Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 85: Loopholes

–Well, technically, there have to be eight of us staying in the city to protect the princess. The other seven sent here are just backups, meaning they can be assigned to other missions or squads temporarily. They also need a high-ranking officer to lead them, and it just so happens that Panda is not only a sergeant but also has the authority to supervise missions outside our jurisdiction, so he is the perfect candidate for this operation– Frost explained arrogantly to rub it in Indie’s face, but he remained calm to speak clearly and eloquently to clear any doubts that anyone might have. But as everyone was perplexed while listening, they could only believe his words, as even Indie seemed a bit fascinated by his knowledge of their military system. But since he was becoming quite cocky and snide with his tone towards her, Frost turned back to Agnus and the Heartaches to give a different impression.

–Of course, he and Agnus will share the leadership and work together to employ our teams’ combined strengths for a guaranteed successful mission, but that was already obvious…– Frost added persuasively, getting Agnus to agree without questioning it as her teammates were nodding along. Indie quickly turned bitter at how everyone picked his side without any hesitation, but she restrained herself since there was nothing she could say to argue.

–And what about me?– Saint asked timidly, getting a little nervous to question Frost after he gave such a detailed explanation. He could sense Indie was still against the idea, but for once, he found more comfort in Frost, as he didn’t mind answering his question and instead seemed to enjoy being able to speak more just to show off.

–Well, you are technically part of Crisis and have to follow the same rules as us. But since you’ve only been serving officially for less than a month, you are still considered a recruit. You are just a last resort soldier for when our allies need urgent backup at the moment, meaning you can also leave the city as long as you return before that first month passes– Frost replied with a composed but content smile as he successfully justified all of his points. He became proud of himself as he assessed all the reactions around him, especially after seeing that both Agnus and Indie had nothing to say, even when they did try to think of something. It did create an awkward silence, as his teammates were slightly skeptical of the situation due to no one disputing Frost. But, as odd as it was, they were eager to see that his plan had worked out.

–So can I join them?– Saint asked back, still a bit unsure of Frost’s permission, as he instinctively looked back at Indie and Agnus for confirmation. But as they both just stayed silent and accepted defeat, the only one who replied ended up being Frost.

–Yes…– Frost responded with resolve, but the slightly derisive undertone towards Indie and Agnus lingered as he stared at them, seeking to provoke a response out of them. It was clear he had gone as far as he could; he had overstepped his authority, but by the looks of it, Indie and Agnus were forced to agree with him and had to comply begrudgingly. Despite not being able to give any commands in his positions, the rookies, Panda, and Saint just followed his orders, grabbed their bags, and joined the Heartaches without a question, leaving Crisis floored, especially Indie. But it was the latter that had to take a moment to cool down after Frost got on her nerves, and even though she had given up on arguing, she still had something to say.

–Don’t get so comfortable, okay? You are only joining them for support, so try not to get in the way. You listen to them and follow everything they say. You don’t get the freedom to do whatever you want out there, understood?– Indie warned the rookies, Panda, and Saint with a prudent tone after approaching them, still slightly irked by the outcome of the discussion but keeping her composure now that she had her back turned to Frost and the rest of the squad, who just watched anxiously as it looked like she was giving them a lesson.

–Whatever happens, you report directly to me. I don’t want Snake to find out about this, so I’m doing you a favor…– Indie added firmly but forbiddingly with the extra weight in her words, intimidating the rookies into nodding nervously. She stood close and gave each one of them a good look in the eye, which prompted honest reactions as they couldn’t handle the intense scrutiny. But while they didn’t inspire much hope, Indie at least seemed to trust Panda as they exchanged a brief glance that eased her worries. And with him

–Alright, stay close to them and make sure everyone comes back safely. It shouldn’t be too big of a threat, but be prepared for anything…– Indie advised with more genuine care and concern that the rookies seemed to prefer over her usual strict demeanor. She was thoughtful with her eyes, taking into consideration their current anxiety and stepping back to not press them too much. In response, the rookies and Saint thanked her with a polite gesture, a bit too appreciative in the case of Shade, which almost got a smile out of her if it weren’t for one of her teammates behind interrupting the moment.

–Wait! I forgot something I’ve been saving for this exact moment!– Candy exclaimed as she suddenly came back to her senses after being amazed by Frost’s persuasion. However, without explaining anything, she just started running back up the main road while everyone watched her. She disappeared shortly after, but in the meantime, EchoForce and the Heartaches headed to the barracks to gear up for the mission while Crisis watched. And since Cookie had not received confirmation of his participation in the mission, he had to ask for permission, but instead of Frost, he went right to Indie.

–Does this mean I get to go too, or is there no more help needed?– Cookie asked apprehensively, forcing a smile to get Indie’s attention but ending up drawing some strange looks from Frost, Tricky, and Nitro. But as she didn’t even notice him at first, Nitro didn’t hesitate to step in before Indie could answer.

–Yea, just go with them. It’s better than having you here…– Nitro affirmed tauntingly before cracking a malicious smile that made Cookie irate. But with him trying his best to stay calm, he focused on Indie, who had nothing to say but agree with Nitro as she simply nodded and pointed him towards the barracks to get geared up. Immediately, Cookie thanked her and rushed to join the others with an excited grin, although he turned more determined than anything once he got ready.

The rookies, including Saint, finally got to wear official combat clothes on their first mission. Despite being part of Crisis, the latter had to wear the same outfit as his friends, although he wasn’t complaining since he could now wear the New Savior emblem with his short jacket. It was a bit tight for him, so he opened two buttons to let himself breathe a little. But while doing so, he noticed he had his rank on his left shoulder, which he had to double-check as it was the same as the other rookies. And while that little detail seemed to discourage him slightly, he would soon get more excited once he was done changing clothes.

Once Candy returned, she came running directly towards Saint, who was caught off guard while picking up his regular sword outside the barracks. He was one of the first ones to get ready, but he was surprised at the entrance when he turned around and saw her holding a long weapon case. As she caught her breath, Crisis and some of the Heartaches around her gathered behind to watch as she handed the case to Saint without saying a word. Puzzled by the apparent gift, he dropped his word to receive it, but he just held the case in his hands for a good while, wondering what could be inside, before looking back at Candy with a nervous smile.

–What is this?– Saint asked in utter confusion, with the rest of the team getting closer for a better view as he inspected the weapon case curiously without actually opening it. Instead, he waited for Candy to give him an answer, which she took a while to do as she was eager to see his reaction.

–I convinced the princess to reward you for saving her life. I thought it was weird that she didn’t give you anything, so I requested a special weapon just for you…– Candy replied with a cheerful, slightly kittenish smile to create more mystery around the weapon, but she turned a little embarrassed as half the team was watching behind her. But since Saint was still just inspecting the case, she couldn’t wait any longer and started opening it for him.

Saint was stunned for a second as the sunshine reflected on his new weapon, but even when he got a full view of it, he didn’t know how to react at the reveal of a sharp, shiny, almost completely white sword with a slick, thin handle that arched in opposite directions from both sides, forming a peculiar shape similar to the one at the base.

At first glance, the sword looked fragile, big enough to compare with the ones he had used previously, but it wasn’t made out of any material that he could identify. It almost looked like it was made out of complete glass since he could see through it to some degree, at least around the tip since it was thinner. On closer look, the white tone of the sword came from many long fragments of light found within, mostly in the blade, which put him in a trance for a good moment from staring directly into it.

–This is Dominion, a sacred sword preserved for generations by Priscilla’s family. She didn’t find any value in it, so she just gave it away…– Candy explained with excitement, but she giggled playfully to not get too embarrassed by the way everyone looked at the sword, including Saint, as he was trying to make out all the colors he could find in his new weapon.

All of Crisis, except Indie and Tricky, were trying to admire the sword from up close, with the rookies approaching to get a peek as well. But it was Saint who was the most amazed and flattered to receive such a gift, even if he couldn’t fully understand its value yet. He brushed his fingers against the small engraving on the odd-shaped handle. He didn’t know what it said; the letters were too small to read, and it didn’t help that they were transparent like the rest of the sword. But what he was certain about was that he completely loved the appearance of the weapon, as seen in the way his eyes lit up with hope and joy, although he couldn’t help but become slightly nervous.

–T-thanks… I mean, this is awesome! Thank you so much, Candy!– Saint thanked and cheered timidly, trying to look more at the sword than Candy, who seemed just as embarrassed as him for leaving such a strong impression and getting him to smile with such glee. But she was very pleased with his grateful reaction, and like him, she couldn’t stop smiling despite some of her teammates already cracking laughs at that moment.

Saint was nervous to pick up the sword from the case, avoiding looking at Candy until he saw her face reflecting on the white blade. He then looked up with a delighted but sheepish smile, as if he were asking for permission. But after encouraging him with her eyes to embrace Dominion, she noticed he wasn’t expressing adoration at the sword anymore, so she gave him a brief, friendly hug, relieving some of the embarrassment for a moment. But right after, Saint blushed a little bit as Candy was quite affectionate like always, prompting Zoey to give both a jealous look for a second. But the moment was quickly cut short, not only by Candy stepping back to leave Saint to play around with his new sword but also by Agnus walking out of the barracks with Kayden and Ryu.

–Alright, enough dawdling. We should be leaving now– Agnus ordered as she picked up her backpack and walked over to the gate, where the guards started raising it. While the Heartaches followed her, Crisis gathered around the rest of the team that was about to leave, and as Panda and Saint packed their weapons, their teammates watched them proudly, even though Indie kept her distance from Frost.

–Right. Are we all ready?– Panda asked assertively at his new task force, with all the rookies looking up at him with enthusiastic smiles.

–Yes, ma'am!– the rookies responded firmly in unison, with the only one who didn’t seem too thrilled about the mission being Cookie, who couldn’t stop giving Panda a jealous look for having stolen his role. But even he showed some support and didn’t hesitate to follow his superior as Panda led them to the gate, with Frost following him to say one last thing.

–Good job. Now make sure they respect you, but don’t worry if one of them dies…– Frost whispered in a content but lighthearted manner while the rest of the members of the operation waited for the gate to fully open. Panda cracked a laugh, and after making sure he wasn’t heard by the rookies, he turned back and leaned closer to respond.

–Nah, they won't even have to move a finger. I got this...– Panda replied with a smug but sarcastic expression, getting a humorous grin out of Frost.

–That’s the spirit, now give ‘em hell– Frost ordered with an encouraging pat on the shoulder but a vicious, resolved, and slightly ominous stare that inspired Panda to turn serious and nod with determination. As he turned away to join the group at the gate, he focused on keeping his promise but was just as excited as he was going to enjoy it.

–Let’s move!– Agnus commanded after the gate of the city had opened. Panda waved at his teammates without turning around as he followed the Heartaches close behind. But the rookies, Saint and Cookie, who were at the very back, did look back to say goodbye to Crisis, although they all seemed to mock the latter as the gate was about to close before he could leave.

–I hope everything turns out fine. Who would have thought those two would leave and not us…– Tricky said with a contemplative look as she watched Saint and Panda leave the Heartaches and rookies. The rest of the squad seemed to show more pride and hope than her, with Candy, Kiwy, and even Frost smiling without worries, although they all appeared to share some of her envy in this situation.

–Yea, well they better do a good job, or I’ll sneak out and come kick their asses– Nitro replied with a laugh, but it stopped as soon as he turned to look at his teammates to get a reaction, only to find Indie staring at him disapprovingly and forcing him to shut up.

–I’m joking…– Nitro chuckled nervously before facing away. But now that the gate had fully closed and there was no sight of their teammates anymore, Tricky, Kiwy, Indie, and Frost continued staring directly at it, taking their time to process the rest of the team’s departure. But their moment was cut short by Candy, who had returned to the barracks to drop off the weapon case she brought, and now she was running back to her squad, surprised to see them still standing at the gate.

–Come on, why are you still here? We need to hurry up and go to the party!– Candy shouted impatiently, growing slightly concerned as she could see the market up ahead filling up with people. But despite her desperate attempt to get her teammates to move, none of them looked as worried as her since they just casually turned around to walk back to the fountain at a turtle’s pace.

–Calm down, there are still some hours left…– Frost replied nonchalantly, walking over to Candy to ease her worries, but his overly calm demeanor only seemed to make her more anxious, despite him trying to reach for a comforting pat.

–But you all need to get dressed and practice your speeches!– Candy exclaimed in mild frustration, which caught her teammates off guard and finally garnered some attention amid the confusion.

–Wait… Do we all have speeches? Like, individually?– Nitro asked skeptically as he approached Candy, who frantically nodded and started gesturing for them to hurry up as she headed back to the main road.

–Yes! And the princess asked for you specifically to sing her happy birthday…– Candy replied hurriedly, turning to Frost to briefly remind him of his role, which seemed to suddenly discourage him greatly as he dropped his collected demeanor in an instant.

–What have I done to deserve this?– Frost asked himself under his breath, which got Nitro and Tricky to crack a laugh, although they shared his sentiment with unenthusiastic sighs, which started to irritate Candy.

–Let’s go, let’s go!– Candy ordered with more authority as she began running back to the castle. Her team hesitated for a moment, but with Indie silently following her at a fast pace, the rest of the squad seemed forced to do the same. So, even though they all lacked any enthusiasm or hope for the birthday party, including Kiwy, who expressed her discontent with a characteristic silent frown, they all begrudgingly headed up the main road to continue the special day, only being able to speculate about the other team’s whereabouts.

| I’ve been fabulous through to fight my town a name
I’ll be stooped tomorrow if I don’t leave as them both the same |

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