Elf: Opening plan flashing golden monster

Chapter 4 Caracalla's Initial Training

Chapter 4 Caracalla’s First Training

Mingzheng didn't even change his breathing rate, and his physical fitness was quite good. After joining the Rockets, even intelligence agents have been doing physical training.

Caracalla can't do it. 400 meters is undoubtedly a difficult challenge for him who is only 20 centimeters tall.

But even so, the bone stick in its hand still hasn't let go.

"Caracalla, let's rest for a while before continuing."

As Ming was talking, he took out the Momoo milk that he had prepared earlier.

Moomoo milk can be exchanged with points, but it is not worthwhile to use points for things that can be bought directly with money.

A small amount of Momoo milk is used in ramen shops to cook soup and make sauces, and Mingzheng took some of it for this convenience.

Captain Xiong Zuo didn't mind this, and even reminded him to give Caracalla more nutrition in the early stage.

After all, they came undercover to obtain information, and the ramen shop was just a cover-up.

Even if the store has no income, the operating expenses will be allocated by the headquarters.

Xiong Zuo is a good captain and knows how to buy people's hearts.

Mingzheng urgently needs to increase his strength now, so he naturally accepted the kindness silently.

Momoo Cow's grandma has a strong fragrance, Caracalla smelled it, and couldn't help but glance over.

Mingzheng didn't tease it, and handed Moomoo's milk to Caracalla.

Goo-dong~ Goo-dong~ Goo-dong~

"Drink slowly, don't rush."

Caracalla sat on the ground, holding the bottle and drinking wildly, as if she was dealing with a very difficult opponent with serious energy.

Stuffed for half of the bottle, Caracalla burped and handed Momoo's milk to Mingzheng.


you drink.

Mingzheng was taken aback for a moment, then took the bottle and took a small sip.

The milky fragrance is rich but has no fishy smell. After drinking it, the body immediately has a warm current, and even the mental fatigue of last night's insomnia has been relieved.

It is indeed a specialty of the elf world, so amazing!

After taking a sip, Mingzheng handed Momoo's milk back to Caracalla.

"You are still young and need a lot of nutrition. You see, I am already strong enough!"

As Ming was talking, he even showed off his biceps.

Caracalla looked at Mingzheng's muscles, then at her own little arms and legs, and then gulped down the remaining half bottle of Momoo's milk.

Get strong!

The recovery effect of Momoo's milk was very good, Caracalla got up energetically after a while, looked at Mingzheng expectantly, and waited for the next training arrangement.

"The next step is skill training, focusing on the three skills of bone stick, harsh sound and curse!"

According to memory, Mingzheng already knew the skills that Caracalla currently mastered.

Howls, tail wags, bone sticks, screeches, curses.

Among them, the last three skills are more valuable to be cultivated. Harsh sound and curse are Caracalla's genetic skills, and the effect will be very good if used well.

The bone stick is the pre-skill of the bone boomerang. Only when the bone stick is played well can you try to practice the extremely difficult bone boomerang.

"The core of the skill has three points, strength, accuracy and release speed. All three are indispensable. Now let's practice strength first..."

The knowledge gained in exchange for 1000 points gave him precise training methods. Mingzheng arranged the training in an orderly manner, always paying attention to the state of Caracalla.

Although it was the first training session, both Mingzheng and Caracalla performed well.

As night fell, Mingzheng returned to the ramen shop with Caracalla, who was so tired that he fell asleep.

Captain Yusaku seemed to have just finished training, and he praised Mingzheng for his hard work.

"The people have been recruited today, and there is nothing to go out for a stroll tomorrow."

Captain Xiong said pointedly, and Mingzheng immediately understood what he meant.

Intelligence gathering is about to begin.

Another peaceful night passed.

Mingzheng and Caracalla were woken up by the alarm clock, because they had to do morning exercises starting today, so they got up earlier.

It's still the park, it's still the 400-meter warm-up run.

Compared with yesterday, Caracalla's progress today is visible to the naked eye.

Although still exhausted and out of breath, the time was shortened by nearly a third.

Genie, it's amazing!

After doing a good stretch and half an hour of skills training, Mingzheng took Caracalla back to the ramen shop.

At this time, there were already four new employees in the ramen shop, two men and two women.

"Let me introduce you, Mingzheng, my brother. If I'm not in the store in the future, I will listen to Mingzheng."

"Don't dare, we just listen to the boss."

Mingzheng hurriedly said modestly, but he also knew that Xiongzuo was doing it for the convenience of himself, and he could slip away at any time without restriction.

There were people working in the store, and Mingzheng, who was free, also went out to collect information on Tieyan Town according to the arrangement of the captain Xiongzuo.

The so-called intelligence, big and small.

Cherishing elves, expensive treasures, and celebrity itineraries are intelligence.

Street gangsters, rich man's lover, and illegitimate son are also intelligence.

Big and small pieces of intelligence seem useless, but as long as they are connected properly, they can have unexpected effects.

The reason why the Rockets have such a strong control over the two major regions of Kanto and Chengdu is the role of intelligence that cannot be ignored.

The task of Mingzheng and Xiongzuo is to establish an information database of Tieyan Town and update it in real time, so that the Rockets can plan the Sinnoh area in the future.

Of course, the two of them are just a small nail among the many nails that the Rockets planted in the Sinnoh area, and they are only responsible for Iron Rock Town, a town that has been played in the original book but is not even mentioned by name.

In addition to intelligence gathering work, they can also do everything that ordinary people can do, including marrying wives and having children, and even becoming official trainers of the alliance to participate in major competitions.

If you can really win the ranking with your own strength, the Rockets naturally don't mind promoting you to a higher level of undercover and enjoying more resources.

Walking on the main street of Tieyan Town, Mingzheng quickly found the destination of his trip.

【Iron Rock Extraordinary Internet Cafe】

The initial intelligence collection was not difficult, and a lot of information could be found using the public network. What was lacking was people who could integrate intelligence.

Walking into the Internet cafe and finding a private room where the monitors could not see the monitor, Mingzheng's first intelligence work began quietly.

This is a day.

Mingzheng loaded the collected and summarized information into a USB flash drive, browsed the information on the official website of the Elven Alliance, and then got off the plane.

Intelligence collection cannot be completed in a day. The Rockets have high requirements on the quality of intelligence, but the time limit is very loose. After all, they have not officially settled in Sinnoh.

The basic information collected today is enough for Mingzheng to slowly upload it for half a month.

The clumsiness of the original body also gave Fang Mingzheng time to do what he wanted to do at this time.

Back at the ramen shop, after showing off a big bowl of tomato and beef brisket ramen that Yusaku cooked himself, Mingzheng still gave him a look that the task was going well.

Then, there is training.

Before he had a certain ability to protect himself, although Mingzheng knew that Yanshan had a flashing golden monster, he would not act rashly.

In this way, a peaceful and regular life will last for half a month...

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