Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 89: Towards the Shore

15 minutes later, Mia let out a burp and indicated that her little tummy is satisfied. She beamed at An with emanating happiness. She conveyed her gratitude in her standard family custom.

An noticed that the little girl was hesitant to speak something. Glancing at Ruella, Mia spoke-

"Will she be alright?"

The response was a heartwarming smile. Mia found her concerns and worries flying away in the wind. An nodded ensured that Lee had taken care of the druid's health. Mia felt happy, but still possessed the hesitance to ask something vital.

"I can see your reluctance. You can consider me as your elder sister and speak out."

Lowered head was raised as Mia stared at An. Her sieza posture was made more firm as she made up her mind to ask.

"Can you take me with you?"

Her firm voice resonated in Lee's and An's ears. An was expecting help or favour, but the request was a surprise. Lee raised his head from where he laid down, and took a glance of Mia's resolute face, and then went back to his nap. He confirmed her certainty from that instantaneous glimpse.

"Welcome aboard!"

An, who sat in the traditional chinese posture, extended her right hand to Mia. She expected a handshake, but Mia hugged her elder sister. The scene made D tear up with happiness.

[It's almost 3.30 in the noon. I advise to move by 4. As far as I'm concerned, Ruella will wake any minute now. Let her take some rest and the affectionate ones have their bonding time.]

Lee raised his head and at the same moment, Ruella opened her eyes. She sat up like a released spring and rubbed her forehead reflexively. Her aimless sight caught Mia hugging An. Ruella's countenance turned bright seeing Mia healthy.

"You should not do that again in the near future."

Lee rose up and walked to her. His sound had a tinge of command that she immediately sensed as a warning on a potential danger. Lee added the deviation she experienced with over-usage of her Mana. But, he did not mention the timely usage of Restoration Potion which nullified the turbulence of Mana.

"You are still young. So this journey will help you acquire experience."

Saying this, he passed a bottle of milk to her. She accepted it and drank to get rid of her sluggishness.

"Rest now. Restore your health, then we can travel."

Lee waved his hand and gestured at her to lay down on the green grass in the shade of the tree. Turning around, he saw Mia and An talking about something. As he observed them, An stood up and walked towards Lee. Mia sat as she was told to sit still. She had a request to make.

"Mia, she has lost her blade and her kimono is in a poor state. Can you help her?"

Lee nodded and asked what she wanted him to do. She enquired whether he had a spare attire to give Mia.

'D, buy a samurai kimono. Scan Mia and find one suitable for her.'

[For a girl of 160 centimetres and weighing 55 kilos, I have selected one for 230 Essence. Take a look before you buy.]

A panel appeared before Lee and a samurai kimono was displayed. It's upper portion was decorated with deep pink coloured floral designs in pale pink background. The greyish black bottom and the red sash was a good combo. Since D deemed it fitting for her, Lee brought it and took it out from his Inventory.

The materialisation of a beautiful kimono from thin air caught Mia in surprise. She was almost exclaimed as Lee brought a katana from the Shop. Though an ordinary katana with 67 centimetres long blade, its tsuba of a beautiful sunflower amplified it's beauty. The 725 Essence cost was worth for its Elven Copper that overwhelmed steel in its strength and toughness, while giving off an orange-red colour.

Lee passed the sword and the dress to An, who was wonderstruck. What she received was greater than what she expected.

"This is the Supreme Cultivator's gift. Don't tell her."

Lee untied her doubts with two hushed sentences. Mentioning D was a psychological move so that he can cover up the existence of the Shop. He did not want to hide it from her, but D insisted so.

An walked back to Mia and placed them in her hands.

"We had a spare that suits you. We hope it fits."



4 P.M.

15560 Essence harvested.


"Shall we depart?"

Lee asked as he gazed in the southern direction. An, Mia and Ruella rose up and patted their outfits. Fero and antelope came near him, indicating their willingness. Lee paced forward in moderate speed, and the whole party followed him. A faint breeze brushed past them and headed north. 

*conversing voices*

Lee would pick up conversing sounds every now and then. While the antelope elegantly strided on the hard terrain, Fero would run around playfully. Lee would be involuntarily dragged into the conversation, and he would give a precise and concise response.

[Lee, we are 38 kilometres away from the ocean. Not affirmative, but I do am sensing hostile intentions from afar.]

'I will keep it in mind.'


6 kilometres after.


5 P.M.

15560 Essence harvested.


'D, when the Essence count hits 685000, buy both of the remaining beast crystals.'


Lee was continuously glancing at his attributes and Essence count. The conversations from behind had lost its vigour. An really felt an urge to ask about the destination, but she instead chose to believe in her husband. Fero lost his interest to run around and pant for no reason.

The sky above them wore a dazzling orange yellow veil. Their elongated shadows walked by their side. The twinstars are not in a form to be viewed with naked eyes, but if you could do so, you would have seen the marvel of burning gaseous balls that illuminated the planet for countless millenniums.


Fero growled looking at a distance. His limbs were sturdy and ready to pounce. His exposed fangs emitted terror. Ruella and Mia stared at this display of viciousness, but An was more absorbed by what made him go commando. A faint smell was noticed by Lee as D shouted aloud-


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