DxD: Matsuda!

Wish I watched Season 5!


     When I opened my eyes, I saw I was sitting in the Satan Gold fan club seating area of the Dome, where my match started! My left arm is being held by Coriana who is smiling at me with happy eyes.

     We are the only two people here right now and I ask her,"Is everyone alright? I hope you did not come just to bring me bad news?" My heart tightens just a bit, I am worried about how history changed.

     Coriana rubs my cheek with a smile and says,"Compared to your visions, Rias's team did pretty well, and no one is injured too bad for a rating game. Rias did not join in the last match and her team pulled out a win!" My heart lightens a bit.

     "So how different was it from my visions you saw?" I ask for a mental recap of how it compared to the blurry show.....Man I wish I would have watched season 5 of the anime, but life happened and I stopped watching anime.....

     She waves her hand and shows a few images to me of what she saw.

     The first one was the final match, when Sairaorg asked for the rule change to bring out anyone. Rias declined to go due to pregnancy, but sent her remaining pieces.

     It was Sairaorg, plus Regulus vs Issei, Kris, and Ravel. Like in my vision Issei declares his love to Kris! Regulus made Ravel bleed and Rias was forced to use her last Phoenix tears to keep her in. Ravel looks like her heart was touched by Issei begging for Rias to heal her! When I jumped up and cheered at this sight, Coriana just laughed at how excited I was not to have Ravel pining for me!

     Issei was able to form his incomplete Crimson Queen promotion, with Ravel's encouragement and that was worth the tears right there!.....Holy shit he almost went into juggernaut drive there! Did that happen in the anime too?! The rest of the fight ended the same, with Sairaorg and Issei also bonding with fist.

     Coriana shows me how Issei beat the Queen, Kuisha Abaddon using a dress break instead of his Triaina! I guess Issei was not as mad this time! And wow his Queen really looks good naked!

     The next scene she showed me was the fight with Akeno and the Queen....This time Akeno did not lose so horribly....She listened to me about countering types and used illusions and feints, however the power of [Hole] was too strong! Akeno at least looked more competent and should get a better rating!

     Coriana then showed me the other fights and they ended close to the anime, except the fight where Koneko was absent, they had sent in Kris...Damn I told her to not use her....But wait what is this?! Holy shit, Kris unlocked a sacred gear! Oh that's right she is only a half devil-human! Her gear is a teleportation sacred gear, wow that is useful!

     Coriana then sits in my lap and pushes me back into the room I am currently resting in, by changing the environment. I see this must be the room I am currently in and now she is on top of me.

     She says,"The ones in the room now are just dream copy's so you won't be disoriented when we wake up..."

     Rias is holding my right hand looking worried, and Yubelluna is sitting in a chair looking at me. She too is waiting for me to wake up. And I see three other people on my left side of the bed, it is Grayfia, Venelana, and Millicas.

     Coriana tells me,"I saw a human movie that has a prince waking up the princess, so I am going to wake you up the same way my prince!" She gives me a passionate kiss that turns into a gentle-one due to reality coming into focus.......

     I quickly sit up and tell everyone,"Good job on winning! and I hope everyone is doing well?" Rias hugs me and she is shaking from nerves so I hold her.

     She says to me,"I felt so useless as a King! If you did not train everyone, I don't think I would have done it. I wanted a perfect win to give to you but I lost so many....."

     While I rub her back I look at Millicas and ask him,"Hey Lil-brother, what did you think of your big sisters match?" Rias is easy to figure out!

     Millicas said,"Sister's team really did an excellent job fighting a super strong youth team! I definitely want to make a team like my sister Rias's team later!"

     I pick up her face, wipe the tears and say to her,"Your talent is not about individual power, your talent is like the Gremory...It's finding amazing individuals! You did not just inherit the blood of the Bael, but you have both bloodlines and that power leads you to amazing people! Even if the rating game is not where your future lies, I will take up the mantle of the game for both of us! I will win many and get to the top as your husband....Let me do the fighting...You just be a good head of the family and stay amazing, OK?!"

     Venelana kisses my cheek and says,"If he is willing to shoulder our burdens then it's our job to support him. So pick up your head, you are the head of the Gremory and it's time to act the part dear!"

     Millicas says,"That's right, and as a Gremory man I too shall support you with big brother!" He stood up like a nobleman declaring his dreams!

     Rias smiles and wipes the remaining tears and nods her head in determination,"You are all right! I wont act like this anymore, I will lead us with pride and our men of the house shall protect us women! Matsuda, I pass you the torch. From now on my servants are your servants...Win a lot of games for us Gremory!" She puts on a happy smile for us all.

     Grayfia is looking at me with pride for bringing everyone together. She is in maid mode so she is just standing with a slight smile, but I can tell she is happy.

     I tell them to bring both peerages together and I will heal everyone! Now that the fight is over we are friends again! No one died so no hard feelings can be felt.

     My girls that I fear getting pregnant will be healed with my Youjutsu! But everyone else gets ins-ta back on their feet! The Rook, Ladora Buné, was super happy to shake hands with me because of two things, first his old wounds from forcing out his dragon-form and second he thinks we are alike because of my dragon-form ha ha!

     Sirzechs came by to tell Issei, Akeno, and Kiba that they were going to go through their Mid-class devil promotions and the three were shocked! I don't know how this turns out for them....Wish I watched Season 5! Well I do know Issei will get high class for sure though, my buddy talked about it briefly to me but it's spotty.

     Akeno jumped into my arms and seemed sad,"Mat I really tried, but I could not deal with her power! I am sorry to disappoint you......" I hold her tight and kiss her to relax her.

     I tell her,"Actually you did so much better than in my visions! I was super happy with what you did in that match...If you would have had team mates that could have been your win. And because you lost but did better than I could hope for, I will treat you like the bad girl you are! Prepare for husband punishment!" Yup she just shivered in my arms in happiness! And no I do not hurt my lovely woman in anyway, we just role-play a bit...My heart wont let me cause my wives pain! Just soft spankings that's it!

     Xenovia and Rose both got there one on one talks to up their spirits as well! Everyone of our people left the hospital and gathered to go home. We first all went to the Gremory mansion for an hour or so. Also the Reason Serafall did not show up was due to being at Sona's game....Which she crushed by the way...I think in the anime it was a close game, but this time the Sitri crushed the other team!

     Serafall told me in a cute voice how she was going to reward her husband all night! Wow I am both happy and afraid! If you're curious...Yes she likes to have sex while wearing her Magical Milky outfit and other cosplay! Guess who plays the part of the wand?!

     Issei was telling me about how he almost slipped into a state of hate and anger, but he heard Kris, Ravel, and the children's voices bring him out of his hate! Ravel just blushes at Issei's praise of hers! Oh thank the harem gods that I avoided at least one woman!

     I say to the two,"Ravel, issei is going to have a very fast promotion soon....Why not be Issei's manager like Coriana is for me! He is clumsy in the ways of the High class and could use someone with a good head?!" Issei catching my perv sign-language got on his knees in front of Ravel......Well I told him to ask her out not propose but whatever...

     Issei on one knee takes Ravel's hand and asks,"Ravel, will you please be my manager?" Well there is his dense side showing but hey this is funny to watch her face!

      Ravel is caught off guard and it seems even she does not notice the proposal-like situation! She stutters,"W-Why yes I-I can be your manager...." Sigh the beginning of two idiots in love!

     Coriana whispers in my ear,"You are doing the same thing here you did with Irina, are you sure about this one?" I just nod with a hell yes! She sighs at me and kisses me and says,"Alright, I too think she is not able to make your heart move.....Politically it would have been good though....." I just squint my dead eyes at her!

     I told Kiba and Gasper that both of them held up the name of the Gremory men very well, and I was proud of both of their performances.

     Before we left I pulled Venelana aside into a side room for a reward for doing so well! She enthusiastically rewarded me with a job well done! Man this woman is the best........

     We all gather onto Grayfia's circle to head home to Kuoh City, and we all wave to the three family members we leave behind.........

     That night I slept with Rias on my back and Grayfia in my arms......My heart is so nervous and both girls know why.... They know that after we have our peaceful Halloween festival event, I can't predict much anymore. They tell me constantly that I will be fine........I truly want to believe them and I am going to brave anything that comes. But as a reincarnate that had been running on easy mode up till now....I am nervous about my and my family's future!

     Rias is snoring on my back now and Grayfia looks into my blue eyes with her red ones and takes my hand and puts it on her belly. Grayfia smiles at me and tells me,"This here is your future now, so just relax instead of focusing on how to protect us, try focusing on how to love us! We are all strong women...The game today proves that they can take care of themselves. You were sleeping in your Queens boobs earlier while the family pulled through...."

     I say,"Who's boobs were I sleeping on?" No one told me I missed out on something good?

     Grayfia just smiles,"Oh when I came in Yubelluna had your head resting on her chest, and you had a happy smile, fufufu. Well don't tell her I told you, anyway just love my babies and look in front not what's beyond that.....I love you very much Matsuda Gremory! Now Shut up and sleep, you have school in two hours!"

     I just nod my head like a good boy...........................WAIT!!! ..."babies?!"

     Season 4 of the anime is mostly over, but don't worry...The story continues........

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