Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 72: Tree protector and logging hell

We arrived at Trent Forest. The trees were clearly larger than in the Young Tree Forest and the forest was deeper and darker. This was going to be a challenge. I replaced Hiyori and Yuuga with Konoha and Gray as members.

Then we went into the forest, but the goblins were annoying! The goblins were swarming us, but they were all working together. And the goblin thieves seem to be able to steal items. I was annoyed by their attitude and beat them up with gravel.

The goblin shamans seem to use fire magic. The goblin shamans are protected by the goblin fighters and the goblin archers are the goblin fighters's backup.

The fighters aren't Lily's enemy, but she's not very good at evading the archers' attacks and is taking damage. The thieves are also annoying, but if they turn out to be a speed type like Ion, they´re not Ion's enemy. However, she's struggling with the archers' cover and the shamans´s magic. When I and Setia try to use magic, we are targeted by the archers and cannot attack properly. That's why I have Gray and Konoha target the archers, but the fighters seem to get in the way. In the end, the match collapses when the number of fighters decreases, but it seems like the damage is accumulating to get to that point. After each battle, we´re recovering, but we´re getting attacked again and again.

I'm leveling up as I go, but it's not enough to make a breakthrough. While I was looking for japanese cypress, I finally found one.

Japanese Cypress: Rarity 3 Material Item Grade D

A very excellent wood as a building material. It's easy to process, has a dense honey-like texture, does not deviate and emits a strong fragrance for a long time.

Appraising it raises the level of appraisal. The ability to appraise trees, grasses and flowers comes with the title 『Young Tree Forest Blessing』. I know that Setia can understand that, but I can't always take her with me. I'm thankful for that.

We tried to cut it down immediately, but Lily attacked with all her might, but it was brilliantly unharmed.

"I lost to the tree..."

Lily was depressed with her hands on the ground, but she was still secure as ever.

She couldn't afford to do this. If we took our time, the goblins would come again. Ion's water blade and Setia and I's attack magic were tried, but it was impossible. Japanese cypress is so good. I'm tempted to propose the theory that japanese cypresses are the strongest, but I can't go on like this, so I give up and get the logging skill. The acquisition point is 2pt.

Now my remaining skill points are 9pt.

This is where my hell began. I hit the tree hundreds of times with my axe and finally got one. If it hadn't been for Lily and the others cheering me on along the way, I might have lost my mind. I've swung a sword before, but an axe is something else. And hell, I have to do this four more times. Yug-san, you do this every time...awesome.

As I'm despairing, Gray cautions me about something. What is it? I wondered and a small tree approached. From what Gray is warning me about, it's a monster. And the name of this forest is!

"All of you! Prepare for battle!"

On my command, Lily and the others took up their weapons and went into battle stances. Then, a monster with a face in a tree appeared in our sight.


Tame Monster Subjugation Target Active

A tame monster...too bad. Just as I was thinking that, Trent attacked me. It swings its big hand or rather its tree and swings down. The attack is slow.


But the power of the attack isn't half bad! If I get hit, I'm in trouble. I need to stay calm...


Lily jumps out. Oh no, I'm too late.

"Lily!? Didn't you see the attack earlier! Aah, already!"

Ion comes in to support her. You're giving me a hard time. And Lily's attack using her fighting spirit didn't work at all!


There is no escape because she jumped up and slashed. Trent swings at her.

"Wawa!? Ion-chan, help me~"

"Good grief!"

Ion slashes at it continuously, but it's not working and Trent is completely ignoring her.

"...It's impossible. This is"

"That's it!? Ta, Takuto~"

I can't even use magic in time. If that's the case, there's only one thing we can do.

"Konoha, please!"


Konoha catches Lily in midair and avoids Trent's attack. Lily comes back hanging on to Konoha.

"I was saved. Thank you, Konoha"

Lily thanks him, but Ion is angry.

"I told you not to attack without thinking!"

"Because I was disappointed to lose to a tree"

"You're a child!"

Ion. Your height is...no. I'm not gonna say anything.

"Ah~, we're in the middle of a battle, so later"

There's a distance, but it's not safe. I'm not sure if it'll use magic or not.

"If the physical attack is not good for the time being, there is no choice but to attack with magic. Lily and Gray should attack and attract it without being unreasonable"


"Ion, try the water blade and if it doesn't work, join Lily and the others"


"Konoha and Setia, prepare your magic. If I put down the defense, attack it"

"Leave it to me"

"Good, let's do this!"

So, I executed the plan. As a result, the water blade didn't work and Ion participated in the diversion. As for magic, my fire magic was the most effective, followed by explosion. The others didn't make much difference.

In the end, I was able to defeat it with no damage, but it took an inordinate amount of time. And since I couldn't identify its level, it seemed to have a lot of experience. Everyone except me has leveled up. Then comes the info.

『Lily's one-handed sword has reached level 10. Acquired the martial art 【Gale Thrust】』

Oh! That's the skill Arthur used on me. It's a good move if you're aiming for a surprise attack, but it might not be suitable for Lily who likes to fight head-on. But it's still a skill that increases your speed, so it's not bad. The question is whether or not Lily will use it, but I can't help but think of her using only Heavy Slash.

By the way, my logging skill went up by 5 at once. It's a sign of my hard work.

"There are too many troublesome enemies, aren't there?"

"I agree"

"I'm tired"

I'm exhausted, but there's something that's been bothering me. The timing of Trent's appearance.

"Do you think it's just a coincidence that it showed up after we cut down the japanese cypress?"

I ask Setia, the plant expert and she answers.

"I don't think it's a coincidence. Unlike Gerbera Grow, I don't understand the words, but I felt its anger"

"That's right. That means we have to fight four more times..."

Silence reigned.

"It's for the good of the house. Let's take a break and do our best"

So I fought Trent three more times while eating meals. Naturally, I leveled up.

『The level of Summoner has increased. The number of summoned beasts that can be companions has increased by 2』

『The level of Summoner has increased. Acquired skill points 2pt』

『Ion's dual wield skill has reached level 10. You have acquired the martial art 【Drive Edge】』

Info always comes. With this, my remaining skill points are 11pt. The number of summoned beasts that can become companions is now 9.

I was expecting to get info on my magic skills, but it never came. I've been getting normal magic skills at 5 each. But this time there was no info on fire and light magic, which had reached 15. And there was no info on compound magic even when it reached 10 which was acquired by normal magic. Probably the normal magic is 20. I don't think compound magic will be covered by 20 so maybe 15? It seems that the required skill level is finally getting higher.

When Ion shows me her new technique, it's apparently a rushing technique. It's like a dual wield version of Gale Thrust.

However, unexpected info flows here.

『Occupation level has reached level 20. Class change is possible』


That was the moment my thoughts stopped.

Name Takuto Summoner Lv18→Lv20

Vitality 27→30

Magic Power 60→64

Strength 20→22

Defense 12→14

Agility 18→20

Dexterity 38→42


Fighting Lv1

Kicking Lv12

Staff Lv10→Lv12

Summoning Magic Lv15→Lv16

Alchemy Lv6

Mining Lv6

Logging Lv1→Lv8

Dismantling Lv9→Lv11

Appraisal Lv7→Lv8

Identification Lv9→Lv11

Wind Magic Lv11→Lv14

Fire Magic Lv12→Lv15

Earth Magic Lv11→Lv14

Water Magic Lv11→Lv14

Dark Magic Lv11→Lv14

Light Magic Lv12→Lv15

Lightning Magic Lv10→Lv12

Explosion Magic Lv9→Lv12

Wood Magic Lv9→Lv11

Ice Magic Lv9→Lv11

Space-time Magic Lv9→Lv10

Reading Lv4

Cooking Lv15→Lv16

Feeding Lv4

Fishing Lv5

Name Lily Dragonewt Lv17→Lv19

Vitality 27→28

Magic Power 17→19

Strength 54→58

Defense 21

Agility 16

Dexterity 12


Bare-handed Lv6

One-handed Sword Lv9→Lv12

Fighting Spirit Lv4→Lv5

Name Ion Dragonewt Lv14→Lv17

Vitality 25→28

Magic Power 29→32

Strength 18→20

Defense 12→13

Agility 46→52

Dexterity 40→46


Dual Wield Lv7→Lv10

Underwater Action Lv5

Water Blade Lv5→Lv8

Name Setia Elf Lv12→Lv15

Vitality 21→24

Magic Power 52→58

Strength 10

Defense 8→10

Agility 14

Dexterity 52→58


Staff Lv4→Lv6

Bow Lv1

Woodworking Lv1

Collecting Lv4

Dose Lv5

Water Magic Lv3→Lv6

Earth Magic Lv4→Lv6

Wood Magic Lv4→Lv6

Tree Magic Lv2

Elven Knowledge Lv5

Name Gray Gray Wolf Lv6→Lv8

Vitality 31→33

Magic Power 12

Strength 38→40

Defense 20→21

Agility 38→40

Dexterity 20→22


Bite Lv9→Lv11

Sign Detection Lv8→Lv10

Night Vision Lv5→Lv7

Danger Detection Lv4→Lv6

Hardened Fang Lv4→Lv7

Name Konoha Snowy Owl Lv5→Lv7

Vitality 30→32

Magic Power 32→34

Strength 21

Defense 18

Agility 26

Dexterity 30→34


Surprise Attack Lv7→Lv9

Flight Lv7→Lv10

Claw Lv4→Lv6

Night Vision Lv5→Lv7

Stealth Lv7→Lv9

Wind Magic Lv3→Lv5

Water Magic Lv3→Lv5

Ice Magic Lv4→Lv7


Author note:

Next time, Takuto will finally get a class change. And we'll find out why the quests have become so cheap. Please look forward to it.

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