DXD: Rical Phenex ( Gamer Gacha )

009 Gacha and Fiance?

009 Gacha and Fiance?

Entering my room, I immediately do something I have been dying to do all week.

I give the command to the system "Open gacha."

Before me appears a holographic screen with two lines of text.

[Points 1000 = 1 spin

Activate Gacha]

I press the words that say Activate Gacha and the screen changes to a new screen with two boxes on top each with a zero inside and just below is a wheel that is split into 5 sections that are numbered one to five with a big start button in the middle.

I press the start button in the middle and it spins for a full minute before slowing down and finally landing on one. After the wheel landed on one the word start faded into the word abilities and stayed like that for about ten seconds before the whole wheel changed into 21 sections again each one numbered one to 21 before spinning again for a minute before finally landing on number six.

I was standing there in my room, I could feel the sweat running down my back. I wanted this to be something good, something powerful that could help me get stronger or something that will immediately make me powerful.

The word abilities finally start to fade and become Shadow Creation. Okay, I can work with this elemental ability, one that works well with stealth before the words change again this time to a sentence explaining the ability.

[Shadow Creation

Origin: Shadow Hack

The ability to create exact copies of oneself that will have all the user's abilities and equipment.

The user will retain all muscle memory from Shadows.

Users can occupy Shadow's body.

Note: this is not The Shadow Hack system user will not have any other features from the Shadow Hack system other than the ability to summon Shadows.

1st shadow free

2nd shadow 1000

Every shadow after costs ten times the previous.]

Just below the explanation is the word Assimilate in a box of its own.

I stand there in a daze, not knowing to celebrate or rage at my luck.

I want to celebrate because it is an amazing ability that will help me increase my battle power and the ability will most likely be able to gain points for me. What has me on edge is that this is just another thing that I will have to dump my points into. Don't get me wrong it's a powerful ability but also one I don't think I will be able to explain for a while.

"Well, whatever. " I pressed the assimilate button.

Immediately I'm on the ground, the pain runs through me like electricity directly under my skin slowly burning away at my very being, leaving me twitching on the floor unable to make a sound in protest. Seconds pass, then minutes. The pain finally ends after what feels like hours but what could not have been more than a few minutes, taking a look at the clock only confirms that a few minutes have passed.

I feel a new source of energy in my body. I can't really explain the feeling, it's different from how my demonic energy feels, I can't place where it is in my body I can just feel that it is there. Slowly I try to pull on the power and in front of me appears a humanoid that appears to be modeled after me, but the difference is glaringly obvious as he is made of darkness with blue flames flickering off its skin.

(AN. Like the shadow from the manga. But black with blue instead of just blue.)

"I will have to give you a name." The shadow just continues to stare at me without giving me a response. "Well, you are supposed to be a shadow so I'll call you Umbra which is Latin for shadow." Not very imaginative I know but I have never been good at naming things.

I think back to all the abilities that the shadow had in the original story. The only ones I can think of was that the shadow can operate and learn on its own after I mentally give him commands, that I can possess the shadow for direct control, and finally transfer anything it learned, including muscle memory.

I decided to try some of the abilities out at least the ones I can try now.

Mentally commanding for the shadow to lift its arms, and he slowly raises his arm as I instructed. The first test seems to be a success now for the second. I head to the bed to lie down. I'm going to try to directly enter his body and use it as my own. Lying in bed I try to imagine myself trying to take control of Umbra's boy and directly controlling him.

My point of view changes to see myself in bed with my eyes closed as if I was sleeping. I move around trying to see if there is any difference in Umbras's body compared to mine but it seems that the description of the ability was true. Umbra is an exact copy of myself from my demonic energy to the strength my body is able to exert.

I returned to my body and it felt no different than waking up. Dismissing Umbra, I make my way to the bathroom, deciding that I'll have a nice shower before I have to go for dinner with the family.

-Scene Change-

"Knock" "Knock"

"Come in."

"Young master, dinner is ready. Would you like for me to teleport you to the dining room?"

"Thank you Sebastian, and yes I would."

We appear before double doors big enough to fit an elephant and still have space. Sebastian walks forward and opens the door for me and gestures for me to enter.

As I walk through the doors and I hear the chatter of my new family.

"Ahh, Rical, come sit. It's the first time in a year for our family to all be together." my mother calls me over to sit next to her on the right side of the table. My father is next to her at the head of the table with my brothers on my father's left, from oldest to youngest. That just left Ravel to my right with the happiest smile she has ever had on her face. Seeing her I smiled too, her smile being so infectious.

And so dinner continued for an hour with everyone chatting and being social. We just talked about what happened in the last year with the family and underworld, everyone trying to catch me up and Rizer just trying to brag about his peerage, which he is very proud of.

Contrary to popular belief, he hasn't slept with any of his peerage, not due to Rizer not wanting to but our mother not allowing him to. Her belief is that if Rias, his fiance, has to be a virgin, then so will he. Honestly, I feel sorry for him and can understand him being an ass sometimes, I would also be grumpy if I had 14 sexy, not including our sister, women that constantly fool around with me but I can't sleep with them. Constantly being blue-balled must not be fun. It is no wonder he was rushing the wedding along.

"But mother, the way things are going Riser won't even marry Rias, Rias hates Riser far too much for her to accept marrying Riser. And Sirzechs Lucifer is the biggest siscon in the underworld. He will never let Rias marry Riser against her will." Satan Riser needs to stop talking in the third person. He is already in his late twenties, yet he talks like he still has Eighth Grade Syndrome. It does not help that everyone in this family just treats it like it's normal.

"Riser, my decision is final. And no amount of begging is going to change that. You can have fun with your peerage without taking that final step." My mother really won't budge.

"Riser, Zeoticus has assured me that Sirzechs will not get involved. Sirzechs getting directly involved and using his station to cancel the wedding would imply that he thinks his father's decision is wrong and that he can't run his own house, offending Zeoticus, who would not take it lying down." Says my father decided to try and end that conversation.

In my past life, watching anime, I always wanted Rias Gremory and this could be my chance if I play it right.

"Father, there are other ways for Sirzehs to interfere with the marriage, without directly challenging his father." bringing everyone's attention to me.

"Oh, how do you think he will be able to do that?"

"Off the top of my head, Let's see. Let me paint a scenario for you. At the rehearsal dinner for the wedding, Someone could challenge Riser to a duel or fight. Of course, Riser could refuse, but all Sirzechs would have to do is say that it would be nice to see a show. Riser would no longer be able to refuse. If Riser loses. Then the winner could ask for something like Rias to be able to choose her own husband. And Sirzecks who promoted the duel can't refuse now can he."

"And what do you suggest we do?" My father asks, seeing the possibility.

"Simple, speak to lord Gremory and change Rias's fiance to me."

"To you? How would that change anything?"

"Simple, we don't tell Rias and Sirzechs, and Riser continues to put pressure on Rias to get married. And just before the marriage goes through I show up before Rias and offer her a chance to marry me instead and that we will only get married after college. Tell her that I could convince you to make me her fiance. She will see this as her having a choice to pick her partner or a chance for more time to train and get stronger."

"And what's stopping Sirzechs from stopping your wedding too or Rias getting strong enough to defeat you in a rating game?"

"Simple. I will move to Koah where Rias goes to school and slowly ingratiate myself to her. I will have four years to get her to fall for me."

"What do you think, Riser? It is your Fiance."

"Riser never liked Rias, and if it means I can have some real fun with my peerage then Riser Accepts Ricals plan."

"Very well, Rical. I'll speak to Zeoticus in the morning and see what he thinks."


This story is AU so if anything different from Canon just go with it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I started a discord if anyone was interested in discussing anything to do with the story such as the peerage etc. /kYyRwdFZ57

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