Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 70: Freedom country and worn-out shop

Finally, we arrived in Freetia, the land of freedom. Travel time was about two hours. I had no time to waste on the way. Lily and the others were bickering with each other over my lap pillow, but in the end, all three of them ended up on my lap. My lap was badly damaged, but I couldn't complain since I could see their cute sleeping faces. The administration is doing a good job.

First of all, the town is surrounded by a large wall. According to the man in the carriage, it was a measure against monsters. Monsters that need this thick wall...it's terrifying. I have a feeling that even a giant will attack.

The whole town looks like a modern European style. The castle looks like Neuschwanstein Castle, the model for Cinderella Castle. This is the castle of fantasy.

Now, we can't just stand around forever. First, let's go see the store that Mocchi-san lent us!

We walked through the town, which was quite different from our first town, probably because it was in a different country. Naturally, the buildings are different, but what's more fundamentally different is the people. In the game, they are NPCs, but in the first town, there were only normal people, but in this town, there are many sub-races.

It's nice! A beautiful girl with beast ears! And a sister in an erotic outfit with vines wrapped around her body! Oh, I don't want a macho little old man. And then there are the ones with weird ears. The base is human, but it doesn't look right. Then there are lizard humans. Some of them have wings. Don't they fly? Even though they have wings.

But I don't see any elves or dragonewts, which is the important thing. There's a woman in an erotic outfit with vines wrapped around her body who looks like an elf, but she's not. It is often talked about whether it is rather rare.

Even though there are differences in race, they treat me as normal. It's a nice country. I'm glad I chose this place.

According to Setia, those with beast ears and tails are the beast race, the Cerian Beast.

The erotic-looking lady with vines wrapped around her body is a tree fairy called Dryad.

A small, macho grandpa is an earth fairy called Dwarf.

The midget is a human who is even smaller than the less macho dwarf.

The lizard human is the lizard race, lizardman.

The one with wings is the bird race, hawkman.

It seems that each race has a certain degree of similarity in personality. For example, the Cerian Beast is unsociable. Dryads are strong-minded. Dwarves are stubborn. Midget are petty. Lizardmen are arrogant. Hawkmen are rude. But that's just my overall impression and I'm sure there are different personalities.

And there is one problem. The arrogant lizardman, who at first had a high-handed attitude, changed his tune the moment he saw Ion.

"Ha, Haha~! Dr, Dragonewt-sama and the rude attitude...I'll pay for it with my life"

"Pl, Please stop! Not in the middle of a town like this!"

The situation was resolved, but the moment the Dryad sisters saw Setia, their attitudes completely changed and they became gentle sisters. Women are scary.

When I talked to Ion, she told me that Lizardmen are members of the same water dragon family as Ion and that they are a lower species. Dryads are the same. Ion, the dragonewt and Setia the elf are intermediate species. In case you're wondering what the higher class is, dragons and high elves fit the bill. In that sense, this town is mainly made up of lower level species.

From their appearance, it seems that it is not because they lost the war, but there may be some reason.

Well, we arrived at our destination. It was fine until we arrived. No, you know. I heard that the store went bankrupt, you know? But this is terrible...


"Are you going to live here?"

"Can we live here?"

That's all Lily and the others had to say. To add to that, the location is also bad. It's in the back of the main street. Mocchi-san's store was also in the back, but I wondered if this was a good place for a parent and child to live together.

"Let's go inside and take a look"

I unlock the lock with the key I received from Mocchi-san.

"Lily was the first to arrive!"

Lily opens the door and enters the store, only to be caught by a spider web.

"Kyaa!? A spider's web!? Ion-chan, Setia-chan. Help~"

"What are you doing?"

"It is inevitable"

As they entered the store and approached Lily, a spider landed in front of her.


Lily is startled and jumps, the floor falls out and the three of them fall. This is much worse than I expected.


"Eh!? It's not Lily's fault!"

"Who else could it be?"

Lily claims it's the spider's fault, but she's the one who jumped. At any rate, I lift the three of them up and rescue them. For some reason, they are pleased. Hephaestus also tried to rescue Setia, but was dismissed by her. I felt sorry for him.

I looked around the store and saw that it was apparently a bar store? There are shelves for alcohol on the bar counter. It doesn't look right for underage people to use.

Then I tried to go upstairs, but gave up. Because of the creaking noise. I'd be traumatized if I fell. After more searching, Hephaestus found a door leading to the basement. We couldn't get down there, but considering it was a bar, it was most likely a wine cellar. Considering that the floor and walls are brick, it could be used as Hephaestus's forge. I'll let Hephaestus decide if he can actually use it.

I've had a look around, but what should I do? No, I already have an answer. Ion asks me.

"What are you going to do? Takuto-san"

"We'll have to renovate it, I guess"


Ah, they don't know what renovation means?

"It means to fix up this store. Fortunately, the walls and pillars of the store are solid stone. If we can do something about the wooden floors and stairs, we can live here"

"Yes, that's true. So you're asking me to do that?

"Yes, we'll take a tour around town"

I asked Hephaestus to stay at home and we started to explore the town in search of a carpenter. There are people doing business in normal stores and some people opening stores in the open air. Now, I was wondering if I could find any bargains, when Lily found something.

"Takuto! There's a good smell coming from that store!"

Lily pointed to a skewer store. Hey.

"I'm interested in that store over there!"

Ion is fascinated by grilled fish. You too!

"I'm interested in that store over there"

Vegetable soup. Yeah, I knew it. I knew what was coming. But I couldn't say no, so I bought a meal for the three of them. They ate quickly, but something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Takuto's food is better..."

Yay! I've beaten the street vendors! As I was shouting my battle cry, I spotted something curious in my field of vision. It was a store with dwarves that were bigger than normal dwarves.

"Welcome. Uo!? This is a rare elf and dragonewt!"

"I'm tired of hearing that reaction"

"Haha, you've been told off by the townspeople. So what can I get for you?"

Umm. This guy doesn't seem stubborn. I feel like I've found the right one.

"Yes. I'm curious about this container. May I see it?"

"Hou. You have a good eye, older brother. That's good. Take a good look at it"

I hold the container. I'm sure of it. This container is made of glass. I've never seen anything like it in this world.

"What's wrong with the glass?"

"It was made by my friend. He didn't want it, so I took it"

You don't want this glass container? What a waste.

"What, you want it? I'll give you a discount. I got two of them. How about 2,000G for the whole set?"

"I'll buy it!"

I said immediately. Yes! Now I can try something I've been thinking about for a while!

"Emm...Takuto-san. Are you sure? It's certainly beautiful, but"

"This...is a container or a box, right?"

Ion and Setia asked me. As they said, it has a lid, so it should be sealed.

"No problem, I mean, I was looking for something like this"

Then I asked about the glass and he told me that the silica stone and lime, the materials used to make the glass, could be found in the caves and mountains of the forest. That's a good souvenir for Hephaestus. And silica stone and lime, lock on!


Author note:

I've introduced the subspecies all at once. There will be others. The dryads are essentially spirits, but in this novel, they're a subspecies of elves, so I'm using them as fairies. Here is a supplemental explanation of fairies and spirits.

Fairies are the embodiment of the spirits of natural things in human-like forms. In other words, Dryads are the spirits of trees embodied in human form. A spirit is an existence one step ahead of God and nature spirits are called spirits. I'll explain more about spirits later.

Sorry for the complicated explanation. Next time, Takuto will go on his first quest and field trip in Freetia. Please look forward to it.

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