Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 108: Beast Takes Initiative

Fero came forward and peeked to see what was happening. But he could not go beyond 3 steps, as Mia pulled him back by his tail. He took it as a cue to stay dormant. He sat where he stood and calmly waited for whatever was supposed to happen, to happen.

The Perrafin was getting the point of Lee's action. It can summarise his action as a peace treaty. With thoughts wildly running in mind, it fiddled it's right forelimb. After reaching a conclusion while making Lee wait for 4 minutes, the Perrafin showed slight hesitation as it raised its forelimb. It was also confused whether this action was appropriate in response.

Silently and smoothly, the right forelimb moved and placed itself on Lee's palm. Lee deduced that the visually slender leg was actually housing some real mass. It's muscular outline and chiseled shape, along with the sharp and curved claws, was supported by a rough skin which was in contact with his palm.

Though there was no hostility, Lee can hear its eyes sharp and alert. The lack of pinna were substituted by a larger ear canal, protected by a layer of thick fur. Lee caught a glance of the aforementioned ear canals through the fur. The two dark holes a few centimetres beside the eyes can be easily mistaken as another set of eyes.

[The beast is wounded. To earn its faith, heal its wounds.]

'Which element?'

[Figure out yourself!]

Lee did not respond, but went into thoughts. The next second, Lee raised his left palm and placed it over the beast's forelimb. The Perrafin immediately retracted its limb in vigilance. But Lee opened his palm and showed that there was nothing inside it. Noticing zero hostility as it stood with its retracted paw dangling in front of its chest, Lee extended his palm expecting the paw in response. With reluctance, it hesitantly extended its paw and placed it over his palm. Lee slowly extended his left hand and gestured friendliness.

'Here we go!'

30 Mana was deducted from his stats, as a tingling sensation crept up Perrafin's leg. The unfamiliar sensation made it put up its guard, but since it did not sense any ill intent, the beast tolerated the tickly prickling sensation creeping up on it. A faint presence of something invisible climbing up urged Perrafin to pull its limb, because Life affinity was colourless, so was pure Mana!

The sensation reached its neck and it immensed its claw into Lee's palm, while twitching. The claws did press into his hand, but couldn't make him bleed. Bright red claw marks left on his palm left as evidence for its attempt. The Perrafin glanced at his palm unsurprised, as it could tell that Lee had defense rivalling its strength.

*pak pak pak*

Perrafin stood with a blank expression, as it could not control its tail helplessly swinging all around it. The sensation had reached its lower torso, and it triggered this reaction. Beast tried to pacify the vigorous tail whipping, but ended up partially successful. The tail then all of a sudden twitched one last time and fell motionless on the ground.

Though Perrafin's tail is its main ally, it had to turn its head to look at it, to evaluate what had happened. Sensing that the tail is not severed in any way, it turned to look at Lee. But as it turned, its sight got caught on an interesting sight!

Brows rose up to the sky as it witnessed its wounds being healed at a very fast rate. The pink blood spilled on the fur had disappeared in one blink. The cuts on the skin vanished without leaving any evidence. Most importantly, the residual fatigue was completely removed. The Perrafin felt reborn!

It stared at Lee with all the amazement written over its face. D congratulated him for successfully pulling off the trick and assuming the correct element. Lee responded in an unfriendly manner, and I quote-

'Just wait, you formless rusty piece of impolite intangibility!'

Lee let go of its forelimb as he lifted his left arm. His right palm still supported the being's limb. Noticing his merciful action, the Perrafin retracted its paw. Lee sensed a smile on that cat-like face, which he did not take into matter. Stepping back, he handed over the result determining, to fate!

*gnum gnum*

The Perrafin produced a weird sound, and slowly moved towards Lee. It lowered its head and brought it towards him. As he was wondering its intentions, its triangular nose touched against his forehead.


A strange, but somehow familiar sensation passed into Lee's head. He assumed what the action is and acknowledged the connection. As he closed his eyes, a faint white light could be seen in his mind. Lee did not feel hostility and deduced that the Perrafin is trying to make a bond. He accepted the symbolic request and a bond was formed between them.

A moment of silence and the beast retracted its head. It took a few steps backward and anxiously stared at Lee, who was still standing with his eyes closed. It took a couple of seconds for him to open his visual windows, but he was astonished by what he sensed in those seconds!

A tall and prideful hunter stood in front of him. Though his eyes were closed, Lee could see with the newly formed bond. Its outline was vague, but the energy circulating inside it was bright as a day. The complex network of blood vessels, which also carried the magical energy and its vitality, was a sight to behold. One thing that caught his attention was the non-existent physical ears of the beast. He did not see something like that on its physical body, but he was looking at its tall and erect ears at the moment. It was made up of white lines of vitality, and resembled of some spiritual object latched onto its head. It majestically stood on its head, which was barely outlined. The facial features were barely visible, except its eyes, which were completely black.

There were a few more details that caught his attention, but D reminded that he was standing like an idiot, with eyes closed. He also advised to open his eyes, so that the Perrafin does not find him stupid. Heeding the words, Lee exposed his hazel brown pupils.

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