Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 73: Real Purpose

With his head sinking deeper into Candy’s chest, tears rolling down his eyes and under her shirt, Frost unleashed his emotions without a care, and as unsettling as his muffled whimpers were, Candy only encouraged him by holding him tight and resting her chin on top of his head. She noticed his pessimism and guilt were no longer weighing on his mind as heavily since he began relaxing and snuggling with her, prompting Candy to smile but try not to let her excitement take over her.

She shed a few tears as well while holding Frost in her arms, petting him, and playing around with his hair as he cowered and gave in to her nurturing hug. While they were both enraptured by the moment, Candy seemed to be completely enamored since she enjoyed their embrace a lot more than him, as he was already trying to compose himself. Frost wiped his tears and tried to remove his head from Candy’s chest, but since he was still distressed, she made sure to keep holding him there to provide as much warmth as possible.

–It’s okay… In my eyes, you are the best. The best soldier, the best person, the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are doing great, and that’s why I-... that’s why we appreciate you…– Candy whispered amorously into Frost’s ear, making his body shudder with the overwhelming affection in her voice. A little smile started forming on his face, which she quickly caught on to and didn’t take her eyes off. And as he tried to speak, he looked up at her, only to find that she had more to say to him than he did.

–Without you, we are nothing, so you better not leave us… The only way you can fail us is if you give up on us, and especially if you give up on yourself. So promise me you won’t do that…– Candy added lovingly and gratefully, staring dearly into his eyes to get a bigger smile out of him, but it only made her blush. He began getting embarrassed as well from the pure adoration he saw in her eyes, and while he allowed her to take care of him by relaxing every muscle, not even her soothing smile was able to stop him from doubting himself again.

–I don’t know if I can promise such a thing…– Frost whispered back, growing uncertain but showing a bit of hope in his eyes, which was more than enough to make Candy even happier than she already was. She didn’t respond; instead, she gave him silence to be able to think on his own while still petting his head.

But as Frost seemed to become more optimistic with his thoughts, she finally let him go, pulling away from the hug but remaining close to him. He sat straight in his pensive moment, but Candy kept him engaged and focused on her as she pressed her body against his side, placing one arm over his shoulder as she sat with her legs crossed. He wasn’t able to come to a conclusion, but as Candy was calling for his attention with her appealing position, he seemed glad to only listen as he now couldn’t take his eyes off that joyful smile of hers.

–You want to know what my purpose is?– Candy asked with a more playful tone, prompting Frost to nod casually as he tried to turn to his side to sit like Candy, but she kept him in place with a hand on his shoulder as she suddenly adopted a coy demeanor.

–I think I’m here to keep people alive, but most importantly, I must keep you alive…– Candy responded, getting a bit shy to see Frost’s curious reaction to her kittenish smile. She began looking at his shoulder for a brief moment as she caressed it to distract herself. But despite becoming nervous, they both kept staring at each other, and with Frost’s full attention on her, Candy saw the opportunity to express herself.

–It might sound crazy, but maybe I was made to take care of you… You know, to help you through these hard times. To hold you when you are sad, calm you down when you are angry, and even laugh with you when you are happy…– Candy added with a sweet smile, holding one of his hands gently again, getting an amused chuckle out of Frost. But as resolved and genuine as she sounded, Frost couldn’t help but scoff at her after staring into her longing eyes for a while.

–That’s ridiculous… You have a bigger purpose in life than that, you are capable of much more…– Frost replied in disbelief, but it only got a hearty giggle out of Candy before she went quiet for a moment. He smirked at her reaction and was about to switch the subject, but then he noticed she was getting touchier with her hands. The one on his shoulder subtly made its way up to the back of his head to pull him closer, and the one holding his hand quickly brushed upwards until she was holding his chin again, pushing his cheeks lightly to make his barely noticeable smile big.

–I know, but I chose that to be my purpose, to be here for you. No matter what happens, I will choose to fulfill that purpose, and that’s what keeps me going. You keep me going, despite how messy things get… and you are a very messy person…– Candy replied with a captivating and stunningly fond smile that put Frost in a trance. She giggled once again from both his and her nervousness as she held his face so close to hers. But since he didn’t seem to mind, she gladly continued and allowed him to relax as he rested his head on her hands, smiling briefly at her playful and coquettish approach.

–Yea, I’m sorry. I’ll try to be better…– Frost whispered lightheartedly, not putting much thought into it as he closed his eyes to let Candy caress his face, making them both smile. But she appeared so overjoyed that she took a moment to notice that his low energy didn’t exactly come from his comfy and soothing position.

–Well, I only want you to keep trying, but you must have a clear purpose in life…– Candy affirmed reassuringly, instilling more optimism without being too demanding as she remained carefree. But as he took a long moment to think of it, Frost grabbed her hand and removed it from his face after coming to a realization.

–Even if everything feels pointless?…– Frost asked with slight remorse in his tone, catching Candy off guard with his rather dull tone that seemed to forget everything she just said. But as he opened his eyes and waited for reassurance with an eager stare, she reinforced the faint hope found in him with more charming smiles.

–Yes, even then. But you might want to find something that actually means anything to you, something real, which you know will always be there for you to pursue…– Candy responded confidently, though a bit apprehensive, as she wore a suggestive smile that sparked some curiosity in Frost.

–Like…?– Frost asked in fake skepticism, leading Candy to play along after a cheery laugh, taking some time pretending to think with a pout to leave him in doubt for a moment.

–I don’t know, maybe you can keep fighting for fame, fortune, being recognized… But I know you don’t really care about any of those…– Candy suggested in a coy manner, appearing casual while trying to hide the frisky smile that intrigued Frost. He stared closely at her, trying to spot any signs that could give him an answer right away, but it soon seemed like he was admiring all of her facial features. But as it was starting to make her nervous, Candy stopped talking before giving him a true answer and looked away, allowing a suspenseful moment to pass to tease Frost. He was so eager to hear her response that he followed her eyes, and just when he tried to face her, she looked back intently with doting eyes and a restrained smile.

–So maybe you can do it for me?– Candy asked in a genuine but sheepish manner, struggling to contain herself as her emotions shined through her almost beguiling stare. Frost lost himself in her eyes for a brief second, but seeing how she was conflicted just to ask the question, he didn’t have anything to say but chuckle in confusion.

–It will make me really happy if you keep fighting and leading us to victory. So if you won’t do it for yourself, do it for me, okay?– Candy added with a heartwarming grin, using both hands to hold his face in adoration, almost making him melt with her tender touch as she pulled him ever so slightly closer. Her passionate and devoted eyes further enticed Frost, who could only smile dumbfoundedly as he tried to reciprocate her strong mix of emotions to some extent. But as he was overwhelmed by her infatuation, she took her opportunity to inch forward and focus on his still lips. And while he tried to figure out what she was doing, his trance didn’t last very long, as he soon regained his usual demeanor right when Candy was leaning in.

–You really think you are that special?– Frost asked with a teasing smirk, breaking the tension of the moment, but catching Candy by surprise as she immediately backed off in a panic.

–Umm, I mean…– Candy stuttered with increasing nervousness after removing her hands from his face, though she still maintained some of her loving, dallying attitude as she tried to change her approach. But that small moment of lingering hesitation on her part made Frost burst into a short laugh after, which killed some of the burning desire in Candy’s eyes but got a laugh out of her.

–I’m joking, of course you are…– Frost added with a charismatic smile, to which Candy only blushed as she couldn’t tell if he was sarcastic. He kept the same expression, but as sincere as he looked, he only appeared to find her reaction amusing, as he didn’t pay much attention to her afterward. He turned to sit straight again and leaned back, creating some distance between them that Candy desperately tried to close by reaching for his head to hold him again. But as he was pulling away, she gave up and awkwardly sat with a defeated look at the floor below, getting a bit frustrated but still actively listening to what he had to say.

–I mean, I get it, but I don’t think that could really make a change in the world…– Frost followed up with some genuine consideration, warranting a disappointed frown from Candy, although she tried not to think too hard about it to stay positive.

–Well, it makes a change in my world. And if you keep trying, it will make a change in everyone’s world…– Candy replied with a cheerful smile, looking back at him without many hints of attraction to give him an authentic and trustworthy look that made him rethink.

–Besides, we could have matching purposes in life, sort of like being bonded by a higher being controlling our world…– Candy added, becoming coquettish again after seeing Frost come around with her response. But as she pretended to look away nonchalantly to draw Frost’s attention, he leaned forward with a dubious expression, making her quiver anxiously as he approached her.

–No… We are the ones choosing our purposes, aren’t we? I would much rather have the freedom to pick what I want to do in life…– Frost resolutely, becoming determined with his intention, but it was quite deceiving as he was now the one holding Candy’s chin, trying to turn it slightly to face her closely. Candy laughed nervously and tried dismissing him, but once she saw him switching roles and being the one to look at her with devoted eyes, she couldn’t help but give in to his affectionate, cocky, and alluring grin.

She couldn’t control herself, her face immediately flushed out of a mix of anxiety and bliss, and although she tried to keep eye contact, she had to close her eyes after seeing how teasing he was with the sincerest smile he had ever shown her. She giggled as his voice lowered to a soft, soothing, but somewhat tempting tone, and as she noticed he was still pulling her closer to the position they were previously in, she peeked out one eye to see that their faces were only an inch apart from each other. She began breathing heavily, having to keep her mouth shut to not breathe on his face, but since they kept growing closer, she began leaning forward in anticipation as Frost opened his mouth once again, but unfortunately, not to kiss her.

–It just so happens I want to do you… I mean, bond you-… I-I mean… Agh, you get it…– Frost whispered in a sightlier provocative voice, but all of his seductive charms fell apart the second he noticed Candy’s reaction. He wasn’t sure what she was doing, but as he stumbled over his words and began stammering, he quickly backed away to prevent any embarrassment.

In response, Candy waited anxiously as she kept her eyes closed, but her wish didn’t come to fruition as their lips never met. He tried to compose himself after becoming a bit jittery, brushing it off like nothing happened, and that’s when Candy opened her eyes to be met with disappointment. His hands were no longer touching her, and while her first reaction was to reach for him to keep him close, she noticed that the moment couldn’t be saved as he laughed it off, forcing her to do the same to not be awkward.

–Yea, I get it. Is the alcohol starting to kick in?– Candy asked in a playful but insecure manner, looking away sheepishly after a brief laugh, which Frost didn’t pay much attention to but made him realize some of her reassuring, positive energy was lost.

–A little… I didn’t mean to come off as sexual…– Frost apologized in a mix of embarrassment and disappointment, clearing his throat to adopt a stoic attitude and show little emotion. But as his reaction made Candy laugh, he had to crack up and just relax as he noticed that she still looked at him in the same light. She was staring with the same impassioned eyes, but since they weren’t face-to-face anymore, there was no chance for her to draw him in with hopes of enticing him anymore, so she tried to hide her emotions and move on from their now-lost opportunity.

–It’s okay, let’s get out of here before it actually becomes inappropriate…– Candy replied lightheartedly, forgetting about the letdown of her attempt to seduce him as she stood up and looked around for the exit. But as Frost kept sitting in thought, he hesitated to follow her when he glanced at the blonde elf girl who was staring at him from a distance.

–Wait, I kind of already asked for a second round with that girl, so…– Frost objected with an awkward smile as he stood up to stop Candy, drawing her attention to the blonde waiting a few feet behind the couch. She was leaning on one of the walls next to the private rooms, giving him sexy poses to call him over, which he tried to ignore. But as he turned back to Candy, he also tried not to look at her in anticipation of her reaction, which made it clear right away that it wouldn’t be nice.

–No, we are leaving…– Candy replied with a severe expression, dropping her cheerful nature in an instant to become indignant, almost aggressive, as he grabbed his wrist and dragged him with her as she headed for the exit. Frost quickly turned back to the elf girl waiting and shook his head to deny the service, leaving her disappointed more than anything. But as he waited for Candy to calm down, he remained quiet until he stopped her before they reached the door, where hordes of people were still trying to get in.

–Cass…– Frost called as he pulled back, grabbing her arm and turning her around, but then stepping back cautiously, leaving her a little confused but curious. Fortunately, she no longer seemed upset, and even though she was still pouting to fake anger, Frost saw that she was listening attentively and took his chance to return the sentiment she had shown earlier.

–Thank you for your kindness and actually taking the time to talk to me, that’s exactly what I needed…– Frost proclaimed with some doubt, warming Candy’s heart and putting a huge smile on her face since he was genuinely grateful and glad to have her. She was both flattered and a bit embarrassed by his heartfelt compliment, and even though she could tell that something, or someone else, was bothering his mind, she took his praise as a great positive and didn’t hesitate much to respond.

–Of course, anytime. I will always try my best to make you feel better… So don’t worry, you will always have me, you crybaby…–Candy replied playfully, but with the same caring, compassionate, faithful, and loving smile as always, providing safety for Frost to be genuine before going back to normal, although he seemed a bit more hopeful with Candy next to him. And with her not letting go of his hand, they both walked out of the steamy brothel into an animated and delightful night for them to enjoy.

| I let you in with all that I can
You’re not hard to reach
And you bless me with the best gift |

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