Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 53: The Saint

–Come on, we are all waiting– Frost urged Scott jokingly as he reached for a new bottle that a soldier was handing him. Scott’s friends kept pushing him into the crowd, and after a bit of resistance, he began walking on his own. Frost became a little impatient with his slow pace, but once Scott was close enough to the table, he pulled him up with a swift motion, keeping his balance while making space for Scott to stand with him. Despite being the only sober one, Scott almost fell instantly, but what caught him off guard was Frost wrapping his arm around his shoulder in an oddly cordial manner.

–Yea, he’s shy right now, but man, back at the cave, you should have seen him… This kid showed a LOT of courage, even if he was scared to pick up a junk gun from those rats…– Frost said humorously to the entire crowd, which began cheering for Scott immediately, though he became nervous, even slightly uncomfortable since Frost didn’t let go. He kept him in his tight grip, almost using him as support to not fall over while he gloated to everyone, and since he put him in the spotlight, Scott cowered upon the overwhelming praise.

–We’ve all been there, questioning ourselves on our first mission, not knowing if our enemies are truly awful or if we’re the ones who deserve to die. In reality, nobody really knows… But today, this guy right here learned that we should never, ever hesitate to put a bullet in our enemies’ skulls. He overcame that fear I know some of you still have, and sure, he didn’t do much, but he still brought the fight against the antipunks!– Frost added with less thought put into his words, beginning to ramble as he mindlessly bragged about Scott’s accomplishments.

While Frost did act lighthearted, since he kept overplaying Scott’s contribution to the mission, he ended up embarrassing the more he talked, prompting a flattered Scott to look at his friends for some sort of comfort. But instead of calming him down with some genuine support, his friends cracked some giggles and distracted him with some silly faces to throw him off. In response, Scott stared straight down as he waited for Frost to be done with him. However, Frost was just starting as he handed his bottle to him while he began telling the cave story once again.

–Of course, anyone can fight against those junkies, but what truly impressed me was his will and focus when we escaped the cave. The whole cave was collapsing, and since we were stuck down in the darkest depths, we had to figure out how to reach the surface before we exploded with the rest of the darn place…– Frost claimed in a playful manner, squeezing Scott’s shoulder a bit too tight with a proud grin as if he were some sort of trophy. He did look like an inanimate object in the way he stood completely still, not saying anything except smiling awkwardly at the few who could see his face from below. And even though he was praised for his courage, Scott became annoyed once Frost narrated the story, drawing all eyes to him now that he was included in the tale.

–I remember I actually fell pretty hard and was almost left behind. Of course, I was going to find a way to escape on my own, but Panda had a brilliant idea to fling me up by using a bag of rocks and rope... Yea, it was insane, I was catapulted right when the entire floor collapsed underneath me. I had only one chance to make the jump, but just wh-…– Frost continued to narrate until he finally turned to Scott for the first time and saw how embarrassed he was. While he kept speaking, Frost let go of Scott’s shoulder, but that didn’t stop his discomfort as he shared more details about the mission, causing Scott to nod along when everyone eventually heard about his actions.

–You probably already heard all of that, but what I didn’t tell you was the fact that this guy came to my rescue. I don’t know if he was trying to die with me or what, but he proved his worth by jumping head-first and grabbing me. He would have most certainly died if it weren’t for Panda catching him just in time and pulling both of us up… Still, that was a bold move, and it sure would have gotten me suspended or something in my first mission…– Frost elaborated smoothly, talking mindlessly but without trouble, once again captivating everyone with his engaging demeanor. He even caught Scott’s attention, who looked up at him in surprise upon hearing him admit to being rescued. The audience shared the sentiment, and while Frost downplayed the situation by continuing to boast, he was unphased by giving recognition, and without noticing Scott’s change of expression, he kept praising him.

–It also showed that no matter how scared you are, or how weak you might seem, there is always an opportunity to use your strength and knowledge to help others. That’s what we were taught, and that’s what I want for all of my students… To be prepared for the moment they have to prove their skills and use everything they learned to survive and put up a good fight… If not, what’s the point, I say…– Frost elaborated with genuine consideration, encouraging all the recruits in the audience and even the experienced soldiers, but mainly Scott, who was put off by his actual meaningful words. He remained skeptical of his intentions, but as the effects of the alcohol seemed to bring Frost’s earnest side out, Scott began embracing more the idea of being appreciated.

In fact, since Frost didn’t put any thought into praising him and didn’t use it to insult him indirectly, Scott realized he might actually be speaking from the heart for once. He stared at his drunken face, struggling to find a sign that indicated some of the usual disdain and spite that he concealed, but instead, he found a carefree, sympathetic, and fulfilled smile. Frost reached for his bottle, which Scott apprehensively handed back. But that’s when he noticed that Frost was sharing his joy with everyone, not just him.

As Frost took a moment to drink more, Scott got to relax, and taking advantage of the spotlight he had, he turned to the crowd to enjoy the acclamation from his peers and superiors. He smiled without worrying for once, as he wasn’t being humiliated but was recognized as a competent soldier for the first time. And while he didn’t get a direct compliment from Frost, Scott seemed more satisfied with everyone else acknowledging him, even if it was only for a brief moment. Frost drew attention back to him as he continued speaking, but his almost fraternal demeanor changed suddenly after clearing his throat, instantly putting Scott on edge.

–And that’s why I’m changing Sissy’s nickname to something much better…– Frost announced with an excited grin, causing everyone to gasp in awe, only for the room to become completely silent as they all stared at Scott. He was just as surprised, though he turned tense as soon as he realized this could be a crucial moment for him. He would either be embarrassed once again or he would gain major respect from everyone at the base. But as he was uncertain of what would be the outcome, he stared anxiously at Frost, who began teasing him as he took a long time to think of his new nickname.

–Let me think… Yea, I got it. He is still pretty innocent, I mean, he couldn’t even kill one antipunk… But for his courage and being able to give it his all to at least not die and help the team somewhat, from now on he deserves to be called…– Frost added with a thoughtful tone, continuing to play with the audience’s impatience as he built more suspense with drawn-out pauses and a seemingly passive-aggressive tone.

During these short but terrifying moments, Scott became concerned as he sensed some of Frost’s natural malice directed at him with a glance. He began shuddering in fear as Frost approached him and grabbed his shoulder once again, now keeping it in place as he squeezed hard while pretending to think with a big smile. Scott stared into his deceivingly nonchalant eyes, and just when he could tell there was still some hostility in there, Frost turned back to the audience to reveal Scott’s new nickname with a dramatic gesture.

–Saint! How about that? That will be your new name, and you will be addressed as such until you die or do something very stupid to piss me off, alright?– Frost declared in a lighthearted but enthusiastic manner, catching Scott by surprise. But before he had time to process his new name, Frost focused on him up close, staring critically while waiting for an answer. Turning nervous by the sudden closeness, Scott stammered for a second before nodding repeatedly, prompting Frost’s menacing gaze to fade away as it shifted back to the audience.

–Yea, give it up for Saint!– Frost exclaimed euphorically, raising his bottle high with a thrilled grin, prompting everyone to cheer once again. Frost stepped back to let Scott get all the attention and praise, but for a moment, Scott just looked down in confusion, no longer out of shyness but trepidation. He didn’t know how to react, and even when hearing all the commotion for his new nickname, he put up a fake honored smile and tried to distract himself with the overwhelming applause to not look back at Frost.

–Now get out of here and show off your new nickname with your friends…– Frost said with a forced laugh after cutting off Scott’s long seconds of fame with a playful push to get him off the table. Scott stepped down in relief as he tried distancing himself as much as he could from Frost, but with everyone surrounding him expressing their appreciation and respect, Frost caught up to him quickly.

He stepped off the table right after, and after sneaking up on him, he placed his hand on his shoulder in a congenial manner, only to turn him around and pull him close for what looked like a hug for everyone around. In reality, he pushed his gun against his belly, and as he squeezed the back of his neck to lock him in his arm, Frost leaned into his right ear menacingly, forcing Scott to listen carefully as he was mortified.

–I’m serious, don’t try anything stupid again, or I’ll send you to meet some real saints…– Frost whispered in Scott’s ear in a brief moment, drawing near-zero attention from the crowd as it just looked like a hug, but Scott caught all the animosity and ill will in his voice. As his tone turned back to its usual scornful self, except exaggerated by the real danger of threatening his life at the moment, Frost’s straightforward warning stunned Scott to the point he just hugged him back.

His body shriveled up as Frost’s words began to sink in, but after he let go, Scott was left dumbfounded, completely unaware of his surroundings. Frost was gone shortly after, returning to his squad to continue celebrating like normal, but as Scott kept staring back at him, his threat lingered in his mind for a long while until he disappeared. But even after Frost left his sights, Scott struggled to regain his composure, ignoring everyone who tried to shake his hand or dap him up.

Absent-mindedly, he began walking through the crowd amid his ovation, paying no attention to all of the unknown soldiers complimenting him. It was only when he saw familiar faces that Scott came back to himself, relaxing a little now that he was in the comfort of his group of friends, though they didn’t waste time reminding him of what he just went through. Zoey hugged him and got him to focus on something other than Frost’s looming threat. But while he failed to hear some of his friends at first, Scott couldn’t ignore Chappy as he ran up to him with explosive energy, seemingly completely over his blackout.

–Woah, I can’t believe you got Frost of all people to commend you! You must have played a really big part in their mission!– Chappy exclaimed in disbelief but genuinely thrilled, not getting too close to Scott as he couldn’t stop moving erratically. Scott laughed nervously before Ace tried to hug him in an even drunker state, though he completely missed him as he reached for Jumbo before almost passing out. With more of his classmates forming a circle around him, Scott found himself as the center of attention once again, or at least on this side of the party. And while he tried to be modest, he couldn’t help himself with all of his friends treating him like a true hero.

–Yea, you could say that…– Scott replied playfully, trying to be witty but turning a little shy as his friends kept flattering him with their appreciation. Even some of the classmates who weren’t so close to him approached to give their kudos, but out of everyone, Zoey was the most vocal of her admiration, turning affectionate as he kept hugging him until he looked down at her.

–Congrats, Scott-... I mean, Saint. You did great!– Zoey exclaimed with sheepish nervousness after they exchanged an intimate stare. He became embarrassed by her compliment, but so did she after he was thrown off guard upon hearing his new name. He didn’t know how to respond, but as his friends seemed to grow fond of his new nickname, he shared a laugh with them after Zoey mentioned it.

–Dude, that’s huge! You are like one step away from becoming a real soldier! You could be one of those legends with that name, it’s awesome!– Chappy blurted out with a lively grin, making Scott laugh harder, though he didn’t find anything to say in return.

–I don’t know, I thought Sissy was pretty good too…– Ace mumbled drowsily as he rested his head on Jumbo’s shoulder, who didn’t know what to do as he had to hold him in place. The group laughed at his comment, but it also got Scott thinking after glancing down at Zoey.

–Yea, maybe… But I’ll make sure I live up to this name… can’t afford to waste it…– Scott replied nonchalantly, growing a little timid after noticing everyone staring at him in a way he had never seen before. He only received strange looks during games when he suggested a risky plan, but now that they were all paying close attention to everything he had to say, he was moved by the esteem of his peers.

Even Shade’s group stared at him from a distance, and while they showed no interest in joining the conversation, Scott managed to catch a glimpse of what looked like an approving nod from them. And while he wasn’t sure if he had gained their respect as well, he was relieved to see one change of nickname suddenly change everyone’s perception of him. He relaxed and just enjoyed himself for the rest of the party, and while the topic of his new nickname was quickly dismissed, the effects of it lingered, and not just in his interactions with the others. He experienced the privileges of a good nickname right away, but as much as it appeared to fix all of his worries and trouble, it certainly gave Saint something to think about for a long while.

| Your skin’s a flag that shines for us all
You said it before |

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