Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 83


"If you could not hug and cuddle in front of an old bachelor, that would be great!"

D was annoyed to see the lovebirds cuddling and feeling the warmth of one another, even in their consciousness. The sky was blue, the ground was filled with grass and ample lighting from heaven made the atmosphere worth spending cuddling. Upon D's interruption, both stood on their feet from their seating position.

"Thank goodness!"

The old man D shook his head and turned to walk from them. But, An's voice came from behind.

"Great cultivator, can you pronounce us as husband and wife?"

The concerned voice with no sign of tease made him nod.

"If you have a wish, then I can do so!"

D turned and his figure slightly changed to a man in his mid thirties. As he brought his palms together, a beautiful orb with dazzling colours in the inside, formed between them.

"Place your right hands on it."

Lee and An promptly did as D instructed.

"From here on, you will be bound to each other as a pair. Lee Shen will be the one and only man of An Fenfang and she will be his one and only woman.

No one shall separate you until my soul extinguishes. With the power of 'Will of Dimension' bestowed upon me, I hereby declare you as…..husband and wife!"

D proclaimed the words and a brand appeared on the outside of their palms. They retracted the hands as the orb vanished. D observed them inspecting the brand and found them clueless. He felt the need of an explanation.

"Filial Brandings appear on the outside of the palm when one is declared to be wed at the altar of a deity or god. It symbolises the witness of a god in the marriage. The Brandings differ from deity to deity. The wed will have the respective god's protection throughout their lives. A third person will face anger or troubles if he/she tries to break the relationship.

Likewise, the husband and wife will be a pair for their lifetime. It is permanent. They cannot leave their spouse and join with another. The brand will not fade away even if one among them is deceased. It is to keep the honesty and truth of the agreement completely faultless."

Lee and An had their mouth in the shape of an 'O' when D described the brand.

"Is that why your brand looks like snake fangs?!"

Lee asked as he confirmed the brand is indeed similar to a snake's fang.

D did not reply to what Lee asked and turned away to take three steps. He paused and turned to speak again.

"The planet will slowly shift its axis. We have more than 17 years to witness another large scale tremors. Within this time span, we need to do 3 things.

One, strengthen yourself. An, focus your mind. Avoid useless thoughts. When you are ready yourself, let Lee know. I will instruct him what to do then.

Two, reach Intellus as soon as possible. The other continents will be torn in due time. You will have to find information about those who partake in the previous battle with the continents and law fragments. Intellus sure has information about it.

Three, my personal space. I have many things there, including a temporary body. That collection is my entire life's effort. You will find very useful accessories there.

And most importantly, stay alert. There will be omens of the upcoming disaster."

Saying this, D waved his hand and the space faded away. Lee and An came back to senses and they inspected their right hand. The brand was well visible and clear.


Lee and An yawned in unison. Both were surprised and amused by the harmony, and they laughed and cuddled. They cozied up on the bed and fell asleep.



5 A.M.

15045 Essence harvested.


[Lee, I want you to wake up and look out of the window.]


Lee was woken up by Dnekewy's instruction. He tried not to wake An, but she woke up from the movements. As Lee moved towards the window, An followed him with droopy eyes.

"What is happening?!"

An rubbed her eyes as she exclaimed. Lee was wonderstruck and no words came out of his mouth! She wrapped her hands around Lee's waist.

Aurorae enveloped the sky like a giant beautiful blanket. Blue, green and red coloured filled the sky like a Van Gogh painting. It was a feast to the eyes. The waxing and waning colours exposed its rich and radiant elegance. Like An and Lee, a few who woke up at the fortunate moment witnessed the fabulous sight. They were mesmerized by the vista, and hence almost forgot to inform others about the scenery. By the time many woke up, the chasma had moved away to the north.

Lee and An stood like a statue. Their eyelids hesitated to break the beautiful trance. Their hearts felt light and delight as they witnessed this for almost an hour. When they finally disappeared from the sight, an emptiness crept up their hearts.

[This may look like an ordinary aurora, but you are wrong. This is a Chromostorm. Lucky that this is a light one. The dark ones give nightmares.]

Lee nodded as he got some info from D. An saw him nodding and guessed that he was talking to the supreme cultivator.

"You can go and sleep. I will just stay awake."

Lee let An know that his sleep is all gone. She was also out of her sleepiness. Without a second thought, she conveyed that they have a long journey ahead and expressed to depart as soon as possible.

"Okay. Then let's have an early breakfast of bread and milk!"

Lee moved to the table nearby and his hands placed a couple of bread loaves and bottles of milk on the table. With the preparation in view, An took a moment to wash her face and Lee followed her etiquette.



Name: Lee

Age: 20

Title: Grim-reaper, Soul Liberator.

Fame: 3784

Essence: 288418 (5 P.M.)

Money: 7416 Gold, 2396 Silver, 86 Copper


Partner: An(+)


Companion: Fero (+)


Health: 320

Strength: 320

Vitality: 320

Agility: 320

Defense: 320

Endurance: 320

Sense: 320

Intelligence: 320

Resolve: 325



• Greater Poison Immunity (1887/1000000)

• Medium Lightning Immunity (6601/10000)

• Medium Air Immunity (4136/10000)

• Lesser Sedative Immunity (35/100)

• Medium Fire Immunity (2407/10000)

• Medium Water Immunity (1067/10000)

• Medium Ice Immunity (1791/10000)

• Medium Rock Immunity (756/10000)


• Greater Poison Affinity (12081/1000000)

• Greater Lightning Affinity (15034/1000000)

• Medium Fire Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Water Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Ice Affinity (0/10000)

• Greater Rock Affinity (11975/1000000)

• Greater Metal Affinity (11974/1000000)

• Medium Sand Affinity (286/10000)

• Greater Nature Affinity (11984/1000000)

• Medium Air Affinity (1165/10000)

• Greater Sound Affinity (12371/1000000)

• Greater Dark Affinity (11998/1000000)

• Medium Light Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Death Affinity (286/10000)

• Medium Gravity Affinity (1004/10000)

• Medium Space Affinity (1004/10000)



• Absolute Blade Mastery

• Absolute Nunchuck Mastery

• Medium Bow Mastery (997/10000)


Cultivation: Peak stage Core Formation realm

Qi: 0/1100

Mana: 0



• View

• Foresight

• EsGen & EsConv

• Flight - F (4/5)

• Home Planning

• Spotless

• Information Transfer

• Taming - G (0/1)








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