grip and she is smiling at me.

     With my mouth in pain I say,"I wove woo Wafia, pweez wet mwee gwow?!" Venelana just does her fufufu, and Grayfia is now happily smiling!


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