Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 56: Imperial Wrath

Author note:

This is a chapter with a lot of cruel descriptions. Please be careful.


Arthur's attack, which fired a gale in front of me, is approaching.

Gale thrust seems to be a medium technique that combines speed and thrust. However, the attack is straight just because it is fast. Easy to see through...and this is deadly.

I duck under Arthur's thrust and counter with a knee strike to his groin.

Speed is weight and power. The faster you go, the more power you have. This applies not only to the attacker, but also to the attacked one. Therefore, Arthur's groin was fatally damaged. He tasted the definite feeling of something important being crushed.


Arthur screamed and fell on his back. Normally, he would be holding his crotch. But that's not allowed in the game. It was confirmed when Lily and Ion fought that a few seconds of rigid time would occur if the martial arts were forcibly released. Therefore, the fallen guy can only scream. I stepped on Arthur's crotch and crushed it.


"What's wrong?"

I crush it further. Arthur shouts. This game also has a chain system. It's a system that allows you to attack in succession, which I confirmed during the battle with Lily and Ion. In other words, there is no escape for Arthur.

"I thought you were going to kill me?"

I stomp down on his groin. There is no defense allowed.

"You've been screaming for a while now, haven't you?"

I will not allow him to beg for his life.

"What happened to your proud PS?"

You insulted Lily and the others. You'll pay for it with your life!

"Say something? King Arthur!"

I asked, stomping on Arthur's crotch without any restraint. The game is good, isn't it? You get to experience the pain of dying over and over again. And you don't pass out in the process.

"You're unreasonable!"

A member of the Round Table, a man called Gawain, comes at me. But it's too late. I take out Lily's stone sword from my equipment screen. When a summoned beast is defeated, the ownership of the weapon in the summoned beast's possession temporarily belongs to the summoner.

I don't want to do this kind of thing with Lily's sword.

I stabbed Arthur in the groin with the stone sword.


While screaming, Arthur's HP disappears and he disappears from this place. This leaves 14 people.

"You bastard!!"

Gawain, enraged, swings his sword. However, I stopped the 【Slash】 used by Gawain by holding the opponent's sword with one hand.


Gawain is surprised to see the scene.

Do you have such time now?

I smash the man's stone sword with one hand.


Gawain's face is stained with despair. My fingers pierce Gawain's eyes.


Gawain screams, holding his eyes.

Ah, satisfy my hunger with that cry!

I grab Gawain by the neck and lift him up.

"Do you know how to crush a neck?"

I said and crushed Gawain's neck. Gawain crumbled to the ground. But happily, he still had some life left in him. I'm going to execute him as thoroughly as I can later. Now there are 13 people left.

There are many more who are still alive and well. The round table members are throwing gale thrusts at me from both sides.

They have no learning ability. I dodge both thrusts and give them a blindfold. I completely gouge out their eyeballs, grab one of them by the face and throw him forward. A few arrows pierce the guy I threw. And the other one is stiff. I bend his knee, knock him down and go behind him. I put my feet on his back and pull on his arms.

"Wa, Wait!? What are you doing?"

"It's just like you imagined. It's not every day you get to experience the pain of having your arms ripped off"

"Hii!? H, Help"

Hahaha! You want my help? Who is this guy? Ahahaha! I'm not gonna help you! Did you try to save Lily and the others? You were laughing at them! I mercilessly tore off the man's arms. The man cries out.

Ah, more! Let me hear more. Let me enjoy myself! Now there are eleven of them left.

"What's wrong? Come on!"

"This...don't listen to him...he's such a monster..."

Hou. That spearman...he's a master.

"Are you next?"

"Emm...what about surrender?"

"Do you think there's any hope?"

"No, I don't think so. But I've earned some time!"

"It's over"

The round table members who were in the back as well as the capture group members would have finished the magic chanting. But it's too sweet. It's too sweet to bother to teach such a thing.

My existence is already empty.

The magic that finished chanting and the bow and arrow skills that were aimed at me failed to fire.


"The magic doesn't work?"

The rear guard members are confused. The man who announced the end shouts,

"What are you doing!? Shoot quickly!"

"You're finished. Savor the pain as much as you can. Savor the pain as it rips your insides apart"

I put my fist to the heart of the man I was instructing.


The only thing I could hear was the man's dumb voice. In the next instant, the man's body was blown apart.

I used a one-inch punch. A Chinese martial arts attack technique. It is a type of the famous release internal power and is mainly used in close combat.

In case you are wondering, it is often perceived as a chi technique, but in reality, it uses the power of the body's extensors and tension. It's a technique that can be used in VR games, as long as the sensation of body power is almost the same. Now there were 10 people left.

And I wield Lily's stone sword, the one I retrieved from Arthur when I approached him. The heads of three of the nearby magicians fly off. Now there are 7 of them left.


The spectacle is horrifying. But the female archer of the Round Table was quick to respond. She distances herself from me, sets her arrows and activates her martial arts.

"You monster! Eat this! Trident Arrow!"

Three arrows were fired. I repel all of them with my sword. The arrows pierce the crotches of the two male knights and the male archer. Three men scream. 4 people left.


The scene stops the thinking of the female archer of the Round Table.

"You know...the Knights of the Round Table. You touched the monster's reverse scale. Satisfy my anger and hunger with your desperate faces and screams. All the women and the tamers there. Don't think you'll die quickly"

"...He. That's a big deal! I'm in the capture group too! It's not going to be easy!"

"I'm looking forward to it"

My existence is already empty.

"Na!? Wh, Where did that guy go―――?"

The most skilled spearman's head flew up in the air before he could finish his sentence. Now there are 3 left.

Two knights are slashing at me. I bounce off their swords and cut off the right common carotid artery of one of the knights.

"Good for you. It's a game. If this were real, you'd be bleeding to death"


"You did that on purpose"

"Then, what? You guys did it too? I'm sorry. I'm gonna tear your bodies apart, too"


As I said, I started to dismember them. The opponent cries and tries to escape, but there is no escape in the duel field. And there's no way to end a fight by retiring.

"Wh, What's this..."

"...Is this a scene from this world?"

While Ruin-san and the others are in a state of shock, the last female archer player shoots arrows. I duck and pull out a bunch of stones from my inventory. The female archer player counts the arrows. But the next moment, a rain of stones hits the female archer.

I guess it was because she was a woman that she tried to protect her face. But in battle, the act of hiding your face with your hands means that the rest of your body is empty. I took mercy and skewered her stomach.

Now for the main course. I blocked the escape route of the familiar tamers using the same dueling rules as Arthur. And the tamer accepts the duel.

"H, Huh. I don't know what you've done, but it's meaningless in front of the Wolf"

"R, Right. Kill him this time―――"

I hit both the tamer and the tamed monster with murder intent.

How are you going to kill me? I'll kill you like this if you do this?

Killing intent is a sign of killing the other party. It is also called the seriousness of killing. Hatred and anger make the sign stronger, but in my case, the seriousness of killing is skipped as a more specific sign. Skip the clear killing vision for each opponent's movement. That number, about 100 moves.


At this moment, he realizes that there is no future for him and his monsters. It's a shame...if it wasn't for the game, he might have lost consciousness.

"Don't open your mouth...entertain me until it's gone"

My killing intent began again. I ripped out their tongues, skewered their crotches and killed them all. The wolves' heads were scattered all over the place.

By the time I had wiped out all the trash, night had fallen around us.


"...Sorry. I'm distraught. Please let me go home alone today"

I walked back to town that day because the madness inside me just wouldn't go away. I was going to take out my grievances on monsters. Even more fortunately, several players attacked me. That night, I killed every single player that attacked me.


Author note:

I hope you can understand that this kind of problem is bound to happen in Takuto's situation.

I will talk about the random strength of Takuto from time to time. I plan to talk about it in Chapter 2.

Seigo's new classmates will appear soon, so please look forward to it.

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