DXD: Rical Phenex ( Gamer Gacha )

006 Lord of flies

006 Lord of flies


The floating city of Agreas


The satans are some of the most powerful and influential devils in the underworld and the current leaders of our race. The only devil that can compete with them in terms of influence is lord Zekram Bael, The Great King, and the unofficial leader of The Great King Faction.

That is why I am perplexed as to why a satan would want to talk to me.


It's been a day since I woke up from my "coma". My mother finally left at 8 pm after fusing over me the whole day. My new father tried to get her to leave with him when he left a mere half-hour after our meeting with the doctor where we discussed my health and the problem of me getting stronger.

The look my mother gave my father for wanting to leave so soon was scathing. I wouldn't be surprised if he had slept in a guest room last night.

My mother will not be coming today or for the next few days. She decided that she was going to personally look for items and ways to increase my strength rapidly because normal training just won't cut it.

This might be an anime world in my old life, but in this life, it is a very real world, and I am not some protagonist that will be able to increase my strength just by squeezing some tits.

So I will be working my ass off to get stronger and hopefully, I will get something from the gacha to help me along. I might not know what's in there but it's a gamer system. There have to be some goodies that will make me stronger fast.

Now that I think about it I haven't had a look at my status since I woke up in this world.

I think of status with the intention of opening it and I see my statues for the first time since I woke up in DXD

[Rical Phenex

Points - 1000

Age - 16

Race – Pure-blood Devil

Bloodline - Mutated Phenex

Physical Status

Strength – Low Low-Class

Endurance – Low Low-Class

Dexterity – Low Low-Class

Magical Traits

Demonic Power – Low Low-Class

Demonic Reserves – Low Low-Class

Demonic Control – Low Low-Class


Parasitic Hell Flame-

Phenex Rebirth/Immortality-

Wind Control-


{empty} ]

Looking through my status I immediately see something different. I had 1000 points in my points tab that were not there before my rebirth. Thinking about where they came from. I came to the conclusion that the points were something of a beginner's pack or bonus.

I desperately want to use the gacha now but I hold back deciding that it was too dangerous to use now. If something happens like I get sent to a different world or even just simply get an item. I don't have an inventory so I do not know if it will just pop up in mid-air or would it store itself away until I take it.

Knowing my luck it will be the first, and the item will just pop up in mid-air.

I do not know if I am being watched or not, and items appearing out of nowhere would be difficult to explain. Even if I'm not being monitored I won't be able to hide a large item in this room till I leave the hospital in a week.

"Knock" "Knock" Someone softly knocking on the door.

"Come in." I say to the door curious who has come so early in the morning to disturb me.

As the door opens I dismiss my status screen. I must remember to continue exploring the system later when I am alone.

In walks in the doctor from yesterday what was his name again? Dr. Cooper, I believe.

He's not alone, behind the good doctor walks in a good-looking black-haired middle-aged man wearing a green pinstripe suit. But what was really interesting about him is his orange eyes with an elongated pupil like that of a reptile.

What really drew my attention to him is the suffocating aura that he is releasing like he is a snake that is all coiled up, and ready to strike.

This is definitely not a man I can mess with or I'll find myself six feet underground, and I don't have plans to meet the administrator so soon if he will even see me again. The administrator might decide I'm a failure for dying too quickly and that I am not worth giving another chance.

"Morning Doctor Cooper, what can I do for you this morning, and who is your friend?" I say, trying to dig for answers on who the man is.

"Morning Rical, I was on my way to check on you when I met Lord Falak here that was on his way to see you."

Falak, Falak, where do I know that name? I know I have heard it somewhere but I just can't place it right now.

Then it hits me like a ton of bricks, Beelzebub queen. Falak the giant serpent from the Arabian legend and Ajuka Beelzebub's queen.

It is rumored that like Serzecks Lucifer's wife and queen, Grayfia Lucifuge, that Falak is also someone at the satan level. What would someone that strong want with someone weaker than some trained humans?

No. If he is here then he is here for his master Ajuka.

"To see me?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"Yes. He said he has something to talk to you about. I'll leave you to it then." He leaves as fast as he can go, clearly not wanting to spend any more time than he needed to with Falak it seems, and honestly, I can't blame him. Falak is one scary guy.

"Hello lord Falak, what can I do for you?" I say to Falak with a small bow trying to be as respectful as I can to a being that could literally kill me with a sneeze. Hating every second of being subservient but there's nothing I can do till I'm stronger.

"You, What could someone as weak as you do for me. I am just here to collect you and take you to my lord." He says while scoffing at me clearly not happy with having to deal with me at all.

Oh, when I'm stronger, I'm going to beat the shit out of this fool. All the while knowing it will be years before that ever happens if not decades.

"May I know what lord Beelzebub wants with me?" I say still trying the fish for information any information I could use to my advantage.

"I don't know, and I don't care. Let's go." he just grabs me by the arm and we teleport to a waiting area outside of what looks like an office.


And that's how I ended up here, waiting outside what I can only assume is Ajuka's office.

I hear footsteps to my left. And in walks Ajuka Beelzabub current satan in charge of science for the devil race.

I take a look at Ajuka for the first time Ajuka is a handsome man that looks to be in his early twenties with light blue eyes and green hair that is slicked back. And again like his queen he also radiates an aura but Ajuka is like an invisible mist that makes it hard to sense anything from him making him seem mysterious.

He seems to have noticed me looking at him.

"Ahh, the young Phenex I asked for." He says Like he ordered me off a menu.

"Hello. Lord Beelzebub."

"Hello, young Phenex. Let us talk more in my office." He says as he leads me into his office.

What does Ajuka want find out next time. LOL

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I started a discord if anyone was interested in discussing anything to do with the story such as the peerage etc. /kYyRwdFZ57

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