Eighth Crown

Chapter 1282 - Please, the almighty Liuxia-chan!

Ajay quickly chased after him, blocked Fujimaru Rika in front of the door, and stared at her with an ugly face.

“If you want to die, don’t drag our family!”

Ajayi’s reaction was so great that even Fujimaru Rika was frightened and stepped back.

“What happened?”

Liu Xia released the magic power like opening a floodgate, and it spread all over the town in the blink of an eye. After checking the situation, he couldn’t help but raise his brows and asked Ajayi.

“It’s a devil, his name is Gary, he kills anyone he sees, and he is brutal!”

Not only did Ajay stop Fujimaru Rika from going out, but he also brought a few cabinets and closets behind the door, as if refusing anyone to come in.

“Those Kali are very strong, and they are simply not something that ordinary people can defeat, especially when Yujia is about to end. Once they are targeted, it will be over!”

It was not until the door was blocked that the air was tight that Ajayi relaxed and wiped the cold sweat from his head.

“Listen, I don’t want to cause trouble, so don’t do anything, just stay in the house, and after a while, Gary will leave by himself, and we will all be fine.”

He glared at a few people, his eyes full of warning.

“But, I heard the screams just now. Could it be that someone was killed by Kali? Let’s go and save them!”

However, Fujimaru Rika ignored Ajayi’s warning, thinking of the screams just now, and his heart gradually became anxious.

“Why save them? Even the gods don’t care about their lives!”

When Ajayi heard the words, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

“Gods will allow the existence of the devil Kali, which means that it is a species recognized by him. Many people even regard the existence of Kali as a test for them by the gods, and no one will resist, of course, there is no need to go Help, just stay at home, pray obediently to the gods, and wait for the **** luck to come.”


Under Liu Xia’s magic detection, after dozens of monsters flooded into the town, no one took up arms to resist.

The townspeople either fled in a panic, or quickly went home and locked the door, and then silently prayed at home, and no one had the idea of ​​​​resisting.

Although Liu Xia couldn’t see the appearance of those demons, and the magic detection couldn’t detect their appearance, it did not prevent him from perceiving the demons scattered in the town, which were undoubtedly monsters.

The townspeople believed that the existence of monsters was a test for them by the gods, so as long as they offered their sincere prayers to the gods, they would surely survive and escape from the claws of the monsters.

However, the beasts do not understand what prayers are, they only know how to kill.

The demon beasts have no target. They rush to smell the human scent, tear them apart, and break into the house, even if the house owner is praying sincerely, they will rush up mercilessly and open the blood basin that exudes a stench. Take a big bite and bite it to pieces.

Human beings killed by monsters will not hate monsters and blame the gods, but will only have the humble thoughts of “Did I do something I shouldn’t have done that caused the wrath of the gods?” Screaming in agony in agony.

Such people will not have the will to resist, nor the idea of ​​self-help.

Thinking about it this way, are the traces of destruction seen when entering the town also the work of the devil Gary?

The two ceremonies have been silent for a while, but under the screams that sounded one after another, she still cast her eyes outside the house, and her hand gradually grasped the hilt of the sacred knife around her waist.

“Lucia sauce!”

Fujimaru Rika hurriedly turned her head and looked at the almighty Ryuxia-chan.

Ajayi blocked the door, and she couldn’t go out to help at all, so she could only pin her hopes on the almighty Liuxia-chan.


Liu Xia held his left hand empty, and the pitch-black sacred bow appeared in his palm. He held it tightly, and the blood-red energy arrow appeared on the bowstring.

“Stacked Buff Arrow Rain + Tracking Arrow.”

An arrow was fired, and the blood-red energy arrows flew out of the house automatically following the skylight, and then divided into dozens of them, drawing countless arcs in the sky, and shrouded all sides of the town.



The sound of sharp blades piercing flesh and blood kept ringing.

The roar of the monsters and the screams of the people gradually weakened.

It was replaced by the joyful cries of the rest of the people’s lives, as well as heartfelt gratitude and blessings to the gods.

In the eyes of the townspeople, these arrows that fell from the sky must be the gods who couldn’t bear their suffering, so they must be punished by the devil.

Forty-eight arrows hit exactly forty-eight demons.

One didn’t shoot in the air, one didn’t let go, and no one was affected.

It can only be a miracle.

inside the house.

It’s been quiet here for a while.

It wasn’t until the screams outside disappeared and people began to appreciate the gods, and Fujimaru Rika let out a sigh of relief, showing her heartfelt joy, and also cast a grateful look at Liu Xia.

The two rituals silently released the hilt of the sacred sword and continued to keep silent.

“…what did you do?”

Ajay looked at Liu Xia in astonishment, his eyes full of incredible color.

“Wow! Big brother is amazing! It must have been a different **** from God!”

Aixia was much simpler, she looked at Liuxia’s eyes with bright stars, and her eyes were full of admiration.

“If I remember correctly, Kali should be the name of the devil in Indian mythology. It will appear when Yujia is nearing the end, disturbing people’s hearts and causing trouble.”

Liu Xia put down the sacred bow, turned it back into a black ring, and brought back his left middle finger.

“Why didn’t that Almighty God destroy Kali? No matter how you look at this thing, there are all kinds of harm and no benefit.”

If that Almighty God is really as powerful as Ajay said, and even the world can be destroyed at will, then sweeping Kali into the trash can of history is a simple effort.

But He didn’t do that. What’s the meaning of it?

“Aixia, what did you mean when you said that the gods are different from other gods?”

The eyes of the two rituals turned to Aixia, and asked calmly: “You say that as if you know the existence of other gods?”

“Don’t ask Aixia, ask me anything.”

Ajayi stepped in without worry, keeping Aisha behind him.

“Not long ago, a guy who claimed to be a **** did enter the town, but he left soon. Because it is different from the **** we know, it caused some discussions in the town.”

Other gods that are not Almighty God?

Is it an outlier? Summoned by the restraining force to clip the existence of this Lostbelt?

When they were in Russia and Northern Europe, they also encountered outliers. It is not impossible for a **** to appear in the land of India. After all, this is a country with very developed religions.

“Where did that **** go?”

Fujimaru Rika also thought of this possibility and hurriedly asked Ajayi.

“Looking in the direction she left, it might be in the mountain north of the town. I don’t know where it is.”

Ajay shook his head.

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