Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie

02.The Fruit of the Legacy

On the brink of death, Elena had decided to accept a deal left in her blood by herself in a distant past life.

While the legacy was transmitted to her mind in the form of memories, Elena's body was adapted to make use of those memories.

「Process completed. Before I return the flow of time to normal and this leads me to disappear, is there anything else you need to know? 」

For a couple of seconds Elena was silent, she was analyzing her mind for some change and although the memories of Kaname were now present, she could safely say that at least in essence she was still Elena Lutrel. Her love for her mother still caused warmth in her soul, and her frustrations were still stuck there like daggers in her heart.

「No, somehow I know what I must do to avoid dying again」

「Got it, I wish you luck」

In Elena's eyes, the world slowly began to move again, however, she no longer harbored any fear about what awaited her.

The gray nuances slowly began to take color as Elena prepared her mind for battle based on Kaname's memories.

Time finally returned to its ordinary flow, Elena, rushing towards the ground, swiftly moved her right hand and the moment her palm touched the ground, several luminous runes appeared around her arm.

With only her right arm, Elena cushioned her fall and later propelled herself into the air. Her body made several turns in the air until she ended up falling behind the enemy knight who had previously killed her.


Elena placed the palm of her left hand on the back of that knight who was trying to control the reins of his frightened horse.


Elena's left palm emitted a faint glow, and immediately the enemy knight let out a piercing scream as a powerful cloud of steam escaped from every slot in his armor. All the water in the body of that unfortunate man was converted into steam from one instant to the next.

Completely dry as a mummy, the man collapsed lifeless. His body hit the ground heavily from the weight of his armor, and his bones were completely shattered.

With total indifference to what was the first human life she took in her entire life, Elena stretched out her hands and took the reins of the horse.


Elena's body emitted a faint glow and what was once a completely out-of-control horse became docile and obedient enough to think that he was not in the middle of a battlefield.

Hardly putting the horse under absolute control, Elena saw two enemy knights charging towards her.

Elena had lost her sword the moment she received that wound that had technically killed her, so she was totally unarmed, however, she was not affected to see those two new enemies charging towards her.

「Light Arrow」

Around Elena the air was filled with several flashes of light that then took the form of luminous arrows, which shot out at tremendous speed towards those two knights.

The arrows of light pierced the armor of the two knights and they fell alongside their lifeless horses and stained by the blood that ran from the multiple perforations on their armor.

Without wasting time, Elena ordered her horse to approach the bodies of those knights and then lean to the side and pick up one of their swords.

「For now it should be enough」

With a sword finally in hand, Elena turned her attention to her surroundings in search of other enemies. Surviving would no longer be a problem for her, now what she wished was to use this opportunity to test part of her new abilities. But earlier, she removed her helmet, which was now a complete unnecessary nuisance.

Elena's beautiful, somewhat childish face was exposed, her blonde hair cut to the height of her chin was only adorned by a violet butterfly-shaped brooch on the right side of her head, her most valuable possession, a gift from her mother.

Elena's violet eyes quickly scanned her surroundings with a look filled with the desire to test her new strength.

With sword in hand, Elena ordered her new horse to charge against the closest enemy, an enemy who, realizing Elena's load, pulled on his horse's reins to also charge against that reckless woman who was trying to become heroin by not wear a helmet in the middle of a battle.

Elena raised her sword, several runes flashed around her arm.

Elena's sword, which was powered by an arm surrounded by luminous runes, traced a beautiful arc and to the shock of all those who saw it, the head of the horse that lunged at her, as well as the upper body of the rider, flew over the air leaving a large amount of blood on its way to the ground.

There were several ways to use magic power, through sorcery, something that Elena used to kill the first knight before, runic magic, which was what Elena used to increase her strength, speed and dexterity, as well as witchcraft, blood magic, alchemy, puppetry, invocation magic, necromancy and among some others.

However, being able to use two different ways to use magic power was something to stand out. Elena could use spells and other types of unconventional or extinct magic thanks to Kaname's memories, and she could use runic magic thanks to Feris. However, this was just the tip of the iceberg, that individual named Kaname was a full-fledged monster, someone who was able to kill two gods.

「This is too simple」

Elena resisted the urge to laugh as she noticed the enormous difference from her self just a few minutes ago and her reborn self now.

Outlining a malicious smile, Elena charged at other enemies and the knights battlefield was completely shaken by her actions.

One by one, several dozen Sadorian knights fell in the face of Elena's relentless attacks, and at some point, the morale of the Sadorian knights was completely broken and they began to back down.

With one of the major battle flanks collapsing, the battle finally began to tilt in favor of the Varestins.

Once the Varestin knights alongside Elena charged towards the infantry battlefield, the entire morale of the Sadorin army began to collapse and it was only a matter of time for the Sadorins to begin to retreat.

Elena no longer showed as much momentum for the rest of the battle, she had already tried everything she could prove at the time, and accumulating too much merit could prove too conspicuous. Furthermore, she was not yet accustomed to the changes in her body and continually using wizardry and runic magic.

With the Sadorian army receding, the Varestin soldiers raised their weapons to the sky and began to make fierce cries of victory.

In the late afternoon, the Varest army returned to their camp to quantify the losses and rest against the possible resumption of battle the next day.

Being the target of the admiring and longing glances of her fellow knights, Elena retired to her tent refusing to participate in the victory celebration, she claimed that she was too tired and considering the way she had fought, no one doubted of her words.

Elena shed her worn iron armor, a hollow on the armor chest that was stained with blood made her remember her experience in the arms of death, the memories that came to her at that time, as well as her deepest frustrations.

「This time everything will be different」

Elena murmured that with a look that seemed unbecoming of her, her violet eyes showed a maturity that they had lacked hours before, as well as an overwhelming confidence that only someone full of pride, or with enough skills to allow themselves to feel, could show that way.


As Elena placed her right hand over the worn armor, her palm emitted a faint glow that quickly enveloped the armor and it returned to a state where anyone could say that it was new and unused armor.

「This is quite convenient」

Elena smiled with satisfaction at the result. In order to employ sorcery, the spell's conjuration was normally required, but thanks to Kaname's memories and her body modification, Elena only needed to evoke the spell's name to execute it.

As for that spell that Elena used to restore her armor, any wizard in the world would consider such a spell as a miracle, nothing like that existed, as it was one of the many original spells that Kaname had created.

When summoned to this world, Kaname acquired a versatility with sorcery that would make him stand far above an elf, but this versatility was not limited to sorcery alone and this, combined with his body endowed with vast reserves of magical power and his knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology and his brilliant mind, all together made Kaname someone who even went as far as killing two gods.

In Elena's mind there were powerful spells created by Kaname with which she could have put a resounding end to the battle, but even if Elena had wished to do such a thing, she could not have done it.

Even though Elena's body had been modified, the level of this modification was far from being compared to Kaname's original body. Elena's magical power reserves were just a tenth of what Kaname possessed at his best moment, and her body possessed just ten percent of the original abnormality that Kaname's body possessed. Simply put, executing a medium-magnitude spell would turn her magical power levels red, and her body would greatly resent such an action. Performing a medium-magnitude spell, Elena calculated that she would probably be unable to move for at least two days. Not to mention a spell of greater magnitude or greater magnitude, Elena would inevitably die if she performed a spell of such a level.

From the beginning, Kaname knew that even by creating this spell that would allow him to regain his memories, he would hardly be able to regain his original power. That kind of abnormal body could only be obtained by traversing the wall between the worlds, so for the most part his intention was to avoid completely disappearing from this world to which he had been brought without his consent and for which he had fought only to be betrayed in the end.

In a way, Elena understood the enormous frustration Kaname must have felt when he discovered that creating that spell was all he could do, even so, her own frustrations weighed more heavily on her. As the voice of the spell had told Elena, despite awakening her memories as Kaname, in the end, she was still mostly who she originally was, Elena Lutrel.

「I guess I should also do something about this」

Elena brought her gaze to her sparse chest, under her abdomen the clothes were torn and stained with blood from that deadly attack she received. She used that spell on her clothes again, and they returned to the state they were in when they were manufactured.

Once she finished repairing her clothes, Elena's stomach let out an audible request for food.

Normally a knight would have a squire and an assistant to take care of their most basic needs, but given Elena's refusal to open her legs to her superiors, she did not have any of these. Although in reality, this was not strange to the rest of the knights in this army, they had all been sent here to die and lose the battle.

The defeat of this army was planned from the beginning by the king and the court of Varest, a defeat would provoke fear in the people of Varest and this would facilitate the imposition of war taxes to finance a long campaign of conquest.

Even if the foot soldiers were unaware of the truth, both officers and the vast majority of knights could intuit it just by looking at the troops that make up the backbone of the army, inexperienced officers, unassuming knights, and Wyvern riders near the retirement, and all of them led by a last-minute appointed general.

This was the main reason why the army was immersed in a victory celebration, against all odds, they had won and perhaps most important of all, they had survived.

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