Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 15: Indie’s Proposal

While the New Saviors tried to adapt to the new routine with the rescued guests, the base became the busiest it had ever been. Everyone had something to do, especially now that no one was allowed to leave the base after the omen attacks. During half a week, all of the villagers accustomed themselves to their jobs while also getting along with the original residents of Savepoint. Even Scott got to meet more people, although he focused most of his attention on Zoey, spending most of the day with her, and only getting to talk to Cookie during meals.

With everyone actively working, the saviors managed to find a balance to provide supplies for themselves and the new guests. Having other people take over the more tedious and mundane jobs meant the experienced saviors could focus on creating a safer environment for everyone, either by gathering resources in the surrounding area of the base or coordinating with the outside allies to trade supplies. However, only a few selected soldiers were permitted to leave the base, and the rest of the soldiers, including Crisis, could only stay inside and wait for new orders.

During the four days after the Echokinge battle, the Crisis members had the chance to rest, some of them enjoying their time of peace in the base, getting to know new people, or hanging out with their friends, while others seemed stressed by this state of idleness. In particular, Frost had mostly spent his days stuck inside his room, at least during the day, or every time people were around him, only leaving at night to train when he was completely alone. It was clear that the longer he waited, the more his situation worsened, showing little to no emotion in the scarce interactions he had with people. But since no one could check up on him, all they could do was wonder what he was doing inside his room all day.

This sentiment of boredom was shared by many soldiers who didn’t know better than to drink the nights away and slack off during the day. Despite the efficiency accomplished by the guests and auxiliary soldiers, the general morale of the others seemed to decrease drastically, even more than it already had. Seeing this, the superiors had to make a call, and after a few preparations and discussions with the commander, a few actions were being taken to raise the spirits.

After waiting for a response for days, Indie finally showed up at Frost’s door, inviting him to talk with Snake in the afternoon. Without hesitation, Frost followed her to the central building, now showing more emotion, or at least something other than a deadpan face. He seemed eager to meet with the commander for the first time since the other day. However, Indie looked tired and a little impassive, restraining herself from saying anything as they both walked to the office as soon as everyone finished lunch. Once they got to the third floor, where only two guards were waiting for him, Indie opened the door but let Frost walk first, which he only hesitated for a second before stepping into Snake’s office.

–Oh, hello Frost… Um, please, take a seat– Snake greeted, a bit startled by Frost’s arrival, as he was caught in the middle of a conversation with Viper, who was leaning on Snake’s desk while talking up close to him. She had to distance herself immediately to let Frost sit down, but he first looked back with a suspicious stare at Indie, who gestured for him to follow the commander’s order. Frost took a seat, though he remained skeptical as Indie quietly moved the chair next to him and sat as well, only staring directly at the commander, who just responded with a nod.

–What is going on here? We are going to discuss our next move to retaliate, right?– Frost asked with growing suspicion, though he was assertive and straightforward to get his answers right away. However, he was met with awkward looks from both Indie and Snake and even Viper, who tried to stay away from the conversation, standing alone behind Snake in a corner. Frost’s previous excitement faded away instantly, and a hint of annoyance replaced it. But before he could say anything else, Snake took control of the conversation and began explaining.

–Not quite. Look, I’m going to be straightforward with you. I’ve called the capital and they have given us orders that I know you won’t like…– Snake replied apprehensively, talking slowly to give Frost time to prepare for what might be bad news. But at this point, he seemed completely indifferent to anything, only a little disappointed by Snake’s body language, almost like he anticipated exactly what he was about to say.

–We have been ordered to stay put until they can make sure the Omens have retreated, so… We are now officially in downtime, but not for long. They told us that we might be able to make a move soon, but they have yet to confirm any information related to our enemy’s position. While we wait, Indie and I have been discussing what to do next…– Snake added, being candid, brief, and direct, but clearly putting a lot of thought into forming his sentences to not provoke Frost. He seemed to understand the situation, but as he was already upset by it, he couldn’t stand hearing Snake anymore and interrupted him to speak his mind.

–So, we just let them escape, that’s what you are trying to say… We could have easily surrounded them if we communicated, but of course, we didn’t get any intel. It’s like they don’t even want us to be a part of this war– Frost expressed his frustration with his usual condescending and derisive tone, though Snake didn’t let such disrespect slide and responded before Indie could step in and scold him herself.

–You know we couldn’t have retaliated, even if we had the manpower to fight them…– Snake argued bluntly, rebuking his idea with a subtle hostile undertone, though he maintained his composure as Frost sat back and started thinking silently, which Snake saw as an opportunity to continue sharing what he was about to say.

–Indie was just as frustrated as you, but she actually gave some good suggestions to keep ourselves busy while we receive a new order. They mainly focus on our new guests. They seem to be getting acquainted with our base and activities, so we should give them something to… bring them closer to our cause…– Snake added in a composed manner, shifting his attention to Indie, as did Frost, who still looked dispirited but showed more hope when he looked at her.

–Yes, we have filled all of our job positions, and from what I’ve been informed, everyone is getting their work done. I’ve also noticed that the recruits are getting along with our people and generally show a positive reaction to their new home, so I’m pleased to say that we have successfully integrated them into our team…– Indie replied in her usual steadfast demeanor, though she became a little more earnest when talking about the new recruits. Frost didn’t look nearly as interested in the topic. He hadn’t even talked to any of the new recruits, yet he still faked a small smile when the commander glanced at him to pretend to be paying attention. However, he genuinely gained interest in the conversation once Indie began addressing him.

–But now that they have gotten used to their jobs and this new routine, there is something else that we should do, something I think we would greatly benefit from if done right. That’s why we called you here, we think you could play a major role in this plan…– Indie explained to Frost with a more considerate tone, making him slightly skeptical but still sparking curiosity at the mere mention of a plan.

–Alright, I’m listening…– Frost responded casually, containing his eagerness as he waited for Indie to elaborate on her idea. But surprisingly, she became quiet, and her stare shifted, leading to the commander being the one to give him the order.

–We want you to train the recruits and prepare them for another battle. We just need you to teach them about basic combat, teamwork, strategies, and whatnot. It’s nothing too advanced. At this point, anything could help us… We are really low on manpower– Snake informed Frost without much care in his own order, but since he wasn’t being too stern or commanding, Frost instantly objected to his request.

–What? No, why ar-?... I get that we are desperate at the moment, but if you really need manpower, just send me, and I will fight for a thousand men. These people will be useless in combat, no matter how much I teach them!– Frost exclaimed reluctantly, being adamant about his opinion but still trying to offer an alternative to please Snake. But even though he was passionate and earnest enough to offer his help directly to fight, it was clear that Frost didn’t want to be a part of the conversation anymore, as he could tell neither Snake nor Indie was yielding.

–We have to make use of them, there’s nothing else for us to do. I know you don’t want to, but we can’t just provide shelter for a bunch of people who can’t even help in combat. Please, we aren’t asking for much. You could really help us with this– Indie argued assertively, giving Frost a stern look but also trying to be compassionate, showing some sympathy in hopes that he could change his mind after being asked nicely. But as considerate and polite as she was, he still rejected the idea, now crossing his arms as it looked like he didn’t want to be a part of the conversation anymore.

–Why do I have to do it? It’s a waste of my time! We could be doing a recon mission and not be stuck waiting here, but somehow teaching a bunch of inexperienced fools is our best course of action. I bet none of them would even make it to the battlefield. It’s absurd– Frost replied harshly, becoming slightly more hostile at the idea but trying to calm himself down to not make a bigger scene. He had made his decision, but as Snake stared with disapproval, Indie was forced to try harder to convince him, doubling down on her compassion and reaching for Frost’s arm to grab his attention. She tried to hold his arm, but he immediately drew it away, though he still turned to Indie to listen to her, even though it seemed like he would dismiss everything she would say.

–Because you are the best soldier in the base, you know everything there is to know. I admit, they might look weak, but even they could become useful soldiers with your training. Maybe you didn’t, but I saw some of them fight in the village, and they genuinely have the spirit to become true warriors. If you do take it seriously and train them properly, I’m sure they will turn out to be great soldiers, just like you…– Indie insisted, a bit more desperate but sounding sincere. Her begging and flattering words made Frost rethink for a moment, smirking subtly after hearing all of Indie’s praises. She seemed to regret all of her words immediately but held on to the hope of him helping out, despite how arrogant he could be about it. However, after reconsidering the idea, he still wasn’t on board.

–I’m glad you recognize my skills, but that proves that it’s better for me to go into combat instead of being stuck here teaching those rookies. With all due respect, I don’t know if it is worth it. Maybe we are better off keeping them as servants here, I’m just saying…– Frost replied honestly, trying to be modest despite his tone still being haughty. And though he wasn’t showing aggressiveness anymore, he started sounding a bit sarcastic, giving Indie the impression that he wasn’t taking the situation seriously. But instead of arguing again, she decided to play into his nonchalant nature for another chance to convince him.

–Look, it will be just a short course to kill time. We are talking about teaching fifteen to twenty people at best. You don’t even need to personally train all of them, I will offer my skills to teach them as well. I’m sure the rest of the squad will be willing to help, so you won’t be alone…– Indie claimed in a generous manner, adjusting her approach to favor his interests. With him barely looking at her, she assumed a more passive position, crossing her legs and sitting upright with a docile expression, leading to Frost gaining a bit of confidence. He looked at her with a mix of curiosity and spite, all while Snake and Viper just watched them argue in amusement.

–You are saying I can’t do this alone? You vastly underestimate me…– Frost replied purposefully contentious, maintaining a straight face as he gave Indie a challenging stare, which she couldn’t help but find entertaining. For Snake, it was difficult to figure out what was going on between his subordinates, mainly because they both defied each other’s persistence with bold stares, yet they were weirdly suggestive in nature.

–I mean, if you want to do it yourself, I won’t complain…– Indie replied in a coy voice, turning more compliant to give Frost a false sense of superiority that seemed to get a chuckle out of him, He almost grinned before he stopped himself, going silent again as he reconsidered the idea. Indie stared at him eagerly, encouraging him to make his decision with her goading stare. He now looked more willing to participate, but to make sure, Indie didn’t take her eyes off of him until he stood up with a sudden burst of energy and slammed his fist on the commander’s desk, shocking both him and Indie.

–Alright, let’s get this over with. When do we start?– Frost finally accepted Indie’s request, looking almost thrilled at that, though he quickly returned to his solemn demeanor. But as he showed so much determination and enthusiasm for the first time since the battle, Indie sighed in relief, and both she and Snake smiled as they were pleased to hear Frost’s response. They couldn’t let his compliance go to waste, though. So, with some hesitation, followed by a quick nod, Snake gave Frost the official order to begin the new training course for the recruits, trusting wholeheartedly in his skills to turn the new guests into professional soldiers like him.

| Make it up, break it up, what do you care?
Oh, what do you care? |

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