Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 81: Tuskers with paw, Into the storage you go!

'Ruella?! Oh dang, I completely forgot about her. By the way, is the forest safe?'

[Ever since she returned back to the forest, the floral growth rate has been tremendously increased. That little forest you know of, has now expanded to all sides. It won't take long before the bandits perish by her hand.]

'So that chapter is solved!'

The tremors surfaced when no one expected. Intense trembling caught the whole village off-guard. The earthquake began to pick up intensity with each passing moment. Cries and yells rose from the houses as many ran out of their homes. Uneven footing made many stumble and fall over. Luckily, no one was severely injured. The tremors terrorised the village and vanished without a trace.

'D, what is happening?'

[The continent is diagonally marked by an enormous fissure. A few more weeks of such an event, the continent will definitely split and move towards forming the 4 continents. We need to pick up pace!]


8 P.M.

13480 Essence harvested.


'About time! Show me the remaining elemental crystals.'

[You will have to wait a long time before getting your hands on the Time element beast crystal of Deadly Invisible Jellyfish. But you are only 30373 Essence away from Life element beast crystal of 200-Millennium Disaster Dragon.]

An caught Lee in her sight as she was tending the injuries of the bruised and hurt. She quickly finished her task at hand and approached Lee. His face that reflected deep contemplation made her hesitate, but she asked anyway.

"Can you ask the supreme cultivator about what is happening?"

Lee stared at her face for a few second, before replying-

"The continent will soon be torn to pieces. We have to save and be safe by then."

"Should we let Paulo know about this?!"

"No. It will only create unnecessary panic. According to the Dimension Sovereign, this village will not suffer any damages. He specifically told me not to share the information."

The antelope came limping and An was immediately distracted by it. She crouched to take care of it.

"Lee, do you have a healing potion? It has a broken bone in its leg."

Lee immediately brought a Medium grade Healing potion from the Shop. Though the beast was not tamed or marked as a companion, it obediently drank the potion as An brought the bottle to its mouth. Within minutes, it's bone was restored to the original.

"I don't know how you have such a great reserve of potions, and I don't want to pry into your secrets. But I know that you will help others with your abilities, and that is enough for me."

An made an honest comment and passed the potion bottle to Lee. He bloomed a smile as the burning torch lamps shed light on his face.

It was then, An noticed Paulo running at Lee from his behind. Lee noticed her gaze going beyond him and thus turned, and saw Paulo hurriedly approaching him.

"A group of 6 Wool Tuskers are heading towards the village. The village gate or walls will not hold off their attacks."

Lee sensed the urgency and he dashed to the wall. He leaped from a distance with an accurate calculation of landing straight on the walls. Even if he missed, he had Flight to back him up.

A group of 5 Wool Tuskers caught Lee's sight before he softened his landing. The Tuskers were probably scared by the tremors and thus ran away from their territory in fear. But it's after-effects were always destruction in rage.

The 3 and a half metres tall Tuskers were only 4 years old. Their highly territorial nature and adamant toughness makes it an opponent worth avoiding. At a glance, it will resemble a young wooly mammoth. It's fur is brown, but it's lethargic behaviour and dense hairs sustain green algae on it. This mutual cooperation helps it to maintain a disguise from hunters and poachers.

One of the tuskers caught the sight of the aura of burning torches over the village wall. In rage of losing its territory, it gave a short blare to its fellow tuskers. Then, a comparatively larger tusker came out of its disguise.


The man in armour who stood next to Lee gasped and Lee glanced at his face. Fear was written all over his face as he stumbled backward and fell on his rear. Lee was now interested in this 5 metres tall beast. Lee noticed the striking resemblance between the tusker and an African elephant. When his eyes fell on the beast's toes, Lee was awestruck with one question.

'How the hell did that thing have a foot like that of a tiger?!'

Unlike normal elephants, the beast had a paw shaped foot that was hard as it's tusk. The size of each paw was larger than an adult's open palm. Lee unknowingly glanced at his palm, just like you!

[With such a large frame, it's internal organs would be well protected. Poison will take all eternity to take effect. Lightning is our only chance, even if I don't know how effective it will be!]

'Why should I worry about defeating it, when I can use it as my precious Essence generator!'

No response came as Lee leaped towards the tuskers. D was silent as he watched his movements.


The thud Lee made as he landed was intentional. It was meant to enrage them. Needless to say, the big tusker raised his forelegs and stamped the ground like a piling hammer. Both parties had declared the intention to fight.

Lee took a few steps forward and his pace increased with each passing second. The tusker saw the puny being charging at him and was happy inside. It delightedly advanced forward with quick footsteps. Both of them closed in on each other.

With enough momentum, Lee thrusted his leg into the ground and the dust drew an arc in air. The 5 spectating little tuskers joined the stampede and ran at Lee. The adult beast saw Lee closing in on its forehead unarmed. It laughed at Lee's foolishness without having an idea of what was about to happen.

Paulo went pale as he saw Lee recklessly charging at tuskers. He wanted to shout out and warn this suicidal act, but voice barely came out of his throat. He could only watch Lee slowly descending on the tusker's forehead.

Like a hologram, the tusker disappeared. Lee was ecstatic as his plan was successful. But he still had 5 naughty kids to catch.

The little ones abruptly stopped as they saw the big one disappear without a trace. Lee was already next to them as they evaluated and concluded that this little two legged insect is abnormally dangerous.

EsGen worked like a magical portal. It was invisible and effective. The tuskers disappeared like dreams as soon as Lee touched their body. The abnormality and incomprehensibility of what had happened was too damn high for a simple being.

"I swear I saw 6 tuskers there."

"Then am I the one hallucinating?"

"But where did they go?"

"False alarm. There were no beasts."

The guards were in a heated debate as to, whether there were tuskers or not. Animals and objects disappearing into thin air without any warning is not something they saw everyday. Even Paulo who was scratching his head, was in an existential crisis!

When they were in a debate, he scaled the wall in one leap. His sudden appearance jolted the guards up and they had their tongues stuck in their throat.

"I need to take some rest."

Lee laughed and withdrew from the wall. The confused and bewildered eyes were stuck on his back. Even Paulo was staring as his jaws made a confused and clueless expression.

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