Elf: Opening plan flashing golden monster

Chapter 459: Earth Dragon Mystery, Jun!

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Chapter 459: Earth Dragon Mystery, a critical moment!

Bang! Bang! Bang bang bang!

Continuous collision sounds were heard, and the battle was fierce.

As the smoke and dust dispersed, everyone could see clearly the appearance of the two elves.

There was an obvious crack on Gala Gala's cold white skull mask, and there were also two cross scratches on his abdomen, which were seriously injured.

But biting the land shark didn't make it any better. There were redness, swelling and bruises on the arms, chest and back. The left shoulder was slightly collapsed. It was obvious that one arm was severely injured!

In terms of close combat, it seems that Gala Gala still has the upper hand!

Many people even couldn't believe it when they came to such a conclusion.

"What did Mingzheng's Gala Gala eat to grow up? If it hadn't been for the skull mask, I would have thought it was a marsupial!"

Xiao Siong looked at the powerful Gala Gala and couldn't help but sigh. Mira and Aceros on the side also nodded in approval.

Wu Song continued: "The advantages and disadvantages of body shape are almost innate. Although individual differences exist, they are within a certain range. Mingzheng can break them, which shows that the cultivation ability is incredible... Oh!"

I saw that the situation on the field had changed again. Liebite Land Shark used its thick and flexible tail, and found the right opportunity to use its dragon tail to forcefully repel Gala Gala, interrupting its rhythm.

The next second, Liebite Land Shark took the opportunity to fly high, turned around and shot another Dragon Wave.

If melee combat is not enough, then long-range attacks?

Needless to say, the Gala Gala thick-boned stick was swung like a baseball bat, and he hit a home run with his backhand and knocked it down!

Gala Gala felt it.

As the sound rang out, the thick bone rod spun out and hit the Biting Land Shark with lightning speed!

"Dragon's Dive!"

"Gala ga la!"

Needless to say, dragon endurance, and Gala Gala standing on the earth is also absorbing the power of the earth all the time.

At the critical moment, Mingzheng had no choice but to shout, trying to alert Gala Gala.

It didn't take a step back, but casually pulled out a brand new, thick bone rod from the ground and blocked it in front of itself. At the same time, the whole body flashed with a magical red light again!

The spell, when used by non-ghost elves, will increase physical attack and defense and reduce speed!

Dragon Wave! shoot down!

Rockfall! Sharp stone attack!


The battle was fierce and there was no chance to breathe.


But in the blink of an eye, the whole place seemed to lose its voice, and it took a while before the roar could be heard from the ears.

Seeing that this was going to be an anxious duel, a rock avalanche suddenly hit the agile Biting Land Shark, causing it to stumble slightly!

"Bone Boomerang!"

Then, the smoke and dust flew up like a tornado.

The two elves attacked and defended in an orderly manner, but they didn't give each other a chance to break through for a long time.

This was completely different from the last dragon dive, and the pressure it carried amazed everyone!

"Leader, have you understood the secret of Captain's Bite Land Shark?"

Mira grabbed the leader Lila's shoulder and asked softly. She had never seen the biting land shark in front of her.

What a close call!

Sirona's voice also sounded, but Lie Jie Land Shark jumped up, used extremely strong maneuverability to dodge the attack of the bone boomerang, and carried the giant dragon towards Gala Gala!

This flaw was deliberately sold!

Ming Zheng understood instantly, and his keen sixth sense even more shocked him to realize that this dragon dive was different!


The energy sharp stone flew out, accurately met the dragon's wave in the air, and caused an explosion.

But there was smoke but no harm, and neither party was injured.

Gala Gala was followed by another one, but the biting land shark also reacted very quickly. It retracted its wings to avoid Gala Gala's continuous attacks!

Lila nodded slightly, but didn't say much, although she also knew more inside information, such as the secret of biting the land shark...

A pure, ultimate, and exclusive secret of war for the king!

Click... click...!

The ground on the battlefield was cracked in all directions, and it seemed that it was at this moment that it could no longer withstand the attack of the biting land shark.

But only Sirona frowned slightly. The profound meaning of Qianjun, using force to suppress and defeating with force, does have the characteristics of being able to do everything in one go.

<divclass="contentadv">So there will be no unnecessary actions after a strong attack.

The ground cracking in front of me...

Boom, boom, boom!

Tremors spread everywhere, and the battlefield instantly began to collapse from the inside out.

Thanks to the special construction of the battlefields here, the sites are completely independent and do not affect each other.

And in the center, the Biting Land Shark was enduring the impact of the earth's energy again and again. It also had the ground system and couldn't even stand firm!


A roar rang out, and Gala Gala, whose skull mask was half broken, jumped up with half a thick bone stick and gave the biting land shark a hard blow on the head!

Boom! ! !

The ground shook again, and the airflow spread and blew away all the smoke and dust.

Liebite Land Shark was lying in the pile of rocks, dodging the rattling bone club attack in an extremely embarrassed posture!

Half of the thick bone stick hit the ground!

The next moment, Gala Gala's body went limp and slowly fell sideways.

At the same time, countless sighs sounded from the surroundings, as if they were regretting that Ming Zheng and Gala Gala failed to slay the dragon.

Liebite Land Shark on the other side stood up slowly and glanced at the short but threatening Gala Gala in front of him, unable to even roar in victory.

so tired...

Liebite Lu Shark half-knelt on the ground again, but finally managed to hold on and not fall down.

"Gala Gala loses the ability to fight and bites the land shark to win. The winner of this game is Sirona!"

The referee announced the result loudly, bringing the game to an end.

Mingzheng slowly withdrew the rattle, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's much better than I expected. We will definitely win next time!"

The elf ball shook slightly, and the Gala Gala inside was responding seriously.

There wasn't much time to worry about spring and autumn. Hu Di and Big Tailcat next to the referee had already begun to tidy up the field. Farming and telepathy cooperated with each other, and the next game could start in just half a minute.

Mingzheng and Sirona walked off to the treatment area together, handing the Biting Land Shark and Gala Gala to Miss Joy.

Only then did the two of them have time to say a few words.

"It's so strong..."

Before, I had heard how strong and powerful the biting land shark was. This was the first time he faced Sirona's trump card, and he still lost.

But Sirona just glanced at Mingzheng, too lazy to talk to each other in business.

When it comes to growth rate, she is not very fast.

As soon as the conversation changed, Sirona had already asked another question.

"Have you been to the Alola region?"

"I haven't been there, but I know something about it. It's an area made up of islands."

Of course Mingzheng knew, and even knew many legends, but it was hard to tell.

But Sirona continued: "If nothing else happens, the next competition should be held there!"

"Really? Hasn't the Alola region not yet joined the alliance?"

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