Elf: Opening plan flashing golden monster

Chapter 440: The King’s Elf on the Moon-facing Battlefield!

Chapter 440: The King’s Elf on the Moon-facing Battlefield!

The Yingyue battlefield is a small basin surrounded by mountains.

If you don't want to fly in directly, the only entrance is a sunken cave.

There is someone at the entrance of the cave.

Mingzheng looked at the busy aborigines outside the Yingyue battlefield, and subconsciously chose to hide, even though he had changed into the local clothes that Ami had given him early in the morning.

"Someone is in trouble..."

Mingzheng was squatting on the hilltop outside, looking thoughtful.

After entering the Xicui area this time, except for having the Tricky-horned Deer replenish the space-time distortion energy at the beginning, he no longer deliberately searched for the distortion space, so that during this period, he did not encounter a single native.

Of course, there are also reasons why the Tianguan Mountain foothills are more dangerous than the Black Yao Wilderness and the Red Lotus Wetland.

After thinking about it, Mingzheng still didn't want to have too much contact. After all, Yueyue Xiong had just finished his exploration and hadn't found any treasures yet.

"Go around, you can fly in!"

Two black shadows quickly separated, sneaked into the mountain and approached straight down.

Geng Gui quietly appeared next to Mingzheng, with a puzzled look on his face.

Because they were far away, Mingzheng could only see the group of people throwing things at the naughty Lei Bang.

Unexpectedly, there is one in Yingyue battlefield!

"Gengar, Sai Fuhao, sneak over and observe, be careful not to be discovered."

Mingzheng looked at his shadow and ordered softly.

Electromagnetic levitation can reduce the sound as much as possible and is more concealed than riding a warrior eagle.

King Elf or Queen Elf!

Because this kind of elves are affected by some mysterious power, their whole bodies will glow, their bodies will become much larger than usual, and their strength will also increase simultaneously.


"Jie Jie?"

Looking down, there is only one giant tree with lush branches in the Yingyue battlefield. The rest of the area is yellow and green, and the grass is sparsely grown.

Mingzheng pointed to the group of people below, "Let's see what they want to do first."

Bags of things exploded, releasing a large amount of golden dust, which sprinkled on Naughty Lei Bomb.

He quietly took back Yueyue Bear, and with a flash of red light, Metagross appeared.

At the same time, the King Elf cannot be subdued directly by the Elf Ball, even if it is defeated!

Instead, you need to use something called "Suppression Treasure" to first calm down its violent emotions and then subdue it.

But the next second, Mingzheng spoke again.

Mingzheng had never seen the king's spirit in the Black Glory Field or the Red Lotus Wetland before, and thought it didn't exist.

Purple light flashed, and Mingzheng directly used his super power to call them back, but he saw that at the entrance of the Yingyue battlefield, a group of uniformly dressed aborigines had strode in.

There is not much to say, because the goal of that group of people after coming in is very clear, which is the King of Elf-Naughty Thunder Bomb!


But at the same time, a luminous ball that was half the size of the giant tree was rolling wantonly around the giant tree.

Half an hour later, Mingzheng had already bypassed the natives at the entrance of the cave and stopped at the peak on the west side of the Moon-facing Battlefield.

Naughty Thunderbolt - Washing Green Form!

Mingzheng instantly recognized this huge elf, and at the same time, he also remembered another special type of elf in the Xicui area.

"Is it a town treasure?"

Mingzheng couldn't help but guess that at the same time, the madness of the naughty thunder bombs below was also quickly easing, and the electric light on the surface quickly dissipated.

Perhaps because of the strength in numbers, Naughty Lei Dan completely calmed down within two minutes. Except that his body was still huge, his eyes had become very clear.

At this time, Naughty Lei Dan was chatting with the group of people about something. When Ming Zheng saw this, he quickly asked Geng Gui and Sai Fuhao to sneak down and eavesdrop.

Gengar:  …

Mingzheng chuckled, "Aren't we afraid that you will be affected?"

<divclass="contentadv">Gengar immediately looked moved and turned around to catch up with Sai Fuhao.

Well, it's easy to coax.

Ten minutes later, the natives left the Yingyue battlefield in a mighty manner, and the two elves also sneaked back.

Geng Gui took the initiative to translate in a nonchalant manner, and Mingzheng found it difficult to listen to his erratic words.

Nodding reluctantly, while Gengar was breathing heavily, he immediately pointed at Sai Fuhao.

"I understand, I understand, Saifuhao, please add..."

Gengar's mouth opened and closed, and Sai Fuhao on the side had already repeated it in detail.


"So, this group of people are very familiar with Naughty Thunder Bomb, and they regularly make town treasures to appease it. The natives also mentioned asking the King's Elf for help?"

Mingzheng repeated and touched his chin, thinking of many pictures in his mind.

For example, the king's elves came forward to deal with the wild elves that harassed the natives, and the natives provided food for the naughty thunder bombs, etc.

It sounds like worshiping gods and seeking refuge.

Looking at the ridiculously huge size of Naughty Thunder Bomb, he is certainly not weak in strength.

After roughly understanding the relationship between the King's Elf and the indigenous humans, Mingzheng was interested in what treasures were hidden in the Moon-Yearing Battlefield.

It's a pity that Yueyue Xiong didn't sense any treasure this time. Could it be that the naughty Thunderbolt got there first?

Mingzheng shook his head, still wanting to explore more.

In this way, he temporarily settled on the top of the mountain here. In addition to observing the situation of Naughty Thunder Bomb at any time, he could also find opportunities to investigate it personally.

This squatting happened in the evening two days later.

Because the natives at the entrance of the cave were active during the day, Ming Zheng dug a cave directly on the top of the mountain and entered the dream world to train the elves.

Outside, the partners take turns guarding and exploring, and wake up at night to look for opportunities to explore.

The Moonlit Battlefield is indeed much quieter at night. Grass + Electricity's Xicui Naughty Thunder Bomb obviously likes to be active during the day. At night, like most plants, it curls up and rests.

When the moon was dark and the wind was high, Ming Zheng emerged from the hole in the ground and quietly entered the battlefield facing the moon under the cover of night.

In the Yingyue battlefield, in addition to the huge king's elves, there are also many ordinary naughty thunder bombs and thunder bombs, all of which are also sleeping quietly.

Mingzheng was followed by Metagross, who was carrying Water Arrow Turtle, and there were Gengar and Sai Fuhao in the shadows.

None of the four pets made any unnecessary noise, only the water arrow turtle's waveguide power was quietly spreading and exploring.

The power of waveguide is more concealed than super power, so it is obviously more suitable at this time.

Metagross is strong enough to carry a Blastoise.

The Yingyue battlefield is not small, and naturally covers a larger area than the Water Arrow Turtle's waveguide power. They cautiously explored around the King Elf, but after walking around, they still found nothing.

The unwilling Water Arrow Turtle stretched out a cannon barrel and pointed at the giant tree and the King Elf in the center, wanting to get closer.

Mingzheng didn't hesitate and nodded simply.

If you're discovered, fight them. If you can't escape, it's not like they haven't escaped.

In this way, one person and four pets quietly touched the giant tree.

This time, after only walking a dozen meters forward, the Water Arrow Turtle immediately made a discovery and excitedly pointed at a bump between the giant tree and the naughty thunder bomb.

"There is treasure!"

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