Eighth Crown

Chapter 1286 - Raiders to the Almighty

“No, I’m not impressed with any of them.”

Nezha carefully identified the appearance of the three, and finally shook his head.

No matter which of these, she has never met.

As the most mobile of the four gods, she often runs around the world, completing various tasks given by that god.

But even so, she still doesn’t know the whereabouts of these three people, who has traveled all over the world.

Either the three of them were really low-key, nobody’s attention was drawn, and they kept their tails hidden, or they weren’t brought by the strange news thrown here at all.

Obviously, the latter is more likely.

After the intelligence inquiry session ended, Nezha shut up and prepared to die.

After little Da Vinci signaled, Liu Xiacai stretched out his hand again, stretched out the conceptual universe, swallowed Nezha inside, and made him disappear in front of everyone’s eyes.

As soon as Nezha was swallowed into the conceptual universe, Liu Xia started to destroy it, extracted a piece of divinity from Kubera from his body, and then sent this divinity into his own body.

In this way, in Liu Xia’s perception, his divinity has been raised to the level of about A rank.

“According to Nezha’s information, it should be possible to infer his real name, but it’s just too unbelievable. Is this really possible? Even if he is the son of the king of gods, there is no possibility of reaching this level, right?”

Little Da Vinci’s face was serious, even a little unbelievable.

“Throw away all the impossible, the remaining one, no matter how incredible, will only be the truth.”

Sherlock Holmes quotes himself with a pipe in his mouth.

“Anyway, we did know his real name, and we also learned the news of several other gods. The harvest is big enough.”

The Mahabharata is one of the two great mythical epics in India.

Although it is regarded as a group drama from the perspective of its content, there is also a character who is undoubtedly its center and protagonist, and that is one of the five sons of Pandu, that is, the son of Indra, the king of the gods, A Zhou That.

It is said that he was naturally favored by the gods and received gifts from many gods.

“The son of the king of the gods may have the ability to devour the divinity of others because of this. That is probably the point of difference between this Lost Belt and Pan-Human History. In any case, what we need to do is not to doubt the possibility, but to Accept the status quo.”

Sherlock Holmes was breathing clouds and mist, and his expression gradually became gloomy.

“But the key lies in the strategy, the omniscient and omnipotent God, this kind of existence I didn’t even dare to think about before, but now it appears on our way forward. If it is the same as what Nezha said, if there is really no weakness, we Do the guesses and strategies you make before you set off really work?”

“Oh, is the big detective talking in frustration?”

Little Da Vinci blinked and ran on innocently.

“It’s just calculating reality.”

Holmes shook his head, not caring what she said.

“Fortunately, we are not without certainty on our side. It is useless to worry about the status quo. Let’s go ahead according to the previous strategy.”

The biggest luck is that they have the bug of Liangyi Liuxia. With him, at least they can be sure. If Liuxia is not even there, then it is a really desperate situation.

Before leaving, Liu Xia had already informed them that there was an omniscient and almighty **** in the Lost Belt of India. Under the turmoil, Chaldea gathered all the heroic spirits to hold an emergency meeting, and discussed ways to fight against the almighty. God’s strategy.

The reason why God is omnipotent is not simply because he has usurped many divinities.

A **** who is all divine in one body can only be called an almighty **** at best, but can never be called an almighty god.

I also know that if you bring together all kinds of power, you can only make your own means more and stronger. If you want to achieve omnipotence, you must let the literally infinite power gather in oneself.

Therefore, if you absorb and swallow all the divinity of a myth, you can only become an almighty **** at most.

But even so, there is still an almighty God on earth, and there is only one, and that is God – but God is omnipotent, not because he is omnipotent in himself, but because people think that he is omnipotent.

In other words, it is a matter of belief.

People’s cognition of God is the Almighty God, and this kind of cognition has formed a wide range of beliefs, and even became a concept of “God = Almighty”, so God has become the Almighty God.

Once the cognition of God’s insufficiency spreads, people doubt God’s ability, the concept of “God = omnipotence” collapses, and the power of God will also weaken.

This is similar to the concept of gods.

Converted to the words brought by this Indian strange news, it is the omnipotent God who spread his omnipotent cognition, and let the human beings in this world think that he is omnipotent, forming a concept of “he = omnipotence”, receiving strengthening of the concept.

In other words, Almighty Arjuna = Almighty God + Concept Enhancement.

Then, the strategy method is ready to come out——

Destroy people’s belief in Him, make people doubt His omnipotence, and the conceptual strengthening will naturally collapse, allowing Him to descend from Almighty God to Almighty God.

Although the Almighty God is equally difficult to deal with, it is already a trivial matter compared to the Almighty God.

At least, if it is the Almighty God, even Liu Xia has no confidence in it. After all, the levels are different, but if it is the Almighty God, it is simply a confrontation of power, and he is confident in this concept of the universe.

Having said that, it is still difficult to destroy people’s belief in Him.

However, gathering the wisdom of many Chaldean heroic spirits, they do have an effective plan now. For this, they must go to Divar Village on the other side of the mountain to see.

“Hasn’t the Servant of the gods been found yet?”

Fujimaru Rika looked at Liu Xia and suggested: “Otherwise, give up for now and go to Divar Village first?”

After the Nezha incident, they stayed in this deep mountain for more than ten minutes.

Whether it was Liu Xia’s magic detection or Chaldea’s detection machine, they didn’t find the slightest trace of the Servant of the gods, as if they were not here at all.

“I agree too.”

Little Da Vinci immediately agreed: “After all, it’s getting late, if you don’t find a place to stay, you will have to sleep in the wild.”

It was in the afternoon when they came. After most of the tossing, the sky gradually became dark. At this time, the sun was already setting in the west, and it would be late at night soon.

“Okay, then let’s put it on hold for now and go to Divar Village.”

Liu Xia thought for a while, but did not refute.

After sensing such a wide range of magic power, there is no meaning to come out. The Servant of the gods may be a coward. The possibility of being Esdes can basically be ruled out, so there is no need to linger here.

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