Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 71: Slicing Down Slavery

Lee glimpsed at An as he reached out to pull the torch. Without any further ado, he pulled the torch and the door slightly trembled. Lee took out his bow as he came back to his position, behind An, and the door slowly parted to its sides. An asked Lee's permission to charge up ahead while he covers for her with his bow. Lee also wanted so, as he wished the trading facility to burn by her hands.

Foresight activated at the first glance of the guards standing on the other side. The unprecedented opening of this door alerted the nearby 8 guards. Even before the door was open to a quarter, Lee showered the guards with poison attributed arrows. Lee intentionally did not use the homing arrows as he wanted to increase his proficiency. He considered this place as a gold mine for his affinities' progresses!


When the door was completely open, five guards had already fallen numb. The stackable properties of Poison, Lightning and Dark hit them like a nightmare. First, the lightning would make them numb and fall down. The Dark will sever their sensory reception simultaneously. By the time lightning and blindness fades, the paralysing poison should have taken effect!

The longsword's blade made pink coloured arcs as it sliced through the bodies of the remaining three. The five that had fallen numb were so terrified that two among them peed in their pants. An's gracefully dancing hair gave them an intimidating presence. Her elegant robe and nimble moves accompanied by a cold blooded heart was a daunting combination. Lee didn't mind her countenance as he expanded his Essence production.

Lee and An silently stepped towards the end of the passage. The path opened up to a raised platform which had steps to descend. The steps take you straight to a mini auditorium setup. The platform ended at the southern end of the 19 metres long and 11 metres wide hall. There was a circular raised platform on the stage, which is presumably for placing the slave. More than 30 chairs were in front of the stage, each one visibly sturdy. 2 workers of the agency in leather armours were walking around guarding the auction place.

The wide open door to the right of the stage, leads to the office where money and traded objects are verified and stored. 9 goblins were working on sorting and validating the things as 5 orcs stood guard for them.

One the wall behind the stage, a metal door was closing the passage to reach the slaves. The three decorated doors on the left of the stage, led to a slave fight arena, pleasure place and torture grounds respectively. These doors acted as extra income for the agency. The large words that dictated its nature were labelled on the door.

The entry point from the mayor's manor opened up in the office. The entrance in the jungle leads one directly to the stairs behind the metal door. As Lee observed the surroundings with the pre-obtained information from the dwarf, the door that led to the slave fight arena opened up.

"Those barbarian bitches are fiery! I wonder when they are auctioned!"

"Nah, my bet is on the tailed vampire girl. she is hot! Her assets man!! They're huge."

An elf and an orc came out of the door as they shared their views on different slaves. Lee was intending to shoot them down, but the door opened again and a few dark-humans came out.

An was shocked to see dark-humans here. They were the devilish mutation of humans. Their heightened senses and innate craving for pleasure, strength and adventure made them more outstanding. Except for their plus shaped pupil and dark skin, all other features reflected humans. The presence of Lee and An was sensed by one of them and they took out their daggers in guard.

*poke poke*


Lee poked An to take action and she leaped out of the passage. One by one, the arrows flew out and pierced the flesh of the dark-humans. The orcs in the office were alerted and they blared a horn.

The cultivation and strength of An was not greater than the orcs or dark-humans. She had a hard time fighting these opponents. But the arrows flashing forward disabled the charging opponents. The blared horn caused steel armoured beastfolk to pop out of nowhere.

An descended the stairs and wreaked havoc among the opposers. Lee shot at a rate of 2 arrows per second. The beastfolk did attack him at close quarters and Lee kicked them all unconscious.

The orcs in the office stepped out. They carried large axes as their imposing figures emerged. After witnessing Lee showering arrows over the agency's men, the orc at the front threw his axe at him. The axe closed within an instant. Lee moved out of the trajectory as the axe brushed past him. With his firm footing, Lee grabbed onto the axe handle and gave the momentum a U-turn. The orc froze in this turn of events as the axe came back to his chest.

The remaining 4 orcs shouted with rage and stepped forward. Lee was sizing up the pesky soldier reserve of the agency while An actively chopped them down. One of the orc's greatsword came in contact with An's longsword and hoped to stop it's advancements. An frowned as she felt some resistance from it. She pulled her sword from the half-cut axe blade and thrusted it into the orc's chest. She chopped it's chest as her sword exited through its shoulder.

A few saw that they do not stand a chance against them. They ran towards the raised platform and stepped outside the door. The splashing sound of poison and its immediate numbness made their vocal chords disable. The paralysis kicked in as they fell face first into the puddle.

The access point of the mayor's manor was sealed shut from the other side. The downtrodden morale scattered the remaining ones in different directions. Before they could escape into the doors, arrows electrocuted them all, except a few slippery ones. They closed the doors behind them and sighed in successful escape!


The door shattered as Lee punched it. The power-packed hit threw the guards behind it away and unconscious. The same way, Lee cracked open the other two doors too. The slaves that were kept in darkness and in despair heard the bang and glanced at the door with hope. The doors shattered and the figure of Lee went inside one while An chose another.

Lee went inside the door of the slave fight arena. There were quite a lot of people enjoying the deathmatch, without any idea of what was happening outside. The unexpected bam shifted their sight onto Lee.

In a 6 x 6 metres square room, the slaves fought inside the 4 x 4 iron cage. The cage was lower than the surrounding portion and had a door on one of its sides. It was through this door, the slaves were brought to fight in matches. Lee analysed the features quickly and pulled out his bow again. Without their consent, all except the slaves were electrocuted. The man who was in-charge of moving slaves in and out was choked unconscious by Lee.

The barbarian slaves in the cage were delighted and confused at the same time. They could only watch Lee collecting the fallen bodies of slavery supporters. Before stepping out of the room, Lee glanced at them over his shoulder.

"Go back and inform others. Rescue is on the way!"

The slaves quickly vanished from the cage and ran towards their group. Simultaneously, Lee had stepped into the third door, the torture ground. He glanced inside the 2nd door and saw An performing castration on many men. She would hit their face whenever they cried out loud. After a few rounds of treatment, the cries and moans were silenced by utter fear. To his surprise, 4 cultivators were also present among the castrated. Their robes dyed red as An supported the poor souls on the ground, up. The ravaging desire for pleasure gifted them nightmares. Girl child, ladies and old aged women were among them. The treatment they underwent was understandable from their scars and wounds. Lee saw tears rolling down An's cheeks as she hugged and gentled the screaming pain in them. All she could do was give comfort and care!

The torture ground had an inhumane setup in it. Many men and women were hung upside down and naked in chains, and their limbs were stretched to the sides with agonizing pain. They were pale with intense bloodlose and lack of nutrition. Their pulses were so weak. Lee saw a complex mechanism at a corner of the room, but he decided to cut the chains by brute force. One by one, Lee brought down the tortured. Their untreated wounds had worms wiggling inside them. Disregard of gender, both men and women were subjected to mental and physical torture. A man had his penis peeled off and pierced with needles like a porcupine, while two women had their vaginas covered with sword cuts. D shed tears in their misfortune while Lee was burning inside like an inferno. The teaching of his grandfather to consider and care for others as your siblings yearned to justice, in the most violent way.

As he brought down 4 women and 6 men from the chains, a naked girl lying on the dark corner of the room caught his sight. She was a little girl, with under-grown assets. Her skin had many cuts through which blood trailed. Her bulged out eyes and motionless body burdened Lee with grief. As he carefully took her body in his arms, the cold skin gave off a deathly stillness. The pain of losing a sibling coiled around his heart.


1 A.M.

5702 Essence harvested.




Name: Lee

Age: 20

Title: Grim-reaper, Soul Liberator

Fame: 3235

Essence: 86874 (12 Midnight)

Money: 951 Gold, 96 Silver, 86 Copper


Partner: An


Health: 320

Strength: 320

Vitality: 320

Agility: 320

Defense: 320

Endurance: 320

Sense: 320

Intelligence: 320

Resolve: 325



• Greater Poison Immunity (1887/1000000)

• Medium Lightning Immunity (3229/10000)

• Medium Air Immunity (200/10000)

• Lesser Sedative Immunity (35/100)


• Greater Poison Affinity (12081/1000000)

• Greater Lightning Affinity (12591/1000000)

• Medium Fire Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Water Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Ice Affinity (0/10000)

• Greater Rock Affinity (11975/1000000)

• Greater Metal Affinity (11974/1000000)

• Medium Sand Affinity (286/10000)

• Greater Nature Affinity (11984/1000000)

• Medium Air Affinity (1165/10000)

• Greater Sound Affinity (12371/1000000)

• Greater Dark Affinity (11998/1000000)

• Medium Light Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Death Affinity (286/10000)



• Absolute Blade Mastery

• Absolute Nunchuck Mastery

• Medium Bow Mastery (997/10000)


Cultivation: Peak stage Core Formation realm

Qi: 0/1100

Mana: 0



• View

• Foresight

• EsGen

• EsConv

• Flight

• Spotless

• Information Transfer








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